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Conversation with the Body of Christ

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
reply to post by TheBrother

The Worlds, which you can't with literal understanding, how can you claim understand the spiritual word of God.

Dude, you've been tricked into believing the whole story is spiritual and not a combination of historical, literal, spiritual, and allegory. Yes, it takes the indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit to decipher some of the meanings of the scripture and parables, etc. But it's not NEAR as complicated as your church brothers have led you to believe it is and it is NOT all about each individual. It is a story about why and how Jesus came to live on the earth and what it means for us and our eternal lives. It's filled with prophecy about Israel that is still being unfolded on a daily basis. The Bible tells us that when Jerusalem becomes a burdensome stone for the whole world, and every nation turns against it, that he will step in to correct the situation. That time is coming. It won't be pretty, but it will lead to the age of the Millennium in which Jesus will control the earth for 1,000 years just so we'll know who he was all along, from the days of old. He'll give the Jews a second chance to accept him instead of rejecting him during that time.

I said before that we don't discount the natural, I even used 1stCor15 to back up that I said the natural is FIRST before the spiritual. Jesus said himself that how can you understand spiritual without first understanding the natural? Jesus was forever using literal examples to demonstrate spiritual concepts. The spiritual message is the last message, the literal is the first. It is a combination but the part we focus on is the spiritual because that is what we can use today.

In fact Jesus was so insistant that his diciplines got the spiritual understanding not the literal that he repremanded them when they didn't see it in what he spoke. Matt16v11-12 This even reveals a greater mystery how Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread nevermind the fact they had 12 baskets full after. They fed 5,000 souls with the doctrine of Christ (the 5 gifts in Eph4) and the 12 baskets were the minds of the diciples were full from the crumbs, even a little teaching can fill alot. It was a learning event Jesus did to fill and teach his diciples.
edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
reply to post by TheBrother

Regarding Hebrews 11:3...

3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

I believe that God/Jesus spoke this world into existence. I believe sound created everything. I also believe the end of this world will end the same way.

edit on 27-8-2013 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

Read it again it says worlds not world. Why does it say framed instead of formed or created? The world isn't square or maybe it is, it says, "4 corners of the Earth" right?
edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by TheBrother

In the meanwhile, you need to realize that Jesus did indeed physically heal the sick and perform miracles while he was here on earth to prove who he was. He even stated that he performed these miracles to prove that he was from God.

I just want to add that you DO NOT need someone to lay their hands on you to confirm that you have the Holy Spirit. I have no objection against the laying of hands, if someone wants to use it in an effort for healing, but it is not being used properly if someone is using it to make a spectacle of proving whether or not someone is filled with the Holy Spirit. Once you sincerely repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit is there and will reside in you. Your relationship with God and the Holy Spirit is a personal one and does not require that you prove anything to anyone by making a public spectacle of it.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by TheBrother

Read it again it says worlds not world.

Worlds meaning the heavens (which includes the universe) and the earth. What is your interpretation of Hebrews 11:3?

edit on 27-8-2013 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by TheBrother

If you are going to build a tower the cost must be counted first if you want to finish it.You have encountered a few with ears to hear and then the deep pits of "darkness" of ATS.They believe they are shining light on you!!It's a hard lesson learned even when you can hear.

Presenting the Truth the whole truth nothing but the truth always has the same response from the deaf....more deafness.Fortunately "knowing" the Truth is all that matters.That is the love of the Father that we "keep/know" his commandment(will) and it is not burdensome.

The washing of the LIVING word/water of God does it's job.The infertile soils(adamah) that the seed is not thriving in is just for a season.You have not yet received their full derision because you have not yet revealed all The Truth to them because God has caused a strong delusion that they would believe a lie because they cannot hear or know The Truth now.They believe only their religion ...and don't know in God.

They search the scriptures thinking that in them they have life yet fail to come to the savior of all .They want a flesh and blood man to worship in the image of themselves.Yahoshua nor the Mashiach mean nothing to them right now.They can't hear the words of Truth and life. My suggestions is don't answer any of their questions when you know they are pharisaical(the majority of which are) only water their infertile soil.If you do answer them in kind it will only lead to more foolishness on their part.

