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Pro-choice Feminist: I'm Voting for Bush ! What?

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posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:11 PM
For once I am speechless!

After reading this, it occurs to me that she understands the stakes, Bush a strong no bull# leader and Kerry a poll reading flopper.

It is just to important......

Why Democrats Should Vote for Bush
Tammy Bruce
Friday, Oct. 29, 2004
As a Democrat and a pro-choice feminist, it�s time for me to explain why I support the president, and why other thoughtful Democrats should join me in doing so.

I can�t tell you how many e-mails I�ve received from other Democrats either condemning me for not toeing the line, while others write who are genuinely curious, after all the hate-mongering and demonizing of Republicans and the president specifically, they hope I can ease their fears about what their inclination to vote for the president means about them.

The simple answer? It means you�re a confident liberal, a thoughtful person who realizes that game of party loyalty takes a back seat to the safety of your family and this nation.
It also means you take the slogans of �choice� and �radical individualism� seriously. Isn�t it ironic that there�s nothing more radically individual these days than a liberal who doesn�t conform?

For me, Authentic Feminism is rooted in making it possible for people to make the choices that best suit them.

If you have recognized the weakness of John Kerry, and know in your heart a vote for the president is the right thing to do, join me and do it! It can be done with a clear conscience as you embrace the radical individual inside you that attracted you to liberal causes in the first place.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:22 PM
Edsinger the more and more I read your posts, the more i'm inclined to inform you on the constitution party...

They are everything you obviously stand for... A great party and alot more honest then bush.

I'm sure you would be most happy there...

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:27 PM
Yes I already know of them and WOULD vote for them IF Kerry was behind 15 points in the polls, a vote for them, would be a vote for Kerry at this point IMHO.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Yes I already know of them and WOULD vote for them IF Kerry was behind 15 points in the polls, a vote for them, would be a vote for Kerry at this point IMHO.

If you were a true republican and a pro life kind of guy youwould be voting for them. Not to mention Bush is wiping his ass with the constitution namely the 4th 5th and 6th amendments, whereas the constitution party most likely knows FAR more about it, and cares alot more about this countries "republic" and "constitution" far more then bush does...

a vote for bush is a huge waste especially if you care about our republic, the consitution, civil liberties, abolision of the federal reserve, restoration of family, ect...

I don't know just my op, I don't think you know what your voting in here... I think it's dangerous personally and a total insult to this countries fathers and the people who are trying to restore digity to this country.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:10 PM
Well you must understand that I can follow your logic, but in this election I will vote for the less of 2 evils I guess. The man is a God fearing man at least he says so...nayway.

Last time I thought my vote didnt count and wrote in a unwinnable candidate, Clinton was elected.

This time around, you really only have 2 choices.

Example: I disagree with the bolded statement......

"I like President Bush personally. He is a sincere man. I respect his office. But, it is becoming painfully obvious that he has no plan to get our country out of the un-Constitutional, bloody, deadly, mess going on in Iraq. In fact, Mr. Bush and John Kerry both favor putting more troops into Iraq. In his recent press conference, Mr. Bush said our troops would be in Iraq 'as long as necessary,' 'for a while,' until Iraq is 'a free country.' He said Iraqis would provide their own security 'eventually.' I strongly disagree. As President, I would move immediately to withdraw all our troops from Iraq in a way that would provide for the safety of those Iraqis who worked with us during this illegal, wrong-headed war.

"I, like President Bush, hope that the Iraqi people, and all people, will be free from tyranny. But, unlike President Bush, I realize that, Constitutionally, as President, it would not be my job to use our military to spread 'freedom' everywhere in the world. Unlike President Bush, I, as President, would realize that I had been elected President of the United States, not President of the World.

"In 1821, John Quincy Adams said, of America:

'She goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.'

But, ignoring Adams' wise advice, President Bush, using our military, has gone abroad and destroyed the monster Saddam Hussein who posed no threat to the vital national security interests of our country. The result: We are bogged down in a bloody and expensive mess with no end in sight. If elected President, however, I would move immediately to end our involvement in Iraq. I am not one who believes that when you are in a hole you should not be in, you should keep digging."

[edit on 29-10-2004 by edsinger]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Well you must understand that I can follow your logic, but in this election I will vote for the less of 2 evils I guess. The man is a God fearing man at least he says so...nayway.

Last time I thought my vote didnt count and wrote in a unwinnable candidate, Clinton was elected.

This time around, you really only have 2 choices.

