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Why is no one talking about this ? NYPD releasing gas in subways

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posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:14 PM
What IF......

Somebody plans a REAL "attack" ?

Perfect timing.

How many "Real" events have happened during "Drills" ?


We have been warned.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
What IF......

Somebody plans a REAL "attack" ?

Perfect timing.

How many "Real" events have happened during "Drills" ?


We have been warned.

LOLing at the "remain calm" bit

"yeah, that's what they said at the boston marathon."

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:11 PM
Keep the people in a constant state of fear, makes it easier to control them.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 10:57 PM
The mask, the warning, it all appears that it's to get people used to potential attacks and instill fear.

The drills, I still don't trust those.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 11:46 PM
Considering all shootings and "terrorist" things that have been happening this seems like a horrible idea. I'm sure it's going to end with some form of attack or disaster during these drills. As someone who lives in up state new York I sure as hell will be staying out of the city for this.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:07 AM
What does this accomplish?

I mean if it's harmless, odorless and non-toxic what do they learn from doing it?

Why not just use air than? Air is more toxic than releasing a substance that is non-toxic.

I still don't understand what will be accomplished by this.

1. You can't trace it with it being HON-T
2. You can't get any results because it wont affect anyone. So you gain no statistics from it.
3. You wont be able to tell where it goes, the characteristics of it, how it spreads with it being HON-T

What exactly is going on here...

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by severdsoul
If i was living in NY i would be demanding to know what was
the make up of the gas and what all is in it.

If I was living in NY i would have done a google search and found the answer already.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 04:45 AM
I made a thread in the news section a few weeks ago about this.

Maybe look at my profile and scuff it up

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 05:45 AM
"Harmless", "colourless" and "non toxic" sounds good.

If they could assure us that it wasn't some form of mass-medication I would feel a lot better...

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
My only real question is why they figure they need to do the same testing repeatedly. It does little more than rile up the public and keep everyone on edge and scared, in many cases.

I believe there are still subway stations underwater from Sandy. The news carried a segment last weekend about it costing more than a billion to open one back up. Perhaps they're doing this again to determine how, if at all, the new "architecture" of the underground would change the direction of a released gas.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 09:11 AM
So, from the RT link that infowars links to, it states:

'They’ll use perfluorocarbon tracer gases (PFTs), which are frequently used to measure potential sites for underground construction.'

anyone have any information on PFTs? the wikipedia page has much non-cited information, and is ambiguous at best. the closest i got to determining any human risk is the part where it reads 'PFTs are believed non-toxic [missing link] and chemically inert, clear, colourless liquids.'

the wiki page has a considerable amount of grammatical errors itself, which leads me to believe that it really hasn't been touched on much. being someone that takes the train into Manhattan every day.. this does make me scratch my head a little bit - a whole month?

and how hard is it to deduce that gas/smoke/vapor will ultimately rise upwards any way that it possibly can? it's a pretty obvious rule of thumb. i would be more accepting of this process if they were openly coming up with a way to neutralize harmful chemicals before they get to anybody below or above ground.

you guys are on to something here - it could be nothing, but given the federal government's track record for performing drills while the attack is in motion, i think we should all watch this one VERY closely. time to get a high resolution camera.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by chasingbrahman

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
My only real question is why they figure they need to do the same testing repeatedly. It does little more than rile up the public and keep everyone on edge and scared, in many cases.

I believe there are still subway stations underwater from Sandy. The news carried a segment last weekend about it costing more than a billion to open one back up. Perhaps they're doing this again to determine how, if at all, the new "architecture" of the underground would change the direction of a released gas.

Wow.... I must admit, that thought never even crossed my mind. You're right though. If the flooding of Sandy did change the physical realities in deeper levels and some areas connecting up to active sections? It could have changed what previous testing has shown for how an NBC attack would play out.

Well, thanks for adding that. It's the first legitimate reason I've heard for why they'd feel the need to re-run testing that has been done several times before.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:45 AM
Weren't there threads around the time of the "Boston Event" (bombing) , about this being scheduled?

I think we talked about this enough already. Now we're just watching

edit on 13-5-2013 by Kuroodo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

why can't some people put 2 and 2 together? The mystery airplane flying around is taking air samples to compare to the after samples.At least they put up the signs,so its not a false flag,unless the gas isn't really harmless.I'd like to see them do this with the subways running,as something that big has to push a lot of air and dust around as it moves.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
Another shining example of duplicity by the conspiracy-blinded minds on ATS.

