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Hot brit needs to cool down, (not in a porny way though)

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posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

you could always team up with the naked rambler
steve gough crazy the time that poor dude has spent in jail trying to cool down

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Cold showers can help some. Try and find your local swimming pool, they always help to cool down the core after a couple of hours.

I have a hard time imagining hot in Britain. Today is our 43rd day of temps over 100 this year, now that's hot! Good luck!

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:24 PM
Set a box fan someplace in the house, and put a big huge bowl of ice in front of it.

Where I live it never gets hot, so none of the homes or buildings have A/C. When it gets up into the 80's outside -- the "green house" effect is horrible. I'll read 90+ inside.

I also don't have any screens on my windows, and I have a I can't open them

The worst part about hot, humid weather? That gross crotchular/butt sweat.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:38 PM
I'm a big fan of doing pretty much the opposite of what everyone has said. I enjoy eating spicy foods and drinking hot tea. It makes you sweat, which in turn cools you down. I'm a big, fat guy (350 pounds, 5' 11" tall), so I sweat regardless. It does work though.

Here's a semi-credible sourced article on the idea.

How Spicy Foods Can Cool You Down On A Hot Day

Of course, this is being posted from my air conditioned basement, which is at about 60 F and 40% humidity. It's for the chinchillas though! We have over 250 of them, and they need to be kept cool and dry. The upstairs is drafty, and about 80 F with 60% humidity.

Which makes me think of another point. If the temperature in F and humidity are less than 150 when totaled together, it's generally comfortable.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 08:04 PM
I just pretend i'm on vacation in Mexico, that seems to work best.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

When I was last in Mexico I was in Cozumel for two weeks. That three years ago, pretty much right now. We were there from July 13 to July 28. The weather was amazing! No one down there believed me that it was hotter in Detroit at the time than there. Highs in the low 80s, compared to the near 100s we were having back home!

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:34 PM
How hot is it there? When we were around 90 I was not having a great time. I ended up biting the bullet and ordering an AC unit.

Heat only really bugs me at night. I drew a cold bath, put the laptop on a stool and watched Netflix before bed, and if I woke up roasting slapped an ice pack in between my glorious thighs, cold washcloth on the head and aimed a few fans on myself. Armpits + cold is good too. Also popsicles.

One night it was so hot I almost grabbed the dog and hopped in the car to get some sweet AC but my car is a bit loud to be running at 3 AM without infuriating neighbors.

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