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Lone Wolf/Domestic Terrorism- What We Must Remember

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:43 AM
Well, first off let me say how sad I am to see what has happened in Boston. Truly tragic and whoever is responsible deserves all they get .

Whoever was responsible must realise that their actions will only tighten and advance the government's control over the people as more rights will be given up in the name of 'security'.

At this point, even so early, we must remember the agenda playing out as this ties in with gun control, big data, the surveillance state and the threat of 'conspiracy theory' which those in control now take very seriously. Government today is genuinely paranoid over its citizenry, as it is is increasingly less ignorant to the reality of how things are run. We have feared something like this for a long time here on ATS.

The internet has allowed millions to uncover subjects that once people start to collectively question, will challenge the very foundations of the government and its power. It is with this, over the last few years many who have hijacked the American government have started to spread the lie that the 'conspiracy theory' movement is dangerous- 'lone wolf terrorism' and 'dometic terrorism' has been threatened by the likes of Cass Sunstein and Michael Chertoff (former head of DHS) since 2008.

This has been out in the open and expanding all the time, the government wants data on everyone, to judge who is a 'threat' to them (ie, people who question them) etc, and they will use tragedies such as in Boston to further their agenda.

It is perhaps too early to call 'problem reaction solution' or 'false flag', but they will try and use it.

Also, question why anyone, other than someone carrying out a false flag, would attack their own civilians, innocent people? I know it is early, but the media is already throwing out 'lone wolf', domestic militias etc.

We just have to hope this is the end of it and more isn't planned

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Smacked of home grown to me.

It was tax day.

You know, the day government robs you under threat of imprisonment.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

If you want Control over People,what is the Best way to accomplish that..

Make them ASK for it.

Soon the American People will be Screaming for their Gov to Do Something.

........... And they Will......

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:55 AM
Oh give over. People in the UK are constantly being murdered and killed. I think more often than people even hear about. Its nothing to do with guns and security.

A natural born killer can kill with his bare hands and we all know this...

You cannot save every life, in life. Because thereis a breed called the Psychopath who comes in MANY guises.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Funny, the government paid me on this day. Something to the order of $2100 bucks. Ahhhhhh I love my tax returns.

I really don't see how a handful of IED's having anything to do with gun control. An Explosive device and a gun are two different things. Explosives are technically already illegal for a civilian to own, and don't really work the same as a fire arm.

I did hear ball bearings or a similar shrapnel component was used. Look out, I expect harsh bearing/marble restrictions from this day forward.

Ooooooo oooo oo oo oo oo oo o oogie boogie woogie!

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Smacked of home grown to me.

It was tax day.

You know, the day government robs you under threat of imprisonment.

What has tax day got to do with innocent civilians, it would take some real crackpot lunatic to carry out something like this if it was genuinely carried out by a 'homegrown' civilian, I doubt it was already.

To the poster who said what has this got to do with gun control, the answer is that it is all part of the bigger picture.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Have fun with this one. I'm sure when the like minded types sober up they will be along to star and flag you, but I really don't see your point here.

You've made some pretty bold claims about this being a false flag, and I see 0 supporting evidence or sources, besides you stating "It's all part of the bigger picture. "

All to often posters, slather up these Iluminati card game images. Shocking, that some are close, but others you may as well post this.

Mmmm it's an explosion in a card game.... I think we have a conspiracy !!!

Bottom line is people are #ing crazy, and if you give a crazy man a reason to believe he needs to act in a violent or radical way to portray his beliefs he will.

Much like many on this website, although they don't get quite as extreme as making IED's packed with ball bearings intentionally set to go off at leg level at a charity marathon. They were intending to maim their victims, which is absolutely sick. Not that any other style of attack wouldn't be.

Our " middle eastern " terrorists tend to try to KILL as many individuals as possible out of sheer hatred. For this government control conspiracy to work they need a motive. Events like this are already swarmed by armed officers, dogs, agents, even military as we saw in some of the videos. If you think you aren't already stripped of many of your rights at these assemblies you're wrong.

I would be more than likely to believe these events were perpetrated by angry Americans, mad about the gun control laws proposed, Obama being re-elected, or any number of action they deem is unconstitutional.

There were a whole heck of a lot of police and other security officials at that finish line. Wouldn't be surprised to find out they were the intended target.
edit on 16-4-2013 by Hijinx because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:19 AM
There was no intended target i dont think...anyone would do for a victim.
The size and nature of the explosions make me suspect false flag in furtherance of the" terror agenda" which is peeling off your rights faster than the gov can peel money off your paycheck.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Hijinx

I'm talking about how events like this increase the surveillance state and this has been an agenda for some time.

Michael Chertoff, former head of the DHS has a company that makes body scanners and other tech straight from Orwell's 1984.

I don't know who was behind these bombings, we don't know who is sick enough to carry this out, but it will be used to take away privacy rights in the name of security. Chertoff, Sunstein have been talking about it for years because they know the 'game' being played.

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