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Im new.. but whats this thing in the desert

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posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 11:28 AM
I was doing a little google exploring and I think I found something strange.. I actually grew up about 15 mins from this area and plan to check the coordinates personally this coming weekend..

Anyway to get to the point there is a very dark shadow like spot in the middle of the desert.. It is definitely not a shadow.. It appears to be about 15-20' x 7-10'.. This is just a guess..

Weird.. Maybe its just a camera error.. If it were a shadow it seems too dark and not from a tree or giant boulder.. I don't think its a hole in the ground although that may be possible..

Here are the cords..
33d47'24.65" N
112d22'45.88" W

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 11:34 AM
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