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Holder outright declares illegal immigration a civil right.

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posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 07:49 AM
It's with near disbelief and a heavy heart I bring this story to share. It's hard to imagine this day has come where the top official in the United States charged with enforcement of Federal Law becomes one of the largest advocates for violating it.

I'll just re-post a part of the quote since it basically forms the story of the source, hence it would be rude to take the whole thing. However the last part is what matters here.

This is a matter of civil and human rights. It is about who we are as a nation. And it goes to the core of our treasured American principle of equal opportunity."

There are people in the U.S. Government who are expected to advocate for those who some may call disadvantaged or in a bad spot. That's fine. Social workers and others who dedicate their lives and careers to such pursuits may be ones I disagree with but I respect for the intentions behind it anyway.

Eric Holder isn't in such a position. He's the "Top Cop" and it IS NOT UP TO HIM what laws are fair, just or make him happy or sad. That is the job and responsibility of the United States Congress under the system America operates under. No one else, period, end of story.


I'd also like to know just what this man has in mind for the future of the border? Actually enforcing much is NOT something he cares about and has made that painfully clear along with Aunt Janet and her psycho leadership of DHS.

So, after amnesty is given AGAIN.....(this has been done before, so we know what comes next)......what will Mr Holder suggest for the illegals who come to replace the ones given citizenship? Since security isn't happening and the BEST offer made is a 5 year timeline before they even have to show they are trying (1 year beyond the current people in these convenient) there is no reason whatsoever to believe it won't be a re-run of the Amnesty under Reagan from start to finish. That finished with millions taking the jobs ..right back at the same low wages...that the newly minted legal residents then demanded higher pay for and LOST as quickly as new illegals could replace them.


Oh course, Holder isn't a cop. He's a political stooge. So, long term solutions aren't in his thinking, as obvious by his advocacy for violating those very laws he's charged with enforcing. To be honest, he isn't the first stooge to sit in that position and they've come in both Genders and Parties. He's the worst in hypocrisy and outright double dealing the very Soul of our nation though. He's doing it in ways only the A.G. can.

What happens when it's not immigration and it's not Holder? What if we DO get a religious fundamentalist in office at some point? (people who say it can't happen...keep thinking that.
Folks said it about Bush and Obama too...and were proven 100% flat wrong). When it's a set precedent that Congress DOES NOT create the law any longer and Executive orders or action from agencies do it instead? Just where do people who cheer this right now, think that is likely to go later?

We've entered a period in this nation, in my opinion, where values and principles are whatever people say they are and that changes as needed to context and audience. What that suggests in deeper ways and where that leads is FAR more important and scary than any number of Illegals from Mexico, Nicaragua or Moscow, Russia. This takes it way beyond just immigration.

edit on 27-4-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I don't see why immigration reform is even necessary.
The laws that were in place were just fine, they only need to be enforced.

I have no problem with people wanting to come to the US for what little opportunities there are. But do it the right way, like most of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

Register as an immigrant, pay taxes and learn the language. Work hard and be a productive member of society.
I don't know how we ended up paying people to live here, and providing services that most Americans born here don't receive.

But yes, this trend where the administrations pick and choose which laws are enforced is very disturbing.
Unfortunately, I don't see it being fixed any time soon. We seem to only be making the messes worse.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:23 AM
Well, if we extrapolate that concept, it would seem that -as a human being - it should be my human right to live anywhere on this planet that I choose, without government intervention.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by kosmicjack

I agree with you 100%

Unfortunately the social contract we all seem to have been forced into, just by happening to be born here. Has procedures in place in order to ensure good order and discipline is maintained.

But with each new regime throwing wrenches into the system in an attempt to garner more votes, we have ended up in the situation we see now.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:36 AM
While I will say that illegal aliens are a human rights issue, having the nations top cop opine on the laws as he interprets it is. . . . somehow. . . . wrong.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:37 AM
He said

creating a pathway to EARNED citizenship for the 11,000,000 UNAUTHORIZED immigrants


As a Spanish person living in the US since birth, I find this quote completely disgusting!

