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Homemade ouija board ~ making contact

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posted on May, 18 2013 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by pyramidikal

Dear God I absolutely HATE that movie. I wish I could forever burn the memory of it from my brain. I could have done without that little tidbit of knowledge
Is there anyway the site administrators could please add that movie to the list of things that should never be mentioned ATS, lol. Particularly after say 9pm?

On topic... Ouija boards are the devil Bobby Bouche

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by jaxnmarko

Well, maybe you haven't run into many 11 and 10 year olds in your time here. Let me just break it down for you like this... By and large, they're kinda stupid. I mean, they do really stupid stuff. They are impulsive a lot of the time, which means they will inherently encounter risk. Or if you're really lucky, you'll get yourself one of those good old fashioned droned type kids who always follow the leader and just do what their told. I guess I was just plain stupid and impulsive and liked to see what all I could get myself into. There ya have it. I hope that cleared things up for ya.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by B1rd1nFL1ghT
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

I am working tremendously hard at being "not tuned in". For two reasons... my two daughters. I don't want them having this. It's not easy to deal with. You have no one to turn to for answers. If you try talking about it, you're ridiculed.

My youngest daughter is more like her father (thank God), but my oldest started showing signs as young as 2 years old. I hate it! I feel like its all my fault. We do not encourage any of this in our house. I just want her to be normal.

Well I hope it all sorts itself out for you.
If you lived close to me,I would happily visit to see if I could stop your oouija board from working,like I have done with some friends.
Maybe if you are religious you could get a local holy person to give your house some good blessings/prayers-that could help in some cases I think.
Hope it all gets better.

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 08:42 PM
I stay away from most aspects of the paranormal, because I know that I do not have enough knowledge to prevent bad things from happening. Even most paranormal investigators do not seem to realize the potential dangers of what they are doing. Investigations of haunted locations can honestly make certain spirits angry, especially if more vigorous tactics and taunting are used during the investigation. And it has happened in the past that bad things have come to investigators AFTER they have wrapped up the investigation and went home. Certain spirits can and will follow certain people home, for whatever reason. I would be willing to bet that even worse things could potentially happen from a "simple" paranormal investigation. I doubt these things are that likely, but I know they are possible.

I have had a few paranormal encounters on my own, and I never sought these things out. I have always had a sort of spiritual intuition, but nothing on the order of what many people experience. I seem to have lost what little ability I had as I have grown older, but I can remember seeing something no one else could see when I was around 6 years old or so, it was this man standing in the room. But most of what I experienced were "feelings." I intuitively knew to stay away from seances, ouija boards, or anything associated with the occult. I did not even really know what these things were, but I somehow knew they were potentially dangerous. I had family members who are bit older than me, mostly cousins, who I remember attempting to use one of these boards when I was little, and for no apparent reason I flipped out on them, and stopped their little game before it ever started. And I was really young too, and knew absolutely nothing about what they were really doing. It is weird to even think about today, even though it may not sound like it was a big deal.

These types of boards, for whatever reason, really can work. This is what I think is happening...There are spirits, some of people who have died, some maybe of other things, that are all over the place. But just because they are present does not necessarily mean a location is "haunted." Just ask the people who truly can see dead people how often they actually see them. They can be anywhere. So if someone attempts to use one of these boards, any spirits who are within a certain vicinity can participate. This is just my interpretation, and I could be wrong. So if the board does not work, it is for one of two reasons. Either those using the device are not "opening" themselves up sufficiently or are not inviting spirits sufficiently, or there are no nearby spirits to participate.

People wonder how such a board, made by a corporation for fun, can actually work. They must realize that it is not the board itself, it is the intent. Focused intent, just like meditation, can cause certain things to occur. Don't ask me how it works, because I don't know. But I know that these things can and will work, and I can guarantee that it is much more likely to have a negative effect on your life than a positive one. Those who do not believe in the paranormal, and who denounce those who do, I wish they could experience what some people experience. They would probably crap themselves. There are thousands of people over the globe who are at their wits end because they are experiencing things in their home or at their work that they cannot explain, and they don't know how to remedy the situation.

