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Pythagorean Hylozoics

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posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 07:22 PM
Very well friend. I take this as a great opportunity for me, and others who have questions. Regarding my first two above, please disregard them, as they really we're not ask to YOU, if you know what I mean.

With this said, I take my seat, and ... ask:

Within the System, as it is, of Hylozoics, am I correct to say that the 'forces' of Involution can be termed (loosely; correct me as I go, please) The Archon Forces? and those of Evolution, the Luciferian Forces?

What was the Fall of Man? And has it anything to do with an unnatural mingling of Kingdoms? Perhaps the Deva Kingdom mixed with Ours, to create an abortion[I meant to aborition], or some 'unnatural' thing/[offspring], as it were, that we are now, still, struggling to 'correct'?

What of this ENERGY in the air? If you know what I mean, that, for me, seems to have abated (leaving a great clarity, and New Self in ME) on my end, but that tosses and turns so many other, poorer Souls?

That is all for now, Fr. Thank you for EAR. I sit with MINE OPEN.
edit on 20-8-2013 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 10:15 PM

I am sorry to disappoint you Brother, but my answers will not be at all to your liking I suspect. In general, I must say that I find your questions to be particularly vague and ill-defined - as of this moment - which makes it nearly impossible to answer them in any meaningful manner. Secondly, I am at a bit of a loss - in any case - as they have almost nothing to do with PH (a system of knowledge or facts) specifically.

1. I suppose that all depends on just what we mean by the "forces of involution and evolution", "Archons" and "Luciferians"; what are we talking about, precisely?

2. The "fall of man" is a symbol, much like any other, and therefore represents numerous and equally valid interpretations. One such is that it represents the engrafting of the notion of sin on mankind, the idea that man is inherently and incurably evil. This, of course, is not a fair analysis (and deliberately so, mind you) in that man is - by and large - ignorant; ignorance cannot help but to make mistakes. To expect otherwise is utter foolishness. That said, as far as I have seen, it has nothing to do with - as you called it - an "unnatural mingling of the Kingdoms".

3. I am honestly not altogether sure just what to make of your last question; what "energy in the air"? Do you mean this literally, or are you perhaps implying something else altogether - I implore you Brother: be explicit.

In any case, I am short of time - this will have to suffice for the moment Brother.

Thanks for your time,


Fr. T.E.U. - Fr. E.S.Q.S.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 12:11 AM
Thank you for your response, Fr.

It seems 'my questions' will be better directed else where for now. I will stick around, and implore others that may arrive (and I hope they do, "HELLO? ... Hello? ... hello?) to take heed of your guidelines/requests, and think long about their questions as they (should) become relevant to the topic at hand-- Henry T. Laurency's Pythagorean Hylozoics.

If, in my future continued studies (which I plan now to take the same course you have set for yourself [thanks for the idea, though it was floating about already in my 'spaces']) I can formulate some relevant questions, I will bring them to you 'here'. (if you are still around)

I remain seated, If you will, with an open EAR to HEAR what you have to add. If in the meantime, and if you so choose, I implore you to maybe post some stimulating 'compositions' of your own accord, so as to maybe keep this little ball rolling, hopefully up a Hill toward the Top of a MOUNTAIN.

With warm regards,

(p.s. I would very much like to know what the other System you've worked with(/are working with) along side our Hylozoics. In due time, as we haven't means to communicate privately 'here' just yet, if I'm not mistaken. However, if you be so kind, I have an open line at [email protected] ... peace!
edit on 21-8-2013 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 01:36 AM
... sigh ...

According to Pythagorean Hylozoics (PH), is there an Enemy to Humanity, one that would hold us back from discovering the Truth about Things, Ourselve(s), and the Nature of the World(s) around us?

If so, does this Enemy work in Secret here on Terra (Earth), and do they fight even the Agents of The Great White Brotherhood here on land? (addendum: Is it, as has been written 'here' and there, That Super-physical Beings work from higher planes, while their agents/human magicians, 'so to say' [sts] work here on Terra [this question is directed about Both Sides, 'if you know what I mean' [ifkwim]])

If so, is a Spiritual (sts) Warfare going on? (as has been loosely written about for a long time?) Again, if so, [am I correct in] presuming that it runs like this: Good vs. Bad // Light vs. Dark // Great White Brotherhood vs. Cosmic Black Brotherhood?