He said "earned" citizenship and I ask, how was it "earned"?

Then he said "unauthorized" immigrants when it should have been "illegal" immigrants.

So following the same thinking, a felon who is caught with a firearm can claim that he has

EARNED gun rights as he is merely an "UNAUTHORIZED" firearm user. Since nothing illegal was done, he is in the clear?

I wonder since the feds choose which laws to go after and which laws are not to be enforced if a 'motion to dismiss' claiming that I choose WHICH laws to follow just like the feds would work in court.

This would open a TON of new possibilities for we the people!

edit on 27-4-2013 by YapTalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
While I will say that illegal aliens are a human rights issue, having the nations top cop opine on the laws as he interprets it is. . . . somehow. . . . wrong.

Wouldn’t that make him a version of a “Sovereign Citizen”? You know, the same description that the DOJ describes as possible domestic terrorist. Ironic isn’t it?

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 12:38 PM

Illegal immigration can be defined as immigration that violates already established law.

Telling me breaking the law is a human right?


If holder and supporters of illegal immigration are sitting there telling me they get to pick and choose what laws they get to follow?

Oh hell no they don't..

edit on 27-4-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by neo96

Illegal immigration can be defined as immigration that violates already established law.

Telling me breaking the law is a human right?


If holder and supporters of illegal immigration are sitting there telling me they get to pick and choose what laws they get to follow?

Oh hell no they don't..

edit on 27-4-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Holder is the ultimate "sovereign citizen"

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:15 PM
I wonder what people will do when there are no borders.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
I wonder what people will do when there are no borders.

Fight for land amongst themslelves like the Natives used to do.
edit on 27-4-2013 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:43 PM
Here's the solution...

Americans need to go out and get the jobs that Illegals take, picking fruit vegetables, cleaning, landscaping, all for far below minimum wage.

Oh what? You can't do that?

Oh ok, fine, pay US citizens minimum wage for this.

What? You don't like your lawncare charging you over a grand a month to mow your front yard? You don't like strawberries costing 10 bucks a pound? Imagine that.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

See what happens when we let people like Holder get away with murder. Fast and Furious, still unanswered to this day.

When powerful people have such an intrinsic sense of self-righteousness , they feel they are in the position of being able to interpret our Constitution to further a certain agenda, we are in big trouble as a Nation.


posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

Fast and Furious was a program designed to put legal US guns into the hands of legal law abiding gun owners. What? Those law abiding gun owners gave those guns to drug cartels? Why would law abiding gun owners put guns they legally obtained into the hands of drug cartels?

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by YapTalk
He said

creating a pathway to EARNED citizenship for the 11,000,000 UNAUTHORIZED immigrants


As a Spanish person living in the US since birth, I find this quote completely disgusting!

He said "earned" citizenship and I ask, how was it "earned"?

Bueno,como digas que eres un Español, residente en el EEUU desde nacimiento, hasta aqui, todo bien.

Si yo fuese un Español nacido en el EEUU (y lo tengo entendido por el facto que estas aqui en ATS que ahora no eres un niño) no mi sentiria de ningun modo Español, como digas tu.

Se supone que fuiste al colegio en el EEUU. Se supone que hablas diario en Inglés y no Español.

Se supone que tus costumbres y cultura es de un Americano,y no Español, porque no has conocido diferente.

En el EEUU, tanto como España, (quien tenia una amenestia hace 8 años para imigrantes ilegales, quien, si podia presentar pruebas que teniain mas que 5 años en el pais, fueran hechos leagales con la posibilidad de denunciar empresas que habian aprovechados de ellos siendo ilegales y no pagaron un sueldo digno ni seguridad social) si una persona es honesto y trabajador merece una oportunidad para encontrar un trabajo con seguridad social, donde puede pagar sus impuestos, mas que merece una vida digna.
Una vida digna que tal vez no podia dar su familia en sus pais de origin, por eso tomo la decision a salir de su pais, y pasar todo la mierda que va mano a mano con la imigracion ilegal.

