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Whats happening to the site? (Nothing at all)

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posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by 123143

You're right, we're not demigods.

We're also not psychiatric health professionals either.

ATS isn't a group therapy site. It's a discussion forum.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:39 AM
Yeah, I got that, BUT this site attracts the mentally ill and you are snivelling about it.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by lnfideI

The site is getting a fair amount of new sign ups, so that helps, but it appears we are losing long time old hands.

I am 100% sure it willall be OK, lets look at at in 4-6 weeks ok.

It depends. What does "OK" mean? Just numbers, stats?

Quality-wise, if you want to see how bad it really is, look at the threads from, say, five years ago. Then you'll see it hasn't been OK for a long long time.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by 123143

Snivelling? LOL.

Interesting word. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume english isn't your first language, rather than you are trying to be openly provocative.

The actual term is explaning.
edit on 14/4/13 by neformore because: spelling

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by yadda333
Seriously, you and your pals seem to take liberty in mocking members. Remember, it's the membership that lines your pockets.

1) If "membership" is going to ignore real data and assume traffic is falling, perhaps moderate mocking is deserved
2) my pockets are fare from lined -- don't know why people assume ATS is a "cash cow" without any supporting data

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by flexy123
I am an internet marketer and this looks VERY familiar to me.

Happened to my sites as well.

Oh really? Your sites had no change in overall traffic? Excellent.

Why do you say that? Of course they tanked and all traffic vanished, more or less.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by yadda333
Seriously, you and your pals seem to take liberty in mocking members. Remember, it's the membership that lines your pockets.

1) If "membership" is going to ignore real data and assume traffic is falling, perhaps moderate mocking is deserved
2) my pockets are fare from lined -- don't know why people assume ATS is a "cash cow" without any supporting data

Why would you put membership in quotes? It's stuff like this. You don't "talk" to anybody anymore, and all you see this site as is a moneymaker (the amount is not the point).

So why would you put membership in quotes? Because you have separated yourself from us.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:35 PM
Oh don't worry about it, its not worth being banned over. I sense the Mod with the big black eyes has the ban stick in her hands.

Do we have our answer? I think so.

Thank you.

Originally posted by yadda333

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by yadda333
Seriously, you and your pals seem to take liberty in mocking members. Remember, it's the membership that lines your pockets.

1) If "membership" is going to ignore real data and assume traffic is falling, perhaps moderate mocking is deserved
2) my pockets are fare from lined -- don't know why people assume ATS is a "cash cow" without any supporting data

Why would you put membership in quotes? It's stuff like this. You don't "talk" to anybody anymore, and all you see this site as is a moneymaker (the amount is not the point).

So why would you put membership in quotes? Because you have separated yourself from us.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by lnfideI

On the contrary, the mod with the big black eyed avatar is well and truly fascinated by the adversarial tone that you are adopting and wonders where it comes from, and he is somewhat bemused by it. Not only that but - as I suspect you well know, he can't moderate this thread because he is partaking in the discussion.

So... with that out of the way - you know when I said earlier that none of this is life and death? Thats because it isn't, and yet you seem to be really hung up on it, and I'm trying to understand why. Do tell.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:21 PM
Adversarial tone because I posted a graph from this site showing a steady decline in page views?

I don't get it. I am not hung up on anything. I seen a graph, on your site, it indicated to the layman it had a steep drop in hits, here I will post it again for you.

Now are you so blinded by your authority that you can not see where this may cause a layperson to wonder if the hits are falling? Was this adversarial or unreasonable to ask this question? You in all your greatness here may understand the stats, I on the other hand do not. Why is everyone so jumpy about that fact?

I am hardly your adversary, as I never ever talked with you, and as you say this is not life and death. One of my remotes just quit, and after replacing the old batteries with new, it still wont change the channel (FanFare FT-1 Tuner, $2000.00) that is way more of a concern for me at the moment.

Hers how it could of went (how I thought it would anyhow)

I would ask a question, post a graph from the site, and someone from the site would come and answer it.

That is initially what happened. And once it was explained by SO, it made sense, and was accepted (at least by me)

A lot of people walk around here on eggshells, and as so I never thought that people would come here and tell it as they seen it. And when they did, it seems that is when the wheels came off this simple question.

Now let me quote you,

What gets people banned from ATS is when they start such threads, then think they are some kind of global superstar/spiritual guru/only portent of the truth/best thing since sliced bread and decide they are above the T&C of the site and then go off the deep end when things don't quite work out that way, make all kinds of pointless threats about how great they are, how they'll be missed, maybe they should go elsewhere, you'll never get by without me etc etc etc and basically stupid themselves into a ban when they turn abusive towards the staff (we've had all kinds of crap ramped up on occasion to threats of legal action, cyber stalking and even actual death threats) - even after there has been a cooling off period (because everyone has off days), time to think and numerous attempts by staff members at getting them calmed down and back on track.

Are you talking about me? because if so I am really confused now.

I don't really know anyone here, how could I be missed?

I don't want to get banned because I started such a thread. No.

I am 100% confident if you ban me, you will be able to carry on without me. Yes, I believe you.

It is just when you come in and post that way, it makes me think you are trying to intimidate, or give a warning.

i would feel bad if someone got banned because they were piping off what they though in a thread I started here.

Maybe I better stick to chicken or fish, less chance of causing problems.

Best regards.

Originally posted by neformore
reply to post by lnfideI

On the contrary, the mod with the big black eyed avatar is well and truly fascinated by the adversarial tone that you are adopting and wonders where it comes from, and he is somewhat bemused by it. Not only that but - as I suspect you well know, he can't moderate this thread because he is partaking in the discussion.

