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Adam (vs the Man) Kokesh organizing an armed civil disobedience march on D.C.

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posted on May, 7 2013 @ 05:13 AM
This video is from about 8 months ago.

Adam and another ex Marine,these are the real "good guys" amongst others in the US.

I`d hate to hear Adam has had an "accident" or bogus charges brought against him,these people do more good just by informing people.

All I can say is I hope they are in the tens of thousands strong,if they do follow through with an armed march around D.C.

If they decide not to march,it has still brought attention to the cause.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 07:49 AM
sometimes, you just have to draw a line in the sand

this very well could be the spark .....

I remember during the "occupy" movement, trying to convince people they should be prepared for a real revolt, instead of some recycled slogan chanting civil disobedience, which obviously no longer changes anything.
People said "your crazy".

I think about all the times I have heard numerous people call for a revolution all the way, but stopping short of an actual revolt, all the while quoting the founding fathers. The founding fathers who attempted in various and numerous ways to avoid a fight (and some who tried to start one). It was the British coming for the muskets and powder in lexington and concord and one single shot on an april morning that sparked the first revolution that allowed our country to be.

I think of the last 4-5 years of doomsday talk everywhere including, finally, the msm. I've talked to people and after 1000's of conversations on any number of possible catalysts to cataclysm have come to the conclusion that it doesn't even matter what the cataclysm is anymore. It could be zombies, plague, the 2nd coming of christ, mayan / hopi / whatever prophecy, ww3, asteroids / comets, nibiru, ET's, 2nd civil / revolutionary war, we all wake up and become one people and explore space, both inner and outer, together in peace, etc .....

what i have gleaned from all the conversations and news and articles and editorials and hearsay, is, what is more important than how it happens is that SOMETHING HAPPENS. People will pick their poison (i like an ice age best my self) but the majority of people, regardless of how they want to see it happen, WANT DRASTIC DRAMATIC CHANGE NOW ..... something that really kicks thew whole species in it's ass, forcing us to step forward in evolution (usually spurred on by some major cataclysm if you know your history, special thanks to the asteroid and volcanoes that wiped out the dinosaurs allowing for mammals, and then primates, and then us to evolve)

so ..... Adam's idea and event, while it may be an open door for every angle of provocateur, conspiracy, false flag, shot heard round the world, what ever ...... bring it on. 29% of americans think an armed revolt is coming and NECESSARY !!! ..... that is just about 1/3 of the country ..... and I wonder how many more think along that same line and keep quiet until the moment is here

if you haven't been paying attention ..... there are lines in the sand now ..... they have been drawn and sides are being chosen ..... this should not be a surprise, it has been mounting for at LEAST a decade +, and really a lot longer .....

we are just about to the top of that first big drop on the roller coaster ..... you either wince and hold on for dear life or throw your arms up and scream at the rush

the time is just about at hand, no matter what the catalyst.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 08:27 AM
Two Words: Good Luck. I on the other hand will sit back and watch these morons get their asses kicked by police. I need something new to watch anyway, this sounds interesting, it may pull me away from Honey Boo Boo.

edit on 7-5-2013 by NoJoker13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by gps777

I find it amazing that people here on ATS don't even understand how dangerous this is right now

Replace these men with Muslims who want Sharia Law instead of just a "different government" and you have exactly the same thing - a minority group that wants to overthrow the ELECTED GOVERNMENT because THEY WANT THEIR PEOPLE running things.

Whatever side of this you are on, you cannot deny that this is a minority group making threats to remove the elected government. But because you want your people in power (even unelected!) you'll support it?

If you don't like what your elected government is doing, you talk, you campaign, you oppose, you challenge, you organize, you protest - you don't pick up a gun and start threatening people with an armed f'ing revolution!