It is not your position to convince anyone only to present The Truth.It is good to see some light at ATS religion section where there is GREAT darkness.You are right there is still much to know in the lower realms of the heavens.Mankind has not conceived anything close to what God has in store for them.

edit on 27-8-2013 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
reply to post by TheBrother

In the meanwhile, you need to realize that Jesus did indeed physically heal the sick and perform miracles while he was here on earth to prove who he was. He even stated that he performed these miracles to prove that he was from God.

I just want to add that you DO NOT need someone to lay their hands on you to confirm that you have the Holy Spirit. I have no objection against the laying of hands, if someone wants to use it in an effort for healing, but it is not being used properly if someone is using it to make a spectacle of proving whether or not someone is filled with the Holy Spirit. Once you sincerely repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the Holy Spirit is there and will reside in you. Your relationship with God and the Holy Spirit is a personal one and does not require that you prove anything to anyone by making a public spectacle of it.

Before the dialogue continues I want to make it very clear. We do not discount the literal word of scriptures. Was there Noah's Ark? A man named Samson? We don't know we weren't there and apart of it. All i am saying is that there IS a spiritual message in the word and that is what I bring and focus on. I already said before "laying of the hands" is just a symbol for "working or teaching." The Holy Spirit is the one that brings us to rememberance of the things Jesus taught, including the spiritual message which most don't have.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Rex282

They believe only their religion ...and don't know in God.

Religion has nothing to do with it. Just because you don't believe in the Bible doesn't mean that I'M the one that doesn't know God.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by TheBrother

Thank you, TheBrother.

Most tend to hide behind riddles and double talk when asked to expose themselves. Many are intent on arguing about their own interpretations. I have no authority to judge you, your church, or your beliefs. You seem to have come here with love and is evident by your focus on that which is most important. That's good enough for me.


posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Rex282

Yes I am aware that when I shine light into the darkness that the darkness will comprehend it not as it is written. Much hasn't changed really has it since back then, sure we have more technology but we're pretty much the same as people. I am only here to present the truth regardless what people may think, as I had said it's up to them to decide. I am just here to sow the word, on all the different conditions of Earths here and some will find fertile ground. Words are like time-capsules too, so maybe if some don't get it now in their life, later these words will come back to them.

Observing your words, I can see you a very wise and enlightened individual, maybe are even from the same faith. If only one soul sees the light, it will be worth all of this. May God to continue to bless you spiritually and naturally my brother.

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by usertwelve
reply to post by TheBrother

Thank you, TheBrother.

Most tend to hide behind riddles and double talk when asked to expose themselves. Many are intent on arguing about their own interpretations. I have no authority to judge you, your church, or your beliefs. You seem to have come here with love and is evident by your focus on that which is most important. That's good enough for me.


Thank you for your warm, loving and welcoming words brother. As I said, there are not mine own interpretations, they are passed down the 7 ladder steps. Jesus spoke in riddles but we do not. Jesus knew the people didn't understand him when he spoke, he knew what he was doing. So why did he? He like me here are provoking people's thinking. Showing spiritual concepts from natural examples to arrouse minds. That's why fishing is symbolic for testifying. "Come with me and I'll make you fisher's of men" Get it now? You put the bait and attract the fish and pull them into the ship, the Apsotleship. So you can remove "the scales from their eyes" as the Priest did to Paul.
edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
reply to post by Rex282

They believe only their religion ...and don't know in God.

Religion has nothing to do with it. Just because you don't believe in the Bible doesn't mean that I'M the one that doesn't know God.

I'm certain we both believe in the Bible for in it is the spiritual message of God to a mans souls. Religion does because you people taken the interpretations of the people who have taught them of the literal word and not the spiritual word. Anyone can go preach the Bible and that is why there are so many different religions nevermind versions of the Bible. But as it is recorded, there is only one faith, one baptism and one God and Father in us all.