Brother, if I ask too much at once, please adjust me now. I read you write, "...ask a few questions...", but if you prefer to keep the number of questions to a determined number, then say so now (or later, iykwim ... btw, are you okay with these acronyms???)

Thank you for your ear, brother Fr.
I pray blessings and CLARITY to all who come upon our little Hall here.
edit on 21-8-2013 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2013 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 01:02 AM
Sigh ... (Thinking To Myself: I Don't Like My Own Questions, As I Formulated Them Here, As I've CoMe UpoN Some Clarity Regarding Them Within My Own Spaces, After Some Reflection. But, Alas, There They remain)

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 02:34 AM
... Om ...

(upon some more reflection, I see that I was asked a question, and as it should be, one should give an honest, thought-fully examined [and weighed up to their Soul as to be sure it resonates with reason] response...

my brother spoke, based upon my regrettable question, and asked of me thus: I suppose that all depends on just what we mean by the "forces of involution and evolution", "Archons" and "Luciferians"; what are we talking about, precisely?

As I have read it in our System, those forces of Involution would be, if I'm not mistaken ... hmmm ... well, 'forces' should refer to one or the other of the Three Aspects of LIFE, which are: MOTION, MATTER, and CONSCIOUSNESS ... [if am I stating them correctly, for I haven't picked up a book in sometime]

... and so, I must ask myself, "which 'force' can be correlated to one or other of this Trinity?" (or even a combination, as it is, 'all things' are a combination of these Three, this Trinity-- a Trinity of which none of the others can exist without the others, that is according to our System)

... hmmm ...

As I hope I've understood it to some degree, 'Involution' refers to our MONADS DECENT into the GREAT DEEP, and upon the BREATH of (BRAHMA::ONENESS::MOST HIGH::GOD::SOURCE ... for my correlation) the ABSOLUTE, for lack of a better Hylozoic term ... thank GOODness for numbers, because I can use them to 'pin point' (sts) this HIGHEST PLACE, as it is, at the bottom of the HYLOZOIC numbering system, and at that, WE come into BEING, as a sleeping MONAD from this SOURCE (this ABSOULUTE) which corresponds to this number (sts): 1:1

... sigh ... [I open one eye to peak, and behold my brother, across from me, sitting comfortably in quiet reflection] ... I ponder now, in a deep place, as does he ... a place above our MIND ... ]

... *closes his EYE* ...

So, I continue my reflection 'here' in our Hall of Learning, as it is, in this (cyber) 'space', as it is ...

"INVOLUTION" I speak aloud, silently in my 'inner' 'space' ...

and I consider that, just as I opened one of my (cyber) eyes [left or right?] so, maybe does BRAHMA, open ONE of HIS EYES [for lack of a better correlation] to 'peak' at his own 'reflection' sitting across an empty 'space', as it is here, just MESELF and my BROTHER sitting across this empty, yet infinitely fillable SPACE ...

... hmmm ...

I feel I'm getting nowhere with these reflections, so I will retreat deeper NOW into my OWN BEING and continue to reflect on this question ... [I feel I can correspond some of these rather unrelated 'terms' I've used in my reflection 'here' upon a further examination of our SYSTEM-- HYLOZOICS]

... sigh ... *peak*

My brother remains, somewhere in the DEEP, apparently physically asleep (here, cyber-ly), but I know he sees my own 'reflection(s)' as nothing is hidden between him and I in These HALLS ...

So I await his responses to my rather ill-formulated questions, even, now, based upon my own reflections 'here' as I have presented them in OUR HALL ... if he so chooses ... for he has DIVINE WILL, as do - I - ... and all awakened and 'self-conscious/activated MONADS in the GREAT DEEP)

I hope more students, more brothers and pilgrims are [and more inquisitive MINDS] shall come here with their often turbulent emotional 'spaces' to some degree of 'control' and that they may present our teacher, or rather, our studied equal with some well formulated questions based on our system, Pythagorean Hylozoics ... we should all reflect like this, like I have here, in our own 'spaces' and in our own ways ... )

... AUM ...

