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BREAKING NEWS: Former prime minister Baroness Thatcher dies peacefully at the age of 87 after suffer

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posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

You what???? The poster tried to evidence that most people must have been for Thatcher because she was elected three times. I merely pointed out that she was never elected by 50% or more of the population ergo most of the population was against her.

We've moved on from the Falklands - do keep up.

it hasn't moved on, that point is not finished

Most of us have a cursory understanding of the British lectoral system, and in the context of her results with higher turnout, she was well supported- the British system has people voting for parties regardless of policy or leader, she managed to destroy a lot of that.

Hopefully the Tories will merge with labour and libs and let a decent party emerge

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

You do of course realise that apparent generosity was caused by the highest unemployment figures on record don't you? Well if they took the records back before 1994 they would be.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:39 PM
Heres some thing I read on another site and it somes her up really well IMO
Claydog on Thatcher

The vulture media, which is owned by the sociopaths that make monsters such as Thatcher will bleat on about her in their obvious propaganda but the general public can see what an unconscionable sociopath Thatcher was. A true exponent of disaster capitalism, destroying Sth American countries with Reagan then allowing mini-hitlers to commit genocide, flooding our own streets with smack and destroying community. Selling off the infrastructure to her pals who have been cashing in ever since at the cost of about 99%. If you are wealthy you are still not in their sick little club. The " I am alright mate, pull the ladder up" mentality is vile. Get the lords list and nick them all for a start, instead of waiting for the same lords/judges and blackmailed parasites of establishment to hold "inquires" That's like being at a counselling meeting held by your own abuser.. Yet the public allow these sociopaths to continue to lie to us while #ing us.. Aided by their mouth piece of mainstream media and the BBC is NOTHING more than a propaganda pedophile franchise funded by the victims licence money. It's truly insane to carry on living in such an unbalanced manner. Consciousness is shifting and waking people up.. But people need to think about forming in great number instead of ranting in the daily fail comment section. Or sitting and waiting for answers to come through the owned media, THEY ARE ALL IN ON THE SCAM. And we are not.. They are laughing all the time this carries on then they award each other with title etc..

And if WE allow the same sick #s to give this despot a state funeral then we are truly still sedated..

Falklands conflict was nothing more than a ploy to win the election she at the time would never have won.. Just that one simple example is enough to have seen her in a secure hospital for the past 20 years, but we get her rolled out as some kind of hero. Countries work together like a cabal and sell us conflict, the same people who make coin and title from this are always behind the curtain they send out politicians who are nothing more than marionettes of oligarchs and money printers. To be under the impression that Obama and Cameron et al actually make any real decisions is laughable. They are simply told what to say by their king makers who own the big corporations.. And the UN and various parliaments are fueled by pedophile rings to ensure total control via blackmail. The pedo-files are no doubt still in the vaults at Vatican city. So they cannot allow for a single real domino to fall. Look at how this whole Sa-vile thing has been sidelined and handled by the vulture media, they are working for the royals and true high society who use politicians like toilet paper.. They understand psychopathy and the lust for power and create puppets purely for this purpose.

Thatcher was a prime example of this. A world mouth piece who answered in secret to true world leaders.. But guilty of crimes we have not even touched on yet..

That is because the media and controlling forces are all sociopaths, We have to change this completely otherwise it's just business as usual for this sick little franchise of pure evil. And WE #ing pay for it while they continue to blame the poor and ill for the countries decline.

And if you read this and regard me as a conspiracy theorist then you are actually either sedated or ill. The world has been run by social predators who hide behind a thinning veil of respectability and the world is waking up to this. They will use North Korea to try and scare us back in to our little holes, while still pushing draconian laws through in silent to continue to destroy the weakest first.

WE outnumber the sociopaths by a huge number, they will always play this down and continue to poison opinion on the daily pantomime of lies via BBCSKY and via talking heads who are all complicit for crimes against nature and humanity.