When you go to sleep tonight, pray to your God wherever you believe he is and ask him to give you guidance on all that has gone here on this thread. I am assuming you probably don't have the gift of Prophesy in your faith, for if you did you would recognize that the language of dreams is the same as the scriptures, symbolic and spiritual, using natural expamples to deliver a message. Don't be surprised when you wake up, you do have a dream, and when you do feel free to post it here and I will ask my God which is within me, to give me the understanding of it so I may interpret it for you. I was stubborn too myself before my calling so the same happened to me.
edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by PrimeLight

He destroyed the mounted wall of Debt humanity could not ever hope to pay in not possibly meeting the Obligations of the Law perfectly. Your misinterpretation AGAIN totally ignores the statement below by our Messiah in scripture you have chosen to dangerously ignore.

Matthew 5:17-18 (CJB)
17 "Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah -- not until everything that must happen has happened.
Where in the Bible does it talk about a sin debt? Even if there was such a thing as a "sin debt", how would that create a wall of separation?
You are reading something calling itself a Jewish Bible that inserts Hebrew words into places in the books of the New Testament where none are found in the original text. It does not say "Torah" there in the verse that you quoted, that is just someone's interpretation. Obviously Jesus meant something other than the retention of the law in the form as it is found in the Jewish law. Immediately after that statement, it goes on to describe Jesus taking apart the codified law and demonstrating its inadequacies in comparison to his own divine standards of righteousness.

And what do you conclude now? Rhetorical.
Earlier you were saying that I was coming to false conclusions, referring to how I was not, according to you, picking up up on how certain scriptures were "implying" that there was a "payment", as you put it, in regards to a supposed sin "debt". My conclusion has not been changed by what you have presented in way of an argument against my observation that the scriptures make no such implication to there being either a sin debt or a payment for such.

One's assumptions of belief of my knowledge being based on what someone has told me is ignorance and rudeness of a high order.
I am just making a statement of something that I consider to be a fact, which is that someone reading the Bible on their own, without any human influence, cannot come to the conclusion that there is a sin debt that Jesus had to pay for in order to maintain God's righteousness.

Your wordings through our discourse demonstrate a bias against the 'Old' testament which reveals you are still early in your path of Aligning in Holy Spirit Leading through the Word as a whole.
it's really more like the opposite of what you just said. I believed in the "whole Word" thing for fifty something years until a year and a half ago when I realized that approach is wrong.

I will leave it at that as I am not at all interested in misled interpretations.
My interpretations are scripture lead, once I was able to finally become freed from the human theories that had blinded me to the truth. I think that people have an emotional attachment to doctrines that make them feel good, which makes them difficult to let go of, even after seeing the evidence against them stated in the Bible. I hope that you eventually realize that these imagined "implied" suggestions in the Bible are really suggestions coming from people trusting in man-made theories.

You have not proven yourself worthy as my teacher by what you ignore, distort and omit repeatedly, and I am a willing student to the wise.
Hopefully some day you will realize that what you are mistakenly taking for "wisdom" is just being fully versed in theories that makes them only appear to be smart. I have pointed out to you that what you are believing in is only theories with no support from the Bible and actually contradicting it.

edit on 28-8-2013 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by TheBrother

I only have a few rules for this thread if you wish to participate:

1. Do not respond to other members replys on this thread, please do that elsewhere if you wish to discuss or answer with another person. This is to not only avoid one question spiraling out of control into flames and or off topic but also keep the information here pure, valueable and clear for others. I am not interested in learning what others have to teach me, I am here to serve not be served. I am here to break bread out of peace and loving service to you brothers and sisters that desire and seek to know the truth, which is the word of God not man.

2. I will respond in respect and courtesy and would expect the same in return. Accusations or non-contributing comments will be ignored. I am not here to argue with anyone. Take what you understand put it beside what I bring and decide in the quiet of your mind which do you want to believe.

Let me ask you a question. If you are not interested in learning from others, are you saying that you deny a teaching coming from God? Please realize that all of us are extensions from God's mind. And that you can't find all your answers from the Bible as evident here in your thread. What you are presenting here is your understanding of the scriptures. I do understand that you are sincerely trying to teach what you believe as the "truth." The absolute. The final answer. I've been there before. So I am telling you with experience that you should look deeper within yourself, and know that you must go beyond the Bible AND think outside the box. You must get to know yourself some more, mediate on it, and then find God within your consciousness.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by TheBrother

As it is in the place where you die, that perfect way of God can be here now while u are alive in a body. When you are a servant of God and others vs just yourself and do his will, "all the other things will be added unto you."

