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Patriotic Group To Build Armed 'Defensible' Neighborhood Fortress

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posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:02 PM

Home schooling..solves both problems. You deflected the point of course by saying..well..don't look at that because the other side is just as bad... which it isn't of course (home schooling).
reply to post by SaturnFX

You know, it has become obvious that you just spout whatever comes to mind, without even understanding what you say. You are obviously not aware of the fact that home schooling is OUTLAWED in many communities and severely restricted in many states. Where were you when we spent months discussing this issue on ATS years ago?
Please, don't bother to respond with nonsense, because I don't have time to educate you on every single nonsensical statement that you make.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:03 PM
It's bait for the FBI. It's like leaving cat food out for the raccoons, or chum for the sharks. If you build it, they will come.

So they are going to build a compound. And I expect to find the leader's name in a conspiracy story in this forum soon, either related to a mysterious illness or with phrases like "swat team" and "terror cell."

I hope they have a wall and a moat, and have a big kettle of boiling oil.

A few drones should stop their fortress.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Idaho? My spidey-sense tells me minorities need not apply.
reply to post by olaru12

Comments like that remind me of people who hear "New York" and say, yeah you mean "Jews". Rather a bigoted remark, don't you think. What do you know about Idaho? Have you been there?
Hispanic population 11.5%. Are they rednecks?

Yes, but lets be honest...most of these neocons are racists..
Or is it time to be politically correct now and pretend they aren't?

Also, you reckon there will be a good thriving Muslim community in this guntopia? I suspect not...will probably be a town square, with a big Christmas tree, but will there be a Hanukkah bush or a erm..whatever muslims have as symbols for their holy days in the town center?

The answer is obvious.

Bring on the banjo's.

Now...lets see if you really are fully against political correctness, or you moan that I said a inconvenient truth.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:07 PM

So they are going to build a compound. And I expect to find the leader's name in a conspiracy story in this forum soon, either related to a mysterious illness or with phrases like "swat team" and "terror cell." I hope they have a wall and a moat, and have a big kettle of boiling oil.
reply to post by Sandalphon

If so, doesn't that speak volumes about the current state of this country? Doesn't it at least lend credence as to why they are doing this? Do we just sit back and wait to be taken away in the night, or do we just give in, and let the government do whatever they wish to us?
Imagine if the Founding Fathers said " Let's not try anything, because the British will just stop us.That is a defeatist attitude, in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:11 PM
Before I sign off for the night, let me just say that I am rather disappointed that so many members feel that there is a problem with this country and its direction, but so few believe that something should be done to oppose or change it. I guess this is why we are in the mess we are in. Yes, we ARE in a mess, and within a few years we WILL be bankrupt. We will all lose any savings we had, and probably what jobs are still around. We will become a third world country, and since most people have a mortgage, you WILL lose your houses, since most of you are living from paycheck to paycheck.
Again, many seem to be sheep being led to the slaughter, and you think you are going on a picnic.
Sad, Sad, Sad.
Good night.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Home schooling..solves both problems. You deflected the point of course by saying..well..don't look at that because the other side is just as bad... which it isn't of course (home schooling).
reply to post by SaturnFX

You know, it has become obvious that you just spout whatever comes to mind, without even understanding what you say. You are obviously not aware of the fact that home schooling is OUTLAWED in many communities and severely restricted in many states. Where were you when we spent months discussing this issue on ATS years ago?
Please, don't bother to respond with nonsense, because I don't have time to educate you on every single nonsensical statement that you make.

The only state that is currently almost banned home schooling is California
States rights first off...(and a wise choice..most home schooling is for weird indoctrination into the parents insanity), and don't like it..move..but no matter where you go, kids are required an education...even in the mythical citadel they will be mandated to..assuming its in Idaho and not like..mexico. No matter what, your still under federal guidelines

As far as restricted...actually, its called standardized..meaning you can't just teach your kid the bible and suggest that its home schooling..there needs to be credible course work, ways to measure your not a complete crackpot, etc.

anyone can breed.

