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Jury Nullification - Last Stand Before Armed Resistance?

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posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:10 AM
Let me just say I am not sure why more people in the liberty movement do not pick this up and run with it? Working through the political system seems to be broken yet all we hear is contact your rep. Or if there is any headway it is a long slow process and usually compromised to almost uselessness. That is just intolerable to many and is a reason why a lot of people do not want to be involved in the political process and feel powerless to change anything.

However with the power of the jury the people have immediate power to nullify bad laws and by-pass all the politics and old boy networks etc. It is a quick easy way to tell the politicians NO we will not stand for this non-sense! Why do you think there has been such a dumbing down of knowledge of the true power of the jury over the last century? People who don't have the time or inclination to be involved in the political process can participate in Jury Nullification and thus in restoring liberty. We have a potential army for liberty at our disposal we only have need to educate them. That makes sense doesn't it?

Jury Nullification is well established in American Jurisprudence Prohibition perhaps being the most famous law nullified by Juries till it was repealed. We owe it to ourselves to make Jury Nullification a major tenant of our attack on the enemies of freedom because it is perhaps our best weapon in this war. Where else do the people have any power now days to prevent bad and unconstitutional laws from harming us? We should take take the time to study this issue and start promoting it because it's time we used our real power isn't it!

Every home in American needs to b educated on Jury Nullification!

"It is not necessary for a state legislature to “adopt or officially recognize” jury nullification. All that is necessary is for a critical mass of the people to know about their power and know how to use it. In addition, even if a law exists, judges will still lie. Indiana and Georgia has jury nullification in their constitutions, yet judges still lie, jury tamper, try to trick jurors, often succeeding. Only an educated and confident jury pool guarantees that judges will not suppress jury nullification. Very important -- lobbying the legislature about jury nullification has often confused the general public, making many think we cannot nullify bad laws till the legislature passes a new law. We have our power now, we simply have to know it and use it. POLITICIANS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION – YOU ARE."
Not sure where this came from but it is in some info I have archived.

edit on 22-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:31 AM
i am aware of jury nullification and follow a lot of videos on it. from what ive seen and replies to vids online , alot of people are on to it . this whole corrupt system is doing every thing it can to discourage our rights and maintain its existence. as long the majority of people are obedient and the scales are kept in its favor, everything is fine.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by IsawWHATtheyDID

It is getting better known much more so then 20 years ago but not enough people who end up and juries know about it or if they do they don't know much and the Judge scares them into complying with his instructions or they think there will be some consequence. However there are no penalties for Jury nullification and the judge cannot reverse the decision even if the Jury says it nullified the law after the verdict is given. This needs to become mainstream thought IMO.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:26 AM
But doesn't the court pick who they want on the jury, as far as the questionaire... They pick the sheep they know will convict or be easily manipulated. At least I thought that is how it worked.


posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:07 PM
Certainly a good idea; this is one of our few last "bulwarks" of defense against full blown Fascism.

However, who picks the jury's? Certainly not us the people... How can we insure they aren't picking people specifically with the intention of choosing those with the least knowledge about the matter in question?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by GermanShep

reply to post by 007Polytoks

Absolutely they pick the jury and try to stack it in their favor which is why we need to educate every household in America and make Jury Nullification main stream common knowledge. Even most of the sheep if they have the knowledge of jury nullification could not resist using their power to nullify bad laws.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:10 PM
Help me out here folks seriously this is an important topic that needs more attention. If someone else can present it better and more interestingly please do. I don't want any glory I just want to get the word out and make this topic mainstream on the tongues of America. I do appreciate the flags to get it more exposure though...
edit on 22-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Great topic and something everybody should know about, however they've done an end run around jury nullification, too, just like every other tool of self governance we once had. Thought I'd post a poster's comment from another discussion on this topic.

Only one problem. The government already knows how much power that juries have, and they don’t want them to have it.

So they try 99% of cases WITHOUT A JURY.

And on top of that, they have instituted administrative hearings, which take over civil and criminal courts. Administrative hearings do not use juries. And you have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to a jury in an administrative hearing. Constitutional, eh? NOT.

So instead of dismantling the government, the result is the government becoming MORE totalitarian.

Way to go!!!

How do we get around THAT one?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by frazzle
reply to post by hawkiye

Great topic and something everybody should know about, however they've done an end run around jury nullification, too, just like every other tool of self governance we once had. Thought I'd post a poster's comment from another discussion on this topic.

Only one problem. The government already knows how much power that juries have, and they don’t want them to have it.

