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Obama Tells Schools Not To Discipline Black Students For Bad Behavior

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posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by Garkiniss


I'm [color=6699FF]not interested in disequal treatment for equal misbehavior.

I'm just convinced that his pontifications will result in GREATER ENCOURAGEMENT for blacks to act out.


do not NEED the results of that.

I don't have a brilliant solution to the disequal punishment for equal acting out. Seems like a leadership issue, primarily.

Though good leadership in our current culture is too often PUNISHED.


Very true.

Truth is, Blacks seriously have a difficult time accepting corrective criticism about their buffoonish and savage behavior-

sagging pants

multiple 'baby mommas-baby daddies'

discouragement of education

animalistic black on black violence

If you are white and speak out on this= you are a racist

If you are black and speak out on this= you are an uncle tom

Its a no-win situation; its as if the Left desires to keep the Black Community exactly where it is.

Democrats lost the Civil War, lost the war on Slavery, lost Jim Crow, lost the KKK, lost their fight on segregation...the current state of the Black Community is a direct result of Democratic Policies and can ONLY be seen as -

edit on 10-8-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Garkiniss

I think your blame is misassigned.

The "super capitalists"


The "supper Communists"

are the same folks walking through revolving doors in and out of government and the tops of the biggest international conglomerates.

They have been working for more than 150 years to establish a tyrannical bastardized Communist one world government married to a bastardized monopolistic capitalism.

I think your sentiments are ill-informed and poorly founded.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Garkiniss


You blame


You have excused this animal behavior on CORPORATIONS??

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
Democrats lost the Civil War, lost the war on Slavery, lost Jim Crow, lost the KKK, lost their fight on segregation...the current state of the Black Community is a direct result of Democratic Policies and can ONLY be seen as Revenge.

Good points.

Revenge is a dead-end emotion and worse action.

Bitterness only has poisonous fruit.

It is like taking a radiation emitting rock into your inner body and expecting to reap only benefits. Not gonna happen.

Most teen problems MUST be solved the first 6 years of life.

After that, it's catch-up.

There aren't enough remote mountain residential reform camps to fix 1/100th the needy kids.


posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

You say this behavior is due to poor or absent parents in the home. If both parents are forced to work multiple jobs in order make rent and put food on the table, how are they expected to "be home", to teach discipline?

Of course none of this even matters. You yourself admitted that you believe your own race to be inferior and incapable of societal meshing. How you view your own race, how you believe you are incapable of facing criticism to better yourself is probably more in line with the problem than parenting. It's an image issue.

Truth is, Blacks seriously have a difficult time accepting corrective criticism about their buffoonish and savage behavior-
sagging pants
multiple 'baby mommas-baby daddies'
discouragement of education
animalistic black on black violence

You're marginalizing your race as a whole there.

And now you're accusing those on the left of hurting black progression because they have the nerve to offer you a fair shake, something you'd never get otherwise.

Again, this EO isn't offering a "free pass", it's not a get out of jail free card, it's merely a call for equal treatment and equal opportunities. That is all.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by neformore

Hand up... who here actually read the order?

Yep rather clear right here:

However, substantial obstacles to equal educational opportunity still remain in America's educational system. African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline and referrals to special education.

Clearly says it there.

AA's are 'unfairly' disciplined that is a 'substantial obstacle' for not 'achieving' academic excellence.

This is classic Obama and his party someone always keeping them down always someone else 'fault'.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:59 PM
There really is a seriously bad racist undercurrent here at ATS. All you have to do to get stars around here is to start attacking black people.

I have to hold myself from going into a tirade of reality checks to some of the ignorant racists on here.