As far as where I have been...I tend to not care much about such topics when the reality is stated pretty clearly. matter how much its spun, and how many people cringe at adapting the courses to qualification requirements, it still is what it is verses a deep dark conspiracy fetish.

And I suspect the California crowd isn't the target audience for the gun fascist environment anyhow.

So...gonna keep the deflection up then?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
Before I sign off for the night, let me just say that I am rather disappointed that so many members feel that there is a problem with this country and its direction, but so few believe that something should be done to oppose or change it. I guess this is why we are in the mess we are in. Yes, we ARE in a mess, and within a few years we WILL be bankrupt. We will all lose any savings we had, and probably what jobs are still around. We will become a third world country, and since most people have a mortgage, you WILL lose your houses, since most of you are living from paycheck to paycheck.
Again, many seem to be sheep being led to the slaughter, and you think you are going on a picnic.
Sad, Sad, Sad.
Good night.

This isn't opposition or change though..this is running into a cave and hiding.
I like the concept of a self sustaining like minded city..I often dream of such minded scientists and innovators living in a "eureka" style community for the concentrated advancement, etc..
This is just some people wanting to run into a castle, lift the drawbridge, and shoot anyone coming close...that is not helpful, that is not a chance to clean up the mess..thats hiding mate.

So, what is worse..the sheep poopooing the idea, or the ostrich that came up with the idea of ducking the head in the sand in the first place?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

So, who gets to interpret the constitution?

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:30 PM
oops wrong thread
edit on 13-1-2013 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Idaho? My spidey-sense tells me minorities need not apply.
reply to post by olaru12

Comments like that remind me of people who hear "New York" and say, yeah you mean "Jews". Rather a bigoted remark, don't you think. What do you know about Idaho? Have you been there?
Hispanic population 11.5%. Are they rednecks?

Thanks for asking...
I have been to Idaho many times as a flyfishing enthusiast/guide/outfitter, plying my trade on the beautiful streams and rivers in Idaho. Idaho is so beautiful!!

It has been my experience that most of the Hispanics in Idaho work for the man in service industries, catering to the huge tourist industry. In fact an Idaho bill to restrict immagration was struck down in Idaho. Idaho businesmen value cheap labor as in most of the US. There's your 11.5% and no they aren't rednecks; they are working men and women trying to support their families.

And you call me bigoted after chastising others for name calling....

edit on 13-1-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by crappiekat
Waco Texas.

First thing I thought of when I saw this thread.

I know David Koresh was a nutcase. And the Branch Davidians were a religious cult.

IMHO, I think this is a bad headline, waiting to happen.

If[/b ]they advertise their venture in this way.

edit on 13-1-2013 by crappiekat because: sp

I live in the Waco area, and we have another group of people who could be considered a religious cult. If you google "Homestead Heritage", you will find information on the organization. They don't really publicize the religious aspect of their organization. You will recognize members by their clothing (at least the women), as they all wear long skirts, and don't cut their hair. If you speak with a member, they will be frank with you about their beliefs. People come from all over the United States to join the organization. They believe in living off the land, with as much sustainability as is possible. Very little electricity, as much done by hand as possible. You can take classes from them in just about everything from furniture building to soap making. I was told by a member that a lot of members are doctors, former professors, etc., that wanted to live a much simpler life.

I don't consider them radical, I find them kind of fascinating to be honest. They seem pretty open about what they believe. They contribute to society, and don't try to force their belief system onto others, so I respect that. I could be wrong, but I have never heard stories of coercion like Scientology, etc.

I don't find anything wrong with the idea. If they are self-sustained and don't cause trouble for others, then I don't see a problem. The fact that they advertise that they will be "armed' is interesting. Why advertise this and call attention to themselves? If I were to join that would be my first question among many.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:51 PM

edit on 13-1-2013 by amkia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

It’s really easy to be “idealist” and daydreaming of something “unreal”.

Instead of changing and re-shaping the American societies into the smaller communities of idealists of different values, change those goddamn politicians who are ruined and responsible for this mess for decades in the first place.

