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Palin, I Was Forbidden From Telling The Truth

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posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by beezzer

But she ditches Alaska giving up being Governor to run out and get rich.

Breathe of free air my butt!

She gave up her job to run for veep.

Obama gave up his job to run for president.

And personally, if she wanted to get rich, then why the hell not? Wish I could.

Sorry, Palin did not give up her job to run for Veep. After the 2008 election she went back to being Governor of Alaska. She resigned in July 2009.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Progessive women were demanding she abort her baby? Now, again, what planet are you reporting from?

You can say someone is not capable of handling the Presidency of the USA without trashing. For example, I can say within good reason, that you are not. That I am not. The OP is not. It's all part of the decision making process.

Sarah Palin is not. If you don't see her problems, then you don't. Other's do. It's why she's not in office.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Palin On Fox News: I Was Forbidden From Telling The Truth

They say hindsight is twenty twenty, in light of the past five years she is telling us things some of us already knew, however I don't think she went far enough, or she doesn't really see it yet, that McCain threw the election and it is starting to look like the same for Romney, the democrats and republicans two sides of the same coin.

I believe Palin was truly a rouge outsider and the GOP was afraid of her.

And the way the press vilified her, how they attacked her family, the press in Obama's pocket, I bet they were given their marching orders from who ever is really running this show in Washington.

I will never forget the hatred on this forum and others, how people despised this women, to the point of death threats.

The power of the press and the power of suggestion, the weakness of our minds and our willingness to follow the herd mentality.

Sorry mate, but the press has no power over me and I make up my own mind, I just didn't like her through instinct

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Ok. My bad.

She quit then. Then made buckets of money.

*shakes an angry fist*

Let's all hate her!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:58 AM

Mediaite, a left wing website that tracks the media, also ranks the power of TV pundits. 175 pundits in all made their list.

Awhile back, Whitney Pitcher and I put together a list of Governor Palin’s executive accomplishments. That list later became an article featured on Breitbart’s Big Government, as an answer to those who proclaim that Governor Palin was somehow "unqualified" to be on the 2008 Republican ticket. Using facts and historical record, Whitney and I compiled a list that proves every single-one of these people wrong. Keep in mind, most of the people making this assertion (including former McCain staff members), voted for a junior senator from Illinois (with a less than stellar record) in that election.

List of accomplishments

Palin's approval rating average from the time of her inauguration until John McCain selected her as his running mate was 77.38%. Her consistently high approval ratings reached their zenith in May of 2007, at 93%.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Ok. My bad.

She quit then. Then made buckets of money.

*shakes an angry fist*

Let's all hate her!

and she deserves every penny

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by Happy1

I haven't bothered to read this whole thread because I know how idiots have thrown their unemcumbered brains with the ignorant media.

It hard to read through, but like I said, time will tell, after all these years of Obama and all the scandals,

On 'Phony Scandals' - Exposes The Lies

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:09 AM
Palin was a pretty face that was good speaking to a small sector of society that just so happened to make up a good portion of the small population of Alaska. On paper she seemed like a great idea. However small state politics does not transition well to global leaader without a lot of work inbetween. I do not thin Palin is stupid like most people do, I think she just does not care. Once she saw she had an small loyal audience that would buy into her corny version of reality she made an industry of it. What I do not understand is to this day she does not seem to have anybody on her staff that can coach her before events and keep from saying stupid things. Again I think this simply she does not care about anything beyond her brand and she assumes the people who follow her are so loyal she can do or say anything she wants and they will stay loyal. She is like Justin Beiber, most people can not stand him but, he caters to loyal audience who does not care what he does or how poorly he does it. Palin is a celebrity and that is how she sells herself. She does not care if most people take her seriously only that they buy her books and supports her speaking enagements. Nothing wrong with that.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:13 AM
I am going to push my quote here,

“To learn who rules over you simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.”

High time people used that portion of their brain that has been lying dormant for centuries.

How many times have you made an instant judgment about someone or something, only to realize later, you were wrong?

Sit back and examine what motivates you?

Our “Judgment Jerk” shows up when we’re using past programing and emotion to navigate a current situation. A past pain, parental, religious, societal programming, jealousy and fear can be the reasons for being judgmental.

Analyses your own shortcomings, understanding oneself.

Discernment is the ability to distinguish how we approach decision making.

It is OK to be wrong, it is OK to make mistakes.

Choosing discernment over judgment affects success by providing the best quality decisions. A discernment based approach uses information and questioning over purely emotional states.

“To learn who rules over you simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.”

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by BellaSabre

Progessive women were demanding she abort her baby? Now, again, what planet are you reporting from?

Actually that is true, some women thought she was horrible for having a disabled child.