Certain spirits are more powerful than others. Certain ones basically have more abilities than others. How they learn how to manipulate the physical world to varying degrees I do not know, but I know that some are more powerful than others. And there really are things out there that are pure evil, things I would not wish on anyone, even if they mocked such things. These things are just that bad. It takes someone who truly knows what they are doing to rid a location of spirits, and even many of these people cannot rid a location of purely evil spirits. It takes someone who has a lot of faith, usually someone who is highly religious, to even stand a chance in such a battle. It is a battle of attrition when attempting to rid a place of these beings. And those who mess with ouija boards are basically inviting bad things in to their lives, as opposed to those who move into a new location only to find this location haunted. Sometimes they don't even have to move. A place that was never haunted before can become haunted, but I would say that the majority of the time there was something done to bring these entities in.

Dabbling in the occult is apt to accomplish this, but sometimes it only takes something as simple as meditating. Meditation opens a person up, or can at least, to such things. It can act as a beacon to certain entities. I don't know how often it happens, but I know it can happen, for whatever reason. So my advice to everyone is don't mess around, even if you "think" you know what you're doing

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by B1rd1nFL1ghT
reply to post by tridentblue

Yep, that's definitely scary. I'd have to leave the house. I hate stuff like that.

Is that the only time something like that has happened to you or does it happen frequently?

I'm not sure if this kind of stuff happens to everyone and they just don't clue into it or maybe it really only happens to some people? I don't know, but I wish there was a way to make it stop, lol!

A little late on response here, but oh well...

Weird stuff happens to me all the time. But as a scientific guy, my first explanation is going to be that its due to some scientific phenomenon, conspiracy, or subtle form of madness in my own mind. Paranormal is my absolutely last resort as an explanation. However, there are instances where I have no other explanation, and I have to resort to paranormal. What's the explanation for the situation I described with the guitar strings for instance? I saw the ghost coming, and reaching for my guitar strings before I heard the sound, and woke up to realize the sound was real, coming from my guitar. So what does that take to be explained - the government dream control beam, coupled some magnetic laser that can shoot through walls to hit my guitar strings? I have an open mind to a good conspiracy theory but that's just too far out. Occam's razor in that circumstance actually points to a ghost as the simplest explanation.

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 09:17 AM
My advise is just dont.

Just stay away from it all.

For those who make it work they are not contacting dead relatives. You just channeling evil pure and simple and anyone who things otherwise is being fooled.

Useing a Ouji boards is the same as pokeing a wasp nest with a stick. I know a few people who have tried and it has f'ed them up.
edit on 19-5-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:04 AM
"Weird stuff - the government dream control beam, coupled some magnetic laser that can shoot through wall"...

Oh my gosh! This quote (sorry I did take it apart a tad) is the best ever AND is worth of a thread all to itself! Do I know you??? Lol
kidding of course.
edit on 19-5-2013 by B1rd1nFL1ghT because: Reply to tridentblue

posted on May, 19 2013 @ 10:30 PM
First off I'd like to note that I have no clue how true this is or if it is even possible, but I guess that's what I'm here to find out.

Anyway, my friend told me once that he put his ouija board away in a drawer in his room one time, locked the door and left for the day, but when he got home, hours later, later and unlocked the door to his room, the board was out, open, on his bed with the piece on hello...

He's told me before of how his house is haunted and I believe him on that, byt I'm just not sure about this one. Is it possible that the events in this story could have really taken place? On another note,could a spirt in his house or associated with him in someway want him to use the board?

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 03:47 AM
I messed around with one a few times with my ex and her friends. We didn't get anything at all and we went to various locations. I am not in contact with any of the people anymore.
Every time we started I just tried to build positive energy, and healing energy I guess? To make a shield or something? Which could be why we didn't get anything.
The possibility of something happening to me later on in life is something I know of,
but, what do I do exactly to prevent it?

I've learned grounding techniques. Not to give fear energy, to show wisdom and compassion [doesn't mean love it and let it abuse me...] - but I don't want to even have to face that?

How does one burn the board when they're not even in contact with the human that has it?

I know we're going to face scary entities no matter what [my personal belief] but it's really damaging to open yourself up to something you're not ready for.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by B1rd1nFL1ghT

"Weird stuff - the government dream control beam, coupled some magnetic laser that can shoot through wall"...

Oh my gosh! This quote (sorry I did take it apart a tad) is the best ever AND is worth of a thread all to itself! Do I know you??? Lol
kidding of course.
edit on 19-5-2013 by B1rd1nFL1ghT because: Reply to tridentblue

I'm sure it would be nice to, you seem like a kind person with a LOT of insight about what's going on, behind your simple friendly girl exterior.

