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Mississippi Police Want To Arrest The Satanists Who Turn Dead People Gay

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

Well, in fairness, I don't think you are going to find more than a handful of folks in the "I Love Satanists" camp. But when you have a group like is more about which tastes less bad.

I don't really care what their particular belief system is, it was a disgraceful act.

The WBC is a disgusting group of people, but that really shouldn't give other groups the perceived moral right to desecrate the grave of someone that isn't, and never was involved. The grave involved is that of Fred Phelps' mother, who had literally nothing to do with this 'church', or his particular beliefs, since she died when he was 5.

What this Satanist group did was just plain wrong, and wrong is wrong, no matter who is doing it and why.

I don't believe that, as people, we have to settle for the lesser evil; they could have gotten their point across (far more effectively, in my opinion) by going after the WBC where they worship and dream up their pseudo-Christian ideas and doctrine, rather than what they did.

They were just as wrong in what they did, as the WBC is in what they do; in other words, they both taste equally bad to me.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by beezzer

If I was gay and I wanted to be a superhero, my name would be. . . "The Gay Tornado"

Or Steve.

Either one, actually.

Westboro deserves all the gay that they get!

I think a superhero name like The Gay Tornado, or even Steve The Gay Tornado would certainly strike more terror in the hearts of, well, lots of phobic evil doers more so than the typical muscley posing.

Your catch phrase could be "All the bad guys go straight when they know Steve The Gay Tornado is watching".

Badguy #1: Who's the hero in this city? I'm ready to do badguy stuff!
Badguy #2: Um, some colorful hero named Steve?
Badguy #1: Wait. Did you just say STEVE?
Badguy #2: Yeah? Does that mean we're gonna be rich?
Badguy #1: Oh, hellz naw. If it's Steve The Gay Tornado, I'm going straight while I'm in this town!

Okay, somebody that's like an ATS artist needs to make a comic with The Gay Tornado now. ATS Staff could then have their own panel at comic cons.
All the Adventures of Steve the Gay Tornado would have to be based off of threads here on ATS.
I mean, it's a goldmine of stories and characters and epic battles everywhere!

edit on 27-7-2013 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

or maybe; 'All the bad guys go straight when they know Steve The Gay Tornado's behind the gate!'

Badguy #1: Who's the hero in this city? I'm ready to do badguy stuff!
Badguy #2: Um, some colorful hero named Steve?
Badguy #1: Wait. Did you just say STEVE?
Badguy #2: Yeah? Does that mean we're gonna be rich?
Badguy #1: Oh, hellz naw. If it's Steve The Gay Tornado, I'm going straight while I'm in this town!

enter steve, sauntering in stage left;

steve: howza! caught in the act, eh? i have bent over backwards trying to accomodate
you two, and all you do is throw it in my face!
badguy 2: ah flazburgers! steve the gay tornado has rumbled us again!
badguy 1: maaan! i didn't sign up for this, maaan!

steve the gay tornado advances gracefully and ties up both villains in quick time - what a pro!

steve: hush now boys! i am having a good hair day today so i'm gonna let youz go!.
but i want to first get something straight between us.
badguy1: oh no! not again!
steve: crime doesn't pay boyz, or at least not half as well as a steady job over at bandits!
i hope youz can consider my gentle offerings and appeciate me holding out my
laurel branch! consider yourselves lucky that you got away with a light spanking this time!
badguy1 +badguy2: yeah, yeah! you got it, steve!
steve: ok then. off you go boys. i'll just keep my eye on you as you walk away down
that long straight road there just sure yourselves!

badguy1 and badguy1 make there escape into the distance before badguy1 turns
around and calls out.

badguy1: hey steve, the gay tornado!
steve: (in the distance) yes gorgeous?
badguy1: blow it out your arse mate!

badguy1 and badguy2 turn down a side alley and live to rub steve up the wrong
way another day.

steve: ooh, they are naughty. but i do like it!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos


I just put little value in ancestor worship and well groomed pasture filled with bones.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

Okay, um, you might be going a little bit too much TMI and overboard there.
I recognize we're all having some fun with this, well, most of us, but, erm, it can be taken too far, and even get a little creepy.
Step away from the creepy please.
One post in a row is also safer than 3.

too much? but i was having fun! the two deleted were two of my best!
(i didn't know you could talk about gay zombies and not make any punning
references to what gay zombies might get up to in their own time!).

anyway, don't kill the laughter dude-ess! the gay zombies will only win!

(besides, i think i added some (high) class to your new whirlwind/blow-in /gay tornado
character steve - you're welcome!).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

Helwoe ! You like a push modulator to far amigo ? Dees a become obsession 4-u.
No ? ( Points skinless index ) Ah yeeeeees. ( sinister giggle ).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Druscilla

There you go. Steve the Gay Tornado

not bad bigboy! not bad at all!

he is lacking something though. something i can't quite put my finger on!

a little more gay, perhaps?

yes. that's it. gay that badboy up, baby!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:17 AM
Ridiculous satanic response to equally ridiculous protests with a hilariously ridiculous thread title.

As far as the cemetery goes, if it is at all for-profit, I could see them pressing charges. It's more difficult to get business if your customers find out they may become eternally gay in the process of being buried in your lot. Of the two groups, I'd think that the satanists are more repugnant, and something you -really- don't want associated with your business.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by TDawg61
Could the spell be reversed to make dead gay people straight?If so there's still hope for Liberaci,Rock Hudson,Freddie Mercury and so on!

ooh! borderline my friend. you will be lucky if the mads let that slide snoop, what with it being
a tad homo-zomba-phobic and all that.

mads: i don't condone or support these flagrant and scurrilous slanders levelled at the
(now rotten) feet of such ex-flambouyant and misterunderstood leg-ends as the dawg
barks on about above. i am familiar with all ex-personalities listed, save one.
(i am thinking so on D is that late great north korean swooner who continued his
monopoly on class 'n pazazz until well into his 1890's. but i am not certain).

