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The Marlboro Man Leaves the Building (part two) - The E-Cigarette Controversy and benefits of nicoti

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posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by lakesidepark

Don't expect there to be any serious studies regarding the safety of e-cigs anytime soon either.

The campaign against tobacco has so demonized cigarettes that there are not enough poisons left in the book to effectively sell e-cigs as a more dangerous practice than smoking tobacco. The anti smoking lobby have argued themselves into a corner if they ever tried to claim nicotine vaping was more dangerous than tobacco.

Even If it turned out that nicotine was detrimental to our health it would still be a very hard task to argue that nicotine on it's own is not safer to inhale than the thousands of toxic substances in an ordinary cigarette.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. If there is an attempt to ban e-cigs then it will become blatantly obvious that our health is not a major priority for our governments

edit on 28-4-2013 by kennyb72 because: clarity

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by kennyb72
reply to post by lakesidepark

.....The anti smoking lobby have argued themselves into a corner if they ever tried to claim nicotine vaping was more dangerous than tobacco.

Even If it turned out that nicotine was detrimental to our health it would still be a very hard task to argue that nicotine on it's own is not safer to inhale than the thousands of toxic substances in an ordinary cigarette.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. If there is an attempt to ban e-cigs then it will become blatantly obvious that our health is not a major priority for our governments

EX-ACTLY!!!! The market has thwarted the government efforts to demonize smokers! Now they have to show their true colors - that taxing tobacco to death was not 'for the public good' and 'for the health of the children' but just ANOTHER old-fashioned money grab and power-grab by the Feds.

There is no legitimate reason to ban the e-cigs; and legally unfathomable while alcohol and tobacco and caffeine and automobiles and sex...I can keep going....are still legal. LET THEM TRY. Their true colors are beginning to show to more of the people.

I hope the people see it......

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 07:29 PM

I hope the people see it....
reply to post by lakesidepark

It certainly won't fool us supercharged nicotine-smart types, that's for sure. I think nicotine cuts through the fluoridated fog and allows for clearer thinking personally but hey! I'm biased.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by watchitburn
reply to post by lakesidepark

I have been using E-cigs for about a month now.
I'm trying to get off of regular cigarettes, and not doing too well with it. The e-cigs are just not the same. They don't have that kick you get in the back of your throat.
The e-cigs have just become a means for me to smoke more, and I smoke a lot as it is. Now I can smoke in my office, on the train, in meetings.

I'm becoming Nicotine Man!

You might need something a little stronger. Voltage, nicotine strength, ohms. amount of Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin and or other mixers, flavorings all contribute to the experience you have.

This is the main thing people need to understand about using e-cigs. You have to get this combo just right for you before you go Whoa.. I can do this. You have to experiment and try upping these different variables..

I use a 3 ohm CE3 type atomizer with 24 nic strength, same as a Marlboro red, on a 5 volt (VV) Volcano e-cig and use a FreedomSmokeUSA "tobacco" flavor called Wyatt Earp. I get warm fast hits with tons of white fluffy vapor. I don't vape, I create clouds. I get plenty of throat hit. Just like hitting a cigarette only better.

After 3 years I'm an expert so trust me. Don't give up, just make your equipment better. Those cigarette size models they sell over the counter only use a 2.3 volt battery which wont give you a good hit at all. This fools a lot of people into thinking thats what an e-cig is when in reality, they are much more.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 08:58 PM
Your government response is queued:

Option 1::
"But if we could save just one child - JUST ONE CHILD, we are obligated to give a [choose insert: ban OR tax] a try on these untested unverified e cigarettes"

Option 2::
"90% of americans overwhelmingly agree that we need to [choose insert: ban OR tax] these e cigarettes"
(survey was a sample of 300 blind and deaf people about e-cigarettes taken 60 years ago)


edit on 28-4-2013 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I bought a Vapor4Life Dial-A-Volt about a month ago and am loving it. I also buy 4 packs of cartomizers at a time and they last me over a month. $40 for a months worth of cartos vs. $280 a month on real cigarettes. Tough to beat that deal.

I also heard from the guy that works at the gas station down the street that smokes are going up another $1 by the end of June. Since I live in NY, that would make my brand of smokes cost anywhere between $11.25-$12.50 a pack.

I see the tobacco industry fighting the ecig industry to the death. I just hope that ecigs win.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 11:13 PM
Regarding the cognitive benefits of tobacco use, one need only remind themselves of how Sherlock Holmes solved intense problems.

That is, with three pipes.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by olliemc84
I bought a Vapor4Life Dial-A-Volt about a month ago and am loving it. I also buy 4 packs of cartomizers at a time and they last me over a month. $40 for a months worth of cartos vs. $280 a month on real cigarettes. Tough to beat that deal.

I also heard from the guy that works at the gas station down the street that smokes are going up another $1 by the end of June. Since I live in NY, that would make my brand of smokes cost anywhere between $11.25-$12.50 a pack.

I see the tobacco industry fighting the ecig industry to the death. I just hope that ecigs win.

I spend about the same for juice, but I ponied up a lot of doh-ray-me on a ProVari.

