posted on May, 27 2013 @ 05:19 PM
SANTIAGO/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Chilean and Argentine authorities on Monday declared a red alert and ordered the mandatory evacuation of a 25-km
(15.5-mile) radius around the active Copahue volcano, which straddles the border between the two Andean nations.
The volcano - located some 500 km (310 miles) south of capital Santiago, between Chile's Bio Bio region and Argentina's Neuquen province - has seen
increasing seismic activity in recent weeks but has not erupted, Chilean authorities said.
"This doesn't necessarily mean the volcano will start erupting. But according to the Sernageomin (National Geological and Mining Service), the volcano
is now in a process that could culminate in an eruption, for that reason we've issued a red alert and the evacuation," Chilean Interior Minister
Andres Chadwick told a nationally televised news conference.
Authorities estimated that some 2,240 people will be evacuated in Chile.
edit on 27-5-2013 by MuzzleBreak because: (no reason given)