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Why we SHOULD demand military action on Syria

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posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by neo96
I say hell no!

Our enemies are killing each other off in Syria right now, just as they have been doing for centuries.

I see no need to get involved and spend money and lives, and lose both when there is no effing need to.

That is their crap sandwhich, and I refuse to take a bit out of it.

O god I agree with you on something ...... This is BIG

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Bassago


Who do we trust running things for our future?

The UN Security counsel,
or ourselves.


Seize it.

Seize it with both hands!


We have to disagree. According to you we should give up on the UN completely and withdraw from it? Or is this just about the parts you don't like? Don't get me wrong, just asking cause it seems the US government likes the UN until it disagrees with us. Then we'll "seize" opportunity and do as we please. Right? That's what you seem to be saying.

I will not be shamed into failure
by vague insinuations of what the UN is, or is not.

When We The People _demand_ action on this,
we will do two things.

1) Take control for the first moment in three generations.
2) Be making the right decision.


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:50 PM
We didn't care when the Syrian government (and resistance groups) killed more than 100,000 of their own people with conventional weapons, but we CARE when they kill 1400 with chemical weapons?

Our morality is lacking, and it will always be lacking so long as we elect the kinds of people we do. Until we fix that, we should stay out of their civil war.

Or someone is going to come along and rid us of OUR horrible corrupt leaders in the name of freedom and justice.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:51 PM
excuse if harsh

Cannot understand why if a being or group of beings is responsible for the destruction of others with WMD why those top-secret craft cannot be activated and extract the problem causers. It saves many innocent lives the ignorant hide behind and it saves the land from bombardment.
And it sets an example for the next who may try to act out on its species of EA*RTH as they consider where the last umm captured problem causers went if VENUS is accepting...

Its just the military machine and all the fuel and maintenance not to mention SOULS on the line and the money would be saved if some strategic yes abductions went on (with those black craft) strategic abductions that no one owned up too (in public) would know went on. But the MAIN Military forces of EA*RTH would have had in secret already meetings of who are the problem causers and then act...

everyone would look @ each other and remember what the problem causers did...
Especially if they didn't return or were shown where their energies were placed... AWARE @.

Its sad people being attacked then forces come to defend its a vicious cycle the abductions would solve. Of course some will get upset as they feel their GLOBAL powers are monitored more direct...
But then that should also affect future activities and responsibilities...

Sorry if any are offended with the discuss then extract of the ILL minded thinking but wouldn't it SAVE on many levels especially SOUL transfer relocation.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy

History will look back at us.

It won't see all the posturing and
political games,

It won't see the media spin machine
and the day We The People started to resist it

It won't see that the public,
for the first moment in decades,
was feeling that they were getting
some control of their own country back.


History will only see one thing.

That we dropped the ball,
when it came to an escalation of chemical warfare.

If we fail to act,
History will judge us
as failures as well.

Me must not just act,
we must demand action.

Don't let this be the Governments' idea,
don't let this be the Media's idea.

Make history see that at this moment
we shed our media controlled psy-op conditioning
and at that exact moment
we made the right decision
for the future of all human kind.

Why we SHOULD [color=gold] demand military action on Syria

/thank you for reading


Interesting idea, we should be MORE concerned about what people will think about us in the future then what people think about us now?

Israel JUST gave up using White Phosphorus because it kind of look bad in photos. The US hasn't given up the use of DU.

So, one was done because long after the Israel leaders are dead they will be will thought of highly, why are they not thought of highly now? Since the US continues to us DU, how are they thought of in the future?

I can't even wrap my head around doing things now for the future. Do we ever just do things now for the now? Why do we need memorials as motivation?

BTW, just because the president drew and ENTIRELY arbitrary line in the sand, based on nothing at all but "gee I thought I make something up" does not mean this is some form of universal law. While chemical weapons are bad, didn't bush say, "gee, if we use DU on the people we are going to liberate, the world will look highly on us, especially in the future after we write the story?"

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by justwokeup

Take control of the situation how? No boots on the ground remember? Or are you advocating that as well.

The argument to be made is not some abstract (is intervention in principle good or bad) its an argument for the specifics of this case. The case needs to be made that:

- Assad used chemical weapons
- Striking the regime, and therefore strengthening the various rebel factions will be action that saves more lives on balance than it takes.

Neither of these cases have been made in a convincing way. Hence failure to get the UK public on side. Rational people (myself included) can be convinced. It needs proof of guilt and a plan for the future that doesn't include Al Qaeda overrunning Syria.

You are still thinking about this
as a passive consumer and by-product of government,
and not as the source of all authority and legitimacy in our government.

