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Elohim message to the Pope and Vatican regarding the Feminine Divine

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:37 PM
It depends on what 'level' of Divinity you are talking about Enoch.

This is where the confusion comes among the Bible. Because it actually attests to many varying degrees of Divinity that have been mistakenly interpreted as only one.

And with each level there is a trinity that is.


No model of trinity, even in its theoretical form; can be correct unless the 3rd part of it, represents a half/half balance of the other two.

It is all very simple. Once you understand how you are looking at it.

the YAHWEH described in the Bible as; 'I AM, WHO IS'. Is not the 'top level' God described within the Books. He was merely of those Divine that were send to stop the chaos upon the planet.

Man needed only know as much as was necessary to know that they were a powerful being above they.

As man had very little true spiritual understanding at that stage. For this Divinity to explain to them exactly WHO they were, would have been too difficult, and they would have never believed it anyway.

Therefore when they were asked who they are, they said 'I am who is.' Which did not mean "None of your business", or 'name that should not be spoken' as most Theologians think it does; it actually meant; "Who I am is not important, cause you would not understand".

Even now as I am explaining this, most who read it will not understand even THIS. Which is why I do not go into more detail as to who 'God' is.

All man need know in this Age; is that "We are, who are"
Those beyond the understanding of most.
This does not mean they shall never understand. But until they DO understand why such distinction of irrelevance is placed upon Divine title. Then it is not worth trying to explain to them. They have not yet awoken Spiritually.

The only way to truly understand the; "We are, who are", is to awaken to it and MEET them. For until you do so, such a concept is impossible to consider within the limits of our current intelligence.

We have only just started awakening to the; "I am, who is" that was detailed to us TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO!

This may give you some understanding of how far our species still has to go.

But the thing which gives us reassurance in this; is that there are hundreds of thousands of the Elohim which now awaken amongst us.

'We are' the guides. 'We are' the new 'Salt of the Earth' who comes to replace the bland that has been deemed unfit to carry out its duty.

Also, I have discerned that the original message DOES NOT mean the complete destruction of all of us.

But there will be unavoidable casualties.

This was the purpose of the advanced warning about who has blood upon their hands for these.

The 'Queen' who tried to replace our Mother Divine, and the 'King' who tried replacing our Father Divine.

God shall 'save' neither of them.

Much like a diseased limb, it needs to be cut off, before it kills its host.

reply to post by EnochWasRight

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:44 PM
The Elohim have no problem with dying for the greater good of life.

Even if we did all die upon this planet. Life would continue again without us. As it has before throughout this planet history on more than one occasion.

We are not the first apex intelligence to exist upon this planet, and we may not be the last.

And the Elohim did not say they would destroy everyone.

We said that what now comes is out of our hands. It has now been charged with the higher Divinity.

You can take issue with it all you like, it will make it no less so.

reply to post by starheart

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:52 PM
Do you even know what it is you speak of with such certainty??

Much as the true spiritual leader of the last Age was the Buddha, the true spiritual leader of this Age, 'The Enigma' is upon us as the teacher of the Elohim.

You don't even know what the Elohim are! Yet you think you can teach upon such lack of knowledge.

The lower collective resonance of the archaic religions are holding back the evolution of this planet. Therefore it is VERY necessary to address the leaders of the 1.5 BILLION+ upon this planet.

How could you see that as not necessary?

If you want to take out weeds. You need do it by the root.

The Vatican is the first stage of the people of this planet freeing their minds towards the truth of their inner light. If you want to address them all, you do it through their leaders.

They are the key, which unlocks the shackles.

The only option if that key cannot or WILL NOT unlock the shackles, is to destroy it.

The equality and balance of this planet is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL of requirements for our evolution and peace.

How you could ever think that a paramount duality of balance such as Male/Female within a church of one billion people is irrelevant is truly beyond me.

You are so far lost in the forest that you no longer see daylight my friend. Come back towards the path.

