Revolution would be extremely stupid thing to start. That is something that would lead to authoritan regime... There is nearly no way people would win
it. There are other more peaceful ways to create changes.
I do not want to say badly or offend anyone, but I see the problem in many Americans being spoiled and having poor financial intelligence:
Your prices (especially consumer items and food) tend to be much lower than in rest of the OECD countries, yet your salaries are higher on average.
Your taxes are low compared to rest of the first world, yet you whine about being overtaxed. Although I must agree you do not get much from the taxes
you pay. Others might pay more, but they also get much more.
Many people do not think when they spend. They buy whatever they want (or think they need) and when they can not afford it, then the government is
guilty... Everything comes down to one´s decisions. There is no real need for a nice TV, for latest smartphone etc etc. It is just sad to watch how
much people take debt. I do not know about the interest rates around there, at least here, no thinking person would use a credit card. Too high
interest rates...
I lived in US for a while. The amount of wasted money (in my eyes) was extreme. I earned well myself, although I spent less than 1,5k a month total,
sometimes even less than 1k. I don´t see a point in eating outside (ordering food), using car for short (up to 10 mile) trips, buying lots of
Most of the world, even the other first world countries, would never able to waste as much money as many Americans do, looking at the statistics, how
much is spent on different trivial things. For example here, the prices are similar, yet the average yearly salary is under 15k... People in pension
have to live off 5k a year and it is possible easily. You just have to watch carefully where you put your money.
Unfortunately, most of the financial problems of many US people are just because of their own poor decisions, whether spending more than one can, or
just not getting enough education to get a good job. Education also leads to poor decisions.
Many blame corporations, yet in the video I noticed a sign saying: America was founded on individualism, not collectivism. That is what the
corporations are doing, individualism. The work is done collectively, although individuals collect most of the funds. Yet there is much more to this.
Corporation on its own is not effective business model and it is nearly impossible to pay everybody their fair share. Even if every cent of profits,
highest paid salaries would be shared, everybody would only get less than 10k bonus a year, depending on the company. There are too many low-level
employees for everybody to earn well. 10k a year extra for every walmart employee, would mean the company is losing over 5 billion a year...
Too much personal responsibility and overindividualism are the main reasons behind the current problems of the United States - a survival fight, where
everybody is in for themselves leads to extreme wealth differences.
The government might take bad decisions sometimes and maybe be even corrupt, although for most people these decisions do not change much in their life
and they are personally responsible for the financial problems they have...
I sincerely hope I did not offend anybody. I did not want to generalise, although I personally see it as a problem that many americans are
edit on 14-6-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)
edit on 14-6-2013 by Cabin because: (no reason given)