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visitor from planet Aitrui shares her story, technology, etc.

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by NoRulesAllowed
That "website" looks like it was made by someone who is completely, utterly and entire INSANE.

I am positive any medical expert would agree with me.

Think about the above in the OP, now take this x1000. If you click on the so called "website", it will load a TON of this into your browser. Seriously, it's completely...WHACK.
edit on 10-8-2013 by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

How can you judge what's whack and what is genius? As far as we know she could be thousands of years ahead of our time, and because we don't understand what she is talking about and the tons of information (of some sort) that she has given, we call her WHACK. That's a comfortable little feedback we can provide to made us feel better about our own ignorance and lack of knowledge.

I don't have any suggestions about this all story, but just a suggestion for you my friend... Never judge anyone because you don't know who they really are.

By the way, Jesus was considered a whack. What to say about that?
edit on 12-8-2013 by Shuye because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 05:54 AM
Snooping by ATS (yes I am back for a short while)...

Has anyone checked the science?

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 05:56 AM
Reply to post by Shuye

1000s of years ahead? Her website is built from sloppy HTML, poor images and seriously bad layout. If you wanted to get your point across then you would not present your information in such a bad way.

Thats like going to a job interview in a mankini.

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 05:57 AM
Reply to post by Shuye

Was jesus real then?

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Shuye

Originally posted by NoRulesAllowed
That "website" looks like it was made by someone who is completely, utterly and entire INSANE.

I am positive any medical expert would agree with me.

Think about the above in the OP, now take this x1000. If you click on the so called "website", it will load a TON of this into your browser. Seriously, it's completely...WHACK.
edit on 10-8-2013 by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

How can you judge what's whack and what is genius? As far as we know she could be thousands of years ahead of our time, and because we don't understand what she is talking about and the tons of information (of some sort) that she has given, we call her WHACK. That's a comfortable little feedback we can provide to made us feel better about our own ignorance and lack of knowledge.

I don't have any suggestions about this all story, but just a suggestion for you my friend... Never judge anyone because you don't know who they really are.

By the way, Jesus was considered a whack. What to say about that?
edit on 12-8-2013 by Shuye because: (no reason given)

No, Jesus wasn't "whack", he was a socialist hippie. Big difference between ancient flower child, and someone who's many Happy Meals short of the franchise.

Look, no one with her "knowledge" of the universe is going to have a tough time slapping a coherent website together. This is very sloppily tossed together, very disjointed, very scattered for a website. One could say she's harkening back to the days of Angelfire with that level of "sophistication". How she's presenting her "information" is a very good mirroring of her mental health, all over the place, and all of it at once. She may be a savant with good ideas, but then again, she may just be the average basket case. OR, she may just be yet another charlatan looking for money. What better way to earn a buck than to paint oneself as an alien genius, and sell that image to a drooling alternative crowd desperate to believe it?

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by tgidkp

I have to agree. Would an "alien" really post such ramblings? What is the point? Is the alien so disjointed that this is the best they could put together?
Why not put something up with substance? Something convincing. Something that couldn't be disputed, like an answer to the current runaway nuclear mess in Japan?

This appears to be the message of an insane person. Sorry Mr./Ms. "Alien".

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 06:15 AM
this is interesting...
is it the ramblings of a strange one?
or is there some real science in this?

i know nothing....