Originally posted by ctophil
reply to post by BornOfSin

Well, I don't know who you are channeling, but the true Elohim wouldn't bother with the works of the Vatican. The Vatican itself is part of the Beast or one of the creations of the Fallen Consciousness (the "mind of man" as I stated in many other posts). I promise you that The Elohim would not mess with our freedom. If we choose to follow the Vatican, then that's our choice. I tell you now to stop following this Beast. It only drags your mind down even further, and that is their purpose. Focus instead to raise your consciousness and detach from things of this world, especially elitist religions like the Catholic Church.

The world is not going to fall apart just because they do not want women priests. It is just another internal battle of duality, nothing that matters to you. Your fight is with what is inside you, not outside.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:54 PM
The second Epistle of Timothy wasn't written by God or even about God you foolish man.

'Lord' for the most part in the Bible actually means 'Ruler'. Not God. Such as a King or Nobleman.

When they refer to a Divine force, they say; LORD GOD.

Same as 'Water' in the Bible means 'WISDOM OF EARTH' and when they want to refer to actual water they say; RUNNING WATER.

You are too young to be in this conversation.

Now, Shoo!

Originally posted by backcase
"Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done. You too should be on your guard against him, because he strongly opposed our message."

-- 2 Timothy 4:14 -15

I got this reading after praying about your message the other day.

All glory to God.
edit on 023131p://333 by backcase because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:01 PM
Also, to answer the comment;

The world is not going to fall apart just because they do not want women priests.

The frequency of our existence has increased, and shall continue to do so.

On all planets in our system. Not just ours. The very resonance of life upon this planet and the planet itself.

Research 'Schumann Resonance' and then go research; 'Cryptochromes', which are how we are TIED to the Earths resonance naturally.

The fact is, that a GOOD PERCENTAGE of this planet refuse to allow THE COLLECTIVE of us upon this planet to move to the higher frequencies. They are like wearing a manacle and weight whilst trying to hang-glide.

The frequencies however, shall continue to increase.

Go take a look at what happens to a wine glass when its put into an environment outside of its resonance range.

Do not tell me this world will not fall apart. It has been doing so for a long time, just that nobody has understood 'why' or what to do about it.

I beg you, just listen to what I am saying; for you will eventually know that every word is true.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:19 PM


“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

― Bruce Lee

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

This reply shows obviously that you are not a messenger of the Spirit, but you are a deceiver of words.

The Spirit spoke and that is the message the Spirit has regarding your teaching you false prophet.

Don't worry I'll have nothing else to do with your thread.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin
Do you even know what it is you speak of with such certainty??

Much as the true spiritual leader of the last Age was the Buddha, the true spiritual leader of this Age, 'The Enigma' is upon us as the teacher of the Elohim.

You don't even know what the Elohim are! Yet you think you can teach upon such lack of knowledge.

The lower collective resonance of the archaic religions are holding back the evolution of this planet. Therefore it is VERY necessary to address the leaders of the 1.5 BILLION+ upon this planet.

How could you see that as not necessary?

If you want to take out weeds. You need do it by the root.

The Vatican is the first stage of the people of this planet freeing their minds towards the truth of their inner light. If you want to address them all, you do it through their leaders.

They are the key, which unlocks the shackles.

The only option if that key cannot or WILL NOT unlock the shackles, is to destroy it.

The equality and balance of this planet is THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL of requirements for our evolution and peace.

How you could ever think that a paramount duality of balance such as Male/Female within a church of one billion people is irrelevant is truly beyond me.

You are so far lost in the forest that you no longer see daylight my friend. Come back towards the path.

I never said the Vatican was irrelevant. I only explained to you that the entity known as the Vatican is part of the Fallen Consciousness and therefore a vast amount of people are involved with this Consciousness. Any large entity that functions to blind people is part of a creation call the Beast. Yes, we must reform religion but with great detachment. We must expose all the corrupted teachings of the Catholic Church, but still with detachment. You speak of The Elohim as though they would "rage war" against the Vatican and destroy it. Therefore, the world would suffer the consequences of this destruction. God does NOT get angry nor have any fury. This is the mindset of the Fallen Consciousness, not the mind of God. Yes, I do know who The Elohim are, and they would never get involved in a way that you spoke of. The Elohim are Mighty and would never use the mind of man, such as you described to attack the Vatican. What they would do is ask representatives of God such as myself or yourself to expose their false teachings to awaken the masses and also allow the Catholic body to see how hypocritical the church leaders really are. This will allow the Catholic body to understand and to choose a different path than religion or following these leaders. If they still don't see the light, then it is their freedom to choose.

