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Cop hits 8 year old kid in the face (claiming kid bit him)

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:45 AM
video start at around 00:51 due a woman running with the video cam recording to get to the scene a quick as she can ..

it show very clearly just after that, as he's hurting the kid and the kid is screaming from the pain, the cop smacks the kid in the face ..

and yea.. I tried to do a search for this .. and nearly fell out of my chair of the list that came up .. search words were 'cop hits 8 year old in the face' .. WOW~!

edit on 7-8-2013 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:54 AM
Damn, did that cop just say he has the right to break out the child's teeth?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:09 AM
The kid bit him, the cop slapped the child away.....wheres the problem??
If someones kid bit me id probably give them a gentle slap like the pig...i mean officer.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:18 AM
What a crappy world we live in. When "The Man" can do as he wants. Hit a child for biting him, when the child is only doing it out of fear. So does that mean if my child bit me in a public area and I knocked him across the room, am I to say "he deserved it" and go on my way. NO!!!!! as a citizen we all would be thrown under the jail and human services would take our children for this act. So why is this prick still walking. I say prick because im my eyes he is not a LEO just a hired thug. And also he threatens anouther child with pepper spray @2:30-2:40

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Its not possible to definitively tell what the kid was doing prior to the cop's assault (whether he actually bit the cop or not).

Just so tired of cops in general. Theres way too many of these Jack Booted Thugs ("JBT") on the streets.

Theres not enough real crime so instead theyre busy terrorizing the average citizen.

They need to be infiltrated, arrested and prosecuted like any other criminal organization.

edit on 7-8-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:26 AM
I'm at odds with this. The kid bit him, his knee-jerk reaction was a thwack to the head.

TBH it could happen to anyone. No police brutality here. I don't think the cop went in there thinking 'I'm going to physically assault this child for no reason.'

If the kid didn't bite the cop then I would agree that it was wrong. Maybe the kid smelled bacon?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:29 AM
This cop handles this situation very poorly. But regardless of that, I feel that this is being blown completely out of proportions. It was a soft slap, nothing that will traumatize the kid. It's wrong of cause, but that does not make it newsworthy.
Kids are being abused, hit, shot, blown to pieces every day, all day long. This kid does not deserve the attention it is getting - and it does look like he bites him. Again, not saying that he should have slapped him. But lets say I bit my uncle or my older brother when I was a kid, I would have expected to get a slap like that in return.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by ugie1028
I'm at odds with this. The kid bit him, his knee-jerk reaction was a thwack to the head.

TBH it could happen to anyone. No police brutality here. I don't think the cop went in there thinking 'I'm going to physically assault this child for no reason.'

If the kid didn't bite the cop then I would agree that it was wrong. Maybe the kid smelled bacon?

'the kid is acting like a punk kid and needs a good ass-whipping with a switch from a nearby tree. however a shot to the face is uncalled for. that's why you have parents.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by ugie1028
I'm at odds with this. The kid bit him, his knee-jerk reaction was a thwack to the head.

TBH it could happen to anyone. No police brutality here. I don't think the cop went in there thinking 'I'm going to physically assault this child for no reason.'

If the kid didn't bite the cop then I would agree that it was wrong. Maybe the kid smelled bacon?

I agree, when my son was 7 years old, I saw him out the window playing in the street when there was traffic, I went outside and told him to get back in the front yard so he wouldn't get hit by a car. he yelled at me "I don't have to listen you"....I went out in that street, grabbed him by the back of his shirt, brought him back into the yard, and gave him about 12 to 15 hard whacks across the ass...he cried for about a half hour, and it was painful for him to sit down that night...but....he never went out in the street again when there was traffic, and I pretty much never had a discipline problem with him again. to this day, (he's 26 now) he remembers that, and understands why I did it.
edit on 7-8-2013 by jimmyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Sounds a bit excessive. My mom slapped me once when I was a kid. Not hard. But I remember it scared the crap out of me. But I was acting hysterical and it did make me stop.
I am glad she never did it again. My mom always had a lot of patience with me, and took her time explaining me why things are as they are. But I don't blame her for that one slap.
My dad never did much of either, but he would occasionally throw my toys in the trash if I misbehaved. Not sure if that ever worked much. All it did was make me less materialistic.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:05 AM
Well the kid was lucky he wasn't shot. That's the police mo for other biting things. Like puppies.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

And i would do the same, if it is my child. Well, probably a few of smacks on the butt. Many believe to punish your child, even with one smack, it is "abuse".. It is cos we love and care for their well being and falling into foolish habits or dangerous situations.

