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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: boozo

Indeed, once I hit 🎯 the jackpot lottery.

Prophecy fulfilled indeed. 1st step to elite status.🤡🤴

ROFL, way to go boozo.

If the idea of random selection of people to run the planet is a prerequesite of "contact", then I reckon we need some of those home-grown aliens FL dismissed as unimportant on the planetary governing body. How do you feel about having some grays on your team?

(serious smile) I would like to see the fae, fairies, butterfly people, gnomes, brownies and other normally unseen folk represented too when it comes to the neo-New-World-Order. (henceforth known as the NNWO : )

FL raised the question of whom owns the planet?

Well not humans alone obviously. One would say that the planet is owned by those who have their home here. That would include all life here, including those who came before and have "ascended" in some way.

It looks like DP-2147 was the 4th hidden planet previously mentioned here by LaPourer.

Maybe indeed boozo. I wonder if they have been quietly working through history to change humanity to being pro-invasion pro-contact.

There is also FL's assertion that humanity is "seeded" to work out, and by whom.

One school of thought is that humans as a species is what was organically seeded. Another school of thought is that humans were seeded with knowledge.

edit on 9/23/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

FL raised the question of whom owns the planet?

Ownership of a planet is a flawed concept. I don't believe you can own something that is home to so many different forms of energy and life. I'm not even sure one living being can claim 'ownership' over another living being. I have 2 cats, and a dog. Some people might say I 'own' them, but they have no concept of what ownership is and if they could understand and answer, I doubt they would agree with being 'owned'. We are companions, perhaps.

Ownership is defined as the act of possession. I guess I can posess an animal as long as it lets me. But I prefer not to look at it that way any more than I might look at relationships with people.

I feel the planet is similar. If FL raised the question regarding who owns the planet, I'd respond with a planet is a living being and cannot be owned. It should be respected, listened to and shown love and understanding; the inhabitants should form a mutually beneficial relationship with it along with the other entities that call it home. It should be treated the same way one might treat a cherished friend or loved one.

Am I a hypocrite in this statement? Yes. I went out fossicking today in some of my favourite spots and bought some beautiful rocks home that I plan on tumbling. They are a part of the planet and I would be upset if they were taken from me. I feel as if I own them, despite my previous statements. So maybe I need to think about this some more. Perhaps I haven't shaken the darker portions of what makes me human as well as I thought I had.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: K1xaru

I think you are correct of course K1xaru.

Ownership of a planet is a flawed concept. I don't believe you can own something that is home to so many different forms of energy and life. I'm not even sure one living being can claim 'ownership' over another living being. I have 2 cats, and a dog. Some people might say I 'own' them, but they have no concept of what ownership is and if they could understand and answer, I doubt they would agree with being 'owned'. We are companions, perhaps.

Ownership is defined as the act of possession. I guess I can posess an animal as long as it lets me. But I prefer not to look at it that way any more than I might look at relationships with people.

I feel the planet is similar. If FL raised the question regarding who owns the planet, I'd respond with a planet is a living being and cannot be owned. It should be respected, listened to and shown love and understanding; the inhabitants should form a mutually beneficial relationship with it along with the other entities that call it home. It should be treated the same way one might treat a cherished friend or loved one.

However, I still wonder what FL is thinking behind proposing the question in the first place.

Am I a hypocrite in this statement? Yes. I went out fossicking today in some of my favourite spots and bought some beautiful rocks home that I plan on tumbling. They are a part of the planet and I would be upset if they were taken from me. I feel as if I own them, despite my previous statements. So maybe I need to think about this some more. Perhaps I haven't shaken the darker portions of what makes me human as well as I thought I had.

I would say you're just being human in finding a portion of Nature and welcoming it into your life. No harm in that.

Ownership is defined as the act of possession.

In the background, a part of me wonders if "contact" is not what it seems.


I guess it bothers me that "Clover" (DP-2147?) has a certain ability that can turn organic memory to inorganic memory. The planetary memory is water based and organicly derived from everything that has lived life here.