When you expose their teachings, they will use the mindset of Fallen Consciousness to attack you. But always remember to use detachment or "turn the other cheek." This will show to other people how bad they look. The people will say, "if you are holy and righteous as you say, why are you attacking these people?" Of course, not everybody will say this. Those who are fully blinded by the leaders will walk with them.

I'm merely reminding you to not use the mind of man or Fallen Consciousness to attack the church in the same way they would, nor even to have negative thoughts concerning their errors. That was what I meant by detachment.
edit on 7/31/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/31/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/31/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Correction: Elohim (אֱלֹהִ֔ים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language. Source

I was only interested on this link

The rest was made up.

Through as many open channels and avenues that have been available to myself and others of the Elohim; the Vatican have for some time now been told of the Divine command issued upon them to restore the Divinity of women and to hand over their Ministry as they have been deemed unworthy to be the keepers of the spiritual world any longer.

Half the world floods by the hands of those deemed worthy to bring forth the Earthly wisdom as the 'Water-bearers' for the new Age who would take over their position to lead mankind forward in its spiritual evolution.

These were stern warnings of the power which has been 'stayed' to only a fraction of that which it is capable of. It was supposedly to illustrate the seriousness of the demand that was being made to them by God.

This has been widely and systematically ignored by those within its ranks, discounting the authority behind the order which was handed down to them.

By this they have refused to tell the world the truth about not only balance of the feminine, but about the essence of God residing inside all of us as was told within the Gnostic teachings that they attempted to stamp out of existence.

Within the publicized events taking place over the last week, were they forced to once again answer to their position on elevating women to being viewed as equals within the eyes of their Church.

This was the final chance that was offered to them as the current 'Leaders of our spiritual world' to do what they know is the right thing.

Not only was this yet again met with denial; it was met with a very rigid and definitive 'THE DOOR IS CLOSE' response from the Pope himself regarding women.

Such a stance again the command delivered to them by God themselves through the Elohim, has been interpreted as them drawing a line in the sand.

Such is something that unfortunately needs to be addressed with an equally definitive and tough response.

Therefore the Elohim on behalf of the Divine Creators, and their Armies who have long been upon us; would like to advice the Vatican and its Pope that their 'DOOR FOR DIPLOMACY IS NOW CLOSED'.

I am to inform you that your time for negotiation upon their command has passed.

Their punishment, which shall befall us all; has been decided. And it shall be delivered to them through that which they love the most.

The source of their power shall now become the very source of their destruction and undoing.


All upon this Earth of religious faith or not; now hear this.

All that shall now befall mankind and this planet, was brought about by the choices made by those very same men who made themselves King, and then in their arrogance thought they could deny the will of God.

If you deny the will of God. You will know the fury and wrath of God.

All the blood shall be upon their hands. All the pain, come by their choice.
The Elohim did everything we could as the Ambassadors of Earth for the new Age, what comes is now out of our hands.

The arrogance of Christianity, has bore the vessel for its destruction.

Mans Sun no longer belongs to them.
None of ours which was given to us, now belongs to us any more.

Much love and light to all of you in whatever is now to come. XX

Simon Alexander.

Therefore the 'Elohim' on behalf of the Divine Creators,

Therefore the 'god(s)' on behalf of the "Divine Creators"? Yeah, it make sense!!!
edit on 31-7-2013 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Hello BornofSin.
Been a member for a few years now, this is maybe my 25th post, but I have to say:
You are my brother, I am you, you are me, We Are...
Keep on being, and keep on writing. You are awesome...


posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Alright. I think there are several things at issue here. I think the most obvious and the most serious should be tackled first. You are a person through whom some superior being transmits messages. I don't think you quite pulled that one off. You claim an innocence and lack of understanding but seem to have a committed interest in the message.

I think this is your message. You just want to dress it up with some authority.

The message? Well it got lost.