So they try 99% of cases WITHOUT A JURY.

And on top of that, they have instituted administrative hearings, which take over civil and criminal courts. Administrative hearings do not use juries. And you have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to a jury in an administrative hearing. Constitutional, eh? NOT.

So instead of dismantling the government, the result is the government becoming MORE totalitarian.

Way to go!!!

How do we get around THAT one?

Id say he is exaggerating a bit on the 99% figure. They can't refuse you a jury trial its just that many people are offered a choice of an administrative hearing and take it. If you do take it and are not satisfied with the verdict you can still opt for a Jury Trial even for a traffic ticket if you know your rights. if most people asked for a trial the system would collapse as they could never be keep with your right to a speedy trial and be forced to dismiss most cases.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:43 AM
one way to fudge up their little scam is by not consenting to their charade. all these charges that they bring against people under "color of law" , are by consent , either willingly or by tacit. I am not talking about the as seen on t.v. "sovereign citizens movement" but about how legislation and statutory laws are only able to be used against someone through their own consent. I was dismissed from jury duty because i asked who the injured party was when they asked if i had any prejudices . this was before i know as much as i do now and i was gonna say i was prejudice against some one , but there was only a prosecuting attorney . if i get called again i wanna try to be on the jury.
edit on 2/23/2013 by IsawWHATtheyDID because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

That is the website of the American Jury Institute, also and formerly known as Fully Informed Jury Association, formed up by a bunch of patriots in Montana and around the country.

Beginning basically with the Sparf decision in 1895, the government began to deceive the public and jury about its power to nullify bad law or the poor application of any given law.

The Jury acts as the conscience of the community, in traditional american culture. Thomas Jefferson saw the jury as the best way yet designed by man to keep government within its lawful confines in governing. He was right, but more than a century after Sparf most americans don't know a thing about the nullification power.

Indeed, good citizenship DEMANDS that bad laws be nullified until they are repealed, as happened with the Volstead Act and the Fugitive Slave Act way back in 1850.

The only chance to get this corrupted government back under control is through widespread jury nullification, and even that may not work, considering how badly out of control things are.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

Id say he is exaggerating a bit on the 99% figure. They can't refuse you a jury trial its just that many people are offered a choice of an administrative hearing and take it. If you do take it and are not satisfied with the verdict you can still opt for a Jury Trial even for a traffic ticket if you know your rights. if most people asked for a trial the system would collapse as they could never be keep with your right to a speedy trial and be forced to dismiss most cases.

02/17/2011 - 21:35
# 1 United States: 2,019,234 prisoners
Per Capita
# 1 United States: 715 per 100,000 people

I know 99% sounds impossible, but just consider this: If all of these 2 million + people had gotten a trial by jury, how many times a month would each of us have to have been called for jury duty to put them all in prison? The public would never stand for that so the police state found a "better" way.

Jury trial has become the exception rather than the rule as guilty pleas dispose of the vast majority of criminal cases without trial. 2 Plea bargaining, the system whereby criminal defendants are given inducements in the form of reduced charges or lighter sentences in exchange for pleading guilty, has been accepted as a necessary evil and upheld by the Supreme Court as a constitutional method of determining guilt. 3 Some commentators, however, dispute the Supreme Court's view, arguing that plea bargaining infringes a criminal defendant's absolute right to a trial by jury, and thus is unconstitutional. 4 These commentators urge that the system provide resources adequate to permit the exercise of this constitutional right. 5 15&key=b2d55a3b7d075447a27e203902f97ae2

Plea bargaining is a system that is best described as one of condemnation without adjudication. It is a system that replaces trial, which is what our constitution intended, with deals.
Second, those deals are coerced. The prosecutor is basically forcing people to waive their rights to jury trial by threatening them with ever greater sanctions if they refuse to plead and instead demand the right to jury trial.

I’ve seen how this actually works in an administrative courtroom once when at least two dozen people were lined up from one wall to to the other, all charged with similar DUI and drug charges. I was stunned when the judge read the blanket statement to them regarding waiving jury trial by their own choice and each person was required to answer “yes”. It was later explained to me how public defenders work to coerce and threaten people to plead guilty or face stiffer sentences because they simply cannot afford a private defense attorney and are caught in a corner by the costs involved. The courts could simply not handle the load otherwise and neither would the people being called to jury duty, it could not stand in the light of day so they found a way to keep it on the low down and no one pays any attention ~ well, unless or until they make a stupid mistake and become another swinging in the breeze statistic.

Like every other thing that's wrong in this country, it all comes down to money.


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