Like I said, these guys will probably be arrested, and released, and monitored. You can bet they are on watch lists already - and they should be, because they are making threats about overthrowing the ELECTED GOVERNMENT to replace it with their DICTATORSHIP. This is the very definition of a domestic threat to democracy.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 10:46 AM
he's encouraging all the gun-nuts to participate in this march, locked and loaded, isn't that what they really want? an actual civil war?'s your chance for a true firefight, and whoever is left standing will be able to try out those "Fema camps"

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
reply to post by gps777

I find it amazing that people here on ATS don't even understand how dangerous this is right now

Replace these men with Muslims who want Sharia Law instead of just a "different government" and you have exactly the same thing - a minority group that wants to overthrow the ELECTED GOVERNMENT because THEY WANT THEIR PEOPLE running things.

Whatever side of this you are on, you cannot deny that this is a minority group making threats to remove the elected government. But because you want your people in power (even unelected!) you'll support it?

If you don't like what your elected government is doing, you talk, you campaign, you oppose, you challenge, you organize, you protest - you don't pick up a gun and start threatening people with an armed f'ing revolution!

Like I said, these guys will probably be arrested, and released, and monitored. You can bet they are on watch lists already - and they should be, because they are making threats about overthrowing the ELECTED GOVERNMENT to replace it with their DICTATORSHIP. This is the very definition of a domestic threat to democracy.

First of all, it shows how much you have not even looked into this guy before labeling him and his ideas with your very inaccurate titles and rhetoric. He is a self-described Anarcho-Capitalist, meaning he does not want "his guys in power", rather he wants to remove the current oppressive powers to allow liberty and non-violent market interactions to be the ground we stand on. The fact you think he wants to overthrow the government to establish "his how DICTATORSHIP" is just funny. Go look up the definition of Anarchism and then look up the defintion of Anarcho-Capitalism. Further, he never threatened a "armed f'ing revolution"! Geez... some of you guys are just mind boggling in your inability to listen and think critically.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 01:32 PM
I like this idea a lot. It sends a message to the government that needs to be sent, which is that the people have a 2nd amendment right for the select purpose of opposing tyranny, and the government is placing the backs of the people against a wall. We should not have to have protests with firearms like this to get our point across. The government constantly oversteps its bounds of power. Things like the NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. are illegal. The government, and more importantly, the president, have taken on powers they were never authorized to have. And at OUR expense. This is not democracy. This is not representative government. That died long ago in its truest sense. In fact, although certain areas are still democratic, even some of those areas are influenced behind the scenes illegally. And if not illegally, definitely immorally.

I do not know what the laws are for DC. I would think however that there would be a difference between concealed carrying of a handgun, and unconcealed carrying of a rifle. I have seen militia groups demonstrate with rifles out in public before as well, with no problems. I can also imagine that there are going to be cameras rolling everywhere, not wanting to miss something. See the cops are going to be up in arms because they are going to see the weapons and freak out, which is ridiculous. They forget that people have rights. It is not just about the police, and what they want or need to "keep us safe" or do their jobs. They have shown time and time again that they are incompetent when it comes to obeying and enforcing the law, because half the time they do not even know what the law is it would seem. They constantly use excessive force, and this has been proven over and over again through video evidence.

I mean these are the same people who arrest people for filming them. They apparently do not understand that this is a relatively free country, especially in regards to transparency. They, just like government agencies, would rather have no transparency, because then they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Whenever it is the word of the police against a regular citizen, whose word is going to be taken, regardless or who is right and who is wrong.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
reply to post by gps777

I find it amazing that people here on ATS don't even understand how dangerous this is right now

Replace these men with Muslims who want Sharia Law instead of just a "different government" and you have exactly the same thing - a minority group that wants to overthrow the ELECTED GOVERNMENT because THEY WANT THEIR PEOPLE running things.

Whatever side of this you are on, you cannot deny that this is a minority group making threats to remove the elected government. But because you want your people in power (even unelected!) you'll support it?

