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Sen. Menendez Threatens Ecuador with sanctions over Snowden

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posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by ShadowLink

A lot of people I hear from just brushed it off as "Oh well, what can we do about it?" Idiots! That makes me angry.

calm down this is a forum Budy..

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

We all do what we can, as long as it is actually what we can do, right?

Yep, that's how it's done.

Guohua's images in this thread are *awsum*

edit on 27-6-2013 by Archie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by ShadowLink

Snowden gave his material to the journalists, the releases publicly were to be metered...

The two print media reporters, have it.... but the material has dried up?

How many reports were there? NSA revelations, GCHQ also gathering data on a massive scale with over 300 NSA employees ( number could be wrong) side by side with the UK analysts...

Have the Guardian and Wash Post reporters been silenced?

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
reply to post by ShadowLink

Snowden gave his material to the journalists, the releases publicly were to be metered...

The two print media reporters, have it.... but the material has dried up?

How many reports were there? NSA revelations, GCHQ also gathering data on a massive scale with over 300 NSA employees ( number could be wrong) side by side with the UK analysts...

Have the Guardian and Wash Post reporters been silenced?

Have the Guardian and Wash Post reporters been silenced?

Not by Death,,, But by threats, You can bet on that.
They're not going to talk for fear of Loved Ones, Jobs, and just plain Life as a Free Person, not wanting to be incarcerated not forced into a USM WITSEC program.
National Security, those are the words that can ruin your life.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

As disappointing as it may be, perhaps you're right.

As for silenced reporters, I'm pretty sure its safe to assume they have been silenced. TPTB after all keep the media on a pretty tight leash.

That's too bad though, cause the info that was released sure didn't have the affect on everyone that it SHOULD have.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:22 AM
Greetings ATS

Just picked this up from a Dutch news site , so went straight to ATS to see if it has been added by some one.

Good job Blackmailing a semi 3rd world country with a decision that will have a negative impact on its economy , thus having a negative impact on its people , who then in turn have no say in how this plays out , this is done on government level.

Where was this guy >? , when Snowden was reported to have been in Russia , i didnt hear him about sactions against Russia , when he was still in Hong Kong we didnt hear him giving a thumbs up to blackmail China , or Iceland.

But now some wet behind the ears country saying they might consider taking him in , and immediatly this strong message is being sent , Dropping all trade , and sanction all trade with this country.

These are quite drastic steps , Sanctioning a nation over 1 person , proves again they have indeed more to hide then we know.

He might have broke the Law , and must do some time , i agree , but to murder him for treason because he pointed out that the US government is Spying on a massive scale on a whole lot of people is just wrong.

This is the Rock , balancing on the Cliff , and its gonna fall alright , if he gets executed it would make the statement that no matter how many laws the government has crossed , if you tell about it your dead.

Mayor God complex the US government developed.


EDIT : wanted to share the link , just in case people wanted to have some idea how our media handle this

Google Translate :

U.S. threatens to stop trading Ecuador NEW YORK - The United States will trade ban comes from Ecuador as the South American country to grant. Decision Edward Snowden asylum That's Senator Robert Menendez, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Wednesday.

Our government will land not reward bad behavior, "said Menendez. The senator said that two trade between the two countries next month end and extending "serious threat" comes. Menendez also called on Russia to stop absorbing Snowden. The fugitive whistleblower would still camped at a Moscow airport. Snowden is wanted by the U.S. because he made ​​public that the U.S. secret service NSA data collected on a large scale over the Internet via secret computer program PRISM. He, like WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange earlier applied for asylum in Ecuador.

edit on 27-6-2013 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-6-2013 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
Funny how the focus is now on Snowden, and not what he revealed.. :shk:

Thats what happens when the media decides to stop minding the peoples business with the government and instead decides to schill for them....

