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Enough With The Yank Bashing Already!..

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posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by snewpers

Who paid for it?
Who equipped them?
Who built the liberty ship to send them over?

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

Thought you were talking about Americans.
So I was talking about Canadians, not the
equipment. I'm typing this on an iMac, made
in Ireland. So iMacs are Irish now?

But have it your way. Thank you, again.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by snewpers

Don't no where you came in on your reply.But when the British were on their last leg in ww2 where did the turn?Check out the last post on page 2 for a answer.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by snewpers
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

Thought you were talking about Americans.
So I was talking about Canadians, not the
equipment. I'm typing this on an iMac, made
in Ireland. So iMacs are Irish now?

But have it your way. Thank you, again.

Ok canadas troop totals for ww2 were 2,474,000

U.S troop totals ww2 8,300,000 Check wiki

edit on 10-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

you saying prince charles wasnt english? CONSPIRACY FROM AN INSIDER!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

I did. And I alsp said the Canadians liberated us,
as in 'my country' and not all of Europe.
Same wiki, different page


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by snewpers

What country would that be?

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:20 AM
What started a rather a luverly albeit drunken heartfelt thread quickly degenerated into ner ner ne nerrrrrrrr WW2 bollocks really swiftly.

Quelle surprise!

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:05 AM
What I see is a lot of gun control this and gun control that.
All this after the shootings...
And people believe the government, which is the strangest thing for me. As if they care about you. What they want is for you to be a good little servant, and serve their wishes and system, like a dog, whilst they completely do the opposite.
People still believe the government. Why do the people have to lay down their guns, when the same government are going round the world bullying and murdering people everywhere?
Most of the people commenting against the right to bear arms are the kind of people I'm talking about, the kind of people who aren't doing nothing to change the world or anything, who jump when they say jump, who lay down, roll over and give paw, when told to.
Those same people would be the first one's to run for safety behind a weapon, behind someone bearing a weapon.
I'm not one of those bashing the Americans. Let them own their guns. If we had the right to bear arms in Spain, like in the US, I'm sure it would be a different story here right now, but no, we get smacked with truncheons and all sorts.
This board is rampant with mindless drones who don't actually know what they're talking about. Just STFU and go wait in line at the supermarket for your GM foods or go sit in a McDonald's and enjoy your 100% beef burger.
You're all a bunch of fancy pants, basement dwelling, subservient frankensteins.
This is my opinion, don't take it personal.
I don't comment much on those threads because I'm not from there, but....
Enough with the American bashing?
Of course.
Stick to your own business. Just be a good little monkey and carry on performing tricks, they love it.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Ireminisce
reply to post by intrptr

But the fact is that if you bash any group based on race your thread is deleted from ATS, why isn't it the same when it comes to nationality?

Certain types of bashing are allowed on ATS. People should not be bashed for demographic location or for religious beliefs.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:15 AM
'Yanks" is only offensive if you are offended. I don't care. It better then what i normally get called.
I haven't seen any topics lately of yank bashing and I can't say how much yank bashing has been going on in the gun control threads cuz i don't even bother reading them. Its the same ol same ol. You either for it or against it and there is no middle ground, so naturally it would lead to bashing each other. I am just a person like everyone else, i work, and take care of my family and play when i can, If someone wants to generalize me in with their opinion of Americans have at it, i know what, and who i am. My government or what you see on tv about Americans is not a representation of myself, and to assume so is just ignorant.

Don't dislike or hate me just for being a American, get to know me and you can have a personalize dislike our hatred for me if you would like. I still wont care.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:29 AM
I have to say it's amusing to see the posts both showing some offense at the term 'yanks' as well as those who claim no bashing threads seem to exist.

'Yanks' IS a friendly term as I've ever heard it and I've heard it used clear back to the period vids of World War II reporting. One really has to be looking for ways to be offended to get their back up over that IMO.

...and no threads bashing or focused on anti-American? Well... I guess some of us are on much more than others to see MUCH more than others. That's all I can imagine if those statements are sincere and honest from the perspective of the one saying it.

I've lost count on how many America-Bash threads have run. That includes those just HEAVILY FOCUSED on being anti-American. lol.... No biggy. This isn't always a perfectly family friendly PG-13 environment....but I do appreciate the OP's sentiments to be sure.

edit on 10-1-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:39 AM
Aw, go ahead and bash us Yanks. We can take it, and often we deserve it. Doesn't bother me. I've known a few Brits in my time, and the ones I've known are really good people once you get to know them.