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 05:15 AM
The amazing, Pythagorean mathematical nature of reality has recently been revealed for the first time.
The above link shows that the Pythagorean tetractys is the "Rosetta Stone" that deciphers information about the nature of physical and superphysical reality embodied in the sacred geometries of various religions, as well as in the five Platonic solids. It is the mathematical basis of the system of Kabbalistic Godnames, Archangels, Angels and Mundane Chakras and their gematria number values. It is the heart of a mathematical gnosis encoded in sacred geometries that connects the exceptional Lie groups and the structure of superstrings. Pythagorean mathematics is NOT what mathematicians and philosophers have imagined. It is far more profound and powerful. THAT is why it was kept unwritten and secret. But now this gnosis has been revealed.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Fr. T.E.U.

Thank you for your participation.
If you're still here, my question for you is what's the correlations between the cosmos, which consists of 91 dimensions[in HYLOZOICS(see p1)] and the cosmos, which consists of 7 densities[in Ra materials/the Law of One(see p2)].
It really confused me a lot, as I still haven't delved into PH yet, but I do intend to study it intensively in the near future.
If you or anyone who's familiar with PH can shed some light on my confusion, I'll be very grateful~
edit on 31-8-2013 by Oness because: pic.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:30 PM
Hello Oness.

I will add my opinion, as I feel there may be (as you have felt too?) some correlations to be had in these teachings (LOW and PH). But keep in mind, I am still new to the details of PH.

Counting the LOW Densities, I feel they correlate quite well, as thus: (using "//" to separate LOW // PH )

Density #1 -- Consciousness // In Minerals (Mineral Kingdom) consciousness awakens to an semi-conscious state (to a low degree), then on it goes into other 'things', but let me just correlate it to the number 49:1 - # (will add to if I can, or if I'm right, or not, if I'm to be corrected by our learned brother)

Density #2 -- Awareness // The Plant Kingdom perhaps? still in worlds 49:#-#) if they be at all aware (they are in the etheric, if one believe "The Secret Life of Plants"

Density #3 -- Density of Choice // Animal Kingdom, where they get their 'group soul', as I believe (might be wrong) of a Casual Material. The smartest animals on Earth seem more intelligent (and make choices upon correction/evolution) than the dumbest brutes of man, no? And they exhibit LOVE, which is a very related to our Souls, our Casual envelopes. (I'm losing the number system here, so bare with the terms alone, please)

Density #4 -- LOVE // HUMANS receive their individual Casual Envelopes when they first begin to incarnate as a Human (I think. I am presuming here, not KNOWledged). The nature of this Casual Envelope and energy is Lovely, and it ties up to those "heavenly" planes. Our SOULS are LOVE, and get them in this Density (again, hypothesis here)

Density #5 -- WISDOM // Said to be of the Mind and Soul, but let's Think MENTAL Consciousness (Monad Awareness in the MENTAL Envelope/planes

Density #6 -- UNITY LOVE and LIGHT // Here we come to the CASUAL world, where our true home IS and our destination will be, one day, soon, WE hope.

Density #7 -- FOREVERNESS // The ESSENTIAL world of HYLOZOICS ... Few reach this high (or descend from it to clearly channel themselves to our world--physical ...

... all of what I write here is MY theory//opinion//current thoughts on the matter//hypothesis ...

and as it is, it is open to interpretation, correlation, and correction by our more learned brother, Fr., or whoever else joins us in this Hall of Learning.

Welcome, Oness! Glad to meet you, so to say

( ... aum ...

my feelings about what I wrote are of a confused nature ... I hope though that it makes some sense to me, and to my brother Oness, in due time, if I have correlated at all correctly

... aum ... )
edit on 31-8-2013 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:27 PM
For anyone interested, here are a couple 'introductory' works from two of the main authors of PH.

