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Originally posted by HandyDandy
people would rather go through this and have their children go through this instead of getting a simple shot?
Originally posted by FlyersFan
It's not a 'simple shot' for a lot of people.
Originally posted by spirited75
polio and smallpox are horrible diseases.
measles, mumps chickenpox are mild
the richest and most technically advanced country in the world is allowing itself to slide back into the middle ages
Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by ArchAngel_X
Yes.. look what happened with the antibiotics. Obviously the concepts of vaccinations and the vacs themselves are good. Take a needle with cowpox on it prick someone and save tgem from dying an agonizing small pox death? Awesome! Giving kids a shot with parts of multiple influenza viruses at once in hopes those are the ones out of many they come in contact with? Giving young girls vaccinations for hpv - a virus they MIGHT get - because that virua MIGHT cause them problema later on? Not as awesome.
Originally posted by Shiloh7
Before the big pharma push any drug for dosh came along the world was a very different place!
3 diseases you wanted you kids to get early before school - so they got them over and done with, with the minimum of fuss were: Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox. If anyone heard of a little one with one of those diseases, we all flocked round and hoped ours would get it over with. This was done by my parents and grand parents, it was the norm and we never heard of someone dying from any of these diseses, only if there were already existing healthy problems. Whooping cough was nasty but most got over it. These were consideredc mild diseases rather than the more serious such as glandular fever etc.
These vaccines that get pumped into tiny babies today and the pressure put on parents worries me to death. A new immune system suddenly flooded with that lot. Just the principle of it makes me feel uneasy.
Measles was never treated or considered a major disease but suddenly a vaccine is made for it and now its gone up a good few notches to a very serious disease and every government must buy this vaccine.
Vaccines against polia and real killers like that I can live with - in fact have done, but when it goes to what were treated as normal diseases that virtually every child will pick up at some time, that is a different health requirement and seems to be IMHO just a money spinner at our kid's health's possible cost. Also perhaps its a means of working parents not having to take time off for their kids to get through some of these diseases - (I don't think many parents would think of this option out of choice if indeed it does exist), I don't know I wasn't in the situation that exists today with work.
When I was at school we hardly ever had one single child in the whole school who had any skin diseases or astma and needed inhalers, the kids were healthy, dam lively and pretty fit in those days of diet ignorance and few vaccines - they all seem to have wide ranging health problems today yet we have all this extra health help from Big Pharma
The outbreak was started by a visitor to the church who had recently traveled to a country where measles remains common.