Do you deny the fallen nature in flesh? How many sinful impure thoughts even with 'good works in service' does mankind still bear? Have you discovered a remedy to this condition in a world of duality opposition always in operation?
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23

17 As he was starting on his way, a man ran up, kneeled down in front of him and asked, "Good rabbi, what should I do to obtain eternal life?" 18 Yeshua said to him, "Why are you calling me good? No one is good except God! Mark 10: 17-18

"The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please God. But no, all have strayed away; all are rotten with sin. Not one is good, not one!" Psalm 14:2, 3.

"We are all infected and impure with sin. When we put on our prized robes of righteousness we find they are but filthy rags." Is. 64:5, 6.

Evil is the tester, God is the teacher.

Our Father is the ultimate tester for He has deliberately Allowed evil to perform it's functions upon will in Determining who is to be counted Worthy of the Kingdom by Grace.
"And Lead us not into temptation".

Whenever the scriptures talk about the comming or returning of Christ, this is the Christ gift and spiritual mind that will come.

So all this is just metaphor and not your heresy?

I am a member of that Body of Christ that you are speaking with. and If you reject the things I say, you not only reject me, but you reject Jesus and the Father who has sent us all as it is written.

So you imply your words, understandings and knowledge are infallible? You equate your understandings on par as an "anointed" like Yehushua Ha'Mashiac?

Anyone who confesses that God is comming back one day can not help you anymore than a doctor who isn't there today to fix you.

The Son Returns and there will be a Rapturing of those Deemed Worthy as many faithful have had it Revealed to them by the Holy Spirit for these end times Fulfillment's that you reject by your counterfeit 'Christ consciousness' without the Return of Yehushua Delivering on His Promise for the end times.

It is part of the rules of our order not to video or tape any of our services or church events. Even if I told you the name of my Faith, you will find only a small write-up that isn't even accurate on the net.

You are part of a denomination in company of many thousands of other 'Christian' based organisations, most clinging to their own doctrines as infallible of course---and you bear a folly in your teaching, being carried along by an unfaithful mind that suggests like the serpent 'ye shall be as god' without Christ's Mercy Gift of Salvation, deserting a plethora of Prophecy along with all the Divined Promise in the process of a literal Return.

You have been getting a write-up of it, what we preach and who we are. It took me a long time to find answers to the mysteries of the scriptures through this faith, I am serving them to you here on a silver platter, silver because it is all out of love, the unadulterated teachings of Christ.

2 Timothy 4
1 I solemnly charge you before God and the Messiah Yeshua, who will judge the living and the dead when he appears and establishes his Kingdom: 2 proclaim the Word! Be on hand with it whether the time seems right or not. Convict, censure and exhort with unfailing patience and with teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not have patience for sound teaching, but will cater to their passions and gather around themselves teachers who say whatever their ears itch to hear. 4 Yes, they will stop listening to the truth, but will turn aside to follow myths. 5 But you, remain steady in every situation, endure suffering, do the work that a proclaimer of the Good News should, and do everything your service to God requires. 6 For as for me, I am already being poured out on the altar; yes, the time for my departure has arrived. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 All that awaits me now is the crown of righteousness which the Lord, "the Righteous Judge," will award to me on that Day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for him to appear.

Even if this were true and you were given these amazing bodies, what good would it do if the inner man wasn't change?

Those Deemed Worthy are Salvaged from the state of this fallen dominion to sin which incorporates none of the corruptions of the flesh.
"In verses 51-52, Paul proceeds to tell us a mystery which involves the change that all believers will go through, The corruptible will put on incorruption, and mortality will become immortality. We need to have a complete change to make us suitable for our new environment. This implies a conversion of our same physical bodies to a body with heavenly qualities. Nature does not know extinction but transformation, as science says energy cannot be destroyed but transformed.

Paul states that their dead body is sown and will be resurrected to new life. God has it become a new body ( 1Cor.15:38). The old body puts on (is swallowed up) by the new body it is transformed into something permanent.

