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Women don't like quiet males. (They prefer alpha males who are all bullies)

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posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
I have repeatedly seen this thread on numerous forums ,posted by some guy who cannot find a girlfriend ,so he makes some misogynistic post ,lumping all women into one group ,claiming we all want alpha guys who cheat on us and beat us .

I *hate* bullies ,and I've been know to kick the ever loving crap out of any guy who dared to lay a finger on me .
I hate to tell you ,all those guys pretending to be sensitive ,caring guys,do all the exact same crap alleged alphas do .
They cheat ,lie ,and dump girls in a heartbeat ,if something with a bigger cup size and fewer IQ points comes along .
They all want some vapid stripper,who they have spent 1000s on in lap dances ,but since they can't get her permanently ,they piss and moan when the local girl cannot be bothered with them .Probably because she's seen him skulking around outside the strip joint *rolls eyes* .

So whining its all the women's fault,and we all want evil alphas is rather a joke .
You would sell your own grandmothers ,to be an alpha yourselves .

There seems to be coming a lot of hate from your side too. So what does that make you different from the ones starting what you call 'these threads'.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Angle

Well for one thing ,I cannot be bothered to go on any forum,let alone a few of them ,to whine about how awful men are,and why don't they appreciate a good woman .
I mean fail .
He posted it ,I chose to answer . Just because my opinion of most men is that they are lying cheaters,just means I have more experience in it than you do ,quite obviously .
Quite a lot of my friends are strippers,and I know exactly who they get their money from . Most other women's husbands ,and its for a lot more than just a lap dance .

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by PtolemyII

Ok, but I didn't want you to drown in it, or did I, I didn't.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by PtolemyII
reply to post by TrueBrit

I know there are good guys out there. They are few and far between in my experience.
Thing is,I dated lots of bad boys . Musicians mostly . I was told ,you need to find a nice guy ! Date a normal nice guy !

So I did that ,and they were the worst experiences of my life . I would take an alcoholic rockstar with groupies ,over the ,"I'm such a nice guy,give me a chance" ,guy ,ever again .
I know what to actually expect ,and they're more honest than the nice guy ,with something to hide .

One of these guys ,I even threw away every picture I had of him . Never wanted to look at his face again .
Worked in my field . What a CREEP .

He found me kn facebook last year,said he wanted to be pals. He was sorry .Married now...
No way

Nice guys finish last, I was already beginning to suspect from the bitterness in your original post that you may have a bit of a rough ride on the alpha carousel

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by hotel1

Her opinion is of all the nice faithful husbands that go to strip clubs and get more than a lap dance. I can't say I disagree as I am the baby of a family with a lot of boys and have seen their good behavior on more than one occasion including the brother who's in military. Either way I am sure there are genuinely nice men that don't do those sort of things at any point in their lives, just as I am sure there are women who are faithful and genuinely nice as well.

I have dated both and men and women and they aren't that much different as far as good and bad behaviors. That's just my own experience, take it as you will. As a society men aren't given as much disrespect when they participate in those bad behaviors and in many cases it's revered among groups of men (and women who continue to reward them with mating). I guess that might make some women bitter, but to that I say blame the way we are raised and the way we continue to allow ourselves to accept bad behaviors as glorious.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by fadedface
reply to post by Klassified

No its women who have got the issues for only being attracted to aggressively confident and competitive alpha males who are invariably bullies. It shows how shallow and weak minded women can be that they only acknowledge confident and socially accepted males. Women have got a lot to answer for in rejecting quiet, passive and timid males.

This is a disturbing thought process you are having here.

Women have got a lot to answer for . . . for not throwing themselves at you?

You have a sense that you are a victim of injustice because you haven't had a relationship yet. I suggest you go and humble yourself a bit as what you are complaining about indicates that you feel you are owed something and yet you have not provided any evidence that you have personally gone out and attempted to earn anything.

As they say the early bird gets the worm.

In your case you never got out of bed and are complaining that no lady birds stopped by to puke down your throat.

As has been stated repeatedly, women are attracted to these "idiot alpha males" because they demonstrate they will actually go out and attempt to get things done.

In other words, they take action.