(don't fret houndog. we're still good! - well i am anyway, after covering my arse
with the mads.).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by ProfessorChaos


I just put little value in ancestor worship and well groomed pasture filled with bones.

Personally, I think that everyone should go with cremation. I don't want to take up any more space on this planet when I have nothing else to do with it.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:28 AM
First thing I thought of with this story is that many mormons indoctrinate dead loved ones into their church after death. I knew an elderly lady that has now died. She was scared that upon her death her grown son, that had converted to mormonism years prior and worked his way up into an important position in that church, would perform a ritual to make her mormon upon death. He told her he would. Bizarre religion...they didn't want her alive in their church(wasn't allow to see her granddaughter married) but in death it's ok.

edit on 27-7-2013 by SunnyDee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Originally posted by tetra50
I always respected and watched your replies, and threads with interest, Druscilla.

You are a "loose cannon...." so to speak, and every movement needs one of those, if not more than one.

Perhaps I have lost my sense of humor with this thread. I find it disrespectful of the dead......

Oh, perhaps I missed it, and you are only "reporting" an event. HUh?

I'm tired of the dead zombie jokes.....
Someone's mother died, for God sakes. What do you people do in your "off" time when you are not spouting this crap on this website. It's turning ATS into a very sick joke, with inside connections everywhere, that simply betray it as a fishing expedition. I don't know which member, but one says on their "mood" profile: Thanks for all the fish...

This thread reminds me and evokes that.

Pink......Oh, guess I wasn't in on that bulletin: that means gay now, too, huh????

And some contributors on this thread, think they have a corner on the second coming. ....Jeez.....
OK. Sorry.....Just don't get it.

Druscilla: will human/transhuman augmentation solve Mississippi's attitude, do ya' think? Do you think you could convince the folks in MS that brain chips via google are a good idea? Cause I'm sure they're just too friggin provincial and backwards, right???

If you don't want to see it, don't look.
If you don't want to read it, don't read.

If you're that tired of it, take a nap ... and then fire ze missiles.

The article is absolute hilarity, and all the more so such that some people actually take any of it seriously.
I mean, who REALLY thinks that someone can turn ANY dead person gay?
Besides that, this was done in response of the antics of Westboro Baptist Church; a group of people that mob military funerals and other funerals with acid vindictive waving signs with all sorts of anti-gay hate speech, even where no one at the funeral has anything to do with any kind of gay.

If you don't know who Westboro Baptist Church is, I recommend you insert a few more quarters and level up.

The whole stunt is an absolutely ridiculous display in response to the absolutely, but serious ridiculousness of Westboro Baptist Church.

Now police are (supposedly) involved. On top of that the Article headline is pure GOLD.

Please, do try to have a sense of humor. This is funny. Dig deep if you have to because this really is quite funny.
It has it's serious side, but, most of all, it's funny.

As to everything else, quit dragging things in from other threads that have nothing to do with the thread under discussion. Discuss the topic, NOT ME. Wipe your feet at the door for cry'n out loud.

edit on 27-7-2013 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

Okay. I wiped my feet, and took a nap and have a better sense of humor this morning.
You're right, and frequently are. Gave you a star, too.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

Helwoe ! You like a push modulator to far amigo ? Dees a become obsession 4-u.
No ? ( Points skinless index ) Ah yeeeeees. ( sinister giggle ).

still smarting over this one, eh RD?
i can't say i blame you. it is both stinging and biting, isn't it?

i'll bow out here and leave you all to mull over my meandering multi-mischiefs.
thanks for the laughs!
(see! it is possible to have fun without an eternal gaying!).

hey! randy! leave those dogs alone!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by TopsyTurvyOne

What the hell is a dead gay person anyways?



What would be really wrong is people turning gay people strait, now that would be ungodly. I don't want to compete against any strait gays.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:16 AM
I thought police only got involved in crimes that take place in physical reality. As far as I'm concerned, spiritual matters and physical reality are not the same thing, as spirituality is a figment of the imagination. What a waste of police time, and taxpayer money.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
ETA: I think this idea needs to be made into a movie.

I give you Gay Zombie:

A sexually confused zombie seeks therapy and adventures through West Hollywood.

I wonder if he redecorates prior to trying to eat your brains.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
ETA: I think this idea needs to be made into a movie.

I give you Gay Zombie:

A sexually confused zombie seeks therapy and adventures through West Hollywood.

I wonder if he redecorates prior to trying to eat your brains.

i hear there is another new release upcoming, something along the same lines.
i believe it is called 'eternal gaying of the spotless behind.;

don't arse about with this one i say. get thee to see it.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

i can't say i blame you. it is both stinging and biting, isn't it?

Actually there's sometimes an advantage to not know'n
what the hell someone is trying to convey thru text.
But C-ya !

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

This is obviously made up as a joke to insilt WBC surely? I can't believe anyone's taking it seriously like it actually happened!!!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

What Steve the Gay Tornado is missing, is his Gay Unicorn Sidekick...

This has been a hillarious thread... Makes me sick that I had so much fun reading it.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:06 PM

Regardless of religion or politic, Deliberatley Disrespecting the Dead is just BAD MANNERS, PERIOD. it's offensive to the families And community and it shows a real disrespect for ALL LIFE actually. I don't care What ones beliefs are, something's Should just be respected.

Given Westboro claims to be a religious organization, this would be good advice for them. Since they seem overlook respect of the dead to serve their own purpose, many people don't see this as a valid complaint. Westboro might want to start with cleaning up their own side of the street first.
edit on 7/27/2013 by roadgravel because: (no reason given)

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