Como ganaste tu cuidadania Americana lo ganaste, fue regalado o tienes pasaporte Español.

Eres un imigrante como cualquier mexicano o Domincano, o sientas superior porque eres legal..??

Cualquier persona que nacen y crecen en otra pais, como el EEUU por ejemplo, aunque dicen "soy Español"o "soy Inglés" o lo que sea, no sientan Inglés o Español...sientan mas del pais donde nacieron.

Soy inglés, mi mujer esta de Ecuador y vivimos en España, pero nuestro hijo, aunque tiene pasaporte Britanica, dice que siente Español..

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok
Here's the solution...

Americans need to go out and get the jobs that Illegals take, picking fruit vegetables, cleaning, landscaping, all for far below minimum wage.

Oh what? You can't do that?

Oh ok, fine, pay US citizens minimum wage for this.

What? You don't like your lawncare charging you over a grand a month to mow your front yard? You don't like strawberries costing 10 bucks a pound? Imagine that.

What illegal aliens have you been talking to that makes peanuts? Far below minimum wage you say?

Here in Florida the average paycheck from an illegal alien is $800 + a week during construction season, not to mention that a 'house cleaning lady' makes about $350-$400 per week when working for a company and MORE when working on her own.

etc etc etc...

Just because they are illegal, slavery stopped looooooong time ago my friend and these people get paid accordingly.

Granted, they do hard jobs that we as Americans with our entitlement mentality would not touch with a 100 foot pole but they do get paid very well in most circumstances.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by YapTalk
Granted, they do hard jobs that we as Americans with our entitlement mentality would not touch with a 100 foot pole but they do get paid very well in most circumstances.

One minute your a Spaniard, crying about the fact that these guys might have had the balls to work for ten or more years in the states and have EARNED their citizenship and you can't or don't want to understand why.

Now your are full on, flag wavin' yankee doodle dandy do or die uncle sam apple pie i'll buy that for a dollar wet back hatin' patriot good 'ole boy who accepts that the immigrants do the # that a normal worker "wouldn't touch with a 100 foot pole".

Are you an American??

Are you an immigrant??

Were your family immigrants??

Or now, because your a legal immigrant, do you feel superior and threatend by the fact that a man will work for half the pay with dignity to feed his family doing a job you consider would leave you without dignity.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by YapTalk

slavery stopped looooooong time ago my friend and these people get paid accordingly.


Pretty sure workers in the vast sweat shops of Indonesia would like to hear about your baffling and extraordinary claims about labour practices.

And im sure plenty of Eastern European sex workers smuggled into the U.S via shipping containers would probably be quite keen as well, maybe get some union talks on the go?

Should not be a problem I dont think, what with slavery having stopped and all that.


Here is an interesting article on why the U.S agriculture industry will be decimated by immigration laws.

Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:48 PM

creating a pathway to EARNED citizenship for the 11,000,000 UNAUTHORIZED immigrants


As a Spanish person living in the US since birth, I find this quote completely disgusting!

He said "earned" citizenship and I ask, how was it "earned"?

I don't think that you understood my OP. All I am saying in the op above is that the law is the law. If the federal government can choose and pick what laws they want to follow, then we the people should be able to do so also.

See how easy that was?

Now we flip to Spanish as I have a Gringo that is trying to tell me how to be "Spanish"

Bueno,como digas que eres un Español, residente en el EEUU desde nacimiento, hasta aqui, todo bien.

Si yo fuese un Español nacido en el EEUU (y lo tengo entendido por el facto que estas aqui en ATS que ahora no eres un niño) no mi sentiria de ningun modo Español, como digas tu.

Pienso que esa forma der ser es de usted. You me siento BIEN Hispano. Sabe por que? Por que eso corre en la sangre.