In the real world, outside of your head, for a reaction to occur and action must be taken first.
edit on 11-6-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101


Should I be concerned I am finding myself agreeing with KeliOnyx and Klassfied?
Ahhh crap and Votan to . . . . son of !

edit on 11-6-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 04:23 PM
The whole thing makes perfect sense to me from the get go.

Nice guys who complain that girls don't want them are total sissies trying to play the victim role. They lack the confidence or skill to keep a female interested, so they keep to themselves and hope one just falls in their lap. This greatly decreases their odds of meeting a quality person or even any type of person at all. The reason for this is that women typically aren't the ones initiating. They don't have to, and it's a fact that men are often thrown off when a woman does approach them. Times are changing and societies rules are changing, but no that fast. Shy people by definition are less social. If you want people in your life you have to be social. This isn't rocket science, and every aspect of this male female dynamic makes perfect sense. It's no mystery what either side is after.

Some of you are so unbelievably wrong, and it's obvious why in each case.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:01 PM
More relevant information that once again supports everything I say.....

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by fadedface

i try to be deservingly arrogant to men, sometimes scary creepy guy that only a woman drawn to the dense macabre yet hilarious dude who always has the best ganja. been married five years now
edit on 26-9-2013 by rockoperawriter because: boysenberries

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:50 AM

Well i just skimmed the replies after reading the OP's post, here are my two cents from personal experience.

Woman and men have like most things been labled and generalized. "Woman like bad boys" "Men like easy woman" etc. Every generalization has its basis but its just that a generalization, doens't mean all men are the same and all woman are the same. There is a lot to relationships, more specifically to attraction. You have examples of all kinds, hot super model to geek, quiet girl to rockstar, there isn't a manual, there never will be, you gotta learn as you go, adapt = inteligent. The realm of the heart is as complicated as any other supernatural one, you can fall in love in a matter of minutes or you can fall out of love after a few years. There is no one answer. Men and Woman will agree when I say that no matter how much you try, you always try to impress the one you are interested in, being slightly diferent perhaps than you are as a person, try something you haven't before etc, to be more of the person you think the better halfs wants you to be. In the end relationships are based on the fact that two people have a quemical attraction to start it off, what follows is the relationship between 2 distinct personalities, and more often than people like to admit, it won't really matter if you are Brad pit or Monica Belluci. At the end of the day the person you choose to be with is rarely because they are just beautiful or because they are bad boys or dangerous. You choose someone to stay with because you feel good with them, or at any given time in your life you needed that type of company, be it bad for you or not. "You get the love you think you deserve" = Somewhat of a cliché but rings true. If you have ever after a relationship goes south think to yourself "I didn't deserve this" "Why was i with x person" It means, although unfortunatly, that you are on the right path, because will everything else in life, you need to fail to know what you need to succeed. Answer OP's "Question" Woman are as likely to go for the "Bad boy" type as they are to go for the "Good guy" there isn't any pattern although we are hardwired to see one.

Sorry for the long post.
edit on 26-9-2013 by Oldwindshaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Oldwindshaman

wierd thing is i had prophetic dreams about meeting my wife. first it was a sillouhette, then as dreams progressed, they grew in detail until oceans of color and light illuminated her as if she was created from my own consciousness.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

I really don't mean to be rude by saying this, but I fail to see the relevance of anything you just said to this topic or the OP's post?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Oldwindshaman

when i found the right one for me, she knew it to be true even though i'm nuttier than a squirrels outhouse. me i'm more eccentric than aplha. not quiet, nor does making sense thrill me. i'm more of an antihero than a bully. don't women prefer adventurers?
edit on 26-9-2013 by rockoperawriter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

Woman, each have their own preference, what one woman might like about you, others might dispise. There isn't really many rules of thumb of "Do's" and "Don'ts".

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 05:24 AM
ITT, OP can't get laid, makes thread about it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by fadedface

If you are timid you bet you are going to have trouble. But the reality is that men have some severe self image issues. Lets make this simple u can be a mediocre guy and get the super hottie if you wanted to. The only person saying you can't is you. It all comes down to whether or not you can like and be comfortable being yourself. The truth is the "nice" guys do not understand how attraction works and put the cart ahead of the horse. And then cry foul when they don't succeed. So quit crying because you didn't come out of the womb looking like Channing Tatum. Learn about attraction temper it with your "niceness" and you will get plenty of dates.