Im against "positive discrimination" or "affirmative action" but if there werent so many ignorant racists then the bleeding heart liberals wouldnt find it necessary to come up with these stupid schemes.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:02 PM
Ok I see a lot of people are truly oblivious about what is going on in this country.
On one side of the city, two kids get into a fight and they both get assault tickets and go to jail.
On the other side of town, two kids fight, they both get suspended and back in class with 3-5 days.
Black kids are getting criminal records for doing the exact same things other kids do in other districts. But because it is “inner city” they treat it differently.
If some of these doctors and lawyers would have gotten tickets for all of the stuff they might have done in their school years, they would not be doctors and lawyers.
What we are not seeing are the police on the school campus arresting the rich when they fight or argue in school. Not to condemn any of it but you cannot just hand out tickets on one side of town, all or none!
Image if you were in school and you and your friend get into an argument, it has happened to all of us. But the only difference is after this argument, the police are called, your parents have to appear in court and pay fines and you have to do 72hours of community service. And on top of all of that, having any kind of criminal record stops your chances of getting into a good college.
People are just trying to find the most negative aspect of anything and print it. Amazing! “Obama is giving black kids permission to act up”. REALLY!!!
He wants schools to handle their students locally rather than picking and choosing who gets a case and who does not. TEACHERS tend to handle other races differently than they do their own. With less and less black teachers there should be more preventative methods in place to defuse issues rather than waiting for a bunch of un-development, hormone drivin’, hard head teens work it out for themselves. There are a lot of issues kids will not discuss with their parents. We all know what that leads to in any environment. Maybe if it isn’t so easy to just call 911 then possibly the end result would not be a worst criminal in the system, but kids they are receiving direct pathway of improvement in the right path. We cannot rely on the justice system to make better kids, prison does not rehabilitate people, people rehabilitate people so I don’t get why people are soo mad.
But I guess some people still have that old ancient agenda!
Just for the record, the media puts this type of black kids images out there to produce a negative effect and make people dislike them. But if they cover more of the crime stories you would see more than black kid doing stupid sh*t! White kids do beat up blacks kids also! Hate is hate regardless of what! The case with the three black guys is open and shut. People can talk stuff if they get found NOT GULITY!
Amazing we read about brain washing on this website all the time and people still don’t get it.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Garkiniss

Let's revisit history for a moment, shall we (I know Libs and Dems HATE history, especially theirs).

You say that the Dems offered me (blacks) a fair shake at life? WHEN??

Was it when:

Democratic Party instituted the enslavement of blacks for 200 years

Democratic Party fought and spared their lives to uphold slavery

Democratic Party formed terrorist organization known as the Klu Klux Klan which lynched blacks (and whites) for voting Republican, after blacks gained the Right to vote because of the Republican Party

Democratic Party implemented Jim Crow laws that kept the races separated

Democratic Party conspired to kill MLK and Malcom because blacks had began to wake up politically

Democratic Party fought to uphold Segregation and wanted to keep blacks from going to schools with other races

Democratic Party instituted Women's Lib Movement which broke up the black family

Democratic Party instituted the War on Poverty which revamped the Cotton Plantations and turned them into Welfare Plantations

Hmmmm Which one of those times was it????

edit on 10-8-2013 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

There really is a seriously bad racist undercurrent here at ATS. All you have to do to get stars around here is to start attacking black people.

I have to hold myself from going into a tirade of reality checks to some of the ignorant racists on here.
Care to provide specific examples or is a blanket charge of racism good enough for you?

Im against "positive discrimination" or "affirmative action" but if there werent so many ignorant racists then the bleeding heart liberals wouldnt find it necessary to come up with these stupid schemes.

Which came first...the chicken or the egg?

Discriminatory racist policies that benefit only one race create animosity. That's probably what you're sensing and mistakenly labeling as racist.

edit on 10-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by PicPerfect

Ok I see a lot of people are truly oblivious about what is going on in this country.
On one side of the city, two kids get into a fight and they both get assault tickets and go to jail.
On the other side of town, two kids fight, they both get suspended and back in class with 3-5 days.
Black kids are getting criminal records for doing the exact same things other kids do in other districts. But because it is “inner city” they treat it differently.

Then don't get into fights at school!!!!!

It's a SCHOOL not a boxing ring or combative sports gym!!

I'm sure you forgot to post the study that backs this claim up, too. Please share.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by neformore


This type of behavior is a result from the dysfunctionality that the children are coming from, NOT because they are black.

No. Enough passing off responsibility.
You alone are responsible for your own behavior.
It is not your mommies fault.
Everyone blames something else.
What a society of cowards we have become.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by OneManArmy

There really is a seriously bad racist undercurrent here at ATS. All you have to do to get stars around here is to start attacking black people.

I have to hold myself from going into a tirade of reality checks to some of the ignorant racists on here.
Care to provide specific examples or is a blanket charge of racism good enough for you?

Im against "positive discrimination" or "affirmative action" but if there werent so many ignorant racists then the bleeding heart liberals wouldnt find it necessary to come up with these stupid schemes.

Which came first...the chicken or the egg?

Discriminatory racist policies that benefit only one race creates animosity. That's probably what you're sensing and mistakenly labeling as racist.

Go to page one of this thread for all the examples you need, or check out some of the Martin/Zimmerman threads, or the "You dont hear about this black on white crime" threads.
Just look at the distribution of stars to what was actually said.