If you don't like what your elected government is doing, you talk, you campaign, you oppose, you challenge, you organize, you protest - you don't pick up a gun and start threatening people with an armed f'ing revolution!

Like I said, these guys will probably be arrested, and released, and monitored. You can bet they are on watch lists already - and they should be, because they are making threats about overthrowing the ELECTED GOVERNMENT to replace it with their DICTATORSHIP. This is the very definition of a domestic threat to democracy.

I find it amazing that your reading comprehension skills are so poor. Everyone talking about an armed revolution are missing the point entirely. I don't see Adam proposing a "revolution". We all know that he isn't saying "let's march to the whitehouse with our guns and take over", because you wouldn't post that info on the internet 2 months prior to the attack.

All he is doing is saying 'you say we can't walk around armed, we believe we have that right and we're going to do it anyways'. Wow, what blasphemy. Dangerous dangerous rebellion. If the rifles stay on their backs, it sounds about as dangerous as a group saying 'you say we can't travel with electric bicycles here? **** you try and stop us. We're tired of your absurd money motivated restrictions.' Of course, the safety of the situation changes when they are met with resistance by a bunch of nazis. In a way though, DC on the 4th is the best and worst time and place. Then again, if people armed with guns was a real threat to the whitehouse or pentagon, don't you think some other super-power would have tried something by now?

One group of people demanding the freedom to defend themselves is a little different than another group demanding the right to murder a cheating spouse (or whatever sharia law says, forgive my ignorance).

"...that wants to overthrow the ELECTED GOVERNMENT because THEY WANT THEIR PEOPLE running things."
Just because we can "vote" doesn't mean we have any real say in what the government does. Get real, you know that. This isn't about red vs blue either. This is about basic freedoms. We all understand that in a civil society there has to be certain laws/restrictions....i.e. you can't just kill someone if you're angry at them. Gun restrictions like open-carry laws are different though. The gov. says you can't carry a weapon to defend yourself if need be? That's not right, period. Just because there are psychos, low-lifes, and easily manipulated people who murder innocent people with guns, doesn't mean the rest of us should be forced to be defenseless.

The only answer to all of this is personal responsibilty. If you are scared a mentally unstable person might shoot you for no reason, then protect yourself! If you don't want the responsibilty of protecting your own life and your families, then that's fine, but don't whine or try to control people who do. You don't force other people to be weak just because you are.

Again, wow, walking around with rifles on their back. Until the iron fist of the morally bankrupt gov steps in, sounds like a mundane event. Oh no! Little Johnny has a BB gun for target practice! Noooooo, the horror! Call the government before someone loses an eye! Safe us from ourselves!!!

People would sing a different tune if we didn't live the way we do. What's the need for owning a gun? Oh I don't know, killing animals to stay alive when you aren't an overly-spoiled, electricity dependent, take everything for granted, useless piece of garbage? I don't even own a gun, but I want one. If I ever get shot by a psycho or crackhead and survive, I'll blame myself if having a weapon myself would have prevented the injury. If it's a crack-head needing a dollar for crack, I'd blame drug addiction. If it was a mentally unstable person, I'd blame myself for not having a gun and blame mental illness for their part. What the hell happened to personal responsibility? Probably wouldn't help corporations make billions if everyone was mostly self-sufficient and took responsibility for their own lives. Gotta have more restrictions, gotta get that $$ from "law-breakers". While I'm grateful for where I live compared to some other places, there ARE too many laws for PROFIT.
edit on 7-5-2013 by BanTv because: whoooops.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 06:35 PM
A response to all the fearful and ignorant haters attempting to spread disinfo...

edit on 7-5-2013 by openlocks because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
reply to post by gps777

Like I said, these guys will probably be arrested, and released, and monitored. You can bet they are on watch lists already - and they should be, because they are making threats about overthrowing the ELECTED GOVERNMENT to replace it with their DICTATORSHIP. This is the very definition of a domestic threat to democracy.

