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Outrage as Department of Education Quotes Notorious Chinese Leader Mao Zedong on its Website

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posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Signals

This was better quotation? The New World Order? That guy was an inocent saint, that, the quoted one?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 11:26 AM

edit on 26-3-2013 by alien because: ...censor circumvention removed...please keep it clean

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 11:33 AM
Don't shoot the messenger? The message is great for kids, I don't see why you are so hung up on who coined it rather than what is being presented. Typical politically correct bulls**** blindly spraying napalm on everything.
edit on 26-3-2013 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:11 PM
attempting to summon my fake outrage to monumental levels has failed

screw these panic attack morons

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 12:54 PM
Ah it reminds me of of something my second grade teacher Mrs Wu would pick to teach the class. After a lesson from Mao, we learn animals of the Chinese zodiac. Now everybody get in line from tallest to shortest before recess...1980s USA. Before the Internet of course. A lesson in diversity. I hated that year because the lessons were so alien to USA values, which culturally handicapped my ability to compete with other students in subsequent years. But values back then, ketchup was a vegetable in a school lunch, so what exactly were we protecting?

I don't like people phobia of other national leaders in times past. They get censored from hearing a Chinese quote, and then the kids go to Sunday School and read the Old Testament about Bible heroes slaying lots of people? Big names need to be heard for history's sake. Kids have to be allowed to see other human beings for what they are, including the ugliness. It's a good lesson of discernment, and wisdom, to know that some really cruel people say some very persuasive things.

Don't cheat students out of the truth, sheepilificating them. Mao said some motivating stuff, and he led a destructive wave of change. And this, kids, is where Chinese people come from.

Consumer-driven education is so weird.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Signals

Communist Scum

Is there some kind of difference between communist scum and just your average scum?

I don't know about the running of websites but could such a thing be automated to generate a quote each day or did someone actually find that particular quote and put it on the site? It's possible they were too ignorant to even realise who Mao Zedong was and just read it and thought it sounded mildly intellectual so put it on.

What Mao said may or may not be right (we don't even know the context of what he was going on about really), but he's certainly not the kind of historical figure you want your kids to emulate or take inspiration from. You'd no more have a quote of Mao on there than you would Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:19 PM
Bad form, no doubt, however do try to keep in mind the following from Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov":

As a general rule, people, even the wicked, are much more naive and simple-hearted than we suppose. And we ourselves are too.

With that in mind I'm going to guess that whoever put the Mao quote up in the first place simply did a search for inspirational quotes involving "learning and teaching", found this one, had no clue who this Mao fellow was, and simply ran with it.

At least I sure HOPE that's how it went down....

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Why should I be satiable in learning.

"O k iv'e lernt enugh now i'ma gonna go teach"

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:04 PM
Any time a government wants to create a "zone" its key word for "pen" or "cage". Free speech zones, learning (indoctrination) zones. In china they have whole zones for industry where people jump out of the building into suicide nets because they are treated like dogs.

Humans don't need zones. Our Zone is Earth. Any human that tries put another in some zone they think up using a method of mass control.

For now I'm going back to Rylos

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by WHYFIGHT

That's exactly what I was thinking! "Satiable" is capable of being appeased or satisfied. Shouldn't we strive to be INsatiable in learning?

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Signals

why do i bother

edit on 26-3-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 06:21 PM

"Our attitude towards ourselves should be to be satiable in learning and towards others to be tireless in teaching."

So how do dead people learn, and how are they even taught?

Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we crush the enemy Mao Zedong

Knowledge is the enemy to communism intellectual activity is also the enemy get them while they are young and you will have them for life.

edit on 26-3-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 06:34 PM
Reply to post by DestroyDestroyDestroy

Ah, DestroyDestroyDestroy, ATS' favorite pacificist.

Denouncing Mao for who he is is not political correctness, it is historical accuracy. To inspire some, as China did during its Cultural Revolution, involved, you guessed it, reciting Mao as scripture and verse. What Education is doing is citing Mao as scripture and verse to inspire. I'll leave to you to justify the difference.

To those of us who see history as a continous arc this is seed that cannot be allowed to germinate. If we can accept Mao on education, why not also accept him on other things?

We do not. We reject Mao.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 07:23 PM
Mao was a brutal killer, that is apparent, but that doesn't mean that he is incapable of a profound thought. Granted, the man who made the quote was no role model and should not be placed on any pedestal, but the quote itself was okay. Too bad it was Mao that said it.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Signals

In all probability the quote of the day is a plug-in that the site uses to automatically post a quote every day. The webmaster probably didn't look in to where the quotes were coming from and didn't realize that a quote from Mao would pop up. Obviously no one would consciously post a quote from matter how much some want to believe it. That's why it was taken down to hastily.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 07:55 PM
Why the need for outrage? Dept of Education has been communist since its inception.
Not really a surpise.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Yes well, we don't want our children learning educational and inspirational quotes from dictators and mass murders. Period.

"All of Gaul is Divided into three parts," "The die is cast," "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion" and "Et tu, Brute." -- all of these are from Julius Caesar (the latter one provided courtesy of William Shakespeare's take on the matter), dictator of Rome and mass murderer and enslaver of millions. We also have a month of the year named after him, i.e. July. You have a problem with those quotes and that month's name being taught to our delicate and impressionable school children? Just curious.

As for the quote at hand, like the replacement message, there appears to be a mistake; there's nothing good about being "satiable in learning"; seems like "insatiable" is what was meant. I'm guessing that the site has some automated quote of the day regarding education coming from an app or a website, and that is how this one found its way to the site. I understand it would be very offensive to some Chinese Americans; however, I am much more offended by the apparent misquote and the illiteracy of the replacement message at a website about education, which is produced by the government -- although I am not at all surprised by it.

In any case, good find, OP.
edit on 26-3-2013 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by DestroyDestroyDestroy

No, actually what I'm saying is the OPPOSITE of "politically correct", the messenger was a murderer on the highest scale.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by votan
reply to post by Signals

why do i bother

edit on 26-3-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

Because you have an opinion on the matter, that you want to be heard.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by grey580
So I guess all those guys wearing Che shirts have egg on their face.
Looks like a lot of people like murderous jerks.

As do people who wear Obama shirts. He's responsible for a lot more deaths -- particularly innocent civilian deaths -- than Che Guevera. Moreover, Che was a revolutionary for liberation from dictators, not so much different than America's founding fathers.

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