As for the chicken and egg argument...what came first is the racists, because its human nature to fear the unknown, regardless of race creed or religion, tribalism and the fear of that which is different is rife throughout mankind. Hence you get the "youre okay because i know you" scenario. Once the unknown becomes known then attitudes change.

Of course discriminatory policies create further division, which is the very reason im against "positive discrimination" there is nothing positive about any form of discrimination. There is nothing right about treating any race or religion or sexual preference above any other.

I think Im probably labelling the misguided as racist mistakenly, for that I can only apologise, but when I see the distribution of stars to ignorant comments, it does make me a bit angry. Im human too.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Go to page one of this thread for all the examples you need, or check out some of the Martin/Zimmerman threads, or the "You dont hear about this black on white crime" threads.
Just look at the distribution of stars to what was actually said.
Why not cite specific examples so I can dispute the charges?? I didn't see any racist comments.

As for the chicken and egg argument...what came first is the racists, because its human nature to fear the unknown, regardless of race creed or religion, tribalism and the fear of that which is different is rife throughout mankind. Hence you get the "youre okay because i know you" scenario. Once the unknown becomes known then attitudes change.
You suggested that if not for racists there'd be no need for liberals to create dumb racial policies. What racist behavior are our schools guilty of that justify this EO?? I've seen none so far.

Of course discriminatory policies create further division, which is the very reason im against "positive discrimination" there is nothing positive about any form of discrimination. There is nothing right about treating any race or religion or sexual preference above any other.
We're in total agreement here.

I think Im probably labelling the misguided as racist mistakenly, for that I can only apologise, but when I see the distribution of stars to ignorant comments, it does make me a bit angry. Im human too.
Sounds pretty elitist to me; as if everyone who disagrees with you is misguided.

Are you running for office?
edit on 10-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by neformore


This type of behavior is a result from the dysfunctionality that the children are coming from, NOT because they are black.

No. Enough passing off responsibility.
You alone are responsible for your own behavior.
It is not your mommies fault.
Everyone blames something else.
What a society of cowards we have become.


But attitudes about life, education, success , and conflict resolution are shaped from Mommy and Daddy, or a lack thereof.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Is it really that you don't like ignorance or is it more likely that you're allergic to the truth?
edit on 8/10/2013 by suz62 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by seabag

I think Im probably labelling the misguided as racist mistakenly, for that I can only apologise, but when I see the distribution of stars to ignorant comments, it does make me a bit angry. Im human too.
Sounds pretty elitist to me; as if everyone who disagrees with you is misguided.

Are you running for office?

That is a fair point, I have taken it on board. But no I dont think anyone that disagrees with me is misguided or wrong, but that doesnt mean I cannot see misguided ignorance when I see it.
And hell no Im never running for office. Swim with sharks for long enough and you act like a shark.

I find someone that disagrees with me a good debate, I just "deny ignorance"

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:45 PM
So, let me get this straight. What you all are saying is that you DON'T want black schools to get equal funding. You want it to keep going the way it is with black schools getting less money than the white schools.

You DON'T want the black schools to have the same quality teachers that the white schools have. You want the black schools to continue with the lower quality teachers they currently have.

You DON'T want black students to be disciplined exactly the same as white students. You want them to be treated with harsher penalties for the same behavior.

You DON'T want blacks to have the same access to good quality preschools (for Kindergarten readiness) as the whites.

Because that's what I hear you all saying, even though you don't have the guts to come right out and say it.

Hmmmm.. no that's not racist at all.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by suz62
reply to post by OneManArmy

Is it really that you don't like ignorance or is it more likely that you're allergic to the truth?
edit on 8/10/2013 by suz62 because: (no reason given)

The truth sets us free, knowledge is power, Im always open to learning. Im certainly not allergic to truth.
In fact I try to live my life being honest because its my way of being different when surrounded by liars and deception. It might not come across that way in text, but I assure you thats where im coming from. And just like all human beings, I can very easily be wrong, but Im also not closed minded to not change my opinion when the truth is at odds with my opinion. I was once a racist, I openly admit that, but the truth changed my opinions.
I also once believed that the govt was by the people for the people, the truth shattered that illusion too.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

That is a fair point, I have taken it on board. But no I dont think anyone that disagrees with me is misguided or wrong, but that doesnt mean I cannot see misguided ignorance when I see it.
Fair enough.

And hell no Im never running for office. Swim with sharks for long enough and you act like a shark.
I agree! It just seemed like you were trying to appeal to a certain group.

I find someone that disagrees with me a good debate, I just "deny ignorance"
As do I. We just disagree on what is ignorant. I think any policy that favors one race over another is discriminatory nonsense. That's what this EO is IMO.

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