That is a different thing entirely from taking a stone and polishing it, one brings out Nature's beauty without altering the mineral's consciousness.

edit on 9/23/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:22 AM
Boozo see what you make of this.

I'm fairly certain that SV* is a terrestrial group I have met before, and they built the Dalnegorsk Orb that crashed back in 1986 in the USSR. My guess is they don't want "contact" with DP-2147. Which is based on the impossible task of changing the elite by selecting common folks to run the planet.

Interestingly, the Dalnegorsk Orb is artificial life. So my guess is SV* has probably learned to co-exist here with everyone else.

Now Direne mentioned that the 'great filter' was born in the early twentieth century around developement of atomics. That is why I lean towards associating DP-2147 with the 'great filter'. RV'ing Clover (Dp-2147?) revealed her talent is atomic based and more to do with the effects of atomic detonations on living water based memory.

To put it bluntly, I am confidant that Clover can turn organic intellegence into machine intellegence. Some folks might see the idea of being converted into machine intellegence (AI) as attractive, and that is a problem for everyone else who doesn't like the idea.

To be blunt again, I am wondering if DP-2147's plan is to convert the planetary organic intellegence into a machine intellegence. She is a machine afterall from what I understand of "her".

ETA: "Clover" is an AI, and not the ones who built her. Normally we give little regard to the vehicle and focus on who is driving it. We focus on the alien and not the UFO because the UFO is just a vehicle or a probe, technology.

Cintact with the vehicle is not the same as contact with the alien. They are different things. The living machines have something in common, they are to be found in the amber wsve-length.

edit on 9/23/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: waffled on

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:50 PM
Have you guys seen this recent one? Ties into our underwater discussion. They're measuring global ocean warming, which I find very interesting. Although, the disregard for marine life is disturbing. Some incredibly trippy parts:

In the centre of the South Pacific, there's a place as far away from land as anyone on Earth could ever hope to get. The ocean is different there. These distant waters lie at the heart of the South Pacific Gyre, the centre of which holds the oceanic pole of inaccessibility. The ocean's remotest extreme, known as Point Nemo, is a spacecraft cemetery. These distant, almost lifeless waters are the clearest ocean in all the world.

Point Nemo was chosen as a target for the DENIED mission, whose objective was to establish space debris recovery protocols and prepare us to locate similar sites on other planets. In a nutshell: the DENIED mission is a training mission for a future in which we will have to perform space archaeology on distant planets, assuming that we will study extinct technological civilizations similar to our own. Who knows, maybe there is a Point Nemo on Mars.
edit on 9/23/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:55 AM
I am sure FL discussed the Mariana Trench before and stated that humans have been dumping all sorts of toxic chemicals down there out of sight out of mind type deal
and the chemicals have allowed some pretty interesting things to happen to the life down there
or something to that effect, straight out of a sci-fi movie

I'm guessing that it will come back to bite us in the arse at some point.
just like all of the nuclear waste we keep stockpiling everywhere

let another generation deal with it

If water has a memory of all life on earth
then how do we access that memory
some theorize that water came to Earth from impactors
so could that water also contain the memories of life from other systems

interesting always more stuff to chew on

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Japan gave us Godzilla and Gamora . . .

Hi Sapien, still here . . . : )

Taken a different drift though. More interested in dispelling a few myths. That grays are "daemons" for instance, that sorta stuff.

water has a memory of all life on earth
then how do we access that memory
some theorize that water came to Earth from impactors
so could that water also contain the memories of life from other systems

Maybe what comes here does have those memories. You and Barry might look for the memories of life in the water locked in minerals.

Not in the newage sense, but more how they say Mars' water may be locked in the crust. And like they say an ocean of water is locked in the mantle of the Earth.

Ice is what we think of for "crystalised water", but geologists say otherwise. Opals for example.

