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Michigan Elementary School Confiscates “Insensitive” Cupcakes

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:08 AM
Not quite, but close

Originally posted by jude11
I'm waiting for the headline "Man charged with assault after farting in elevator."
News Blooper! Anchor Cracks Up At Fart Story!!!

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 01:25 AM
Goodness gracious!
Political correctness to the point of fascism!

Strange how things can turn completely, because in my day the soldiers would have been OK, but a boy baking cupcakes would have been considered worthy of psychiatric evaluation.
edit on 11-3-2013 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 02:50 AM
I laughed at the comment from the school about democracy and opposing opinions. There is a huge difference in the minority having a voice, and always giving the minority what they want. That is the only reason a lot of this crap happens, because a very small number of parents do not know how to raise a child, and they are the only ones complaining, and they always seem to get their way. That is why we constantly see stupid stuff like this happening, especially in schools. What people need to realize is that if no one is complaining on the other side of the issue, that is because there is nothing wrong.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by skoalman88

Defending this is defending the freedom to promote war. War is Murder. There should be shame in promoting violence to children. Blind patriots don't question further and don't see beyond plastic figurines. Simple connections.

Also, if you read the article it states that these are WWII US soldiers. I was simply pointing out the fact that if you changed the color of the flag it would take on a whole new meaning to most people in this thread.

I usually write impersonally to people who I don't think are smart enough to understand that I am speaking in general and not speaking directly to them. I won't apologize from brutal honesty even if offended but it wasn't the goal. I was simply trying offer my view, to you, of what I was seeing from you and 'most' others US citizens in this thread who defended this issue.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Cocasinpry

I defend the freedom to promote war as much as I promote defend the freedom to protest war. What you "see from me" is actually the complete opposite of how I really am. I strongly oppose war, particularly our most current conquests. However, I am strongly against exploiting some tragedy to push a political agenda. If we weren't in a "post-Sandy Hook America," such knee-jerk reactions would not be taking place.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:27 AM
This must have been a combo of dumbness and backwardness. Any half way educated person would be able to understand that those are just little green army men made of plastic. These people must be from the backwoods or brainwashed by some cult. I just cannot understand why someone would make this serious case of misjudgement.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:41 AM
PC and hysteria is getting old... REAL old.
Im still chafed that my alma mater's mascot just HAD to be changed because someone said it was inappropriate. Now its a black bear.. wearing "slacks".

THIS is what was SOoOOOoooo inappropriate.

edit on 13-3-2013 by Advantage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by jude11

"Are you insane?" forum.....yeah! That would SO fit this and some other insane news stories! Then again, "political madness" works, too.

In this, seriously? If some clown has that big an issue, I feel for their kids. What next, cops can't carry guns because it gives a bad impression? Little green Army men are "insensitive"? Can someone please start a bill banning stupid "sensitivity" rules and regulations??? I am so sick of people not being able to speak freely, or offer a gift, or anything, without some whiny group complaining of hurt feelings, or, worse, some IOC (Idiots In Charge, and feel free to use that) throwing a fit because feeling MIGHT BE hurt.

Those other headlines......Cougars" as offensive? Really??? Whoever made that claim needs to SHUT UP, already, and keep their sticky PC fingers away from my HS mascot! They are CATS! Yeah, yeah, I know the other use, but you can't regulate stupidity.

All this just shows that public schools are BAD. Indoctrination centers, for brainwashed, unthinking people. I prefer kids like mine. Decent moral values, common sense, personal responsibility, and very good BS detectors in all of them! Home schooling, people. I can find a story pretty much weekly, if not daily, that makes me glad mine aren't in that system.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by chagahunter
reply to post by jude11

And a 5 year old was banned from kindergarden in New Jersey for having a bubble gun....
Boggles the mind. I can only shake my head.
Good thing your very vocal Jude !

running with the wolves

Don't forget, in that case, the bubble "gun" wasn't even AT the school, but at home. The child only talked about "shooting" her friends with the bubbles.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by azureskys
reply to post by stirling

Yes and we didn't have armed people comming in to our class-rooms
and slaying all of our classmates and teachers either.

Well, back then, people might have had a gun in their car, or even in the classroom. There wasn't this recent foolish paranoia about guns somehow being "evil" back then. A handful of kooks with weapons doesn't mean all with weapons are kooks, now, does it? Gee.....I thought we were all supposed to NOT blame an entire group for the actions of a small minority..... Guess that only matters when you defend real bad guys with that rule, and not when you use it to curtail freedom.

People are shooting up schools because those are "gun free zones", and they know no one can stop them there. Pretending a toy soldier is a "weapon" is flat stupid, and does nothing but teach people to view self defense as a bad thing, leaving them more helpless to such attacks.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
SO i'm teaching a Martial arts lesson to a student in the public park last weekend, when out of nowhere a cop car pulls up and two cops come out with their hands on their holstered guns. Approaching me carefully.


Wow.....that could have happened to us! My husband has taken advantage of good weather in the park here to teach the teen some basic moves. In those cases, no one paid any attention. Of course, this is in an area with guns stores all over, too, so maybe that's a difference.

Originally posted by kudegras
Kids birthday cakes? Are they serious. A few years ago in Melbourne my daughters High school banned any Xmas celebrations out of respect for a few Muslim kids.
And yet the Muslim kids get to do all their religious things with no thought how it can affect our kids.
In fact my kid was asked if she wanted to support the Muslim kids by fasting during Ramadan.
I told them categorically what I thought of that, and was warned about my racist comments.
The world has gone bananas because everyone is worried about litigation and how a minority might react.
Common sense is needed people. Time to get thicker skins and not overreact.

Well, didn't you know it's allowed to target certain groups? If you belong in certain categories, you are free game for bigotry these days.

Originally posted by Cocasinpry
First decision I ever took with my fiance is to never give any toys which relates to guns and violence to our child. I'm not going to force religion on my child so I'm certainly not going to encourage war on him neither. Children should be free to choose on their own.

I think that this is great that schools are frowning upon guns and violence of any kind. Don't impose religion on my kids and don't impose any other beliefs.

Do you not realize that you are, in fact,"imposing" beliefs on your child, by your actions? You are teaching that religion is bad, that guns are bad, and not allowing them to form their own opinions on those matters. If your child asked for a toy gun, would you deny it? If your child wanted to attend church, would you allow that? If so, well, ok. If not, you are teaching them to be against those things. Now, that said, that is your right as a parent, just as it is the right of other parents to teach whatever their beliefs are, and their opinions, to their children. A cupcake with an green army man on it should not be a threat to what you teach, though. The child could toss the toy, if they didn't like it. The teacher making the decision FOR THEM is the issue here.

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