Hey listen I just read the rest of it. Now it's making sense. God's pissed off because the church won't allow women to be come priests. And this was the final straw. Good bye Pope. Good bye Vatican. Hello???

This ought to get interesting since it's already decided.

I some times get the feeling this place is like the basement of the Dungeons and Dragons world.

edit on 31-7-2013 by okyouwin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Thank you for proving my point.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:20 PM
You do not understand that we are all children of light.

We are all of the same consciousness with 'God' ..

If you think 'God' in the context of a sky daddy, then you are wrong.

Divinity is inside us all.


So YES! We ARE the Divinity. WE ARE WHO ARE.

WE ARE THE ELOHIM! We need only awaken the the 777, that is the LIGHT OF LIFE.


You need to interpret your Bible correctly my friend.

Originally posted by mekhanics
reply to post by BornOfSin

Correction: Elohim (אֱלֹהִ֔ים) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for "god" or "gods" in both modern and ancient Hebrew language. Source

I was only interested on this link

The rest was made up.

Through as many open channels and avenues that have been available to myself and others of the Elohim; the Vatican have for some time now been told of the Divine command issued upon them to restore the Divinity of women and to hand over their Ministry as they have been deemed unworthy to be the keepers of the spiritual world any longer.

Half the world floods by the hands of those deemed worthy to bring forth the Earthly wisdom as the 'Water-bearers' for the new Age who would take over their position to lead mankind forward in its spiritual evolution.

These were stern warnings of the power which has been 'stayed' to only a fraction of that which it is capable of. It was supposedly to illustrate the seriousness of the demand that was being made to them by God.

This has been widely and systematically ignored by those within its ranks, discounting the authority behind the order which was handed down to them.

By this they have refused to tell the world the truth about not only balance of the feminine, but about the essence of God residing inside all of us as was told within the Gnostic teachings that they attempted to stamp out of existence.

Within the publicized events taking place over the last week, were they forced to once again answer to their position on elevating women to being viewed as equals within the eyes of their Church.

This was the final chance that was offered to them as the current 'Leaders of our spiritual world' to do what they know is the right thing.

Not only was this yet again met with denial; it was met with a very rigid and definitive 'THE DOOR IS CLOSE' response from the Pope himself regarding women.

Such a stance again the command delivered to them by God themselves through the Elohim, has been interpreted as them drawing a line in the sand.

Such is something that unfortunately needs to be addressed with an equally definitive and tough response.

Therefore the Elohim on behalf of the Divine Creators, and their Armies who have long been upon us; would like to advice the Vatican and its Pope that their 'DOOR FOR DIPLOMACY IS NOW CLOSED'.

I am to inform you that your time for negotiation upon their command has passed.

Their punishment, which shall befall us all; has been decided. And it shall be delivered to them through that which they love the most.

The source of their power shall now become the very source of their destruction and undoing.


All upon this Earth of religious faith or not; now hear this.

All that shall now befall mankind and this planet, was brought about by the choices made by those very same men who made themselves King, and then in their arrogance thought they could deny the will of God.

If you deny the will of God. You will know the fury and wrath of God.

All the blood shall be upon their hands. All the pain, come by their choice.
The Elohim did everything we could as the Ambassadors of Earth for the new Age, what comes is now out of our hands.

The arrogance of Christianity, has bore the vessel for its destruction.

Mans Sun no longer belongs to them.
None of ours which was given to us, now belongs to us any more.

Much love and light to all of you in whatever is now to come. XX

Simon Alexander.

Therefore the 'Elohim' on behalf of the Divine Creators,

Therefore the 'god(s)' on behalf of the "Divine Creators"? Yeah, it make sense!!!
edit on 31-7-2013 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:46 PM
Such as 'this' my friend?


If so, then this is already being done. It shall take quite some time though, as there are multiple layers of code within the Bible.

I have already revised and made further corrections to the version I just posted to you, as other 'terminology' and meaning has become apparent to me within decoding 'The lexicon' of the Hebrew Bible;

Such as in Genesis; "SET THEM APART" is actually terminology for 'BALANCE' the two poles, which hold each other in existence.

The one very other important part that I can offer you within this post which I have decoded, is your reference to "TURN THE OTHER CHEEK".