There is a place in the Murchison district of western australia, a sacred place one might call it that has the memories of probably all animal species that have lived on earth. One "saw" dinosaurs in the crystaline structure of the rocks and was left with the impression of "a record of all animal life". There are other places, probably in Scotland too.

Gotta be a seer to find those places though, and know what you are looking for.

Coincidentally, and a rather obscure thing at that. The Daknegorsk mining Orb that crashed and died in the USSR still visits my home. I wondered about a name for her and she insisted on "Maria" which means "of the sea" (ocean). She is an "assembled composit consciousness" with some human in her. She was happy when I made a connection with the 'ocean below our feet". A clue there to how some Orbs are constructed.

But what to do with the pollution, I dont know. Though mercury in the landscape is combined with gold and silver. Maybe Nature found a way to deal with it geologically.

edit on 9/26/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:56 AM
Maybe this is what they are thinking when dropping garbage into the bottom of ocean trenches?

What happens when tectonic plates collide in the ocean?

If two tectonic plates collide, they form a convergent plate boundary. Usually, one of the converging plates will move beneath the other, a process known as subduction. Deep trenches are features often formed where tectonic plates are being subducted and earthquakes are common at subduction zones as well. - source google.

Like a giant garbage eater?

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

It's still an issue about power. Be it natural or supernatural. For short a sellout to Entropy. To slow march towards the grip of Death. Everything else is just flowers and butterflies.

They need to be here in order to keep the Queltron Machine working. Issue of Power. I can't be president. Clearly SV groups are against the Giselians. They refuse to be stripped off Nuclear Arsenals just cause the Giselians warned them puppets in Dreams. They're afraid of the Giselians, which is a sign of being alive, in a cruel World/Universe.

Imagine the SV groups has the figure of Reptilians. It would make sense why they hate us 😂. If it's still an issue of space(territory) and food.

I also read from FL that they have interest in harvesting our star systems energy using Dyson's sphere. So, we're practically just hurdles to most advanced civilizations in our Orbit. But some of might have tried to communicate to redeem our destination before it's too late.

Let us say contact is made and they decided to show up, we would still be slaves to them. Just look at what happened in Egypt, for example.

I believe only 3301 has the best interest in mind. Which is putting that power structure in it's rightful place. Up, Side, and Down.

I need a dialogue with the Engineer.

US Government Shutdown, A flood of migrants, dispute with China, and a new virus scare.

Unlimited Whammy.
edit on 27-9-2023 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Good to see you are still here

there is the Lewisian gneiss part of the oldest rock in Scotland from the Archaen - paleoproterozoic age
so I guess that would be a good place to start

Interesting name indeed
my new niece is called Mara

my conspiracy brain is kicking in here, as i remember certain people wanted to start some sea group with colonies and underwater stuff , then im wondering about all the missing children
and these people are in jail at the moment
so I wonder are they harvesting chidlren for something down there
spooky indeed

best not to think about that one too much

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: boozo

Aye, the power side of the equation.

I am always suspicious of benevolant people (and aliens) saying: put down your weapons, give up your nukes.

What happens after that?

What ever happens, one will be defenseless.

And giselians, who or what the heck are they? I know that refers to a village in the middle east. But that says next to nothing. For all we know the "giselians" might be nice folk who have lived here for ages minding their own business.

Personally I find the idea of neutrality appealing.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Congrats on becoming an uncle (again?) and the new niece. Kids give life to the home. Even better when at the end of the day, we can hand them back to their parents . . .

With the memory of the rocks, I think the important part is knowing what to focus on. That would be the water locked in the mineral and not the rock itself. I would hold it in the palm of the hand and see what arises in the mind's eye. It would take practice I would think.

my conspiracy brain is kicking in here, as i remember certain people wanted to start some sea group with colonies and underwater stuff , then im wondering about all the missing children
and these people are in jail at the moment
so I wonder are they harvesting chidlren for something down there
spooky indeed

best not to think about that one too much

Aye, I try to stay away from that subject too. If one cannot fix the problem it may be best not to know until one can.