From HT Laurency (the main proponent of our System), a brief: The Three Questions of The Sphinx ( )

From Lars Adelskogh (modern day proponent), a longer Explanation: The Explanation ( -- available in pdf's and HTML )

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by HenryBowen

Thank you for your replying, and I'm glad to meet you, too.
My brother, your first post in this thread really inspires me a lot!
We're ALL(both STO & STS) on the journey of Soul toward ONEness, despite so much misery here on Earth.
However, this ILLUSION of POLARITY is so overwhelming that so many of us just lost in it.
While this transition's still going on, those who've awakened to a broader REALITY must do their best to radiate the light of love & truth for Humanity.

As to your reply, I really think there may be correlations in these teachings (LOW and PH), for there is one REALITY beyond all the illusions and confusions.
I'm sorry I can't reply to your detailed interpretation right now, for lack of time.
But I'll reply you soon, when I have enough time. It's a pleasure to have a discussion with you, my brother.


posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Oness
reply to post by HenryBowen

Thank you for your replying, and I'm glad to meet you, too.
My brother, your first post in this thread really inspires me a lot!
We're ALL(both STO & STS) on the journey of Soul toward ONEness, despite so much misery here on Earth.
However, this ILLUSION of POLARITY is so overwhelming that so many of us just lost in it.
While this transition's still going on, those who've awakened to a broader REALITY must do their best to radiate the light of love & truth for Humanity.

As to your reply, I really think there may be correlations in these teachings (LOW and PH), for there is one REALITY beyond all the illusions and confusions.
I'm sorry I can't reply to your detailed interpretation right now, for lack of time.
But I'll reply you soon, when I have enough time. It's a pleasure to have a discussion with you, my brother.


I know what you mean about the illusion. I had trouble with it recently, but every day brings new clarity.

I'm glad my first post inspired you. Writing that started a movement of SPIRIT in me that took me for a wild ride on this recent OUTPOURING, as it is. So many people feel it, as do you, and many of them are suffering through it. I'm on another forum where there dozens of like minded people, so F'ing WISE really, that helped me though my recent Sojourn. I will invite you there in a U2U (as soon as I can send them;have to check and see here.And you might know which forum I'm talking about already.).

Quoting myself here, from my first post:

"... a young man, agnostic who pleaded to The Heavens, "God! Whoever!, IF there be ANYONE OUT THERE, PLEASE ... Let Me KNOW WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT!!!" ...

... a man struck with a 'Quickening' that frightened Family and Friends, drugged by the Docs, consoled by the Mystics, deepened through Hindu Saints, Grounded by Buddha, confused and intrigued by Blavatsky, educated through Hermetics (any of this sound familiar?) ... "

This was when I was 21 years old. The same thing happened to me beginning around the time of my first post here, now 35 years old. If I didn't have the reference points (gems) of all those subjects I studied, especially Theosophy and mostly now HYLOZOICS, I would have gone mad (as some of my family and friends assumed, but now see that I'm just born again-- a New Person of the Spirit).

That's all for now. Glad to be chatting with you. I hope things stay peaceful here in this thread. We can learn from each other, especially when/if Fr. comes back, as I feel he is authentic.

Peace, brother!

posted on Sep, 1 2013 @ 10:19 PM
To those of you who have posted recently:

I am quite busy at this particular point in time and so I will be slow to respond to any inquiries. Please do understand that I am just not the sort of man to hastily compose what amounts to a handful of sloppy and haphazard responses for the sake of responding; I prefer quality over quantity. Secondly, hastily composed responses can only serve to increase the prevalence of misunderstandings and is - therefore - a failure on my part to do as I had originally sought (to help interested peoples here get a better understanding of PH). No, you will have no such thing from me if I can help it - I would much rather still my tongue until a better window of opportunity presented itself than rush a response or two. I will test your patience, I assure you.


The issue I shall address at this juncture is yours - the matter of correlations between the cosmologies of PH and the LoO. First and foremost, before beginning, let me just say that you are in luck in that I am fairly well versed in both systems. I studied the LoO in my youth, actually, however much I have long since outgrown it. It was, in a sense, a stepping stone to greater things for me and served to usher me into the ripe fields of the occult and esoteric (after a short but sweet survey of the major ideas of science and philosophy). Enough of that, however - I ought to stay on task seeing as I have very little time to spare for chit-chat.