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 06:50 AM
I think we humans are responsible for our own mess on this planet, for one simple reason, we just couldn't be bothered, we rely on other's with same attitudes to sort out all disputes, be they religion, political, or natural. we just don't put in the effort, and that covers a lot of the almost 8 billion of us.
Here is a website that contains a collossal amount of information, whether it's gobblegook or not, no one seems to be able to post such a statement after reading through it all. why? because none of us has, we browse it and click a few links and run. its such a jungle to us. where can we even start to try to disect this massive amount of information about things most of us never even heard of, let alone understand. and the source of all this information claims to be from another planet, which is a huge statement in the hostile world they are surrounded by. ok it may sound hilarious, and some people will not go with that for fear of looking stupid, or letting all around them know they were duped.. yes thats not a nice thing to happen and maybe they cannot be blamed for that. or can they? how do we make a difference if those are our feelings and beliefs, it takes a special human to go against the flow. to take the ridicule, to face adversity. yes that takes a special human indeed..
So what can we do about this claim, of this individual, any of us that have gone to this site have more or less just sat agog at its content, but can make little sense of it, it may be the ramblings of a once very intelligent personn who has just cracked under the pressure of their career, just look at it, if there is any sense to it, I don't think I could make it through a lifetime without cracking up, if I had to deal with all this information in my head. and the topics are so specialized, who do you talk to about any of it. its not like its a football game that you can discuss in general with anyone..
I am wondering if ATS can apply some non bias person or persons to take one page of that site at a time, and try to decipher its content, to see if anything on it makes any sense or is in any way applicable to anything this person claims.... otherwise this will be forgotten and archived and none of us will ever know if it was just the ramblings of someone who has stressed out, and for whats its worth how long would it take you or me to write a new language in symbols, let alone learn the amount of knowledge they appear to have on such deep subjects, the rest of us are only beginning to get our head around, if we ever do... so can ATS help us out on this, maybe analyse one page or two pages per day for all our benifits..

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by tgidkp

Hmmmmm...... after viewing the site, I have to admit that I can't make any sense of it.

It's all over the place!

She/He needs some help with putting this in some type of order!

But you have posted in your OP looks interesting.... I doubt she/he would come up with those Equations/Drawings for no reason at all.... must be something to it.
edit on 12-8-2013 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:52 AM
She's from the planet schizophrenia

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:52 AM
I'm confused by all the mess in her site.Too much for my brain.I hope someone translate this for us

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by tgidkp

hello, Ms. McCall

i have opened a thread on a discussion web forum called Above Top Secret; the subject of the thread is the material you have presented on your aitrui website. there has been quite a bit of interest (and skepticism) concerning this information. i am writing you because...

first, to find out your current condition. some of what you have said has lead us to believe that you might be under some type of threat... and also that you might be hungry and looking for some financial support.

second, to learn if you would be interested in joining in the discussion and/or conducting some type of informal interview. you have reported on the website that your current location is in Ogden, Utah. as it so happens, i also live in Utah not far from Ogden. if you feel that it would be appropriate, i would not be opposed to meeting with you in person.

below is the web address where you can read our discussion:

thank you, and i hope that you are well.


Well done, I hope we can see she here on the forums. Would be more than interesting indeed!

"Many aliens visit this planet individually every year with intentions to help. Some can do with limited success for a small group of people, and then have to go back home. Some are killed. What they definitely cannot do is land a shuttle at Wrigley Field, Yankee Stadium, or the Washington mall. They will be shot down not only by our human military, but by the chain of special interests which also fuel the misery and corruption of our own planet."

DYepes, good post. But this lines I am not really sure... Lets say they got the propulsion technology to get here I guess they also have some sort of defense system as well because your species is quite aggressive. I guess they are aware of our behaviour.

To the people who thinks she is mentally ill and retarded. You need to look at this from another point of view. Lets talk about Kim peek, an savant. He looks mentally retarded at specific types of subjects but he also got an amazing amount of knowledge about everthing because his brain is different. Savants also tend to see the world in shapes and colors and look at McCalls website. Its alot of colors and also quite alot of "shapes" maybe this looks good for her point of view and is therefore easy to read for her.

I am working on a ZIP file with her website easy to read and clean. If all goes well it's up in a few hours.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by old_god
Snooping by ATS (yes I am back for a short while)...

Has anyone checked the science?

Not the science, but somewhere on there she mentions ancient African metal balls that are 2.8 billion years old and says they are from an ancient pre-human civilization, and when I went and looked them up, they were natural formations. Odd formations, but natural as far as I am concerned, otherwise they would not of sometimes bubbled together and overlapped like some of them do. Had they been from an ancient alien race, they would of just been some sort of metal balls, without bubble overlapping.

edit on 12-8-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by flipflop
Ok I had a nervous look around, and now I need someone to slap me across the face with a wet fish, think my brain cells are now noodles...