I think this kid did not want to be taken away from his mother, hence screaming and acting up like he did. This boy had his reason, i believe. If a cop should slap my kid for biting him, it will not end there. If a child acts up towards another adult, that adult should talk to the parents. It is the parents job in handing out punishment to their own child.

As an adult we should know by logic that we do not touch another child, no matter if we get bitten, or screamed at. I don't believe a uniform gives you right to even lightly smack a child of this age. I will add that imo it was a reflex, and it does not seem that this cop hit him that hard, though it is difficult to judge from the video.

Another thing is - unfortunately, not all parents will punish their kids as they should. Still, i have no right lifting my hands towards another child.

edit on 09/02/2012 by KaelemJames because: added

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:18 AM
Ummm...I see nothing wrong with what this cop did. If you read the part above the video about the kid being taken by child services and watch the entire video it appears the mom was not exactly a motherly type. Could not exactly tell but it looked like she was living in some kind of old school bus or traveled similar to how folks follow bands in which case she probably was not the best role model to be around and most likely did not discipline her son enough to learn not to bite people. The officer barely touched the kid and if my kid were acting like that I would have done the same.

I would give the officer some credit for not doing something heavier handed as well as not telling the mom to grow the F&%K up and be a mom and maybe they would not be taking her child away.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:19 AM
I couldn't hear the interaction between the people involved because of the by standers screaming in the back ground, where were the parents of the kid who kept using the F bomb every other word.

Watching the little boy and his Mom cling to each other was pretty heart wrenching. As for the cop hitting him, had it been anyone other then a cop dragging that kid against his will we would have applauded the kid for biting him and trying to escape....

The only information I could find was in the Huffington Post and it claimed the Mother was living in a bus in the park, and claimed the kid was taken by the biological Father, but that seems kind of unclear, and the kid in the video clearly says the man taking him is not his Father. I also heard child support come up on the video, and I'm guessing that is in some way connected to why this Woman's child is being given to this Woman's "ex". There is apparently a custody dispute over this kid, and it should have been handled by the courts....the whole thing is very sad...

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Theres not enough real crime so instead theyre busy terrorizing the average citizen.

Coupled with the militarization of the police, that statement above is the bottom line.

We have way too many cops who aren't doing anything, so instead they *find* things to do, and *find* crime, which targets the average citizen for BS. And that's exactly what it is, usually: BS. If chewing gum were illegal, cops would have a field day because "it's against the law," regardless if it hurts anyone. Makes me sick.

Can't watch the video now, but when a trained cop can't control or restrain an 8 year kid without striking (assaulting—and getting away with it), there is a HUGE problem in this society.

This stuff needs to stop.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:33 AM
No discipline at home, no discipline at school, no discipline by the police........too many do gooder political correct nobs in power.

If a child is never disciplined, they grow into adults with bad attitudes, like the ones moaning that the police are too heavy handed and the police dont have the right to do this that or the other. The police arent all bad, despite what you read on conspiracy sites and that dodgy government run site InfoWars.

Had the parent taught the child some respect i doubt he would have bit the wonder the kid was being taken away by child services, clearly the mother cannot bring up the child. No dad, no discipline.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

Didn't look like much of a hit. Hearing the people around him I can see why there is trouble.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 09:45 AM
We do not know the reason why the police were taking the child, but according to the link, it was due to CPS involvement. What I do not understand, is where were the vehicles or CPS persons when this was happening? And why did the ex boyfriend have custody of this child? There are way too many questions that are not being answered.

That being said, there is one other thing that can be stated. Normally with videos, it is clear on the action, but as much as I hate to say it, I have to agree, it looks like the child did bite the officer, though it was apparently to get the officer to let go.

But be it as it may, what should be more concerned, is that the child is crying out in pain before that, indicating that the child was being gripped too tightly by the officer.
edit on 7-8-2013 by sdcigarpig because: reviewed the vid on full screen.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 10:02 AM
The mom was talking to the cop and said, "downloaded a bunch of child pornography". Who was this in reference to? Was it the hipster who the child was going into custody with? Or was she spouting out hypotheticals?

Definitely a white-trash neighborhood, and lots of assumptions being screamed in the background, but if that guy truly was a known pedo, he should not have been taking custody of that child.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 03:42 PM
I wouldve popped the little brat also. Then for good measure, I wouldve popped his mother in that foul mouth of hers.
White trash at its finest.

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