There is another element maybe I should tell:

The whole dream was this: I was an old man, laying in a bunker underground, wanting to rest. My children (I have none in this life) brought me some nice things, like sweatshirts they had drawn upon with kind messages, that said they cared about me. It was for some noble act of sacrifice I had done to help them. My children also had children, little babies with beautiful eyes. They brought things to the side of my bed to give me comfort: An old rifle that has been in my family, a Didgeridoo, and my favourite guitar, and they left. When I was alone, the ghost came down a corridor of my underground bunker, moving toward my guitar, reaching for it. The rest I told you.

I had this dream late 2001, early 2002. But here's the funny part: Not too many months later, this UK band called Radiohead came out with this album, and on it was a song I heard. It blew my mind when I heard it. Not because the lyrics matched my dream that much... But its hard to explain - as a musician myself, I am in touch with what can be communicated through aesthetics, which is much deeper than mere speech. This song had the exact, precise FEEL of my dream. Its as if the writer of the song had had the EXACT SAME DREAM. Here's the song, please listen to it:

I don't know if that gives validity to the dream control beam, but I figure I owe you the whole story, in all its weirdness.


posted on May, 20 2013 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
you realise the oujii opens a portal for a spirit, and you let it out the bottle. You house could be haunted now.

Yep. You let the spook out to play .. and didn't put him/her/it back.
Oh .. and you left the door open for others to come through. YIKES!

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by eManym
I have never been much of a believer in the occult practices because most if not all involves trickery.

Here is Penn and Teller's take on the Ouija board for those that have time to view.

I was skipping through it, but i didnt see them actually use it? If they were to use it
will they actually put any "effort" into it, instead of going through it like "oh come on this is
BS DUH! ". Thats what I see people who are against it.

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yep. You let the spook out to play .. and didn't put him/her/it back.
Oh .. and you left the door open for others to come through. YIKES!

i always thought that ouiji boards were spirit portals. I actually believe in them and wouldnt play around with them for entertainment. besides its ScareY!

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by tridentblue

This is very off topic, but I'm glad you shared. I find dreams facisnating to say the very least. I'm familiar with Radiohead. I was a fan, kinda still am. Your dream and their song release is unusual. I do absolutely understand what you mean. It's why I joined ATS. One day I hope to find the nerve to share some too. I'm just not there yet. I appreciate people who do.

How long were you in the military?

posted on May, 20 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Saturday night I woke up to a loud wisper voice calling out, "help me". I sat up in the bed and looked around the room with my iPhone light. I was really annoyed at being disrupted in the middle of the night, so I just went back to bed.

This is not an uncommon occurrance. That along with feeling pressure at the foot of my bed, feeling something pressing on my legs and on the covers. I once felt the sensation of our dog (who's now now dead) jump up in the bed. And only once have I actually seen a physical presence, a woman's face.

My daughter is experiencing some issues. I told her its just part of getting older. I don't know what else to tell her.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by B1rd1nFL1ghT

Something very similar happened to me nearly 20 years ago when i was 19, i had just moved out on my own around 2 years earlier and was living in a flat, and as you do had a few friend around for a few drinks, but 1 night we decided to make a Ouija board and started to mess around with it,n for the first 20 minutes nothing then when we were about to put the thing away the lights in the flat started to flicker on and off then there was a loud bang and then darkness all the lights was off, we thought that a fuse had blown so i went out to the fuse box and checked the breaker but the thing was on i went back in and changed the bulb and still nothing so we all left to go out, when we came back later that night the light was on, we didn't think much about it, at around 2am all but two of my friends left and i went to my bed and the other 2 slept on the sofas, in the living room, now around 4am i was sleeping but all i know was that somehow i was dragged hard from my bed on 1 side of the room and thrown into the wall on the other side of the room, now i felt that something had my arm when i was thrown but the room was dark and when i turned on the light there was nobody there so i thought it was my friends playing a prank so i grabbed my bedroom door handle but the handle was bent totally around, then i heard my friends arguing when i got the door open i noticed that all my handles were bent, i got into the room where they were and they were yelling at each other why did you punch me and the other mate had a large blood red slap to his face, i then said who was in my room they said neither that they were sleeping and both of them had been hit but they thought that it the other one that did it when we were talking there was a very loud bang and when we got to the front door there was a large hole in the middle of the door like shotgun blast, i can go on for i stayed in that place for nearly a year but there was 1 occasion that 7 of us seen a man or what seemed to be a man walk from my hallway into my bathroom but wee were all in the living room at the time and when we checked to see who it was there was nobody there. I had to move out when all my windows got smashed at the same time. Just a bit of advice DONT DO THE OUIJA BOARD it is real and it is bad. whatever we started that night it is still lingering 20 years on and i think it is attached to me..


edit on 21-5-2013 by garyfoxx1973 because: i forgot 1 thing that had to say

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by B1rd1nFL1ghT

You made a terrible mistake and unfortunately you have drawn the attention of the demons.