Mother nature could shake us off this planet like flea's off a dogs back if she chooses, and entire civilizations have come and gone from this ancient planet for aeons of time. If we wish to be next then all we have to do is # all and pretend nothing is #ed, when it's all #ed and can be stopped and changed purely by the intention of something none of these sociopaths have, and that's a heart. It's entirely switched to self serve right now and they are turning it up because they know we are in a transition period of global consciousness. It scares them but when cornered they are dangerous.

Something big is coming, pretending it's not will not stop what ever it is..

But what ever it is I for one welcome it.. The lies on a daily basis are so staggeringly obvious that it's insane to carry on letting them play with our #ing very future existence like they are gods, they are not gods, they are psychopaths who have no capacity for love..

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:40 PM

well sir, the filth on the left have their people in power at present- we will hopefully have a "challenging" future, in this country though, God willing

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by GrandStrategy

You say
"quote" Most people were against the war there's a lot of contempt for

Thatcher for the entire Falklands Saga.

Does that mean you'll feel the same contempt about Tony Blair? going into Iraq??

Many more killed in that war!!...

Yes. Tony Blair is another sorry excuse for a human being.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:42 PM

'Most people were against Thatcher full stop......'

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:44 PM

Britain hasn't had a left wing government in power ever.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

What I see from your chart is a drop the year she took office. Two years when it went up. Evidently caused by massive surge in unemployment (Hmmm, I wonder what may have caused the unemployment?). Then a sharp drop and steady decline until she left office.

And you're saying she wasn't "that against" welfare?

You're right though. Whoever came in 6-7 years after her really cut large. But then we're talking about Thatcher here and I'd have to check out who that was so we can argue about him/her.

edit on 8-4-2013 by TheComte because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

You do of course realise that apparent generosity was caused by the highest unemployment figures on record don't you? Well if they took the records back before 1994 they would be.

but HOW, how could it be- if she was a right wing warrior she would have slashed the welfare bill, even allowing for higher unemployment rates,,,,,,, but she didn't did she, and it wasn't just in respect of unemployment that welfare increased

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:49 PM
another big myth is that she defeated the unions- They have never been so powerful. But their power takes a new form.

Stringent employment laws, enforced by tribunals, compel all employers – from hairdressers to oil giants – to act as if they have armies of militant shop stewards permanently breathing down their necks.

This is especially tough on the small businesses that used to be largely union-free. Break the rules and you can face huge penalties. Keep them and it will be hard to compete.

The big difference between then and now is that the main questions are all settled – there is no need for walkouts or pickets because the major aims of the unions have been won, often through EU regulation. Our unions memorably fell in love with Europe when Jacques Delors came and wooed them back in 1988. They grasped that Brussels would force the British Government to bow to their wishes

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd
but HOW, how could it be- if she was a right wing warrior she would have slashed the welfare bill, even allowing for higher unemployment rates,,,,,,, but she didn't did she, and it wasn't just in respect of unemployment that welfare increased

Not unless she wanted to commit political suicide right there and then, so soon after gaining office.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:50 PM

it hasn't had a right wing govt in power ever- call me filth, DO IT!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:52 PM
let's look at more evidence of her "RIGHT WING" activities:

- left behind huge public sector

- left behind gargantuan NHS

- hundreds of thousands of jobs in local govt and quangos

But still the stupid do their silly victory dance, pretending there is or was a "difference"

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Credenceskynyrd

If millions more are sharing the same pot of money (which they were) that's not proof of benevolence.

Do you remember the days (when Thatcher was pm) when the news would give us daily figures on how many people had lost their jobs?

Do you remember the days when everyone was moved from unemployment benefit and onto 'the sick' to hide the ever increasing unemployment stats?

Do you see the current tory policy of getting people off sickness benefits and back to work? That's them dealing with a small part of her legacy - more than 20 years later.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by TheComte

so right wing in heart then lol

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:53 PM
I see so many people that think they could run their country better.
If you think you can either step up or shut up.
edit on 8-4-2013 by Ancient Champion because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd
reply to post by TheComte

so right wing in heart then lol

How do you know what went on in her heart? I think you're the only one trying to argue that Thatcher was not right wing.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:57 PM
This my be harsh... but

Good riddance. Ding dong the witch is dead.