The risk of violence is from the gov. not allowing a simple non-violent protest to happen for one day. Oh yeah, the current restrictions in place (most of which are for $$$ in some way) =Freedom. Allowing citizens to protect their life and property = DICTATORSHIP! SLAVERY!

Good god your thinking is backwards.

A stupid but identical analogy:

A group of street racers announce a race on the freeway to protest speed limits. Everyone encouraged to drive at +100mph. Squash it, great. An accidental death is extremely likely.

A group of electric bike riders protest restrictions/bans on e-bikes in their city. They plan to meet up and ride around town, because they feel they should be able to, and they know that any restrictions in place is a result of oil company lobbying and not public safety. Good, let them zoom around the city (obeying traffic laws). No one is going to die and the authorities should just let them do it and stop being Nazis and corporate whores. Same with this march....hell, the police and others COULD just join them and have a really epic 4th of July. You know....that day when it's totally cool for KIDS of all ages to enjoy blowing up bombs. Double standard? Gun-grabbers better stay inside and push for banning fireworks, otherwise....hypocrites.

There are too many bogus restrictions on our lives based purely on greed or some sinister motives. It isn't right. You should know it isn't right.

Off-topic: Do you realize how cool it would be for everyone to travel exclusively with an electric velomobile?! Even just having velomobile shaped gasoline vehicles would save us all so much money on gas. $100/week for gas in a truck = $25,000 in 5 years....there would be less struggling, frustrated, desperate people in this country if certain industries would stop raping us. Off-topic but related. Everything is inter-connected, gun violence isn't just a gun problem.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by guymontag
Why are people so threatened by this?

Yet not threatened by the encroaching police state.

People are talking about "bringing back public hangings" and all kinds of other nonsense. There truly is a contingent of brainwashed "sleepers" in this country, and abroad. People are going crazy and getting upset and nothing has happened yet.

well, it more or less comes down to a case of "your views are different from mine...i don't like your views, and i think you should die for it"

i don't understand what all the fuss is about either....the bill of rights state quite clearly that the right to keep and bear shall not be also states that we have the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances...that really acknowledges that these folks have all the authority they need to do just what they're planning..

i think the reason it's such a stir, is because people have been conditioned to believe that anything outside the "norm" is extreme, unusual, and not to be allowed....

i say good on's about time someone found the balls to try something different....i hope the event goes well, and everyone comes home safe..

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by pteridine
Having a group of armed, uncontrolled zealots who think that they are defending the constitution wandering around the Capitol on the day when fireworks are prevalent is stupid beyond belief. One beer-fueled hero with a martyr complex could cause more harm than all the terrorist attacks to date. Some on ATS talk of showing the US government who is boss and of saying violence is sometimes necessary, but I ask them if they can imagine their children caught in a crossfire or starved during a cold winter. Get smart. Stay home on the 4th, cook on the grill, play with the kids, drink beer, talk hero talk with your buddies and plan the revolution so you can carry guns everywhere and enjoy the results of unintended consequences. Then sober up and appreciate what you have.

so what you're really saying is "shut your mouth, don't rock the boat, and be happy you have anything at all"?

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Daedalus

If DC just lets the march happen, I can almost guarantee that 0 children will be injured by a stray bullet while they're eating cheerios and watching violent cartoons. On the other hand, how many little kids are going to be injured or permanently affected by fireworks? Probably not many, but more than 0. Even if they don't blow a finger off or burn themselves, we all know the smoke filling the entire city is really really healthy Mmmm firework smoke is good for babies

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by DarKPenguiN

Originally posted by mactheaxe
It is my understanding that this will not be publicized. Ive heard many times lately that the Revolution WILL NOT be told by the mainstream.

Hmmmm- Not following you?