Demanding action on this = taking possession of our Country again.

Demanding that we land a rover in Syria is trivial in comparison.
Don't we already have the tech to do this on mars?
Is Syria really _that_ far away.


This is the moment!


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:56 PM
Even Glenn Beck knows it's wrong


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
reply to post by mikegrouchy

I am the most anti-war,
least war mongering person here.

But you are calling for war, right?

History won't look back at the spin like you say. It will only see a nation that time and again toppled nation after nation in a typical Empirical grab of power and wealth. Just like every other on the ash heap of history.

They will also forget (the spin) too and be on their own road to destruction. We'll all be dead so it will be easy for the same type greedy bastards to control their minds into thinking it is for the good of mankind, the children or decency, whatever.

"Deutschland ubbe alles!" "Germany above everything!"

Is it?

We conspiracy realists, have learned nothing,
we don't have discrimination in approach?

Don't shadow box with ghosts and specters of where our road is leading.

Tell your mind that the road will go exactly where you insist it does
and then make that happen.

We can do anything,
and we can do it exactly the way we want it done.

We shouldn't just _demand_ action,
we should tell them _how_ we want it done.

Tell NASA to get off of one of their rovers,
we need it to land in Syria and do some tests.

Something, anything.

Quit waiting for someone to invent the gorram solution.

We are the solution,
the moment has come for us to start thinking inventively again.
Like owners,
with a future,
a sense of purpose,
and unconquerable creativity.

I don't trust anyone else to own the solution on this.
We should be the one's leading the way.!


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by neo96
I say hell no!

Our enemies are killing each other off in Syria right now, just as they have been doing for centuries.

I see no need to get involved and spend money and lives, and lose both when there is no effing need to.

That is their crap sandwhich, and I refuse to take a bit out of it.

O god I agree with you on something ...... This is BIG


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:00 PM
I don't see any difference between chemical attacks and conventional weapons, drones and smart bombs.

I don't see any difference between accidentally killing me to save me from my government, or whatever criminal gang is asserting their authority today in my neighborhood.

You still killed me. The outcome is the same. It is delusional to imagine otherwise.
edit on 31-8-2013 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Ok so you are saying that the use of chemical weapons upon ones own people, not an aggressive act toward another country is justification for:
most likely starting WWIII
which will most likely result in:
the total annihilation of the human race through the use of modern day weapons, nuclear, biological, chemical

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:05 PM
The world/history has already made up its mind about America and chemical weapons. America gave chemical weapons to Iraq in the 1980s and approved their use on the people of Iran. One of Americas many whitewashed moments in history.

Long story short. Mind your nose America.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy
We are not doing it for the Middle East,
we are demanding it be done for us,
because in this over sensationalized
desensitized media controlled world
we are living in, the use of chemical weapons
is something in a class all by itself.

Surely we should question why in this media controlled world, the pictures of dead Syrian children are being rammed down our throats when we are hardly ever shown anything of the hundreds of thousands of civillians killed as a result of our invasions of Iraq and Afganistan? Also very little news coverage of our 'gifts' of depleted uranium left in those countries, Also Israel the US and UK are all 'alleged' to have used chemical weapons, why is Syria getting this special treatment?

I think there is an agenda here and I don't know exactly what i going on but demanding military action BEFORE we know who used the chemical weapons is ridiculous.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Hellas

fine then he choose to send such ignorance
who do these beings think they ARE
to boast EATING another mans heart...

SOUL ingests
EVOL fail...
the will be aware in metaphysical.

Humanity... Not taking political sides as FATHER does not permit but this is ignorance.
Thanks for sharing Hellas

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:10 PM
I think we should demand the US/UK clandestine forces stay the hell out of other countries' business. I also think we should demand that US/UK businesses take responsibility for the havoc they wreak in other countries, so when said countries boot them out and they lose their assets, the US/UK governments don't step in and bail them out.

The whole instability thing, and the whole mentality of hating the US that people keep touting here on this website (along with a million other websites), was created by US/UK interference in self-determination by developing countries. By destabilizing those countries, US/UK businesses have been able to capitalize on cheap labor and abundant natural resources which were never theirs in the first place.

The incumbent regime of Syria would never have had any need to take hostile action against their own people if their own people weren't being suckered into CIA influence.

I, personally, don't give a crap about what history books say about what I did or didn't do if the history books record falsified information. I don't answer to future history book readers. Heaven knows we have history books now that say nothing of the truth. What was the old adage? "history is written by the victors". I most certainly won't base my life's actions on what I think might be published about them.