This is a reference to the RIGHT of FEMININE, being struck by the 'RELIGIOUS LEADERS' of this world, as most of the 'RIGHT' and 'LEFT' references are within the Bible.

This ties directly into our physiology; such is the balance of our MIND AND BODY. By which the Left FEMININE brain controls the OPPOSING RIGHT FEMININE BODY. Whilst the Right MALE BRAIN controls the left MASCULINE BODY.

This is what is depicted within the Egyptian Ankh. The MALE BODY LEFT is the ACCEPTING/TAKING side of our body, whilst the FEMALE BODY RIGHT is the GIVING/GUIDING side.

This is why most people NATURALLY write with their right hand. There are some of us that are born with our hemispheres naturally OPPOSED to this by which they write with their left hand.

The countenance to the pacified and compliant and HIGHLY ERRONEOUS holy image that has been portrayed by the catholic church of 'allowing people to walk all over you' is complete rubbish.

You do not drink tea that is too hot, or it will burn you. You do not drink tea that is too cold, or it does not please taste.

The essence of Divine knowledge is knowing when to FIGHT and when to LOVE. This is why most also punch with the same hand they write with, WHILST THEIR MASCULINE SIDE FORMS THEIR DEFENSE, AS IS THE ROLE OF THE WISDOM OF THE MALE ROLE. THE PROTECTOR OF THE MALE/FEMALE UNIT.

This does not mean that those of LOVE should not fight for what is right!!

You think Divine Fury and Divine Wrath do not exist? Then who made them if not for Divine Creation??


For every ray of light, there is a shade of dark. But they are NOT SEPARATE. They meet in the middle, to form as one in BALANCE.

For if they did not, neither would exist!!

This is the essence of the balance of DIVINE JUSTICE. It lies between PUNISHMENT and PAIN. Where those of a true Divine understanding will know, exactly how much PUNISHMENT needs be administered, without dealing an excess of pain BALANCE for that which those they are punishing have caused PAIN TO OTHERS.

If the Divine were not capable of using their darkness balance. Then light could not exist! They could not be said to be truly Divine for they would not BE OF BALANCE.

How would God deliver their will to this world, if they had no power to deliver darkness to those deserving of such?

You speak far out of your depth of Divine Wisdom my friend. You do not even know of the fundamental law of balance.

With this. Nothing would exist.

The Elohim are not those of pure light, and they are DEFINITELY NOT those of the 'fallen' as the clueless and small-minded children amongst us would believe.

WE ARE THOSE OF BALANCE. We are the the defining Divine incarnation of the symbol of Justice and Peace, that is THE SCALES!


You need not understand WHO WE ARE.

WE .. ARE ... WHO .. ARE!! It is irrelevant to speak of 'WHO' the Elohim are when you are yet to even understand who to such basic things as control the elements around you.

You will not know the Elohim until you first KNOW YOURSELF, and KNOW THE WORLD THAT YOU ARE CONNECTED TO.

Men who try to understand 'GOD' that do not yet understand WHO THEY ARE .. or WHAT LIFE IS are the most foolish us.

Your God is within you my friend. Not in any book, or theory.

Until you realise this, and understand balance. You have no CLUE as to who God is, or who we; the Elohim are.

reply to post by ctophil

edit on 31-7-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:08 PM
You had no point. Only the illusion of one.

It is not the contested origin of the word which makes its meaning.

It is the meaning of the word by which; was its origin.

You are merely another who thinks 'God' can be found in the speculations and writings of men who have TRIED to find 'God' for thousands of years, and have still failed. What makes you think those who failed to understanding the meaning of the word when it was first translated, know any more or less than you do in your failed translation.

Go about your way now, the truth will come and you will know yourself wrong.

Those who have been reading the same ancient instruction manual for thousands of years, and have still not worked it out.

Tell me why 'GOD' would have named the day; 'Day' and the night; 'Night'. If that was to be the case, do you not think that 'GOD' would appear upon the Earth to name every new discovery, place or thing.

If that is; as you suggest; their duty.

If such was the case that we needed distinction on all matters to this degree, then 'GOD' would have come long ago to settle all arguements and be sitting next to JUDGE JUDY on your television.