It already is publicized if you are talking about this event. And if a REVOLUTION happens, the "mainstream" will no doubt be reporting on it...As will facebook, twitter, youtube and a million different views on what happened/is happening complete with people saying all the protesters were actors.
edit on 6-5-2013 by DarKPenguiN because: (no reason given)

what he means is....

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Flint2011
reply to post by gladtobehere

Not only is it illegal to do what he is doing but he and whoever else joins in will be at risk and he seems to want that.


the second amendment to the constitution declares that citizens have the RIGHT (not privilege, this is an important distinction, and point of specificity) to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that any law, ordinance (which don't apply to citizens, by the way), or other legislation that is in violation of the constitution is a non-law, and is null and void...meaning citizens are to ignore them, cops are not to enforce them, and courts are not to uphold them. in addition, as per U.S. Code, any law enforcement officer, federal agent, or government official depriving a citizen of their constitutionally guaranteed rights is subject to a fine, and prison time....

while what they are looking to do is considered by some to be controversial, as per the letter of the law, it is NOT illegal..

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Daedalus

I agree with most of what you've said, but I think you've missed a step.

furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that any law, ordinance (which don't apply to citizens, by the way), or other legislation that is in violation of the constitution is a non-law, and is null and void...meaning citizens are to ignore them, cops are not to enforce them, and courts are not to uphold them.
You haven't shown, and I don't believe the Supreme Court has held, that this ordinance or law is in violation of the Constitution. The march could very well be illegal.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by Nicks87
Thats right!

Shut up and step in line with the rest of the slaves. No need for rebellion you might get somebody hurt or killed.

From one house slave to another: "C'mon it really isnt that bad, is it?" "Our masters give us plenty of table scaps to eat and keep clothes on our backs and at least we're not working out in the fields..."

and you have the balls to whine about your government not bending over to do everything you demand of them?

i'm sorry...i must have traversed a tear, and am in some alternate universe where doing what we say isn't their f**king job....

you can't seriously be so misinformed that you think the government isn't supposed to answer to the citizens, and that you are actually not SUPPOSED to have freedom..
edit on 8-5-2013 by Daedalus because: winning

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by Daedalus

I agree with most of what you've said, but I think you've missed a step.

furthermore, the supreme court has ruled that any law, ordinance (which don't apply to citizens, by the way), or other legislation that is in violation of the constitution is a non-law, and is null and void...meaning citizens are to ignore them, cops are not to enforce them, and courts are not to uphold them.
You haven't shown, and I don't believe the Supreme Court has held, that this ordinance or law is in violation of the Constitution. The march could very well be illegal.

Marbury v. Madison : 5 US 137 (1803):
No provision of the Constitution is designed to be without effect,” “Anything that is in conflict is null and void of law”, “Clearly, for a secondary law to come in conflict with the supreme Law was illogical, for certainly, the supreme Law would prevail over all other laws and certainly our forefathers had intended that the supreme Law would be the bases of all law and for any law to come in conflict would be null and void of law, it would bare no power to enforce, in would bare no obligation to obey, it would purport to settle as if it had never existed, for unconstitutionality would date from the enactment of such a law, not from the date so branded in an open court of law, no courts are bound to uphold it, and no Citizens are bound to obey it. It operates as a near nullity or a fiction of law.”

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:48 AM

I'm thinking Adam is an Agent Provocateur. Anyone with common sense would understand that this is asking for a blood bath or prison sentence. He is constantly using words like "overthrow the government" and such... Why hasn't he been investigated by the feds if he isn't one of them?

In the above video he is preaching like a preacher.....he's just trying to indoctrinate people. SMH.

Don't fall for it.

edit on 8-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

To connect him with ANY conservative or Republican pro-gun movement is a mistake. He's best described as left leaning Libertarian as politics go.

Uhhh no Adam is not. He's an anarcho-capitalist. That is extremely right wing. He calls conservatives "close political allies" and is a against all forms of collectivism......

He is the anti-thesis of a left wing libertarian.

edit on 8-5-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

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