Well worth it after 150 bones a month on coffin nails for 30 years, and my sense of taste and smell are back with a vengeance to boot. Boy does my apartment stink!

Big T bought out Blu and one other recently so they won't fight them they'll just buy them out and have their lobbyists push more stupid ass laws and drive the little guy out of business, then fleece us vapors.

I'm experimenting with DIY now and it's even cheaper.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 11:35 PM
Been completely smoke free for nearly a year now. I'm using 2 AGA-T 2's, one on a Provari, one on a GG clone.

Mad Murdock's Radiator Pluid is my favorite juice by far.

I started back in 2011 with one of those cigalikes, then graduated to e-go's, then an Empire, and now my current setup.

I feel better than when I smoked, that is certain. I no longer run out of breath running up stairs, or chasing wild animals off in my back 40. I don't stink, and I drink a lot more water.

I even cut out the amount of cokes I drink by a ton. Went from several a day to maybe one a week.

Electronic cigarettes aren't meant to be used for smoking cessation. They're meant to be a safer alternative.

I say they're doing a damn good job at it, and anyone who wants to tax and/or ban them is either blinded by ignorance or fueled by greed.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:56 AM
Kind of offtopic but I started smoking "American Spirit" cigs, (supposedly all natural tobacco, and they don't put any chemicals in them) I used to smoke Marlboro's and L&M's, and there was something so incredibly addicting about them, I don't even think it was the tobacco, I think it was some sort of chemical within the cig that made it more addicting.

I could be wrong of course but once I started smoking these American Spirit cigs, not only the taste is better, but I smoke less, and the kick is huge compared to some Marlboro reds.

Anyway, blah blah blah TL;DR Try some American Spirits if your a smoker, and if your not, stay far away from cigs, you'll regret it later.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 01:13 AM
yeah water vapor in your lungs all the time will make you sick, e-cigs made me sick two weeks after using them i had a realy bad cough "I know what your thinking its because you don't smoke real cigs anymore and your lung are getting out the crap bs" I have quit smoking for a year "patches" and I can tell you it didn't effect me like that crap did! It has a battery inside it which is used for the vaporizer to burn the liquid which cant be good lol water+battery usually = corrosion to the exposed metal. Used the blue e-cigs they cost a small fortune one refill doesn't= 2 packs it lasts for 45 mins its bs

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by sicksonezer0
I have been smoking ecigs for about 2 months now. I really can't imagine going back to 'analogs'. I've tried some mainstream brands like blucigs, nu, v2 and green smoke.

I may have traded one addiction for another, but my goal was to get off of nasty tobacco and still do something i enjoy, which is smoking. The answer was ecigs. Cleaner and cheaper, no more ashes and smell in my car or on my clothes.

And I smoke at my desk at work, or sneak a puff in places where you aren't allowed to smoke. I still conceal it because I don't feel like explaining to sheeple who are anti-smoking because the television tells them to.

I can either smoke indoors, or escape a conversation or work and say "I better go outside to smoke this ecig"

edit on 28-4-2013 by sicksonezer0 because: (no reason given)

Ah --- I was looking into greensmoke. Which do you prefer? I really liked the gas station e-cig I tried a year or so ago, was able to quit smoking for several months. Then the damn thing broke, and someone's face blew up a few days after... Though I am sure he modified his e-cig, it is still a vulnerable feeling that a piece of equipment is capable of exploding directly in your face.

So which is the safest, best bang for the buck?

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

If you want that throat hit you need to get the 100% VG liquid. I have been using my ego-c ecig for the last year and I have to say its a godsend. I first started out using the cheap ones you buy @ the store and found that those weren't doing the trick....I tried V2 for a while but the cartridges burned out too quickly. Then I found my ego-c, from a shop that I had no idea even existed in my town called cig-not.. which by the way have fantastic flavored liquids. Recently I have become unemployed so I needed my e-liquid to be even less expensive...So I found this company in China ...I paid $30 bucks in January and I'm not even half way done with my order yet. Definitely cost effective....I have also stopped buying atomizers and strictly use clearomizers, I do this because they are much easier to clean and have a much longer life than regular atomizers. I've been using the same 2 clearomizers since Thanksgiving!

I don't know about you but I would like the freedom to smoke my ecig were ever I go, I even get compliments from non-smokers saying it smells awesome. There is no reason that e-cigs should be banned, the only people who want to get rid of them are the Big Tobacco companies! They obviously are feeling the hit....Well Screw them....Vap away!

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 03:38 AM
I'm happy to see this thread! A good topic.

If you're just starting out, and want the best value, get a clearomizer. The best one on the market is a Kanger Protank. You buy whatever battery you want, and the protank holds the juice you buy. You CAN get a good e-cig that has a good throat hit and is comparable to smoking a cig, but you have to give up the cigarette size. Oh well, it's worth it. You have a battery that works all day instead of 30 minutes.