The whole Syria thing is a ruse. If Syria hadn't been subject to influence by Russia, CIA, Saudi Arabia (CIA puppet), Qatar (CIA puppet), there never would have been any so-called atrocities.

Leave Syria alone and watch it stabilize and thrive. (fat chance that'll happen)
edit on 31-8-2013 by lynxpilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy

Originally posted by justwokeup

Take control of the situation how? No boots on the ground remember? Or are you advocating that as well.

The argument to be made is not some abstract (is intervention in principle good or bad) its an argument for the specifics of this case. The case needs to be made that:

- Assad used chemical weapons
- Striking the regime, and therefore strengthening the various rebel factions will be action that saves more lives on balance than it takes.

Neither of these cases have been made in a convincing way. Hence failure to get the UK public on side. Rational people (myself included) can be convinced. It needs proof of guilt and a plan for the future that doesn't include Al Qaeda overrunning Syria.

You are still thinking about this
as a passive consumer and by-product of government,
and not as the source of all authority and legitimacy in our government.

Demanding action on this = taking possession of our Country again.

Demanding that we land a rover in Syria is trivial in comparison.
Don't we already have the tech to do this on mars?
Is Syria really _that_ far away.


This is the moment!


With respect i'm not thinking as a passive anything. I'm asking you to support your thread.

You thread is about 'We should DEMAND military action on Syria'

You have been given the opportunity to influence the decision on whether to go to war with Syria or not. You have created a thread specifically to encourage people to demand military action and that not doing so would be shameful.

Please answer my talking points.

People may think bringing Mars Rovers into the question is a red herring. Send a Mars rover to do what? Every intelligence asset the US (and Israel , and the Saudis) will already be deployed trying to scratch up evidence of guilt. Thats not the question and its not what congress are going to vote on.

Do you agree there is a case for war now or not?

edit on 31-8-2013 by justwokeup because: typo

edit on 31-8-2013 by justwokeup because: more typos :-)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:15 PM
How about we demand a list of all countries that have chemical weapons in their arsenals first.

Then we consider who has the capability to detonate chemical weapons in Syria?

Assad was winning the war and left alone would probably win in the end, so I don't see the reason he would suddenly need to resort to using these weapons. These are emotive weapons used more by the desperate.

Once we find the culprit or culprits, then its time to act, which I do feel most people would be in agreement with.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by DrHammondStoat

Surely we should question why in this media controlled world, the pictures of dead Syrian children are being rammed down our throats when we are hardly ever shown anything of the hundreds of thousands of civillians killed as a result of our invasions of Iraq and Afganistan? Also very little news coverage of our 'gifts' of depleted uranium left in those countries, Also Israel the US and UK are all 'alleged' to have used chemical weapons, why is Syria getting this special treatment?

I think there is an agenda here and I don't know exactly what i going on but demanding military action BEFORE we know who used the chemical weapons is ridiculous.

You are so right.

I grew up in the military, married into the military, I spent all of my childhood and early to mid adulthood until close to late adulthood life in the military.

I can tell you from long long experience,
getting involved with this will lead to no good

And yes considering the slippery slope to WWIII
it is quite scary to hear the drumbeats of war

The syrian people should be the ones to punish those who used chemical weapons, if not now, then later when the regime changes.

A call to arms, leaves many many more dead than than those first grieved against.

History will judge us harshly for getting involved in so many countries over the years and telling them what to do and how to govern through use of force.

There may be no history left this time as the radical Muslims are just looking for an excuse to nuclear bomb the US, to use biological weapons against the US and chemical weapons. Think ..... will this give them the excuse they need?

Mike, you say 9/11 started WWIII, that was 12 years ago sweetie, no if we bomb Syria and spark WWIII, we US, will have started it not some dead ashes of 12 years ago.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:17 PM
Some people believe anything they see or hear on the Telly. What to believe. What not to believe. These are exercises in critical thinking which the philosopher relishes like a fine meal. Others are content with the take away at McDonalds. If you think that historically governments have acted out of altruism, I would have to disagree. There seems to have been a concerted effort to light this fire which may consume the whole World for quite some time. Various ploys have been tried and found lacking. This is the latest, a story line used from the last lie. My advise dear reader is to exercise some critical thinking away from the propaganda and emotionalism.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:20 PM
Give me undeniable proof that Assad gassed his own people, and I'll be happy to support and own the bombing of that regime back into the stone age, because it would be the right thing to do, but if you expect me to simply believe the word of Barack Obama and his henchmen, I say "No way!"

A congressional go-ahead won't be enough for me either. This little tactic is nothing more than Obama setting himself up to shift blame when it all goes to hell.

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