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Bloomberg strikes again: bans food donations to the homeless.

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posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 08:48 PM
As a former born an raised New Yorker I must say I can't believe people keep electing this richer than God S.O.B.I moved after 9/11 but would have left after this jerk off got voted in.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:50 AM
So, this story is over a year old (as jude11 pointed out), I'm wondering how things are working for the shelters and homeless now? Did they find a workaround of this ridiculous law or get it repealed?
Yeah, it's okay to force GMO's down our throats and poison the planet too, but God Forbid you give a homeless person a bagel !!! Unbelievable!

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Why do they not get rid of this idiot? He is a vicious soulless parasite on the people of that state.He has no compassion or care of the people under him.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by shaneslaughta

This reeks to me of OBAMA CARE manipulation......sure we will give you health insurance.....if you eat what we approve.

Lol the insurance industry is barely a foot away from doing that without Obama.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 10:44 AM
I could tell you what BloomBERG's basic problem and motivation are. But I have discovered, time and time again; There are some truths you just can't say out loud on this site and far too many others.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:34 PM
I know I will probably get a lot of heat for this, however it has stirred something in me to the deepest depths and having been truly hungry in my life, not just hungry but famished---I have to say something here. There must be a solution to this madness. Barring a revolution, which hasn't happened yet and wont happen until It Is Too Late, there IS only one solution to get this thing turned around .

Reinstate the draft. Please think about it first. Then fire away.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by be4ne1

How right you are. SnF

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by bangoli

Please, I was drafted and that is totally unfair; poor conservative counties send their sons and rich yankees make the money. We have millions getting food stamps and welfare and millions of unemployed yet the Rothschilds sit with millions of forest acres we paid for; develop another pioneer type land for lease-sale for those interested. We have a thousand years of coal that has been put on ice; let people mine it and let in compete with nuclear and gas. The eco-commies are liars about man made global warming; if anything, it would postpone the overdue Ice Age and the CO2 would be good for plants. Flush the Fed Dept of Ed and let parents have vouchers like the developed countries. Flush the banksters and traitor politicians before drafting kids and giving them cannon fodder to fight Israel's and oil companies wars.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 02:45 PM
Doesn't ANONYMOUS usual handle douche-bagism like this???

Something has to be done to kick this loser out of office

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by shaneslaughta
So many heed the words of Big Brother blindly.......your homeless.....mow you cant eat because there isn't a LABEL.
Its not healthy to eat mystery opposed to what? Starvation? Talk about over reaching arms!

We know whats best for you, even if that means you go personally sick of this mentality.

I hate to say it.. but I think the underlined above is exactly what Bloomberg is shooting for.. Want to get rid of the homeless but can't get them out? Why not starve them out?

Someone tell me I'm wrong...

edit on 23-7-2013 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 04:43 PM
Even though the date in the linked article in the OP is 2012, it's still interesting.

And they say... "Do not let Christians pass any laws... those laws would be sooo repressive..."

If this is the new world... gimme back the old one.
edit on 23/7/2013 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 06:05 PM
I'm not normally one to wish harm on others-- but after reading this, it's the final straw-- and I hope this scumbag gets hit by a bus.

Or torn to pieces by a starving homeless person. That would be some poetic justice.

It's like every time I hear this clown's name, the jokes get more and more ridiculous.

Who is it that's voting for scum like this?

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Who is it that's voting for scum like this?

likeminded scum i would have to else?..or its an illusion that votes count or make any difference nowdays? going with the latter.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:57 AM
What must it be like to be related to this man? Can you imagine how embarrassed his family members must be to be associated with someone who thinks he's a dictator?

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by MysterX
So according to this dick head bloomberg chap, these bagels are fine in terms of salt, fat and the rest of it to SELL to the buying public...but somehow are an unknown quantity when GIVEN to poor people?

Do the public actually vote for these idiots?

Any country you care to mention, idiots, and thieves, are voted into power, seems the richer the country, the more idiots and thieves there are!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by MysterX
So according to this dick head bloomberg chap, these bagels are fine in terms of salt, fat and the rest of it to SELL to the buying public...but somehow are an unknown quantity when GIVEN to poor people?

Do the public actually vote for these idiots?

Aparantly they do...
As here, Sweden, idiots voting for idiots...

And thats a FACT, you ARE allowed to quote
me on that...

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