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How Many Officers Does it Take to Beat a Woman Senseless?

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posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
It's sad that this is the result of just a small misunderstanding.

Perhaps if we were better at communicating, both the police and the citizens, we wouldn't have this problem.

I don't believe the cops are interested in any way but their own. It's actually been seen many times where cops go insane on a citizen for looking the wrong way.

If they aren't getting punished for these instances, isn't it the same as giving permission?


I know these sorts of incidents do not give LEO's a good reputation. It's despicable what happens out there.

But it's my opinion that these cases are rarer than we think. There are tons of bad cops out there, but many more "good cops".

You bad apple ruins the batch.

You may be right and there may very well be more good cops than bad.

But until the bad apples are punished accordingly we will start seeing more bad ones surface IMO. New cops coming out of the academies only learn from those before them and that is the problem as well.

Along with rampant steroid use, ( I posted a thread awhile ago) military grade weapons and vehicles it's almost as tho they are being given permission to treat their Country as a battle ground and the citizens, all citizens as the enemy.


posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:25 PM

The "Law Enforcement Officers" of today aren't what they need to be.

In their eyes they are heroes, gods even, and they can do no wrong,
made believable by the fact that they won't see justice for their crimes.

We the people are just a lowly sub-species of cretins, that they feel they need
to keep in check, the way they see fit, as well as be their punching bag
whenever they're having a bad day or just "feel like it".

People are beginning to take notice that we are being oppressed, and it is entirely
up to us to change the way things are. We can change the direction of our history
to an extent, if/when we so choose to.

Waiting for the spark to be made flame

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 06:58 PM
Why do we hire these borderline psychopaths?
Where are the psychologists when they get recruited?
Somebody has to vet these thugs because far too many of them are power tripping sociopaths.
The police are not your friends.....when victims get victimised by those whom they depend upon for protection....its time for a change in the parameters......
There is even a sort of double speak going on where they somehow depersonalise themselves and put all the onus on the victim.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:01 PM
lets find out phone the fuzz and say the old dear near you is dealing then watch how many come round to beat the living beejeesus out of her
hey it could be a new game for reality tv

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by stirling
Why do we hire these borderline psychopaths?
Where are the psychologists when they get recruited?
Somebody has to vet these thugs because far too many of them are power tripping sociopaths.
The police are not your friends.....when victims get victimised by those whom they depend upon for protection....its time for a change in the parameters......
There is even a sort of double speak going on where they somehow depersonalise themselves and put all the onus on the victim.

I said it before Stirling, and by the way your post is starred again.
The 8th Protocol-- paraphrased, "Don't hire anyone less compromised
than you are." We're seeing the final evil extreme of it playing out now.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:30 PM
One of the reasons I got arrested last year was because the pig said I was "nervous". How can one not be nervous when pulled over by a armed pig after seeing all the cases of abuse and killings by this lawful gang? To boot, I just got the paperwork from my hearing and I'm glad I wasn't there because if I had had to sit and listen to all the lies that damned pig told I would certainly be in jail for a much worse offense.The lying bastard had no reason to arrest me, he knows it so he's lying out of his rear end yet he will get away with it and I will get screwed for doing nothing wrong except for committing a thought-crime.

Because of crap like this lady getting beaten I am totally in fear any time I see a pig. Not just sometimes, but ALL the time. I never know if I'm breaking some ridiculous law out of hundreds of thousands of them that the pig will do more than just arrest me.

War on pigs sounds like a great idea to me, they have taken it to us so why aren't we fighting back?

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:32 PM
Had this woman received such a beating from her boyfriend, spouse or, (like the officers) someone she didn't know, they would have been brought up on serious charges and thrown in jail. It's shocking, that so many men in this society seem to believe it is alright to beat the living crap out of a woman. I can't help but wonder how those two men would feel if someone did this to "their" mom, spouse, girlfriend? I bet they would be pretty ticked off. Why do they believe they have a right to do this to someone Else's mom, sister, daughter ? I am old enough to remember a time, when men behaved much differently toward women and police behaved much differently toward the public. It's a scary thing being a woman now - a - days. Who will protect us from our protectors?

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by jude11

IMO Police Officers are told or trained to yell "stop resisting", even if the person isn't resisting. They do this in case someone is recording them. It creates an automatic assumption in people's mind that the person must have been resisting.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by VeniVidi
reply to post by jude11

IMO Police Officers are told or trained to yell "stop resisting", even if the person isn't resisting. They do this in case someone is recording them. It creates an automatic assumption in people's mind that the person must have been resisting.

And a star for you.

Exactly what I've always thought.

Sometimes we see vids of this exact thing. "Stop Resisting!" even tho it's clear the only thing happening is a question.


posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by stirling
Why do we hire these borderline psychopaths?
Where are the psychologists when they get recruited?

Ask their unions. They don't get punished for their crimes because the unions are more powerful than you, me, their bosses, and the cities they work for.

And unions wonder why they're hated so much.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by jude11

I must admit you have a good point.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by jude11

I must admit you have a good point.

Of course I do!

How could you think anything otherwise?

JK of course.


posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:35 PM
Where is the taser? Where is the loudness of the officer? Where is the female officer?

And who contained the dog during all this?

Honestly even if I were deaf if a police officer was giving a face of no, I wouldn't expect him to follow anybody for 30 feet.

Oh there has been a time when I wish I could casually ignore orders, like when that funeral line was running the red lights with police escort, it was finals day of college for me, and I missed the bus because I couldn't cross the street to the bus stop. The officer said stop, I had to stop. Law enforcement can be a royal pain sometimes but you get to pick what you want to walk away with. Now had I been casual and started crossing I would have gotten a scratched jaw from the concrete after being manhandled, because that's what they do if you don't listen. But I got to walk away from it. Only cost me like, a few thousand dollars in repeat courses, over a dead person. Sick huh? Still better than jail.