I will have to disagree with Henry on this one - I find that the two cosmologies differ in important respects. Yes, they do have some less important points in common, such as the "seven planes" mentioned in the Theosophical diagram (actually the "seven planes" of the solar system) and the "seven densities" of the LoO - the thing in common hear being the number "seven" more than anything else. I also happen to have "seven" pens at my desk - does that necessarily mean my pens are somehow correlated with PH and the LoO also? The answer is obvious. One of the biggest differences I can see is that, given PH, an "STS" oriented individual (a la LoO) would not actually be able to progress beyond the Worlds of Man. Thus, the cosmologies diverge - according the LoO, there are two equally viable - and opposite (to a degree), mind you - paths of development whereas according to PH, there is only one path of development predetermined by the nature of the cosmos itself; its make-up. The metaphor of a great tidal wave - we could call, in a sense, the "Will of God" - comes to mind and how you can either go with the flow (the natural reaction) or fight against it in vain (the unnatural reaction).

That said, there are some interesting similarities worth noting - such as a choice between Unity (possibly similar to LoO STO) and Power (possibly similar to LoO STS) - although they are not 1:1 as you were perhaps hoping for. Granted, is anything ever that simple?

Thanks for your time,


Fr. T.E.U. - Fr. E.S.Q.S.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by HenryBowen

Now I have some spare time, so I'll write a feedback regarding your opinions about that correlations.
My initial intention is to relate the seven densities of LoO to the number system of PH, just as you did here:

let me just correlate it(Density #1) to the number 49:1 - #
But it seems not that simple as we may imagine, since our learned brother have already said

the thing in common hear being the number "seven" more than anything else.
However, we still can compare some similarities between the cosmologies of PH and the LoO, and have a discussion.
Firstly, I disagreed with you here:

Density #2 -- Awareness // The Plant Kingdom perhaps?
Density #3 -- Density of Choice // Animal Kingdom
In LoO, animal kingdom also belongs to D2. see:

19.2 Questioner: ...
Ra: I am Ra. There are three types of second-density entities which become, shall we say, enspirited. The first is the animal. This is the most predominant. The second is the vegetable, most especially that which you call sound vibration complex “tree.” These entities are capable of giving and receiving enough love to become individualized. The third category is mineral.
Then, regarding Density #4 ~ #7, I agree with you by and large. To make our hypothesis clear, I classify these seven densities into the number system of PH:

43 the manifestal world // *
44 the submanifestal world // *
45 the superessential world // density #7
46 the essential world // density #6 (#7)
47 the causal-mental world // density #5 (& #6)
48 the emotional world // density #4
49 the physical world // density #1 & #2 & #3
Such classification may be misleading, so to speak, adding more confusion between these two system. For example, I think an octave of densities is ALL that we can imagine, but where are these other eighty-more dimensions(that described in PH) in the cosmology of LoO?
So I think that may be why our brother said "two cosmologies differ in important respects".

Anyway, thank you for your sharing thoughts on this topic, and your future invitation, I'm really appreciated it.

Namaste~(PS: It means, the Spirit in Me sees the Spirit in You.)

edit on 2-9-2013 by Oness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Fr. T.E.U.

Thank you for your thoughtful response and I'm really lucky that you're both versed in LoO and PH. Since I've only studied LoO for two years or so, and have not studied PH yet(but I will study it soon), please don't mind my poorly-composed questions.
Before I can reply and ask more relevant questions(while the window of opportunity is still open ), it may take me more time to ponder on your response, which's really to the point.
Now, for lack of time, I have to leave for a while.

posted on Sep, 2 2013 @ 06:16 PM
I appreciate Our communion. I hope to be back with good questions as they arise, and will hesitate (give pause to reflect) to give opinion, as this is how we learn, so to say.

While I've read much of Laurency in the past, I return now with more discipline at my studies. With that, I'm just into The Explanation by L.A.; very clear and helpful.