But I do get a laugh when Brits tell us that we need to "get with the times" or "join modern civilized society." Maybe we should get a royal family. Sure, the Obamas spend tax money like royalty, but you're not really royalty until the paparazzi get pictures of a topless princess. That's modern royalty!

And we need to get rid of American football and adopt soccer like other civilized countries. Did you know that some NFL teams go through an entire season without a hooligan brawl? How can you be a civilized country without regular riots at sporting events?

And, for God's sake, somebody start making American judges and lawyers wear white wigs. How can anyone take a judge seriously if he's not wearing a white wig? Preferably with a little bow in it.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by EvanB

It's also kind of annoying having Piers Morgan as th de facto spokesman for the UK on all matters. How did that happen?

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by EvanB
Here in Britain us limey royalist redcoats call you Yanks..

Shouldn't that be "presumtious limey royalist redcoats".

But feel free to take offense..

Why would I take offence if I'm NOT A "YANK"...silly boy.

I was sticking up for American's and some of us limey redcoats left that pitiful island to get away from the stunted knee-jerk mentality you have shown with your reply.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 12:40 PM
Greetings ATS

I consider American Citizens as my brothers and sisters , you might disagree with this because i am not a American , but the Americans i know Personally are very friendly giving folks.
My country had Units in Iraq Afghanistan , F16's to maintain the No Flight restrictions above libia , we back you up no questions asked , this is what allies do , same as marriage , in good and bad times.
Second World war has been over for 60 years , but not a day goes by i am thankfull the Sacrifices American Soldiers made for our Freedom.

In my oppinion The American People and the American Government are 2 totally different groups , with Agenda's miles apart.

But how can i bash you for being born American , nor bash you for being proud or being a Patriot , Its amazing from even a outsider perspective to see how Big America has become in only 400 years , you got to give them Credits for that atleast and ignore the Political aspect for a second.


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:02 PM
There's far more bashing of non-americans by yanks than the other way round.

And OP don't dare claim that you speak for Brits.

I find being referred to as a limey or redcat deeply offensive. In much the same way I imagine americans find being called yanks distasteful. The difference is I don't go on whining about it all the time.

And OP you are stating that the playing field should NOT be level. It's ok for yanks to call us limeys but not ok for limeys to call them yanks. Thats pathetic.
edit on 10-1-2013 by merkins because: Typo

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by HelenConway

It is not derogatory at all

Tell that to the "Rebs". Only half of the country. had a yankee army and it refers to people from the northeastern US, or New England, many of whom are the descendants of colonial English settlers in the region.

We also had a rebel Army. "The South" or Southern states rebelled against the notion of Federal dominion. They still do. In fact this country is back on the Empirical Rule today more than ever before. Just wanted to clear that up.

I do thank you for that endearment that is meant by people from the UK that call us "Yanks". I do understand that. I prefer that we are all human too. The hell with nationalities, they promote class distinction and rivalry, which often leads to conflict. I live in California, a very culturally diverse place. Sometimes I think I am going crazy. Most times I remember this is a nation of immigrants.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

I'm very anti any royal family, but in terms of hard cash The Royal Obama Family is massively more expensive than the British one.

Indeed some have argued in the past that the reason there is so much hero worship of Presidents in the US is that it's a replacement for a royal family.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by EvanB

We go to America for a lot of jump training now

How absolutely awful, that means you had to eat in that chow hall at Benning.

Thanks again, for posting what you did. I enjoyed reading some of the funnier exchanges.

One thing I know for sure; we will all get through this, we're just gonna be old when we do.

See ya 'round.

Well. I was almost gone. I apologize if I'm buggin, but your thread caught me in the middle of a reminisce last night. Today when you mentioned that you guys now come to American jump school, I remembered that old chow hall and started looking for pictures of it. All I could find was the OCS chow hall (figures) but I found something even better.

That's good old Charlie Company barracks and formation area. I should tell you at this point that I would now be considered an 'old-timer', I was in one of the last two classes that was required to complete all the p.t. in combat boots. I feel shy about saying exactly when. But for you: Austro-Hungarian border patrols were all the rage in my time.

So now I am really deep in a reminisce, I don't know what it was like for you, we all have stories, but for my class it was an epically hilarious three weeks (terrifying as well). We had this group of SEALs, and the CO would come out every morning, in what was already a dreary fall, to spray a puddle of water with the hose, right in that very formation area, so the SEALs would have somewhere to train.

And in AMF there was always some crazy # going on with the Americans, Germans and Belgiques, but the Brits always seemed so removed from it all, you guys were always so calm and disciplined. we must have seemed like wild animals.

Too funny.
edit on 10-1-2013 by Xoanon because:

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