posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Hollie
And I know the difference between Gmos and hybrids.
They absolutely DO sell Gmos seeds. They've contaminated so many fields with their crap, you really think they're not selling us Gmos.
Can you splice it and do dna testing on any seed you buy.
No so,.... What are the chances Monsanto is selling non Gmos.
Like none
There's a reason we have to find seed brands NOT OWNED MY MONSANTO, as you will buy GMO seeds if you buy their brands.
There's a reason obama gave them omnipotent power over the seed supply, and made keeping heirloom seeds illegal for farmers.
Look it up, it's part of the codex alimentarius manifesto.
One of the questions that I often get and have had myself for a while is where can you buy non-gmo seeds or seeds from companies that aren’t owned
by Monsanto.Monsanto owns something like 90-95% of the seed companies out there. So the company might not be selling genetically engineered seeds, the
money is still going into the pockets of Monsanto. I’m not down with that.Here are some seed companies that I’ve either worked with or have been
highly recommended by others.
edit on 10/7/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)
edit on 10/7/13 by PtolemyII because: (no reason given)