Regarding LoO, all I learned oh it was from Hidden Hand, which I often mistype as Helping Hand

Lmao ... sigh

In humility,
... Om ...

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Fr. T.E.U.

Dear Fr. E.S.Q.S.,
I wish we can get this ball rolling, so I'll be patient, and take our discussion serious, as long as this window of opportunity still exists. With that being said, I'll take my time to reply you.

Well, that day has come and that someone has arrived if anyone cares to avail themselves of the opportunity. Pity the OP is gone, but that does not mean that everyone else who had an interest in such matters should suffer unnecessary darkness.

as I had originally sought (to help interested peoples here get a better understanding of PH).
I appreciate your goodwill for us who in darkness, and I have sent an e-mail to remind the OP that we're having a discussion about PH now, since I had a discussion with him and also knew his e-mail before we were all banned due to another thread. I hope he'll come back to take a part.

It was, in a sense, a stepping stone to greater things for me and served to usher me into the ripe fields of the occult and esoteric (after a short but sweet survey of the major ideas of science and philosophy). Enough of that, however - I ought to stay on task seeing as I have very little time to spare for chit-chat.
I think many of us are interested in your personal experience on the way of seeking, which really inspires us a lot. If you have spare time in the future, I wish you can share with us more about yourself, and our brother Henry "would very much like to know what the other System you've worked with(/are working with) along side our Hylozoics".
As to LoO, it's also my stepping stone and awakening key, but after two year's intensive study, I'm still far from outgrowing it as you did. It serves me very well as a working hypothesis, arouses my interest about Occult and Esoteric, and (since I'm a Chinese, it)even helps me to understand Confucianism, Taoism and Buddism much better.
Not long ago, I found PH, and immediately had an intention to delve into PH deeply, thus no wonder I'll take this opportunity to ask quesions about PH based on LoO.

I will have to disagree with Henry on this one - I find that the two cosmologies differ in important respects.
If I interpret your words right here, do you mean an "STS" oriented individual is able to progress beyond the Worlds of Man: 47–49, and there're POLARITY beyond the worlds of man?

Since you concluded the "seven planes" in the Theosophy and the "seven densities" of the LoO have nothing in common except the number seven, I'll ask if this conclusion could also apply to seven Chakras and seven bodies(which are related to their densities), or in other words, the "seven planes" in the Theosophy have nothing to do with the energy system?

That said, there are some interesting similarities worth noting - such as a choice between Unity (possibly similar to LoO STO) and Power (possibly similar to LoO STS) - although they are not 1:1 as you were perhaps hoping for. Granted, is anything ever that simple?
It's really not that simple, for only using the word "Power" to describe STS-oriented entities is misleading, while STO-oriented entities also have the Power.
IMHO, we should use what Ra said in LoO to amend what Laurency said in PH, for the latter one incarnated as human and was veiled.
What's your opinion?

Looking forward to your reply patiently.
edit on 4-9-2013 by Oness because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-9-2013 by Oness because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 10:54 PM

First and foremost, I must apologize - I had mistaken your name for "Oneness" in my last response. To be perfectly honest, I had always read it as "Oneness" without so much as a second thought. Curious, is it not?

That said, before I begin, I would like to offer my thanks for your efforts to bring the OP back. As I had said in my initial post it was a pity that they were gone - it seemed that they were genuinely interested in PH. As per the whole business of the "other thread(s)" - there is no need to mention it; I know all about it. I do my homework, after all. We will do the best that we can, here and now. If I find the discussion fruitful and/or perhaps threatened, I will advise an exchange of email addresses for the sake of continuing the discussion regardless of any unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances. However, that all remains to be seen.