So... with that out of the way - you know when I said earlier that none of this is life and death? Thats because it isn't, and yet you seem to be really hung up on it, and I'm trying to understand why. Do tell.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:25 PM
Maybe you could elaborate who needs a psychiatric health professional, since you have brought it into the conversation.

Do you think I do?

Spit it out.

Originally posted by neformore
reply to post by 123143

You're right, we're not demigods.

We're also not psychiatric health professionals either.

ATS isn't a group therapy site. It's a discussion forum.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by lnfideI

Originally posted by 123143
reply to post by neformore

This post is proof you don't understand one thing about the mentally ill who may be attracted to this site. They don't operate under the same set of rules that most people do. Delusions don't respect terms and conditions. The only thing psychosis recognizes is that its voracious appetite for information of any kind must be fed.

In response to this post, I believe neformore was stating that it isn't the moderators responsibility to act as a "psychiatric health professional"

Don't take things so personally. I really don't think you're being attacked, but you seem to have taken a very defensive stance at this point. Maybe I'm wrong. All I'm saying is that it isn't helpful to the cause of resolving your issue/query, to take things out of context, which this appears to be an example of.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by 123143
reply to post by neformore

This post is proof you don't understand one thing about the mentally ill who may be attracted to this site. They don't operate under the same set of rules that most people do. Delusions don't respect terms and conditions. The only thing psychosis recognizes is that its voracious appetite for information of any kind must be fed.

Your ruthless defense of the status quo in this place is disturbing. It has its issues as well. It can be a heavy hand that decides what stays and what goes. Such practices only exacerbate their condition. To the psychotic, censorship is the worst kind of offense. They are bursting with processed information that must be shared. Why do you think schizophrenics share an ongoing dialog with themselves?

Some basic human compassion for your readership wouldn't hurt. What does it cost you to be kind to the people who generate your revenue, or does being a tough guy satisfy too much?

You aren't demigods. You are moderators. Your function isn't to throw lightning bolts and smother opinions and information. It's to tweek posts and encourage discussion by using a light hand to guide your membership. That's why it's called moderation.

I had decided to not participate in this thread, only observe. Your post has turned the tide for me, so address it, I will.

The T&C we all agreed to, in signing on here, are well stated, succinct, to the point. They are the guidelines we agree to, in order to become a member.

For you to intimate, that there should be a loop hole for those who may have deep mental issues, is quite frankly, ludicrous. It's not a matter of lack of kindness, as you stated. It is the fact, that these are the set of rules we signed onto.

It matters not, if in our posting here, we come to a point that the T&C doesn't fit our current thought processes. It doesn't matter if one falls into a mental place where they don't agree with the T&C. They are the rules, we either adhere to in order to play here, or we loose that privilege. Plain and simple.

Also, if someone is here that is truly mentally unstable. To bend the T&C in any way for their benefit, is not helping them in any way. I have alerted in the past, such threads/people.

The Rabbit Hole is deep. When you see someone digging themselves deeper into sure self destruction, or possibly being just far gone enough to seriously hurt others. don't sit on the sidelines and watch that train wreck happen. You let someone know.

ATS is not here for the benefit of those so far down the Rabbit Hole, they are completely out of touch with reality. It's here for the benefit of those who can explore every aspect of the subjects that drew them here. Within the guide lines of the T&C.

That's all I have to say about that...


edit on 14-4-2013 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:55 PM
I am not 100% sure how 123143's post has anything to do with site stats , gains or loses?

Was 123143 insinuating that this is why the stats show a decline (although there clearly is not one) ?

Because some users have mental problems, and staff do not care (as they shouldn't really) and this is why 123143 feels that the sites in decline?

I am confused to how this thread got so sideways.

Cant see peoples facial expressions and hear their tones, things get confused here easily.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by lnfideI

Sorry Infidel...didn't mean to veer off your topic. But, I did feel the need to address a post in your thread, as no one else had.

Will not happen again...


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:20 PM
No Des,

You seem to be someone who brings clarity to a thread. I have seen it happen more than once.

As you seem to understand more about this here than most, I will lay out what I know, if I am wrong,please correct me.

1. I thought that stats were down. I posted from this site a graph.
2. SO came and clarified with Analytic s from Google.
3. Other users voiced their opinions.
4. A user thought that mental people are being mistreated, that's why stats down.
5. Nef was clarifying that is not the case, and not directing it to the OP (me)
6. Although I did not intend to, I have come across as adversarial in my posts.

Tell it like you see it please.

Thank you.

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by lnfideI

Sorry Infidel...didn't mean to veer off your topic. But, I did feel the need to address a post in your thread, as no one else had.

Will not happen again...


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by lnfideI
I think that sometimes people haven't read enough of your posts to know how to take you, and without seeing your facial expressions they have misjudged your tone. Your summary is a good one, and I have read enough of your posts to know you aren't trying to be adversarial. Maybe try using more emoticons so you aren't taken the wrong way? Just a suggestion as all of us have experienced this at one time or another.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:36 PM
I agree, point taken. Good advice.

Thank you.

PS: Will you be my granny?

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by lnfideI
I think that sometimes people haven't read enough of your posts to know how to take you, and without seeing your facial expressions they have misjudged your tone. Your summary is a good one, and I have read enough of your posts to know you aren't trying to be adversarial. Maybe try using more emoticons so you aren't taken the wrong way? Just a suggestion as all of us have experienced this at one time or another.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:36 PM
Wow. Never have so many taken so little and made so much ****ed up BS.

You all need to reread my post. I addressed a specific and very real issue in this forum.


posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by lnfideI

I agree, point taken. Good advice.

Thank you.

PS: Will you be my granny?

This too shall pass.....
and yes, I will be your granny!

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