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Looney toons your American mind. Ready for deconstruction, grandpa style? My net-centric warfare.

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by tadaman

wait, I was a Lucky one, Im just a disabled vet, my other previous gen family wasn't so lucky. They were drafted and died.

guess what? those born poor stay poor usually, and those born rich stay rich, usually.

ANY SOCIETY where the grandson of a THIEF has a better life than the grandson of someone who died at Normandy..


"America Dream, gotta be asleep" George Carlin.

you know the INTERNMENT CAMP America!!

where is that in the cartoon?

Yahoo current article about it, in IDAHO.. yeah A'MURCA is sweeeet.. always been sweeeet!
edit on 27-7-2013 by HanzHenry because: post addition

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I hate the America that gives TRILLIONS of dollars to corporations in order to procure weapons and goods with which to fight ILLEGAL OVERSEAS WARS OF CONQUEST while refusing to give it's citizens health care and higher education. THAT IS THE AMERICA I WOULD GLADLY DESTROY! We should have the right to FREE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION, but the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX GETS ALL OF OUR TAX MONEY. Our congressmen and senators have stock in these corporations and a vested financial interest in supporting them.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

so because you feel slighted all must fall under your righteous hammer of pain and disenfranchisement?

interesting ......but only because I have seen it before.

who were you BEFORE you were slighted? Was that man any different to you now?

I will say shrunk when you should have grown. Stand on your honor ....that is all you ever had....or never had.

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by HanzHenry

I hate the America that gives TRILLIONS of dollars to corporations in order to procure weapons and goods with which to fight ILLEGAL OVERSEAS WARS OF CONQUEST while refusing to give it's citizens health care and higher education. THAT IS THE AMERICA I WOULD GLADLY DESTROY! We should have the right to FREE HEALTH CARE AND EDUCATION, but the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX GETS ALL OF OUR TAX MONEY. Our congressmen and senators have stock in these corporations and a vested financial interest in supporting them.

YES!! .

The only time America was free was the post civil war - pre1929.

the 1913 actions took over a decade to crash it.


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

So your hatered of the US also demands something of it?

I see.

And you justify this absurd and selfish mentality because of your ability for spewing propaganda which makes you somehow above others who 'just dont get it"......I now understand why you hate with the passion of an angry child.

I do not fear you or feel much of anything for you. Those like you have come and gone before. Always you are a corrupted person /people.....that mentality needs to corrupt since it does not create. It is a force of unsatisfied and feral destruction veiled in false concern for others.

You just cant hang....and so you dont want anyone to play....Break the toys little boy. We were playing with our imagination anyways. Our vision and core is always the force of more, your jaded sight and empty heart is always in an act of subtraction from others and what is theirs.

you need us....that is the funny part of it.....yet you spit in our


Read some more are completely void of a global view of the coarse humanity has been on since ...forever.

You dont even understand what humanity is, let alone who yours or my people are.

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by HanzHenry

so because you feel slighted all must fall under your righteous hammer of pain and disenfranchisement?

interesting ......but only because I have seen it before.

who were you BEFORE you were slighted? Was that man any different to you now?

I will say shrunk when you should have grown. Stand on your honor ....that is all you ever had....or never had.

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

Honor.. I have .. I cant cope with the DISHONOR being REWARDED...DAILY

ANYONE, everyone should live the current equivalent of say a 150,000/yr lifestyle.
it can happen. just the greed.

that IS dishonor... greed..

AND ALL WITH WEALTH..... ARE GREEDY....the cartoon America... HIDES THE GREED!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by HanzHenry

Sucks for you......what can I say,

while you have been looking at what others have and are I have been worrying about what I have and am.

I dont need a perfect world to be happy. In fact I do quite well in an imperfect world....then again I dont feel I am owed anything. I am not a slave to the perfect I think exits. I am free by the Truth I know exists because I MAKE IT.

That is enough. In fact I consider myself wealthy in spirit. I lack nothing.