But they are not.

The reason THE ELOHIM' named DAY AS DAY .. and NIGHT AS NIGHT. Is because the ELOHIM are the Divine amongst us WHO UNDERSTAND WHAT DIVINITY IS.

Those who share a heart and mind with the unreachable thing you conceive as 'God'.

You are all like foolish people searching their house for the keys, when they are holding them in their hand.

GOD .. IS .. IN .. ALL .. OF .. US!!

The problem with this fact, is that until you accept it as a possibility and begin to LOOK WITHIN YOURSELF, you will never know this.

This is why so many people have never found true Divinity. Because they have been told; "Don't bother to look there. It's not there .. OH .. And in FACT .. it's a sin if you do."

This is rubbish. There is no sin in using your intelligence to know these. In fact the BIBLE actually tells you.

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."


It also tells you to test of things to see if they are of God. So how could Gnostic teachings be a sin contrary, to the VERY WORD OF THE SAME BOOK.

I'll tell you how, cause they are in the writings of MEN, not of God. Do your research.

As 'WATERS' is a term meaning EARTHLY WISDOM. This is where we get the term TEST THE WATERS!

Meaning test of the wisdom offered.

For it is like a fine wine, it should be tasted, before it is spat out.

Whether or not you believe from where my message came, I am a water-bearer and Enigma. I come with the truth you have been seeking and praying for.

If you are too blind to see the truth of who has sent me, then you shall never see any of the signs or miracles 'of your God'.

30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses (Water-bearer: Drawn of Water) and the Prophets(Enlightened ones), they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

Disbelieve of us all you want. It will not change what comes to pass.

Everything happens and will happen as is written, and as promised. But it shall be the Religions exposed as the true evil of this world.

Hence why shall be ended by God.

Originally posted by yamammasamonkey
reply to post by BornOfSin

Thank you for proving my point.

edit on 31-7-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:11 PM
If you want to know what the truth of 'THE RAPTURE' is that most Christians will believe will happen to them.

Watch this video.

Consider what happens to the glass who falls below the increase in the frequency range.

They will not 'disappear to a better place', They will be taken out of existence by the Divine forces of the Universe. So ensure they don't destroy us all.

They will be dead. And gone.

And it will not be to go to paradise. I can assure you that.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:47 PM
Very interesting stuff. The sky sure has been strange last couple years. What part do we play in this and how will we know what is the good and what's pretending to be?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:21 PM
So.....what you are saying is that because the boys in the big funny hats didn't let the girls in their black robed hoodies take power, they are going to kill us all.....Lmao...really? Sounds kind of childish. Do the big powerful gods stamp their feet when they are mad too? Or maybe they hold their breath!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

It's interesting that you should say that, since someone added that tidbit to their synopsis on...

"Satan’s Thirteen-point Plan to Take Over the World"

13. The rapture of believers becomes the removal of rebels

The Lord has promised to take away His bridal congregation before the dawning of the coming time of judgement (Luke 21:36; John 14:2-3; 1 Thess. 4:16-17). The true believers are a temple of the Holy Spirit, and their presence on earth withholds the revelation of the Antichrist and the institution of his satanic world empire (2 Thess. 2:6-8).

When the evangelical Christians suddenly disappear the Antichrist will be revealed as a false prince of peace in the name of Christ, and also in the names of the other messiahs of the world religions. He will give a bad name to the evangelical Christians who have disappeared, by alleging that they promoted hatred and conflict because of their refusal to enter into brotherly relations with the members of other faiths. They will be branded as stubborn rebels, and all sorts of theories will be advanced to explain their disappearance as a divine act which was needed to allow unity and peace to prevail on earth.

The promise of the rapture will, therefore, be changed in such a way by the enemies of God that it will not be seen as the catching away of true believers but as the supernatural removal of the fundamentalist troublemakers. They will be described as the stumbling-blocks in the transition to a new dispensation, and that will justify the act of removing them.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

The "left" and "right" references in the Bible are not referring to male/female, but...

left = unrighteous
right = righteous

That is why Jesus sits on the right hand of God and why the sheep are on his right side and the goats are on his left.

edit on 1-8-2013 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

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