Yup... Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:58 AM
"Sen. Menendez Threatens Ecuador with sanctions over Snowden", evil hates the light of day as the deeds done in darkness are exposed. The POTUS and US Congress are scurrying like cockroaches when the light gets turned on, why else would they be threatening Ecuador. They have labeled him a traitor, accused him of espionage and anything else they can think of yet all he did was expose them.

The POTUS and US Congress are guilty of trading with the enemy, Al-Qaeda a known terrorist organization by supplying them with weapons to overthrow a legitimate government. Spying on foreign allied and non-allied countries citizens and seeking the whistle blower for exposing them. Actively seeking the whistle blower under charges of espionage which carries the death penalty if directed by the prosecution which affords the whistle blower protection under international law. The same with international protection by law while seeking asylum form persecution.

Someone needs to inform Sen. Menendez that he is in over his head and should be charged with the domestic and international crimes he and the US government are guilty of. It looks like the US government has gone rogue. So sad that the US has fallen to such a great depth as no longer being a haven for the persecuted but has now become the persecutor.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by TheGreazel

Last I heard he was in Russia at the airport or ? Deciding where to go next so your right...why no threat of sanctions on Russia. I bet this guy is afraid and feeling disappointed it didn't have more of an impact on Americans (yet) I really don't need more info to feel roused by this. People do tend to just let such things go but I'm convinced it is just another nail in the governments coffin so adds to fuel to the fire that's being built as more and more happens. What they are doing to themselves is going to make it worse so let them keep going. It has made a difference; it was the baseball bat that created the condition for the straw that will break the camels back.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 01:59 AM
Thanks Mr Menendez for making clear your position, which is against USA citizens. Also you made the guy a martyr for our middle class. Ecuadorean roses for your political funeral. Am I talking to a ghost ?

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:06 AM
It's late and I'm feeling crazy. What about this?

Russia says the airport is not Russian territory, so he's not really in Russia. Fine, load up a plane with 100 soldiers from whatever agency isn't doing anything at the moment, and hit the airport hotel. It's not Russian territory so they have no complaint. And it takes us out of the "absolute pushover to anybody who says Boo," category.

Why not?

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:26 AM
What I find brilliant is his moves after releasing the information that further destroyed (if thats possible) US rep around the world.

The US is sticking its foot further into its mouth by crying foul to China, Russia, and Ecuador about "International Law" in regards to Extradition Treaties and whatnot. Bwah Wah, the biggest violator on the planet is crying about being caught with its hand in the cookie jar. Can we be any more embarrassed?

They must be laughing in their wodka and rice bowls over this one.

And happily monitoring all the efforts to gather further intel from American snooping.

For instance, how many intelligence assets you figure are moving thorough Moscow airport right now? And the security cams are recording them all.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
It's late and I'm feeling crazy. What about this?

Russia says the airport is not Russian territory, so he's not really in Russia. Fine, load up a plane with 100 soldiers from whatever agency isn't doing anything at the moment, and hit the airport hotel. It's not Russian territory so they have no complaint. And it takes us out of the "absolute pushover to anybody who says Boo," category.

Why not?

They'd still have to cross over Russian airspace to get to the airport.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 05:18 AM
Snowmen ought to seek refuge in Iran.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
reply to post by Plugin

I am pretty sure that the "Five Eye's" nations will have issues with the rest of the globe...

Funny how the focus is now on Snowden, and not what he revealed.. :shk:

What I find so amusing is how Snowden is charged with Espionage (spying) by the same Government he was actually spying on behalf of!

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 07:53 AM
Napoleon said. The world suffers a lot. Not because of the violence of the bad people, but by the silence of the good people.
Until normal Americans get off their ass and start to revolt, speak up, fight against your corrupt government, YOU are the problem. It is not your government that is at fault it is all of you seeing what is wrong and not doing anything about it. THAT is the problem. Your country need a million more bradley's , and Andrew's. you need to treat your goverment like a child. They will always chalange you and if they get away with something, they will keep going furthur and furthur, because all of you allowed it to happen.
Ecuador is aware of the way USA work. They have quite a few trade meetings with China in the last months. We went there and found better bigger market for fresh produce, i got a banana and coffee farm, others went that do flowers. Ecuador can easily find markets for their produce if the USA wanna play their game.
I have not see a watershed change in any countries status as i did over the last year against the USA. They loosing friends and making enemies at a world record speed.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Originally posted by JacKatMtn

The two print media reporters, have it.... but the material has dried up?