The statement characterizes the resurrection body as one completely filled and governed by the Holy Spirit ... Another statement by Paul, that 'flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God' (I Cor. 15:50) is considered to exclude the idea of a resurrection body of flesh. The apostle however, teaches something entirely different. The expression 'flesh and blood' never denotes the substance of the body, but man in his totality as a frail and perishable creature in his untransformed state (Mt.16:17; Gal 1:16; Eph. 6:12; Heb 2:14). It has the same meaning in I Corinthians 15:50, shown by the fact that in the parallel clause (v. 50b) the word corruption is used, which obviously denotes the whole man in his corruptibility and not the substance of his body. The entire contest shows that man, as a frail perishable creature, cannot enter God's glorious, eschatological kingdom. He first must be made immortal, powerful, and glorious. There is no denial of a resurrection in a body of flesh.” (J. A. Schep in Zondervan Pictorial Bible Encyclopedia Vol. V, p. 74).
edit on 28-8-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by usertwelve

Many are intent on arguing about their own interpretations.

You mean upholding the Word that others intend to tarnish?

Do not be snared by anyone's manner of 'politeness'. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as the expression goes and many wolves too are dressed in sheeps clothing, especially in these latter times.

The Holy Spirit Alerted me that a false prophet was in the midst at the outset and he is revealing himself moreso as he preaches an abundance of heresy against the Word known by those who cleave to the Gospel of Salvation and the Prophesies of Revelation unfolded and further unfolding that he denies in the Returning of the Kingdom Powers to this fallen ruin humanity has established by the precepts of wickedness.

You have the will to be seduced by trappings and most of the world will by their chosen Ignorance to simple testified Truth shall be snared by deceit. The Prophecies Reveal the world will be deceived by the alluring doctrines and schemes of devils, so sweet to the carnal senses of mankind that is so close to destruction at this late hour.

The Holy Spirit has been poured out onto many at this time, that has Revealed that not only will Revelation events occur, with many literal in scope, but a Rapturing too Awaits those to be Salvaged amidst the trials of the great tribulation that is Appointed as part of the Harvesting of the wheat and the tares, where many too will be martyred for their faith in the Way,Truth and Life Promised for means of Deliverance.

edit on 28-8-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by ctophil

Originally posted by TheBrother

I only have a few rules for this thread if you wish to participate:

1. Do not respond to other members replys on this thread, please do that elsewhere if you wish to discuss or answer with another person. This is to not only avoid one question spiraling out of control into flames and or off topic but also keep the information here pure, valueable and clear for others. I am not interested in learning what others have to teach me, I am here to serve not be served. I am here to break bread out of peace and loving service to you brothers and sisters that desire and seek to know the truth, which is the word of God not man.

2. I will respond in respect and courtesy and would expect the same in return. Accusations or non-contributing comments will be ignored. I am not here to argue with anyone. Take what you understand put it beside what I bring and decide in the quiet of your mind which do you want to believe.

Let me ask you a question. If you are not interested in learning from others, are you saying that you deny a teaching coming from God? Please realize that all of us are extensions from God's mind. And that you can't find all your answers from the Bible as evident here in your thread. What you are presenting here is your understanding of the scriptures. I do understand that you are sincerely trying to teach what you believe as the "truth." The absolute. The final answer. I've been there before. So I am telling you with experience that you should look deeper within yourself, and know that you must go beyond the Bible AND think outside the box. You must get to know yourself some more, mediate on it, and then find God within your consciousness.

I am interested in learning from others but don't just let anyone write in my mind. All I have learned was from others as I have stated many times before, none of these are mine. As I said before, you don't learn about how to have a successful marriage from someone who's been divorced 5 times, or investing from a guy that's been bankrupt 5 times and never made any money. You learn from people who have what you want. Because many people say God is one day to come, and I need God now, they can't teach you how to have God in your life.Just as if you needed $100 right now and I didn't have it, I can't give you it. You can't give people what you don't have. I learned from others that were able to show me God and what he can do, not just talk about it. From others that live the scriptures, not just preach about it. For we are teachers not preachers as Jesus was.

Many faiths do not have Apsotles or Prophets which I read God placed in HIS church, I read nowhere that he took them out so who did? If you don't have these in your church, whos church is it then?