I am not impressed. Sorry. I know better.

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by tadaman

You are delusional! You need to listen more and talk less. You write many empty words that show you understand little. You use language to belittle those who understand what you cannot because you are too in love with hearing yourself talk.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by groingrinder

you need us....that is the funny part of it.....yet you spit in our

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

When you say "you need us....that is the funny part of it.....yet you spit in our" Who is us? Are you referring to fellow agents and provocateurs of the government? Who is this mysterious "us" that I so desperately need? Please identify yourselves. Demons come out of this man the blood of Christ demands it!!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:42 PM
I like the Op. It's a great notion but it isn't my experience. Most people don't want to help. Most people, when they befriend you... they want something from that friendship. As a matter of fact, one of the very last people I talked to just a couple of days ago could not stop themselves from showing rudeness and insecurity simply because I was sitting in a chair near them and the person they are pursuing. It has absolutely nothing to do with me but rather that person setting themselves up for disappointment in life because of the backass way they have to handle their crappy relationship issues that I could analyze into oblivion if I actually cared enough.

Before this took place, I was in town and listening to a bunch of guys posture and try to find ways to make those forced to overhear feel insecure (myself) so that they can get a psychological "one up" on my interactions with them, which unfortunately are mandatory and is yet another example of why I think about quitting altogether. Someone said "they don't even see you standing there, do they?" to reaffirm the offense. Of course they see me or they wouldn't be trying so hard to dominate my ego to make themselves feel better. Just a few hours before THAT I got to taste the biggest double standard one could pull out of their behind to remind me I have to be controlled when I already knew that and usually respect the rules, yet I looked around and could not account for half of the people who were ALSO supposed to be accounted for just like me.... and this goes on day in day out almost any time I hear another person speak. The devil seems to have their very tongues... and they are actually mild compared to the madness in the world. Is it my fault for not being stupid enough to not see it?
I could go on and on with daily examples. It's so pitiful to watch. Everyone has agenda in life but they are usually too ashamed or insecure to be able to admit that.

I have not spoken to anyone since these conversation because I can hardly stand to experience their deep rooted psychological issues... when all I want to do is leave... and why do I want to leave? because this is UNPLEASANT and they like it that way, so why should I have any empathy for them? Why would I aspire to have anything in common with them? I will have something in common with them when they experience things I have experienced and I'm forcing none of that on them, so they should leave me to my own thoughts and stop playing silly games convincing themselves that they can breach the boundaries of my mind and convince me as well. They've got a hell of a long way to go before I become like so many around me.

When I see them try to analyze others they often fail so miserably hard and seem to walk around in perpetual illusion.

i know there are smart people in this world who do not have shameful ulterior motives behind their backs... but they are hard to come by.

Anyone could break away from the urges that compels us to be crappy manipulative organisms, but seldom try.

I constantly have to keep my own thoughts, my own vibe in check because I feel my own ego wants to surface in a mad tirade, but I so often suppress that & eject that vibe from my mind because that is not what I want to give my time to. I see others just reacting, going off like triggers with no reservation. I don't agree with that at all and do not want to be near it, do not want to BE that. I don't want to be engaged in their tacky banter & constant thrill chasing, constant remarking, seldom reflecting.

The best is brought out in people who suffer.
Suffering forces one to suppress urge & practice reservation.
Since you cannot make them realize suffering & experience change, you have to acknowledge it in their place or choose to be ignorant & pretend their is no suffering. anyone can pretend Americans were meant to be the lucky ones who do not have bullets raining on them & do not have forced labor, but we are all one & the suffering of others will not be ignored. It will be realized.

People try to change my mind about people around me... and in the stupidest of ways, like they are going to force the realization upon me for my own good. It only widens the divide in their failure to realize how many of them waste so much of my time. Constant offense and I have to do nothing for the truth to be evident. They do all the work in their self incrimination. I don't have to do anything so is it really one's perception that needs changing... or the actions of people?