My father will be most pleased, he hated the woman with a passion. I didnt live in England, but my father is British and I grew up at the time she was in power so I got to see on the news, satire and through the papers just what harm she did to that country and its people.

Yes its not good karma to be happy about a persons death, but in this world there are a small select few who DO in fact deserve such disrespect, and she was one of them.

Sorry if that offends.

edit:- That being said however, I will say im sorry for her children (if any) and her husband (is he still alive?), after all while she was a vile politician, she was part of a family.
edit on 8-4-2013 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:58 PM
Having read many of the posts, the opinion appears to be divided, between admiration and outright dislike for Margaret Thatcher.

From what I have read about her, she had a distinguished carreer, moving up through the ranks, through life and ultimately raising up to crash the proverbial glass ceiling. No matter what you can say about the woman, she did what no other woman did before that, or since, take the reins of power and to lead a country, that from all accounts was in dire straights.

Now before we say yes or no if she was a bad leader, the point should be that she had to have been doing something correct, as she did run and win 3 consecutive elections, 11 years of running the country. There has only been 6 other prime ministers in the history of the United Kingdom before her that did that.

Beyond what she may have or have not done right, she did it as a leader, taking both the praise and the blame. And according to the poll that was done by the BBC and the University of Leeds, she ranked the top 10 of prime ministers that has been in charge of the United Kingdom. She had to have been doing something right.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:59 PM
Thatcher's role in The Falklands War doesn't make good reading when being stripped of all the spin.

It may be worthwhile dispelling some popular myths.

Prior to The Falklands War Thatcher was very unpopular and it was more or less a foregone conclusion that she would lose the next election.
The economy was in ruins and a record number of people were unemployed.

Thatcher's government had just begun implementing a Defence Review which would have seen more cuts done to the UK's Armed Services than at anytime before or since.
Essentially the UK would have been solely reliant on Trident, NATO and it's submarines and would have been more or less limited to the North Atlantic and North Sea.
If fully implemented the UK's ability to act independant of NATO would have been surrendered.
One of the first acts of this Defence Review was to withdraw the antarctic ship HMS Endurance from service.
This was despite intelligence reports advising against such action due to the threat posed by Argentina - advice Thatcher ignored.

As for The Falklands Thatcher had privately intimated that she would be willing to discuss joint sovereignty for The Flaklands with Argentina.

Argentina was in economic ruin and it's ruling Junta believed that any invasion of the islands would bolster domestic support.
In addition, with the removal of Endurance and the massive downsizing that was planned for UK's defence capability they believed that any invasion would be not be met with a military response from the UK.

If Argentina had sought a diplomatic solution it is more than likely they would have been succesful in some shape or form but once they physically invaded Thatcher's advisor's convnced her that she had no alternative but to respond.

Once committed to this course she pursued it with vigour.
One interesting unconfirmed story relating to her during this episode is that when Argentina were using Excocet missiles against the British Navy Thatcher decided to buy up all Exocets on the market, (interestingly enough her son was one of the biggest arms dealers in the world prior to his attempting to fund and arrange armed coup's against democratically elected governments in Africa).
She also asked for codes from the French manufacturer's that would disable these missiles.
The story goes that the French refused so Thatcher phoned Mitterand up and demanded action - still no joy.
So Thatcher jumped on an unrecorded flight to Paris and went to see Mitterand in the middle of the night and told him that if the codes weren't provided then she would have no alternative but to authorise nuclear strikes on Buenos Aires and other strategic targets in Argentina.
The codes were provided, France helped the UK buy all Exocets and they were no longer a threat.
Some people believe the story, some don't.
Personally I can imagine it being true and on the one hand I admire her balls etc but on the other, to drop nuclear bombs that would have killed millions?

Thatcher and her team used the 'victory' to help propel themselves to victory in the '83 election and the rest as they say is history.
edit on 8/4/13 by Freeborn because: Spelling, grammar, clarity etc

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