Hi all.

There was a man who wrote several books about past lives found from hypnotic regressions.

In one of his books, he writes about how most people "are from this planet earth".
Then he writes about the very very few souls who enter the earth's reincarnational School from other planets.
[Like that kid, in 9th grade, who moves from Syracuse, to Ovid, new york, a small school. he spent the first grades in this large city school system, he is a City Boy, completely. Now his parents have moved here to Ovid and he comes into the welcoming morning of the first day of school, September 3rd. He dresses like a city dude, of course. The Problem Is...Ovid is a town of 2500 people, on top of the edge of the Allegheny Plateau and the Mountains are in sight and the culture has more in common with Appalachia than of North upperclass Syracuse! Kids actually come to school smelling of cow manure, having done chores first thing in the morning, and by the way, here, NO kid has any idea that teens are "supposed" to sleep until 10 am, whole city school systems, i read, begin then as they have found kids learn nothing before 10 am as they are still sort of asleep! Every kid gets up at dawn, here! His parents moved to "Lodi Valley" a Appalachian type of deep valley where in about 1958 the Guidance counselor was heard to say, "I bet there is not a BIT of indoor plumbing in this entire valley"! surely there is, and this valley is very pretty. But the Kid is Out Of It! no streets. no basketball. no cell phones HERE, thank you! No cell towers either. no tv cable. Rabbit ears for television and all of two channels! Your internet here is indeed available, but only at dial-up speed of 28 to 40 k !
the local kids play in the creek, crayfish and fishing and snakes. swim in the ponds. Hunt Squirrels in the fall.
The Country Life. Nature. Dirty hands from soil-dirt. ridge-running in the car with your
16-years-old, Learning Permit. Hiking the trails in the National forest.
He is in an alien world. there is no sounds of constant traffic here. maybe a tractor off in the distance. the birds, bugs, frogs, the wind, nature sounds.
Oh they have computers in the school, still Ovid Central is 90 miles from any urban area. the view is wonderful, overlooking the flatlands to the North. He is in a strange land.
Few kids understand him. he cannot understand their ways of life.
At best he can Learn of the country ways and also to share some of his Urban knowledge with his new friends. At worst he becomes dysfunctional and becomes the Counselor's problem.

Now Suppose he becomes a bit dysfunctional and he is trying to tell his 11th grade fellow students what it is like to visit the Mall, to hang out in the streets, to listen to rap music, to run the streets. The kids mostly shake their heads, they in turn find it hard to talk to him about the soon-to-come first day of deer hunting season. He really does not get what a "trapline" is. "how do you set a trap for muskrats" he asks.]

[ this town and area exists, I grew up there. My school, in nearby Interlaken ny, had 28 kids in its high school class. Yes, kids came to school smelling like cow manure. I fed my fathers pigs, and took care of my mother's horse, after school. Ever gather eggs for 17,000 chickens, by hand, reaching into nest-boxes?]

back to topic: this past life researcher found that some of his clients lived their past lives on another planet. They began their series of lives there from that planet's "Adam and Eve" beginning.
They Transferred to earth's system and for many of these souls, that very first earth life was *VERY* rough to adapt to! Imagine now a very high-tech civilization, and so for 5,000 years and then one of its members wants to come here to incarnate! be like maybe someone goes backwards in time to incarnate *as* a cave man in 500,000 B C!
the mis-match of vibrations, knowledge, stuff, is too too much! this book writer writes that some of these incarnations utterly fail! the person goes insane.

I would thus imagine that there is Some Truth here, in her writings. From her incarnational background or "Channeled" from her alien friends who still are discarnate and are still connected to her Homeworld, the ideas pour fourth. Her messages thus are very very garbled.