If anybody is god fearing it's bush.......Look what he's done to our consitution? Our ''god given rights" have been amended.....If he was a god loving man, don't you think he would be respecting this?? Not to mention his declaration of war into iraq.. Isn't that ungodly especially when you have no remorse for the innocent children and women you kill??

Hunting down terrorists doesn't mean bombing a 5 mile area hoping to get at least some and killing women children and innocent men along the way.

if he was truly a godly kind of guy I think he would be outlawing not just partial birth abortion but the whole damn thing... After all he is getting the votes of the christian people so is he just telling them what they want to hear?

We can kill innocent children over in iraq but aboortion is wrong in America?

What's worse, a fetus or a walking little boy who doesn't know a thing about whats going on??

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:22 PM
So you suggest we put our head in the sand?

Come one man! We were attacked and you ahve a choice of a man who KNOWS abortion is wrong and one who admitts it is ok to murder kids.

Your claim about murder in Iraq has no merit as if that be the case then we were murderers against Japan and Germany also.

And before you say it, IRAQ was a threat, and WAS involved in the terror against the west....IMHO.

Iraq war was justified in my mind.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:28 PM
Ed, I don't understand all this short term thinking. In the long run (as in more than 2 or 3 years) it will be better to get the government under control, get the economy in check (as in not continual growth), and clean up the government from the ground up.

THAT is what will save America. Otherwise we will fall to our own shortsightedness.

I think we all know it, but we don't want to "rock the boat" or deal with the short term pains.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:34 PM
Originally posted by edsinger

Come one man! We were attacked and you ahve a choice of a man who KNOWS abortion is wrong and one who admitts it is ok to murder kids.

see thats where your wrong. I have more choices then two my friend. You may want to believe the bunk you've been hearing on the news but if you educated yourself you would see that there are more then two options..

also your comments about "one who admits it is ok to murder kids" is pretty much a non sequiter if you ask me... You could apply this statement to bush and the iraqi children, but then you would just say that doesn't count... Is it because they are Iraqi?? Whats up with that?

Your claim about murder in Iraq has no merit as if that be the case then we were murderers against Japan and Germany also.

So your looking to the past to excuse whats happening today?

And before you say it, IRAQ was a threat, and WAS involved in the terror against the west....IMHO.

Thats not YOUR opinion, you were indoctrinated my friend... You watch fox much??

Iraq war was justified in my mind.

Of course it is because again you've been indoctrinated... If media started being non partisan and honest, I think you would have a totally different answer then the one you just gave... It's only justified in your mind because your a republican who watches republican tv... It's been banged into your head, it was in mine too... but that war was declared by bush, it diverted attention away from the tradegy, and got cheney his no bid contracts which btw are now being investigated by the fbi...

there are bigger threats in this world then iraq... and i'm sure i don't need to go down the list of em. terrorists live and breath all over the globe...
we should be using intelligence and our military for search and destroy ops, not just in iraq. this would eliminate the unnecessary murders, it would eliminate social engineering of a country thats not ready to be social engineered especially by a country thats not to fond of us.

[edit on 29-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:44 PM
Ok first, Bush is not pro-Abortion.

Second, indoctrinated? ok whatever, I feel that I understand terorism and the thought of "folding" ship is just what they want. Bush is FIGHTING it.

On your party's own site it refers to

But, ignoring Adams' wise advice, President Bush, using our military, has gone abroad and destroyed the monster Saddam Hussein who posed no threat to the vital national security interests of our country. The result: We are bogged down in a bloody and expensive mess with no end in sight. If elected President, however, I would move immediately to end our involvement in Iraq. I am not one who believes that when you are in a hole you should not be in, you should keep digging."

An by that alone they do not get my vote...

It is not an indoctrination, we can not be an isolationist country, it is just not in the cards anymore. We are at war and we have to WIN it, not run and hide.....

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:46 PM
You know, if the Federal Government would own up to some of this stuff and tell the world they are going to clean up our own mess and fix it, that we would get MUCH more respect from other countries.

Nobody likes a pompous ass (much like US policy).

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:35 AM
The world is not going to end in 4 years . even though this is refered to as the 'armageddon election' you can read the articles, just do a google search.

I'm for bush, number one because Changing captains midway on a journey is a dangerous thing...mutiny, lawlessness, hording of resources and the such.

If you want to believe it or not we are at WAR not with just IRaQ and AfGannies
But also with Old Power Elite in the World - Western and Eastern...alignment of principals and methods of operation are happening between regions, neighbors, and allies....

Show some stability in a time of disaster. We are losing lots of face in the international community - what a pity


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