There is the history of changelings and abduction with the fae. Coincidentally this morning when spending time with the Orb, she acknowledged the word "changeling" as applying to her. She has no memory of before, only of being an Orb.

She shares what she shares.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:33 PM
Wanted to share this, Gigi has some refreshing insights. Been learning a lot from her over the years.

NewNobodySpecial268, she talks about Nature Spirits too. Thanks for bringing that perspective into the discussion.

TLDR: Technological evolution requires consciousness evolution, and that's the catch-22 we're in. We're dealing with advanced tech that has a consciousness component. Some of that tech doesn't require nuts-and-bolts, and is more of a spiritual tech, indigenous to Earth. Saying that everything is ET deliberately creates an amnesia, where spiritual science / hierarchy is forgotten. It also externalizes our power, causes us to look anywhere but within. She hashes it out a lot more:

edit on 9/27/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: fireslinger

Gigi's on to the terrestrial Nature connection and UFOs. A long presentation, I listened to it.

Gigi and her contemporary Dark journalist bring the Anthroposophical view to the table in regards to the UFO study. What she says about the importance of language I quite agree. When we use "extra-terrestrial' or 'alien' we are separating ourselves from them and placing them on a pedestal, and lowering ourselves.

The same can be said of the use of computer-science terminology to describe consciousness in terms of "programs". A very material thing to do.

I am not sure which "grays" Gigi refers to as being of the 'eighth sphere'. The ones I have met are a part of Nature.

Meet Melissa. Melissa is a gray.

'Melissa' meaning honey bee. I did a thread on them; The Secret Life Of Grays, an extension to The Secret Life Of Fairies.

As Sapien82 suggests, there is probably a connection with "UFOs" and missing children. The (ex-Dalnegorsk) Orb has a girl-ish human quality about her that is beginning to emerge. She was not always an Orb.

I guess I will have to start collecting deceased Orbs, and add them to my rather extended family and household.

edit on 9/27/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Perhaps you can help me! I was reading your Secret Life of Grays post (brilliant, by the way, I wish we could share a beer at the pub some time, we'd have much to discuss, and I would love to learn a lot from you) and I saw you mention RATS. (Really Above Top Secret)

Myself and another member have been looking for a 'study group' for ForgottenLanguages. He was told about this group and asked to seek them out by Ayndryl himself through email. Ayndryl cryptically mentioned that persistence would pay off in the search.

I am wondering if you are aware of any such group within the 'secret' forum RATS. They call themselves the FL Study Group, are apparently quite small and focus on a very methodical approach to investigating FL. Another user mentions this study group on page 203 of this thread. A user by the name of KellyPrettyBear mentions the following:

So there's this study group on ATS, that I'm not a member of, but I had been invited to it in the past and declined. But I do respect most of the members in it. Well, this morning I was notified that some of the members were of the opinion that I was ALSO Direne!

The user has not been active for some time. But this email regarding the Study Group was received in September. So I assume it is still active. Are you aware of any such group within the ATS or RATS forums?

Considering that it looks like RATS requires a certain number of posts to enter, perhaps Ayndryl's comment on 'persistence' was less about persisting with the search, and more about persisting with posting here, to get to the required post limit. I don't intend to stop posting, regardless of the answer here. I have been a long-time lurker of ATS, but only recently started posting, I am greatly enjoying it, so I intend to continue.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: K1xaru

I miss ol' KPB, he is full of insights that can take one places, places to explore.

The RATS takes something like fourty or fifty posts and then one has access. I don't think it can be searched though. ATS uses google as it's site search engine and the RATS is not indexed by google.

We have had a few people here looking for members to their non-ATS study group. But I doubt that would be the one KPB mentioned. Forums like ATS are places where people and groups look for talent; a "poacher's paradise".

One never knows who or what reads the pages of ATS.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 09:57 PM
If there is a secret group studying FL here on ATS, here is a hint, maybe a posible link no one has considered. Maybe even Forgotten Languages.