You have done the right thing by getting ride of the offending object. But I see you are still have problems.

Here are a few tips:
Go through all your belonging to see if you have anything tired to spirit practices like tarot cards or films or books on such things. Even what seem like no offending objects, if they have come from a regular practise of such things they can act as attractants. I heard of a jumper given to a friend by a medium once acting as some sort of channel. If you find anything burn them!

Pray and use gods real name Jehovah. Demons hate that name. Its not just me saying this as there are number of people on here who have said invoking the name of Jehovah or Jesus can cut dead these sort of things even if its for a couple of days.

What ever you do DONT like some people have suggested have another Ouji session to try and end this.

If you have any questions or want more detail PM me.
edit on 22-5-2013 by JW2002 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:27 PM
Wow, I never thought I'd see such a response to this thread. There is definitely an interesting mix of opinions relating to the subject. It's nice to see everyone trying to offer their advice and experience. I do appreciate everyone for their contributions.

Also, I did manage to track down some pictures of the table we used. My parents are emailing them tonight. I will try and upload them as soon as possible. This will give everyone a better understanding of the event, hopefully.

I'm also hoping the picture may help any ATSers out there (and you know who you are
) with certain abilities, see what I'm talking about. I won't comment any further about this. Once the picture is up, if anyone would like to discuss, we can do so.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

But Little by Little, you don't KNOW the "spirit" you contact is good on first contact and initially, that may only come to light after some time... and remember, who is the Prince of Lies? People are fooled every day. Contacting anything from the other side opens a door.... can you guarantee you can close the door? Not be fooled? Not be lured into a dangerous situation?

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 10:08 PM
I've only ever used a ouija board once, and something very weird happened.

It would have been around 1996 and i was working the night shift at a petrol station. I used to do this 3 nights a week and would alternate nights and days with a couple of other guys, Steve and John. We all used to hang around occasionally, and stupidly decided to make a ouija board and see what happened. I don't think any of us really had any knowledge or interest in this sort of thing, it was more for a laugh.

Anyway, we all arranged to meet at work one night and started to look around for things we could make the board with. We used a glass top of the choc ice freezer as the board and made some paper letters. We were then looking for some sort of marker and couldn't find a glass. One of the guys then picked up a coffee mug and suggested we use that. The response was that we couldn't use it as it had a handle on it.

So the guy with the mug (i think it was steve) decided to try to smash the handle of the coffee mug on the corner of the big iron safe that was behind the counter. Unfortunately, he hit it too hard and the coffee mug shattered into hundreds of pieces. Now, because it had broken on the floor behind the counter, and this was where we'd be sitting, we decided to pick up all of the broken pieces before continuing. It probably took us about 15 minutes to pick it all up because there were shards everywhere, but we picked them up and put them in the bin the cash till. Some-one then found a glass and we proceeded to try to contact some-one.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, we asked for a name and got the name EDNA. That's about all we did get and even then, i'm convinced that Hairy John was pushing the glass with his finger. After about an hour of faffing about, we decided to call it a day and pack everything up. And then the weird thing happened.

After we'd packed up, Steve went into an adjoining room which was the stock room. Shortly after, he casually asked us to come in there, which we did. The lights were out, which they always were, (i don't think we had a light in there for the 6 months or so that i worked there) but he pointed to a step ladder and asked us to go stand near it, claiming that it was freezing cold in that area. Strange, because it was the middle of summer and a very warm night. Anyway, we stood near it and i couldn't feel any temperature change but John claimed he could. But what i did notice was that on the top step of the step ladder was a coffee mug, identical to the one that Steve had smashed.

Steve then walked out of the stock room, and a couple of seconds later, called us into the shop. He was standing there, white as a sheet, and with the bin in his hand. Inside the bin, there was no trace of the coffee mug pieces which he'd smashed and we'd spent so long picking up and putting in there. I know that no-one emptied the bin, or tried to hide the pieces because i would have noticed, so i'm not too sure what happened there. But none of us ever claimed to have had anything strange happen after, no changes in personality, nothing. Just very weird what happened with the coffee mug, and not something that i'd ever want to mess with again.

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