I have a list of the horrible things people did and said to her.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:20 AM
This is just few, and I remember them

Liberal pundit and columnist Maureen Dowd referred to "extra chromosome conservatives" in an interview with Bill Maher's on HBO. The National Down Syndrome Society issued a statement saying use of the term "extra chromosome" as a negative descriptor "is insensitive and demeaning to the more than 350,000 people in the United States who have Down syndrome, which occurs when there is an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. Regardless of who originally coined the term... Ms. Dowd has perpetuated it as a slur against hundreds of thousands of Americans who are contributing members of society and who deserve the same respect that we all expect."[3]

Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is reported to commonly denigrate persons he disagrees with as "retarded;" he was pointedly criticized for this by Sarah Palin.[4]
Former Vice President, Nobel Prize winner, and senior Democratic Party elder statesman Al Gore mocked children with Down syndrome by referring to his political critics as having "an extra chromosome."[5]

On March 3 2009, President Obama ridiculed children with disabilities on Jay Leno's program when answering a question about his bowling prowess. Obama said "It was like Special Olympics." [6][7] [8]
Obama on Jay Leno's Tonight Show,
March 3, 2009.
The CEO of the Special Olympics defended the program noting the President had "set us back decades with his comments."[9] Gov. Sarah Palin, whose youngest son Trig was born with Down syndrome, reacted, "This was a degrading remark about our world's most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world." In her resignation speech as Governor of Alaska, Palin stated: "[T]his decision comes after much consideration, and polling the most important people in my life - my children, where the count was unanimous. In response to asking: 'Want me to make a positive difference and fight for ALL our children's future from OUTSIDE the Governor's office?' It was four "yes's" and one "hell yeah!" ... much of it had to do with the kids seeing their baby brother Trig mocked by some pretty mean-spirited adults ..."[10] In responses to Obama's comments, Kevin McConiughey, an actual Special Olympics bowling champion with an average game score of 266, reportedly challenged the President to a match at the White House bowling alley. The President apparently declined, as there were no reports indicating he accepted. [11]
The extreme liberal website Wonkette carried a series is grotesquely disparaging remarks directed at Trig Palin on his 3rd birthday. Wonkette only relented and removed the content after Papa Johns, Huggies, the Vanguard Group, Holland America Cruises, Nordstrom, Bob Evans Farms, Reliant Energy, DealSwarm and Coldwell Banker joined in a boycott and pulled thier advertising from the site.[12]

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:22 AM
there is a lot

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:27 AM
Objectivist’ Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted

Read more:

In stunningly self-centered, cruel fashion, Nicholas Provenzo, writer for the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism suggests that Sarah Palin’s decision to give birth to a child with Down Syndrome, is a financial burden that others are forced to suffer with.

Provenzo, who has written opinion pieces for the Washington Times, Capitalism Magazine, and the Atlanta Journal Constitution, as well as being a guest on Bill Maher’s former show, Politically Incorrect, makes his case for “the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome.”

The full first paragraph of the piece which is circulating amidst the blogosphere reads (emphasis mine):

Like many, I am troubled by the implications of Alaska governor and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome. Given that Palin's decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny.

Read more:

I am sure some would agree with him.

“To learn who rules over you simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.” —Voltaire
edit on 093131p://bSunday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:32 AM
“To learn who rules over you simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.”

Bailing Out Obamacare: Sarah Palin Was Right

I missed this piece from Steven Rattner (who was a key figure in the Obama auto bailout) when it appeared in the NY Times a couple weeks ago. Tacitly acknowledging that costs are going to soar out of sight, Rattner opens with this frank admission: “We need death panels.” Jonah Goldberg wonders: When can Sarah Palin expect her letter of apology?”

Rattner goes on to back away from “death panels,” but instead uses the R-word: rationing.

Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.

But in the pantheon of toxic issues — the famous “third rails” of American politics — none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceutical.

Critics of Obamacare have been right all along

Oh yes, who is stupid?

“To learn who rules over you simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.”

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Women don't say things like that to other women. We just don't.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I'm sorry, but are you seriously citing Conservapedia as a source? Conservapedia??? The dying website that's been culling its authors for years as Andy Schlafly runs around in ever-decreasing circles as he yaps incessantly about how nasty and ebil that those darn libruls are? Sorry but -

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by muse7

Originally posted by neo96
Yeah nothing like the endless comments attacking Sarah Palin's intelligence rather hollow considering the flip side of the coin of Pelosi.

Really i expect as much from the party of 'tolerance','empathy',compassion' and 'equality'.

Palin was a liberal?

The left would lover her.
edit on 27-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

What does Nancy Pelosi have to do with this thread?

It's called a straw man argument..

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:14 AM
Everything she said is pretty much true.

The GOP and the Dems are ruining everything with their scandals.

I just wish Mrs Palin would open her mind beyond the Republican propaganda. Obama is a puppet, the real problems in this nation are far deeper and more complex. Like think tanks and their power over policy, etc.

The media has no credibility anymore. We can fact check.

Thanks for sharing the video.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:18 AM
The bias predetermined angst-filled reactions to the OP are typical for ignorance and arrogance.

The OP can be easily discussed without falling into the old lame Dem vs Rep insult-ridicule festival.

The fact that people don't even listen to what the video said, but are willing to attack it vehemently based purely on SHALLOW PREJUDICES, have no credibility with someone like myself who has higher standards.

Haters gonna hate?

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:21 AM
Look don't get me wrong, I personally presume Palin is a paid actor reading a script.
That's my own assessment.

That this is all fake.

However, I am at least willing to investigate before I lay judgement on the validity of her soul as a human being.
And I don't really see much different about her than with anyone else.

People say she is stupid all of the time, but really are they any smarter?
I say no, they are not.

On the bright side at least Mrs Palin admitted a lot of truths, which is good no matter how you slice it.

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