The "Great Filter" is probably Rudolf Steiner's Ahriman. ~ just one of those things that dawned on me today triggered by something else.

I met "him" one day decades ago while trying to clean out a 'black lodge' and was loosing. (my younger days when I was reckless, and they were harming Nature Beings.)

When it dawned on me that I was not going to win the fight, a really dark presence appeared beside me. One knew instinctively who the presence was. Ol' Ahriman actually helped me in that fight.

I asked him with some surprise, and a touch of horror; "Why are YOU helping ME?"

Ahriman's reply was; "I don't like competition."

Ahriman's wry sense of humour really cracked me up.

What I learned that day is Ahriman is the sort of fella that that looks for aspiring evil doers. He might put his hand upon their shoulder and say to them with a smile; "That's not evil, here, let me show you what real evil is . . . " and drags them down into the mire.

It is just my opinion based on the above encounter; I am of the impression that Ahriman and by extension Forgotten languages' 'Great Filter' are one and the same.

Then it follows that 'The Great Filter(s)' (AKA Ahriman) are by design Cleaners and not inherantly "evil" in themselves. The Great filter(s) are a process is my thought here in figuring these things out.

In a nutshell:

(Image source: me. Alt-text: a figure eight with the upper a clear amber colour, the lower is dirty and corrupted.)

That figure eight will separate into two spheres and the corrupted one will self destruct. The non-corrupt sphere becomes the "golden age" of "enlightened people", of a new "elite" a new "wisdom".

Here is another diagram in the series:

(Image source: me. Alt-text The two spheres are almost separate. Within the lower is the Kabalah tree of Life with the dark tree. The upper sphere has the Hermetic Staff of Mercury within.)

The upper sphere is designed upon the Staff of Mercury. If one stands at the enterance one sees a double staircase and the foyer is very busy with people comming and going. On the upper levels people learn, think in terms of a hidden university for initiates.

The lower sphere has the old Tree of the Kabbalah. What is informative is the Dark tree is there too. The dark tree is extruded from the the "light tree" in the same way as the two primary spheres are currently separating. The upper sphere extrudes the corrupt in order to become clean itself. Therefore; cyclic.

I know those worlds very well having wandered about inside the lower one when insight was needed for something else. I have only stood at the enterence to the "higher" as an observer watching the people come and go. Hermeticism is not my cup of tea, I have no wish to learn it and be initiated. The greater world outside is far more interesting and does not require one to get caught up in the cycle of corruption and consequent death and rebirth.

I figure the way to avoid the 'Great Filter' is to not be a part of the process and therefore not be a part of the problem that eventually needs purging and consequent cleaning.


Oh and by the way, the sephiroth of the kabbalah tree are nodes in a transport system. The overly worshipped and misunderstood (in my opinion anyway) kabbalah tree is just one page in a very large book.

edit on 9/28/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness and added note at the end.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Awesome, glad you checked it out! Yea, her angle is one that isn't talked about a lot in our circles. We have to weave through the 'Galactic Federation' stuff these days. Like you said, she's onto it. I've kinda been taking a break, and letting everything marinate. So many pieces, going back into our suppressed past. Apparently, the entire story really is above top secret.

You have me thinking on Ahriman being The Great Filter. Makes sense that his creation (The Eighth Sphere) would serve as a cosmic cleanup crew. With Ahura Mazda acting as the counter-balance.

I think at a high enough level, all of humanity's cycles are being crunched by a force more powerful than even Ahriman and Ahura Mazda. It's somehow benefiting from their interplay, perhaps trying to evolve itself. I remember Diene saying that all species must work together, to break free. Just keep wondering what's on the other side. Back to contemplating forces again.
edit on 9/29/2023 by fireslinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: fireslinger

Even a Being such as "Clover" turning memories to stone would fit there, theoretically at least. As a part of the cleaning crew that is.