Yes you are all an extension of God's Mind for every one and thing is God's creation. "The truth" according to scripture is the word of God which is what I bring and nothing else, some bring the literal, but I bring the spiritual because that is what the soul needs today. And In order to get that you must go beyond the Bible because a book does not speak, it requires a person to explain it and be able to live it. Salvation is not found in the Bible either as it is written, these are all found beyond it.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by usertwelve

Many are intent on arguing about their own interpretations.

You mean upholding the Word that others intend to tarnish?

Do not be snared by anyone's manner of 'politeness'. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as the expression goes and many wolves too are dressed in sheeps clothing, especially in these latter times.

The Holy Spirit Alerted me that a false prophet was in the midst at the outset and he is revealing himself moreso as he preaches an abundance of heresy against the Word known by those who cleave to the Gospel of Salvation and the Prophesies of Revelation unfolded and further unfolding that he denies...

Pray tell me how The Holy Spirit, which you claim to have, alerted you of this? Also, how is it that you recieved the Holy Spirit in your life?
edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by PrimeLight

So all this is just metaphor and not your heresy?
The word "heresy" in the Bible just meant a difference of opinion.
What was bad, according to the Bible, was when you used that as a wedge to bring about a schism in the church.
The Catholic Church hijacked the word to make it into a term for a thought crime, where just having your own opinion was a punishable offence.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion." That is the proper attitude, and calling someone a heretic is reverting to a Medieval attitude, something that no right thinking person wants.

Do you deny the fallen nature in flesh?
. . . . . .
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 3:23
Paul was saying that in the context of the Old Testament law, which is not capable of making anyone righteous.
In the very next few words, Paul says there is a righteousness attainable in the system where Jesus exists as our intercessor, replacing what was spelled out in that now obsolete law.

"Why are you calling me good? No one is good except God!
Rather than saying that everyone is bad (including Jesus himself), he was saying that he was God.

When we put on our prized robes of righteousness we find they are but filthy rags."
They were saying that they actually were righteous, but that righteousness was nullified by the sins of the people.

Our Father is the ultimate tester for He has deliberately Allowed evil to perform it's functions upon will in Determining who is to be counted Worthy of the Kingdom by Grace.
"And Lead us not into temptation".
You can't see how the contradict each other?

So you imply your words, understandings and knowledge are infallible? You equate your understandings on par as an "anointed" like Yehushua Ha'Mashiac?
Like Joshua? That is what you are saying, do you realize that? To answer the question, if Moses or Aaron anointed Joshua, to take that role when Moses died, then our brother here could be too.

The Son Returns and there will be a Rapturing of those Deemed Worthy as many faithful have had it Revealed to them by the Holy Spirit for these end times Fulfillment's that you reject by your counterfeit 'Christ consciousness' without the Return of Yehushua Delivering on His Promise for the end times.
So, is this "Rapturing" something only known now by a special "end time" revelation? None of that even makes sense, and much less will ever happen. Jesus is here for us now, and his teachings are for this life.

---and you bear a folly in your teaching, being carried along by an unfaithful mind that suggests like the serpent 'ye shall be as god' without Christ's Mercy Gift of Salvation, deserting a plethora of Prophecy along with all the Divined Promise in the process of a literal Return.
There is no such thing as a "Christ's Mercy Gift of Salvation" outside of a coming to a state of righteousness in this life. A supposed rapture does nothing for a person'r righteousness".

2 Timothy 4
None of which needs to ever happen in the next billion years according to what is said there. There was a hypothetical Judgment Day that people believed in before Christianity came into being, and the writer of 2 Timothy is saying that they are hopeful about it since they see Jesus, apparently, being the judge.

Those Deemed Worthy are Salvaged from the state of this fallen dominion to sin which incorporates none of the corruptions of the flesh.
Sort of overselective, don't you think? That only the people who attain a state of righteousness at one particular historic moment in time will be "salvaged".

We need to have a complete change to make us suitable for our new environment.
All well and good in your little hypothetical scenario, but does nothing as far as achieving the state to be eligible for this supposed "rapture".

The statement characterizes the resurrection body as one completely filled and governed by the Holy Spirit ...
None of this has anything to do with this life.
edit on 28-8-2013 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by TheBrother

Pray tell me how The Holy Spirit, which you claim to have, alerted you of this? Also, how is it that you recieved the Holy Spirit in your life?