That head beating is out of line though. Beatings don't work on stupid people, or disabled, maybe it's a combination here. Best attitude when they bother to make eye contact: would you like more coffee with your donut sir?

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by VeniVidi
reply to post by jude11

IMO Police Officers are told or trained to yell "stop resisting", even if the person isn't resisting. They do this in case someone is recording them. It creates an automatic assumption in people's mind that the person must have been resisting.

I actually agree to a certain extent. I think in almost any situation (even if beating someone for no reason) the cops will be yelling "Stop resisting!". I've seen a few videos where it was very clear the person was in no way resisting and this was being yelled. Either by habit or to throw off spectators, not sure.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:48 PM
This is why cops should have a quality 360 degree camera mounted on top of the car, that displays quality images, that picks up quality sound, that cops cannot turn off, that is transmitted to a neutral place where cops can't mess with it.


posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by jam321
This is why cops should have a quality 360 degree camera mounted on top of the car, that displays quality images, that picks up quality sound, that cops cannot turn off, that is transmitted to a neutral place where cops can't mess with it.



If they can record us at anytime, they should be on camera at all times.

"If you aren't doing anything wrong, why should it matter"...comes to mind.

Works both ways.


posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:58 PM
This is not even shocking to me, which is exactly what the police and government are shooting for. They want to make the public so used to certain behaviors that they just begin to ignore them, accepting them as normal. It is imperative that we do not allow this to happen, as things will escalate in stages. What I mean is that once we are desensitized to a well enough degree, they will escalate their tactics even more. It may not necessarily be some diabolical plot, but rather it is the result of people who readily abuse their power. Therefore it is the next logical step in their behavior, and it is predictable. But many do not seem to understand this. Many still defend these people, and want to blame the woman.

Are these officers so stupid that they cannot take into account medical conditions that may prevent a person from understanding what they are trying to get across? It seems quite likely that this woman just did not hear the officer, otherwise she would have complied. But see, these insane police officers automatically shoot into a rage when they think they are not being given proper "respect." They are quick to resort to violence because they have issues themselves, as most of these situations do not call for such use of force. What was so threatening about this woman that she needed to be treated in such a manner?

And the fact that they resort to violence makes the situation exponentially worse for the person, because even if they did nothing wrong, the officer, wanting to justify his actions, will simply lie and claim that he did what he had to do. Of course this is a lie, but of course they are going to lie and not admit the truth, because they are psychopaths. Seriously, many police officers, especially those who do things like this, exhibit psychopathic behavior and tendencies. They think because they enforce the law, they are authorized to do whatever they want. Remember the video where the cop actually shoots the suspect, who is lying on the ground with three other officers on top of him? He had no weapon, and they had him restrained. Not to mention they shouldn't have been messing with him in the first place. And the officer claims he though he was shooting his taser. Are you kidding me?

Even if this was the case, because of their training, if an officer is so stupid that he does something like this, criminal charges MUST be filed. That was a gross miscarriage of justice if I've ever seen one. We cannot allow police officers to break the law just because they are tasked with upholding it. That should mean they are held to an even higher standard than a regular person. Maybe cops should not be allowed to carry weapons, seeing as how so many are not adequately trained in their usage. And officers who would go to these lengths to bring down a helpless woman carrying a small dog should be fired and prosecuted for their stupidity.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Glass

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by Glass
Not defending the officer(s) in question, but police do deal with a lot of crap on a regular basis. The solution? Perhaps a healthy dose of a certain plant, off duty of course.

And maybe a few more being brought up on charges, prosecuted and taken off the force. All in the public eye.

If they knew that consequences were waiting with no special treatment, many might think twice before raising a fist or a gun.


Yes, absolutely, this needs to happen. With press coverage greater than the Boston incident. A nice long "unpaid vacation" might do these officers some good.
edit on 2/6/2013 by Glass because: (no reason given)

A vacation? Listen, people take vacations to get away from their reality and to enjoy themselves--after putting in their hours and earning what they have. A vacation is a reward. These cops who take it upon themselves to beat/injure/ and kill people..... deserve a vacation all right.. behind bars. They deserve the same punishment as any other person who breaks the law.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by jude11

But we also have the witness saying that the woman was not threatening in any way. But of course her testimony won't be taken seriously. She's just a lowly citizen and can't be trusted to tell the truth. Only the cops in these situations are always telling the truth.

That's usually the way it works, however, I won a case against the police once. It was my word against theirs, the situation was different and I had pictures (lol). The magistrate picked me up at my home to show (her) where the incident took place.. so she didn't simply use my pics as evidence.. but after that ride I did win my case.

I don't believe the cops are interested in any way but their own. It's actually been seen many times where cops go insane on a citizen for looking the wrong way.

So true. Power and control seems to be the standard in most instances, at least the ones that I am aware of.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 11:59 PM
I can't even bring myself to be surprised by stories like this anymore. Merely disgusted and angry. This shoot first (or rather punch in this case) and ask questions later mentality that cops these days seem to have is disturbing. Could they have not barred this womans path and reiterated what they said to her? Or do they feel that they are above that, and felt that they had to show the woman her "place"? It's sickening, and a total miscarriage of justice. And they stand a more than decent chance of getting away with it to boot, even with a witness contradicting their story.

Perhaps a reason why cops are getting more and more physical and violent these days is because they can't please their wives/girlfriends/fiance's/etc. where it counts. Perhaps they have to demonstrate their masculinity in another way. Namely by ganging up on, beating, and killing those who can't (and won't due to fear) fight back.

What the hell has this country come to?
edit on 2-6-2013 by Lunarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2013 by Lunarian because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2013 by Lunarian because: (no reason given)

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