Check out "e-cigarette forum" if you need info. Tons of knowledge and help there. Big pharma and big tobacco are in the process of really screwing things up though. What are we going to do if they only allow the less-effective cigarette sized models? They are playing with peoples lives and it isn't right. Check out CASAA as well, fyi.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by digital01anarchy

1) What I've read about the blu e-cigs is that there has been much quality improvement over a year's time, but it may still not be strong enough for the hard-core smoker. Anyways, sounds like you are fine and completely quit now so its a moot point, although you do sound a bit grumpy (you need a puff???);

2) the battery is in front on the blu e-cigs, and it sucks the air into the sides; so I don't even know where you get that one! The worry about the mixing of water causing battery corrosion? That's just (pardon the pun) 'blowing smoke'. You need to think thru those details. Smack on a patch and stew that one over again - you missed a few details. Mental fog perhaps...nothing a bit of nic won't sharpen up.

Not everyone has a good experience with it. But there are reasons...

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Deemo Diablo
Been completely smoke free for nearly a year now. I'm using 2 AGA-T 2's, one on a Provari, one on a GG clone.

Electronic cigarettes aren't meant to be used for smoking cessation. They're meant to be a safer alternative.

Actually E-cigs were created to be a smoking cessation product by the inventor Hon Lik a pharmacist who saw his dad die from smoking related diseases when nothing his dad tried would work to help him quit.

It was only after people started using them in mass and enjoyed them so much they saw e-cigs could be used as a long term nicotine replacement product.

The myth that e-cigs were never meant as a smoking cessation product came/grew out of, when they were introduced to the American market and people from the pharmaceutical industry and their FDA bed buddies didn't like these were being used to " treat a condition" (nicotine addiction) by a drug and device the pharmaceutical industry did not control - e-cigs cut into their profits. People started saying e-cigs were not meant to cure people of smoking to try to get the corrupt FDA and Big Pharma industry off their backs - but this is untrue and misleading.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by digital01anarchy
yeah water vapor in your lungs all the time will make you sick, e-cigs made me sick two weeks after using them i had a realy bad cough "I know what your thinking its because you don't smoke real cigs anymore and your lung are getting out the crap bs" I have quit smoking for a year "patches" and I can tell you it didn't effect me like that crap did! It has a battery inside it which is used for the vaporizer to burn the liquid which cant be good lol water+battery usually = corrosion to the exposed metal. Used the blue e-cigs they cost a small fortune one refill doesn't= 2 packs it lasts for 45 mins its bs

You had a bad experience. This happens sometimes cus like I said, there are lots of variables to e-cigs. There are KNOWN issues with some flavorings causing problems. There are known issues with people having reactions to PG - propylene glycol. If your e-cig's e-liquid was made in China, they may not have any quality control.

Your post is incorrect about a few things.

1) E-cigs do Not burn anything. They vaporize. This is the difference between smoke and liquid vapor.

2) There is NO time in ANY e-cig where the battery itself comes into direct contact with the e-liquid.

3) There is no water used in e-cigs (except perhaps in the formulation some flavorings) The liquids are Nicotine, Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin. These have all been studied for years and have been proven to be safe for inhalation. Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin have been used for years in medical inhalers and breathing treatments for CHILDREN - thats how safe they are. They are two of the safest substances on the planet - thats why they were chosen to be the Nicotine carries for e-cigs ( liquid nicotine by itself doesn't vape very well.) You can check the Material Data Safety Sheet for inhalation info on these. They even help heal the lungs of smoking damage due to their anti-biotic properties. These same ingredients are also used in medical nicotine inhalers and they work much the same way as e-cigs do.

4) yes, e-cigs can be expensive if you don't shop around and do your research on all the variables that go into e-cigs. I spend less than 10 dollars a Month. I mix my own DIY juice - I have all the 3 above mentioned liquids and flavoring concentrates. Total cost for a 4 month supply of these is less than 40 dollars. I spurge sometimes and buy pre-mixed juices like Wyatt Earp because I like the taste. 1 30 ml bottle of Wyatt Earp will cost me 15 bucks for a 1 month supply. If you need to save money and your buying expensive e-cig stuff, your doing something wrong.. most probably due to lack of research.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I was maybe a bit smarty with digitalanarchy's post; but when I read his comments on 'water in the lungs' and his comments on the "water and battery corrosion"....I smelled troll, not bad experiences.

There are:
1) bad experiences of the unlucky, and there are
2) fabricated experiences of the troll;

and this fits #2, not #1.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by cavedweller88

Throat hit is caused by PG, nic, certain flavors (like menthol). VG creates less of a throat hit.

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 11:53 PM
I've always wondered why the US Government is so anti-smoking. I think it's because nicotine has an adverse effect on fluoride and you know how they love fluoride.

While fluoride inhibits choleric activity, nicotine excites them, undoing fluorides effect. Nicotine is being used as a treatment for ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers, Parkinson's disease. Every single ailment fluoride is known to cause, nicotine can reverse it.

Flouoride enters the brain tissue and deposits aluminum, which kills brain cells and clogs up dopamine receptors. Parkinson's disease inhibits your brain's ability to receive and use dopamine The most common treament is levodopa, a drug that increases dopamine levels, Nicotine has the same effect.

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