I note that the download links are now broken. her page, at tiny first glance, looks strange and amazing.

but right off, just from the posted section on the flooding of the Mediterranean sea, I can imagine how this could have been the location of Atlantis! an ancient sea, dried up at the glacier time when the water level dropped below the land at Gibraltar: now when the ice melts and the water reclaims the sea, those nice lakes at the bottom with all those nice cites, why everyone has to move!

edit on 12-8-2013 by freestonew because: tidy up and add more.

edit on 12-8-2013 by freestonew because: more edits

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by old_god
Snooping by ATS (yes I am back for a short while)...

Has anyone checked the science?

Science looks good although new and garbled a bit, as I am as well
building completely new science.
Am working on this alien ladies info.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by guardian0111

Okay one of the first searches I did while researching this lady was an image search. There is ANOTHER Katherine R McCall - look up images - it's not the same lady who is a physicist at Reno.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 09:44 AM
Alright, so... I looked into the subject and after miraculously surviving the website that is clearly ahead of our times. I'd like to make a few observations.

The first thing is her resume:

At some point in time, she went from being an engineer to a has-been engineer and it's sometime between 1990 and 2000. The website was registered in 2002 according to Godaddy, which is her ISP. With that in mind, she must have done something to be considered crazy around that time. Perhaps it's her crazy website that is used as a resume? I'm not quite sure, but something isn't right because if she truly is an alien, then she wouldn't have a problem finding an engineering job since she's supposed to know the secrets of the universe.

The second thing I would like to point out is that she highlights herself a lot, in strange ways. Psychologically speaking, this seems like someone that may be desperate for attention, and her history of call center jobs may either be out of desperation or that she wanted a job where she could talk to people. I hypothesize this because it's possible that she truly believes that she's from another planet, but her family may have deserted her.

The site owner is run by Mark Omran from Kairosix, Inc. If you visit it's under construction, but their message is about Jesus Christ which is a theme for her website. I've looked around the waybackmachine and I don't see her as a reference anywhere so I assume they just setup a godaddy account for her and let her do her thing because for someone that proclaims to be so poor (and I don't doubt it), a $500 website is too much but a $30/yr account might not be so bad. What's my point? My point is that she probably can't afford a $500 website but because she talks about God in what have you, she may have gotten a discount by Kairosix. It's a simple observation, I don't know what that might have to do with debunking but it's information.

The final observation that I would like to point out is the color scheme of things. Now, this website would be excellent if this were 1994 and Geocities was booming but it isn't, and quite frankly she must have one heck of a computer to view that site, perhaps alien technology?
Someone who uses so many colors in such a way, and is completely oblivious to how website design should look like (or even just Google design basics 101) symbolizes that she might have a mental disorder. Having worked with mentally disabled people in the past, I've learned a few things about what makes them unique. I'm not saying this is a fact, I'm saying that it's a strong possibility that she lost her mind sometime after the mid-90's.

She earns points for creativity because from the stuff I've seen on her site is pretty elaborate, but none of it is constant. If she were able to create such great visuals on some of the stuff, then she could create a visually stunning website or at least get a job at Kairosix since their portfolio is rather lackluster. I didn't want to investigate further because it seems like it's someone whom has a mental disability and was abandoned by her friends and family at some point and may have started to create these ideas before or after the fact. If it were after the fact then it may be her way to cope with loneliness. I looked at this thread, hoping to see a nutjob try and pass as plausible so I could "want to believe" but unfortunately there are too many flags that are set already.

I'm sure if someone wanted to investigate this further this myth could be busted. We can do what we always do though, try and pretend that she's real so we can look even more crazy to the outside world

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Propulsion

I'm jealous! Can I get one? The side image of myself would really do well in picking up chicks!

edit on 12-8-2013 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)

Lol.That's a nice one. She is an alien alright

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 10:53 AM
I found the key to being able to sift through that website...turn the lights down, grab some x, a couple glowsticks, and indulge

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 11:00 AM
Two things need checked, the science of what is on the site and if its a plagiarism of someone else's work.

Chances are the sums and science are cuckoo and its based or copied on another equally insane person.

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