That's kind of ridiculous. What are they going to do? A brain transplant next to garner respect for Americans?
That's the closest you will get to "changing minds"

It would be much easier to change what you can change and that is within your self and your own actions.

this is why i deal with very few people and seek my own path rather than trying to dilute what I can no longer ignore. People who try to get inside my head have no respect and are just wasting time.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

how so? you just said a bunch of nonsense in the same manner in which you accuse me of doing.

also this is MY thread. You chose to participate and you chose to do so in a negative fashion. Your words were hateful and petty.

what did you expect? a kiss?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

us is the people that will pay for your free healthcare, education, and rent...because you did something wonderful by being born.....

you are too much man.

government agent out......

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by groingrinder

us is the people that will pay for your free healthcare, education, and rent...because you did something wonderful by being born.....

you are too much man.

government agent out......

I thought we were not getting health care.

I thought we were going to get fined for not having healthcare which is completely opposite to having healthcare.

I'd much rather not have healthcare then get fined for not having healthcare.

We don't have FREE healthcare now, nor will we.

We will have MANDATORY healthcare which we have to purchase OURSELVES... or be fined.

gee, thanks so much.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by groingrinder

us is the people that will pay for your free healthcare, education, and rent...because you did something wonderful by being born.....

you are too much man.

government agent out......

I pay taxes the same as you. I volunteer in my community and teach 3d modeling and uv mapping for free to those willing to learn. You talk lots, assume much, yet understand so little. I also never said I wanted free rent. You see what you did there? This thread is merely a memorial TO YOU. ALL HAIL tadaman!!! So much smarter than the ordinary man. Let us erect a statue to celebrate his greatness!

Why do you not decry the FREE GOVERNMENT HAND OUTS GIVEN TO THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX? Do you think it is OK to kill folks who are not Americans so corporations and congressmen can get rich?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

I don't like free hand outs of any sort.

you keep trying to make this about talking points......I keep insisting this is about ethos.

You are just hell bent in your hatred and so completely programed that it seems normal to you to respond in the only manner you know how. Talking points that are as played out as an mc hammer tune.

I don't like many things my government does, that doesn't instill hatred of my country though. I am not a closet maniac.

as far as a statue....I insist I be nude with fresh flowers making a glorious crown on my head which shall be plucked and shaped daily.

also good for you. I see you had to mention that you do so much. are you the sort of guy that talks about his community outreach activities on first dates? does that help?

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

thank you for sharing.

I completely understand what you say here. I too have felt like I was fighting off an invasion of sorts by ideas and others trying to gain ground in my mind.

It is difficult at times to deal with petty people that only look for momentary gains at the cost of a much better way of living with each other.

I am sure you have learned to not let it phase you...but I recommend you be weary of becoming too solitary.

sometimes the best way to avoid death is to drink its poison glutinously untill you are full and overflowing. After that it can not drown you.

also true happiness in life does drink from the cup of sorrow. Pain and suffering make us excel. That is very true friend.
be well and hold it down.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

I don't like it any more then you do. In fact I don't know very many people that like it and I live in NY......

seems like it was imposed on us because true dialogue would have made it obvious that the US could care less that other countries experimented with that socialist program and say they like the mentality of offering that service as a public service.

It was imposed on us by pulling the heart strings of Americans using the argument of "fair and equal for all"....because you can do what ever you want as long as its for the good of people..... even though they don't appreciate what you are doing or coming from......but you know its not fair that people who work can pay for health care and people who don't can't its fair whether you like it or not.

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by tadaman

I'm actually sad to see that your thread took this ominous tone. Perhaps I was hoping that because this is ATS - people might be a little more defiantly optimistic since, after all, we defy the system by just being here (participating in alternative media).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:15 PM
There is a HUGE difference between the ideals the US were founded upon, and what it has become today. Anyone who thinks that the US system, as it was originally designed, is somehow flawed, it is important to realize that American democracy is considered the high water mark of all governments that have ever existed. The noble ideas that respected philosophers were writing about around the time of the American Revolution, such as the idea of a social contract between a people and their government, are essentially the greatest form of political philosophy to ever have been put into practice.