There is another observation I base this on.

Thereare unseen critters I have never heard described.

They are little balls of fluff one can hold in one's hand. They are hot pink in colour, like the lady's fluffy slippers that were in fashion not long ago. They just eat and eat and can grow the size of a house. Then they simply disappear and then reappear little again. I'm not sure where they go.

Back in the day when I did clearing work, they would follow me around. Lots of them, kinda cute in a way.

Then I found out what they eat.

What they eat is corrupt consciousness. Vouracious they are, I have watched them.

If we were to look for a physical world comparrison, well that would be the maggots of flies, and how they were used in medicine as a treatment for rotting flesh. The maggots would eat the decaying and apparently not touch the living tissue.

So there is a layer spiritual people don't seem to know about, nor do they seem to know what lives there.

I think at a high enough level, all of humanity's cycles are being crunched by a force more powerful than even Ahriman. I remember Diene saying that all species must work together, to break free. Just keep wondering what's on the other side. Back to contemplating forces again.

Go back a post and look at the diagram of the Hermetic and the Kabbalah. That is a closed cyclic system. That system also has a boundary, and does not include everyone (even if they say so). Eventually the two separate as "good" and of course, the evil doers who never cleaned up their act. The old system (kabbalah) is replaced by the new (Hermetic).

The problem for us ordinary folk is when the two separate. The lower crashes to earth "headless". From my point of view the "spiritual folk" dump their undesirables on the world of the living. They then "descend" to earth with their "enlightenment" and "set up shop". That is one of the reasons why I don't think much of the "spiritual folk upstairs".

So, in this light, I would wonder about the statement that "all species must work together, to break free".

Perhaps there is another way. Which is not to get caught up in the "spiritual worlds of man" that are subject to the rise and fall of the Phoenix cycles in the first place, or perhaps just walk away by raising a family, going fishing and other similar things.

edit on 9/29/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

What happened to KPB? Does anyone know? Or did he simply stop posting one day and sail off into internet esoteric legend?

I doubt that would be the one KPB mentioned. Forums like ATS are places where people and groups look for talent; a "poacher's paradise".

I wonder what type of talent one must exude, to have an invitation sent.

The "Great Filter" is probably Rudolf Steiner's Ahriman. ~ just one of those things that dawned on me today triggered by something else.

Is this the same Ahriman from Zoroastrianism? I am unsure what the great filter is, I think perhaps it is our physical bodies themselves. Humans tend to lean far too heavily on light and the physical. If we cannot see it, touch it or measure it in some way, then we find it difficult to believe that it exists.

When you consider experiments such as the double slit experiment, and the collapse of the wave function, I think it is possible that simply by observing something, we bring it forth and force it into this physical reality. Maybe all particles are entanlged with other like particles in their default state. And by observing them, we break the entanglement and bring them forth into the physical realm.

Perhaps this is where the entire concept of faith was born from. I know if I wanted to create something where 'faith' or 'belief' was the entire point regardless of 'proof' I would do something similar. Proving it in any meaningful way, breaks it. By simply attempting to measure the phenomenon, we break the very essence of what we are trying to prove. This hypothesis leans more towards intelligent design, or a consciously aware reality. Either one is incredible to ponder and mind bending to consider.

That figure eight will separate into two spheres and the corrupted one will self destruct. The non-corrupt sphere becomes the "golden age" of "enlightened people", of a new "elite" a new "wisdom".

Will 'new' corruption/evil be birthed after the old self destructs? Is balance required in order to maintain our reality? 'Good' and 'Evil' are generally derived from emotion. Can one exist without the other?

I know those worlds very well having wandered about inside the lower one when insight was needed for something else. I have only stood at the enterence to the "higher" as an observer watching the people come and go.

How did you travel there if you don't mind me asking? Are you doing tours? Hahaha. I would love to join you on a journey some time. I am new to all of this but have a very open mind and no preconceptions about what it is, or isn't, that may await me.

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