Oh and if you think me and the other women are lying consider this. No one on this planet respects that which they didn't have to work for to get.
edit on 26-9-2013 by KeliOnyx because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:53 AM

reply to post by fadedface

If you are timid you bet you are going to have trouble. But the reality is that men have some severe self image issues. Lets make this simple u can be a mediocre guy and get the super hottie if you wanted to. The only person saying you can't is you. It all comes down to whether or not you can like and be comfortable being yourself. The truth is the "nice" guys do not understand how attraction works and put the cart ahead of the horse. And then cry foul when they don't succeed. So quit crying because you didn't come out of the womb looking like Channing Tatum. Learn about attraction temper it with your "niceness" and you will get plenty of dates.

Oh and if you think me and the other women are lying consider this. No one on this planet respects that which they didn't have to work for to get.
edit on 26-9-2013 by KeliOnyx because: (no reason given)

^ Yeah more or less that

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by fadedface

Its scientifically proven and I have used the method to land females that were way above my level. IMO this should be passed down from father to son. A father should teach his son how to attract females. I know women might think OMG what are you saying? I am simply saying a man should teach his son how to be successful in attracting the best mate he can to produce the best offspring he can.

Ladder Theory

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 10:32 AM
I had to add to this thread! Please understand what Im trying to say here.

I guess basically.. be happy with what you are suited for. There is a personality type for most everyone out there I think. Someone you can actually be a partner with and things be compatible. This whole "nice guy" bs irritates me. Alphas can be nice, loyal, wonderful. I know... I married one. The thing is that Im an alpha female. We get along fine. Weaker men or more emotional men really arent suitable for me.. and I feel nearly predatory when I have to deal with one. I imagine its the same way more dominant men encounter weaker women.. predatory. I mean I dont want someone to worship me.. its annoying. I want someone to compete with me.
In some cases.. opposites definitely do NOT attract. Well, they may attract temporarily and then you get used. I can admit Ive been guilty of it myself in my youth. I have an ego the size of Texas ( in some ways justified and some ways definitely not!).. and it likes to be stroked. I may let you stroke my ego because I like it.. but Id never see you as an equal or material to actually make any investment in.
When my husband and I met yrs ago.. well when we actually started hanging out anyway.. it was more like 2 vicious dogs circling eachother taking bites out of one another to see what the other one was. He was definitely someone like Id not met before... he was like me! Here comes this ego thing again. I see me in him.. we are alike. I see something in him here or there I like... and I say wow, thats like me. He's awesome, Im awesome.. WE are the poo collectively. Real Freudian self love weirdness, eh? When younger we settled into a pretty easy relationship based on treat th other one how you want to be treated. Now that we are older.. we are tight. A team. 2 vicious dogs who are circling others. LOL! This relationship is completely fulfilling to me.. but would sound horrifying to someone who needs more emotional support or whatever.

I dont think weakness is a negative or a bad thing. It takes all kinds to make the world twirl, but dont be a cat lusting after and pursuing a dog. You wont get bit if you look for what is compatible with you.. and that takes a very hard and critical look at YOURSELF to figure out what you really are versus what you want to be. Dont let the movies or our egos fool you, in the grand scheme of things.. being more dominant has its own host of problems. No one personality type is actually superior to the other, specifically when you are looking for a real relationship.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 10:38 AM

reply to post by fadedface

Its scientifically proven and I have used the method to land females that were way above my level. IMO this should be passed down from father to son. A father should teach his son how to attract females. I know women might think OMG what are you saying? I am simply saying a man should teach his son how to be successful in attracting the best mate he can to produce the best offspring he can.

Ladder Theory

Or set your son up to be eviscerated when his true face is exposed or she has tired of his game what he thinks is a female above his paygrade. If "landing" means sex.. there isnt really a technique. Go to a bar and ask every woman in there to screw. Odds are one lonely defect will take you up on the offer. Ass is free.. its not all that difficult.

If you want to see your son happy and fulfilled versus a life of disappointment and misery ( and screwed up grandkids), maybe instruct him on seeing himself with a true eye.. and seeking women out that he is truly compatible with .

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