I will not say the greatest political philosophy to have ever been developed, only put into practice. I say this because there are forms of socialism that I consider far superior, in terms of equality and happiness, to American democracy. But the type of socialism I am talking about essentially encompasses democracy. A system where the government, nor other classes, can oppress anyone, because what little government that remains is highly controlled by the people, and preventive steps ensure that there are no major class differences. This type of idea, although it exists on paper, has never been put into practice. In all the socialist and communist countries throughout the world, there still is the problem of a government oppressing the citizenry. THAT is not how those types of systems were designed to work.

Anyway, my point is that people seem to pick and choose what they wish to hold dear to them regarding differing aspects of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. For instance, the 2nd amendment. I have actually heard people say that it is "outdated," despite the fact our Founding Fathers made it explicitly clear in their writings that such a provision in the Constitution will ALWAYS be a necessity. Obviously some people do not understand WHY the 2nd amendment exists in the first place. It is there to act as the ONLY tool that the citizenry has to take back their government from tyrannical leaders.

Just look at how much our government does NOW that is unconstitutional. They should not be able to get away with it, but they do. It is common sense, not to mention law, that no law can be made that VIOLATES the Constitution. And sure, the people throw a fit, but what happens? Absolutely NOTHING. THAT is why we have the right to bear arms, because eventually we will have to take our government back. And then the government and ignorant people actually say that people saying the types of things I am saying are the problem...That we are the terrorists who incite unnecessary violence. But such violence is highly necessary. People like me have the Constitution and words of the Founding Fathers on their side, not to mention the LAW itself. So people like me are not the terrorists. We are the true patriots, and the government who wishes to oppress us are the true terrorists.

How can people not understand this fact? And it is a fact. There is ample evidence to back up every single statement I have made. And if that does not do it for you, how about everyone who doesn't want to listen just looks up the laws for themselves. Anything that goes against the Constitution is null and void.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
What if I told you that there it s truth out there that was once hard fought for and well deserved? What if the secret to American exceptionalism wasnt a word war in our favor. What if I told you that from our recent birth there was a creation of a movement to erase a past glistening with defiance, honor, and Truth?

What if now is no different or special to other times? What if we have been warned by everything our people once said as one voice and one spirit? Would you listen with honest hearts not out to make jaded and twisted what was once the word of honorable men? WHat if once there was a generation of our people that did not seek personal gain over the good of all. What if once there were men and women willing to literally die for our beliefs and way of life. Literally willing to risk it all so as to keep what we are in our core? WOuld you listen to their minds? WOuld you really hear them or do you consider yourself that much smarter, better for being privy to some special something or another they lacked?

What did they lack? The had their word, their honor and their choice in the face of harsh consequences. WHat do they lack next to you? What makes your "ideas" that much more superior and better so as to throw everything we are out the window? Were our peoples ancestors, your ancestors, and all that came before us so confused when they said what they said. "Beware, be faithful, be ever vigilant."

BE your people, dont change your people. If you love us, then accept us and your place by our side.

If you love someone you do not fall in love with what you think they can be. You fall in love with who they are, not who you think you can change them into.

If you are a US citizen, remember the people who made all that we are potentially, possible at all. Remember who made this banquet possible. Remember that all our noble ideals were made from honorable and LOYAL men and women working for their extended family....their country. NOT the neighbor feigning friendship out of convenience or necessity. Not some unrealistic ideal of a global family of cains and blood by common bond.

We are who we are. Accept us and love us for it. Love yourself and accept your self. There is no shame in who we are, so long as we dont change who we are so as to grow more shallow and false. More "less true".

WATCH THIS VIDEO for a glimpse of who we once were, (when we were truly loved).

edit on 27-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

You lost me at

American exceptionalism
You are nothing more than a Rush Limbaugh wannabe, even using his terms, he probably has them trademarked.

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