I believe it’s called revolution.

It’s both cheaper, faster and actually is good for every single Americans now and for generations to come.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:56 PM
I'd like to share some inside info, but to not reflect my own ideals in a positive or negative manner. The first time I heard of this proposed fortress, was a warning to the community to watch out for it, as it's a neighboring county to my own.

-The Feds(ATF, etc) are/will be all over the idea/place.
-The planned county is a ways away from 90s WN activity distance wise-90 plus miles.
- It's been a while now, since the fall of '12, the site information remains mostly if not the same.

Per chance the idea is a;
a) a money scam?
b)psyop? If it's not now it will be infiltrated.*
*The past history of Constitutional, Sovereign, and WN,etc., monitoring in North Idaho.
c) Of course, if a "serious" plan that may gain backing, but so far less likely as to wear planned IMO.

Site also mentions they are having a bit of a problem going through with the idea around here. While Benewah county is surrounded by Kootenai and Latah which are two of the most "liberal"(but no wear near close to California of course) leaning counties in the state-at least city wise, Benewah being more Conservative, with that it may be a bit harder to go through with their plans, won't gain much support, etc. from the surrounding areas and people.

I suspect the site also may be liked with the talk of in the mid of last year that a city nearby my own or beyond was going to build an arms factory.

Now that the talk of this planned place is circulating around the net I may hear more information locally, if so I will share it.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:11 PM
Yeah this is a disaster waiting to happen history is chalked full of examples: Ruby Ridge,Waco etc.

Nice idea in theory, but when it comes to armed people in this country there are only 2 groups allowed

The police, and the military oh there is a third and Fourth FBi Swat, BATFE, Oh and the new kid on the block Homeland Security.

Only government is allowed to have "armed compounds". wouldn't want to go near the place not because of the people there,but the people who will deem them "terrorists".
edit on 13-1-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:19 PM

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:29 PM
I am confused. How can one be a patriot to a society, and then completely remove himself from that society? Wouldn't this make him a traitor, not a patriot?

Patriot: One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.
(bolding mine)

Traitor: One who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

As citizens of the US aren't we required to participate in our own governing? You remember, Of the people and by the people?

Anyway, let them gather all in one place. Makes it easy for the rest of us to keep our distance so when the inevitable disagreements over what is "truth" get violent we don't get splashed. The cleanup will be done with a bucket and a spoon.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:38 PM
Wont end well our government does not take kindly to militarized fortifications on our soil first they will be vilified then a raid will go sideways. In a government report after the citadel burns to the ground the leader will be accused of having affairs with young chilldren. Well that is if history repeats its self.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:55 PM
Debating the idea of such an endeavor is one thing. Spamming the idea as being racist, cult-like, homophobic, "waco", etc.. Is the very reason people even consider such things. Believe it or not, some people are tired of hearing the lot of the world compete to see who is the most "PC" aware.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 10:08 PM
When will the "Patriot" community realize that it took decades to get into the state we're in, and it will take decades to get out of it. It is a romantic idea to be walled off in a community of like minded individuals. However, is this idea right for the country which they attest to love as "Patriots"? I say it's cowardious. Why not become active in local government to start change locally. Then, progress to the state level and enact change there. Eventually, and it will take decades, the federal level will fall in line. It is irrational to think that an isolated community is the answer, to run away, to dishonor those who faught for this county.

Basically, the community would not be viable without outside support. There would have to be an autonimus legal system for it to work. No possible. Perhapes those in support of such retreat should read Orwell's "Animal Farm" to get a perspective as to how this system would eventually degrade.

My solution is to form a confederation. Strong state powers and weak federal powers. The feds should be involved with commerce, trade/international relations, and national defense. I'm sure many would disagree with me, thats ok. If you found you didn't like the laws in one state...move. You would be recognized as a citizen of your state versus that of a nation. It is a founding principle.(citizen from Wyoming, citizen from Maryland, ect.) Isolated communities, communes, compounds would not only be a disaster, but a cop out.

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