On the matter of my background, I will remain (relatively) reticent. I did not come here to write an autobiography, as if anyone ought to care - I am nothing special. Yes, I perhaps know a thing or two above and beyond the average Joe, but I am always and ever reminded by my knowing that - as I had said above - "The more I learn, the less I know". What this implies is that, as consciousness expands (little by little), so too do the vistas of knowledge - and far more rapidly than our own consciousness, mind you. The gates are thrown wide and world upon world is unveiled to the duly prepared, each representing a new field of learning - it eventually serves to bring about a rather staggering realization that we are neigh hopelessly ignorant in the Worlds of Man; that we can say, with certainty, as Sokrates did, "I know nothing (worth knowing)". It makes a man to realize that his wisdom is little more than a foolish parody; it makes a man humble. That said, I will submit - once, for interests sake - the same material that I wrote for my profile and it is as follows.

"Fr. T.E.U. aka Fr. E.S.Q.S. (Ego Sum Qui Sum); Student of (neo) Pythagorean Hylozoics and life-long student of the Occult and Esoteric in general.

Interests include but are not limited to: Art, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Science, the Occult and Esoteric - (neo) Pythagorean Hylozoics, (neo) Platonism, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Theurgy, Freemasonry, Ceremonial Magi(k), Theosophy, Comparative Religious Studies"

Currently I am studying PH (a la HTL primarily; HPB, CWL, AWB, AEP, AAB/DK), the symbolism of Freemasonry and the Enchiridion of Epiktetus. My "body of practice", as I tend to call it consists of an early morning meditation, journaling, reading, the fulfilling of duties and obligations and active service. It is, admittedly, a rather sparse "body of practice", but that is because I have long since learned to appreciate the simple Art of Living; austerity - of any kind, I find, is a dangerous sort of thing in that it invites the delusions of grandeur and self-importance that we must necessarily overcome. Hopefully, this enough to slake your curiosities?

On the matter of discovering PH and comparing it to the LoO, let me be perfectly frank with you. If you truly wish to grasp PH, you will need to drop the LoO at some point; the (mental) systems or world views of PH and the LoO do not correspond as much as you might have hoped they do - certainly not on a 1:1 basis. To try and study PH alongside the LoO would only serve to confuse you - though these two systems do have some points in common, they also have some significant differences that just do not sit well with each other. I tried to point out one such glaring difference in my last response, but it seems that you misread what I had posted.

On the matter of the STS in the Worlds of Man, I would ask you to re-read what I had initially posted with a bit more care this time.

On the matter of the number seven, perhaps it would be of benefit to visualize the process of comparison as follows.

PH (concerning the Systemic Worlds only) LoO
7 Worlds 7 Densities
7 Envelopes corresponding to the above Worlds 7 Bodies corresponding to the above Densities
7 Chakras (Sankrit: Wheels) or Centers of Force 7 Chakras

Both systems postulate seven Worlds (Densities), Envelopes (Bodies) and a series of Chakras of Centers of Force. The two systems do have points of correspondence therefore, ditto. However, the thing to note is that these points of correspondence are (relatively) general in nature; not only do these two systems correspond on these points, but - and I am sure you know this - a great many systems are in agreement with these points, besides. When it comes down to specifics, however, they are not nearly so corresponding. The number "seven" becomes the biggest correspondence, more than anything else.


posted on Sep, 4 2013 @ 11:10 PM
That said, there most certainly is a relationship between the "seven" Worlds, Envelopes and Chakras or Centers of Force - by way of Analogy - in PH, but that is an entirely different matter; we are not discussing how the system corresponds with itself, but rather how it corresponds with other systems. Does that make sense to you?

On the matter of STS and Power, when I mentioned the STS orientation in relation to Power, I was implying that one might be able to argue something along the lines of a correspondence between the STS orientation of the LoO and the Will to Power of PH; likewise, the STO orientation of the LoO and the Will to Unity of PH. This is, however, not a thing that you would be aware of being unfamiliar as you are with PH. Just so that we are clear.

I think that about covers everything for the time being. As I like to say, "the ball is in your court".

Thanks for your time,


Fr. T.E.U. - Fr. E.S.Q.S.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Fr. T.E.U.

Thank you so much for your generous sharings and illuminations, which really make much sense to me. This time, I think I'll spend more time on poring over your replies and then giving a thoughtful feedback, which I wish would move our discussion of PH forward. Now the ball is in my court, I have to ask you for tolerance of my slowness in writing a respond, since English is not my native language.

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