The Holy Spirit is a Station of 'frequency' and what I detected in you was a non-Recognition of Aligned frequency (energy signature) and the way you handled the address of Buddha confirmed such. Anybody moreso who bears a moreso profound Imprint of the Holy Spirit Written into them would have been strongly opposed to the breach of the first Command regarding all those masses that bow and worship to that graven image of a human. You were not Alerted to immediately steer and uphold according to a deeper aligned faith with the Word that you testified you would. Given opportunity, you went with a worldly position aligning Buddha with the one at the Right Hand, which is directly paralleled with the doctrinal dominion of legion promoting both on equal footing as 'ascended masters'.

My striving to observe and be obedient to the first two Commands (and dedicating a large portion of my life to seeking Truth forsaking many of the world's ways) is why the Holy Spirit Serves (though of course I fall short and am still prey to sin). It knows my heart and that I am willing to be hated and rejected by my peers for the sake of spreading the Urged messages, including Warnings (Confirmed in my life) of the Gospel and Revelation, pertaining to these times. It knows the sacrifices one has made in being burdened by the Truth attained, though understanding it is all Surrendered as a treasure for a Glory if deemed Worthy at Judgement.

Please understand, I do not hate the sinner ever (for I am one), even in a frustration or temporary anger when attacked without just cause (not in your case), I hate the sin. My sentiment toward you is not delivered in a malice or any sense of superiority for I too will be Judged and know not of my final standing in that Measure. Our Father has Blessed me and others He has Led to me by Virtue with many 'insights' that directly Align with literal Revelation events, shared to many faithful worldwide to testify.

Terrible times are coming to this earth and if people had any real tangible sense of just how bad things are going to become on the world stage, they would be on their knees right now crying and begging for Mercy and Forgiveness for the things pending that will befall the nations. Many horrors I do not even desire to address in detail. My testimonies here and beyond the online world are part of a Calling, at times beyond the comprehensions of my own understandings when 'pressed' upon.

edit on 28-8-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by TheBrother

Pray tell me how The Holy Spirit, which you claim to have, alerted you of this? Also, how is it that you recieved the Holy Spirit in your life?

The Holy Spirit is a Station of 'frequency' and what I detected in you was a non-Recognition of Aligned frequency and the way you handled the address of Buddha confirmed such. Anybody moreso who bears an Imprint of the Holy Spirit Written into them would have been strongly opposed to the breach of the first Command by Knowledge instilled of all those masses that bow and worship to that graven image of a human. You did not steer and uphold according to a deeper aligned faith with the Word that you testified you would. You went with a worldly position aligning Buddha with the one at the Right Hand, which is directly aligned with the doctrinal dominion of legion promoting both on equal footing as 'ascended masters'.

The Holy Ghost/Spirit or The Comforter is what God had sent in Jesus's name to teach us all things and bring all things to our rememberance whatsoever Jesus had said. John14v26 (I read nothing similar of what you say in the scriptures, you also didn't mention how you recieved it.)

The Holy Spirit is what uses a servant of God to spread the light of the Gospel others. It will place the very words on your tongue when you testify. You can see who has and is being used when they cannot stop spreading the understanding of Gospel. Many believe they have had and understand the baptism of water but what about the baptism of fire?

Simply put, the baptism of water is when you are being changed (cleansed) & taught through testimony. The baptism of fire is when you have that same ability to do the same to others. "The 2nd man Adam a quickening spirit for others, creating spiritual life which is the Genesis. In the begining was the word that comes to them." This is the glorious circle of bringing a soul to God, and that soul now bringing other souls. The Holy Spirit is like steam we are taught in my faith. When you take water(the gospel), and heat it up, it creates steam which is not easily contained(you find yourself spreading the gospel uncontrollably), it is very powerful and can move things. A "firey tongue" teacher of the gospel is how you can identify where the Holy Spirit is working.

As for your continuing claims about me and Buddah, I said it was my person opinion that the few WORDS that was said are aligned with what Jesus had said which is true. They gave the same teaching IN those WORDS. This frequency what you detected is nothing more than your own thoughts, which are a frequency.
edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by TheBrother because: (no reason given)

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