Se supone que fuiste al colegio en el EEUU. Se supone que hablas diario en Inglés y no Español. Se supone que tus costumbres y cultura es de un Americano,y no Español, porque no has conocido diferente.

Fijese, you atendi el colegio en Puerto Rico al igual que en Estados Unidos. Eso quiere decir que hablo con mi gente español y con los gringos ingles.

La cultura de uno corre en la sangre.

En el EEUU, tanto como España, (quien tenia una amenestia hace 8 años para imigrantes ilegales, quien, si podia presentar pruebas que teniain mas que 5 años en el pais, fueran hechos leagales con la posibilidad de denunciar empresas que habian aprovechados de ellos siendo ilegales y no pagaron un sueldo digno ni seguridad social) si una persona es honesto y trabajador merece una oportunidad para encontrar un trabajo con seguridad social, donde puede pagar sus impuestos, mas que merece una vida digna. Una vida digna que tal vez no podia dar su familia en sus pais de origin, por eso tomo la decision a salir de su pais, y pasar todo la mierda que va mano a mano con la imigracion ilegal.

Aqui estoy 100% de acuerdo con usted. PERO, las leyes son las leyes y si el gobierno ahora le da con seguir las leyes que le da la gana, "we the people" lo podriamos hacer tambien no cree? Eso fue todo lo que yo dije en mi OP.

El gobierno cambiando definiciones legales a lo loco cuando le da la gana es un precedente muy feo. Imaginese que al gobierno le da con darle definicion a usted de terrorista solo por que un gringo explote una bomba en España? So gringos = terrorista... eso no se puede hacer.

Como ganaste tu cuidadania Americana lo ganaste, fue regalado o tienes pasaporte Español.

A pesar de que mis padres nacieron en España, yo naci en Puerto Rico so tecnicamente soy Boricua (los cuales son los unicos hispanos que nacen con ciudadania americana) Al igual que usted nacio en Inglaterra y es Ingles de nacimiento.

Eres un imigrante como cualquier mexicano o Domincano, o sientas superior porque eres legal..??

Uested esta loco o solamente se hace? Usted no me conoce. No sabe a cuantas familias que estan aqui ilegalmente yo he ayudado a convertise en familias legales. Usted no me ha visto enseñandole ingles a gente que han llegado a este pais ilegalmente, aunque sea ingles basico para que puedan trabajar. etc etc etc

So eso de sentirse superior es para los gringos, especialmente esos que van a paises hispanos a 'buscar esposa' por que ya estan viejos, gordos y feos y cuando llegan de la dan de que son lo ultimo en la avenida. Solo por ser gringos Y usted SABE exactamente a lo que me refiero.

Cualquier persona que nacen y crecen en otra pais, como el EEUU por ejemplo, aunque dicen "soy Español"o "soy Inglés" o lo que sea, no sientan Inglés o Español...sientan mas del pais donde nacieron.

Quien le dijo esta porqueria? Preguntele a su esposa si ahora ella es Inglesa/Española para que vea que rapido te manda al carajo

Soy inglés, mi mujer esta de Ecuador y vivimos en España, pero nuestro hijo, aunque tiene pasaporte Britanica, dice que siente Español..

Edit: My previous answer to this line above was out of line so I am self deleting. My apologies Andy

edit on 27-4-2013 by YapTalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Tuttle
Here is an interesting article on why the U.S agriculture industry will be decimated by immigration laws.

Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws

Read the article...excellent...

If the US government dont want immigrants to work picking seasonal crops, well, i have the answer.

Your average illegal worker is a family man who breaks his back to feed his family, and lives with the constant fear of deportation that may leave his family without income....i can't begin to imagine how it is.

If the government doesnt want illegal immigrants helping the economy, well, the U.S is full of people living on social security, who DONT WANT TO WORK....

So, get them of the unemployment lists and put them to work doing what an illegal immigrant would do.

The unemployment figures would drop and the government have its share of taxes....

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