If there were a chemical or biological weapon released, and no one was aware of how they would spread in the subways, then people here would be calling for the Emergency Preparedness people's head on a plate for not being prepared.

That they are trying to prepare for a chemical or biological weapon release, the people here are calling for the Emergency Preparedness people's heads on a plate.

Sorry folks, it's one or the other. Do you want to be prepared or don't you?

Stop whining when things are done to prepare. How else are you going to be able to track such a thing without testing? It's to prepare for things being delivered by air currents, therefore they need to release something traceable to see were the air currents go.

The US government has done this before. On the city I live in, back in the Cold War. No one is reporting any ill effect from similar experiments, and they were using planes, cars and roof tops into the open air, so I'm sure they were using an awful lot more chemical than NY is using for a semi-closed system.

It's irresponsible. Not everyone in that city will know what it is and there WILL be panic. People will get hurt that way. Have you ever been to NYC? Have you ever seen the subways? Why do these tests at the busiest parts of the day, with the most people around?

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by JrDavis
What does this accomplish?

I mean if it's harmless, odorless and non-toxic what do they learn from doing it?

Why not just use air than? Air is more toxic than releasing a substance that is non-toxic.

I still don't understand what will be accomplished by this.

1. You can't trace it with it being HON-T
2. You can't get any results because it wont affect anyone. So you gain no statistics from it.
3. You wont be able to tell where it goes, the characteristics of it, how it spreads with it being HON-T

What exactly is going on here...

Exactly. This was my point. Also, how would they even try to track that gas in a busy subway? Absurd.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
"Harmless", "colourless" and "non toxic" sounds good.

If they could assure us that it wasn't some form of mass-medication I would feel a lot better...

That's terrifying.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 03:50 PM
I would think its an exposure test,there are some heath areas that may be impacted they can track but Nixon signed off on cancelling Bio warfare so it's all secret now but Clinton authorized human testing( Executive Order 13139) you have fun Yankees,they experimented on me in Desert Storm . Don't expect them to pay for complications either.There would be a huge line behind you
edit on 13-5-2013 by cavtrooper7 because: Remade my point for accuracy

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by DarwinVsJesus

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
"Harmless", "colourless" and "non toxic" sounds good.

If they could assure us that it wasn't some form of mass-medication I would feel a lot better...

That's terrifying.

PERFLUOROCARBONS - Now I remember! This was in the Abyss! They used it for water breathing but that's the thing, He breathes Perfluoro's under water - Not in the air.

The fluid prevents the larynx from making sounds.

Perfluorocarbons have many medical uses. Medical applications require high purity perfluorocarbons. Impurities with nitrogen bonds can have high toxicity; hydrogen-containing compounds (which can release hydrogen fluoride) and unsaturated compounds must also be excluded. Infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and cell cultures can be used to test the perfluorocarbon.

Wouldn't he Perfluorocarbon Tracer (PFC-T) bind with the nitrogen in the air and create toxicity?

All someone would have to do to make this a bio attack is add hydrogen.

Perfluorocarbons dissolve relatively high concentrations of gases, for example, 100 ml of perfluorodecalin at 25°C will dissolve 49 ml of oxygen at STP.

Therefore, pefluorocarbons have been used in “liquid breathing” where the perfluorocarbon is breathed into the lungs instead of air.

This states it dissolves oxygen... So it's going to remove oxygen from wherever it's introduced.

The ability to dissolve high concentrations of oxygen has also led to the use of perfluorocarbons in so-called “artificial blood” as oxygen therapeutics which function as artificial erythrocytes, serving to transport and deliver oxygen in the body.

This is not sounding good at all. I just woke up and it's kinda hard to wrap my head around this. Is this what the tracer is for? So they can trace who has it in their blood stream?

Would it even be plausible to say that this will become an "Artificial Blood" for some people that come into contact with this?

Idk this is sounding Sci-Fi

edit on 14-5-2013 by JrDavis because: Citation

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:50 AM
Can someone kindly tell me how A CITY gets around to such testing? I would be very interested in the DODs participation in this.

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