Have the Guardian and Wash Post reporters been silenced?

They are being strategic with what they release (Snowden said no to anything that put Americans at risk) and when they release it. Be patient.

I don't know about the Washington Post journalist but they're starting to attack Glenn Greenwald. His house was broken into and his partner's laptop was stolen. Some select trash news rags have started running a smear campaign against him based on his being part owner of a company that, amongst it's other dealings, made adult movies
And apparently he skipped paying tax between 2002 and 2004. He wrote a column defending himself: The personal side of taking on the NSA

He had a lot of support on Twitter today, which was great to see. There were literally thousands of tweets.

edit on 27-6-2013 by Archie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Stealthwatch

Sure, our country has been losing prestige and influence for years. Our foreign policy has been unsuccessful, and, frankly, baffling.

Most of the country re-elected Obama after knowing what his foreign policies were doing. What are your suggestions for the minority that opposed him, who don't have government positions? Tell our neighbors that the situation is terrible. Some don't care, some don't think it's terrible, some won't hear a word against our President, some already agree. Then what? I'm not interested in getting tear gassed again.

I suppose the only thing that makes sense is to donate to, and campaign for, people opposed to the President in 2014. And, of course, try to make sure that Hilary isn't elected in 2016.

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 09:36 AM
With regard to also bullying journalists, the knowledge of what Snowden shared is out there. He isn't a stupid man and likely has a plan for such a scenario. If there is more - it will be shared. We are seeing reports on this intimidation so they are reaching out to make us aware of it.

Support for those intimidated is good, and seeing people keep the subject salient whether news is rolling in or not would be helpful (our national attention span is like that of a 2 year old it seems). Focus should indeed also be kept on what has been leaked.

I get this feeling that Russia is amused at the US desperation on this one. They see the hypocracy of seeing our reps fighting to end corrupt/bully governments while being caught being more of the same.

I can't quote it because I learned it on the job years ago when Ted Binion (Los Vegas casino owner) said if people are happy they will tell 4 people but if unhappy they will share their dissatisfaction with 10 people. Word of mouth is powerful in advertising and its powerful in this situation. Talking to others to keeps the subject in public consciousness so these things can build on one another to prompt action.

In my experience if I've visited with a young person about this I'm getting "it's upsetting and what can I do; i dont have any power" and older people are conveying "well look at the history of corruption that led to this; it's only going to get worse" with a sigh to show how weary and powerless they also feel. It seems people know but have lost hope or fail to have the spark ignite a fire within them to begin with.

If only some within our government would admit to their faults (ego got the best of me; I have succumbed to greed and the love of power and I want to change). You have to first admit there is a problem because if you don't believe one exists it won't be addressed. And if forced to change its short lived. It has to come from within ideally and if forced the people must sustain pressure on a constant basis (think of an alcoholic who doesn't want to change - if you give up easily they fall back into it).

posted on Jun, 27 2013 @ 12:12 PM
Ecuador breaks US trade pact to thwart 'blackmail' over Edward Snowden

Ecuador has ramped up its defiance of the US over Edward Snowden by waiving preferential trade rights with Washington even as the whistleblower's prospect of reaching Quito dimmed.
President Rafael Correa's government said on Thursday it was renouncing the Andean Trade Preference Act to thwart US "blackmail" of Ecuador in the former NSA contractor's asylum request. Officials, speaking at an early morning press conference, also offered a $23m donation for human rights training in the US, a brash riposte to recent US criticism of Ecuador's own human rights record.

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