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Fiscal Cliff a distraction, Nichole Mischke media piece worth a watch

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posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:11 PM

I think most of us here on ATS know that all the recent media coverage of the "fiscal cliff" is a distraction from the real economic issues we face. When President Obama talks about the increase in taxes on the "wealthiest Americans" and "everyone paying their fair share", he is placating the uneducated with partisan political rhetoric.

The proposed increases in taxation have a negligible impact on our economy or the national debt. The proposed spending cuts are an equally ridiculous joke. Everyone in Washington knows that the system is broken and destined for economic meltdown without a massive overhaul.

For those that have not seen it, here is a great article that draws an analogy between our federal bugdet and a typical family's household budget.

Bringing the Budget Numbers Down to Size

Here's a revealing summary:

Why S&P Downgraded the US:
U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
Federal budget: $3,820,000,000,000
New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
Recent [April] budget cut: $ 38,500,000,000

Let’s remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget:
Annual family income: $21,700
Money the family spent: $38,200
New debt on the credit card: $16,500
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
Budget cuts: $385

Everyone in Washington is aware of the ledger above, and knows that it is a looming disaster. They also know that ALL of the recent discussions and media coverage of the fiscal showdown between Obama and Boehner is a complete joke, a show, a poorly-acted comical script to distract the people and make them pick sides.

"I'm for the Democrats because they'll tax the rich more and make them pay their fair share." WRONG! It will have absolutely NO impact.

"I'm for the Republicans because they'll cut spending and reel in the debt crisis." WRONG! It will have absolutely NO impact.

Who do you think will be hurt the most when the dollar collapses, our currency is devalued and dissolved? Bankers? Senators? Wall Street insiders? It will be the American people that suffer, and far more so than we are hurting right now.

On a slightly positive note, there are some small rays of light in mass media to help make people aware that the rest of the media and political powers are trying to deceive and distract us.

Here's a local broadcaster who made a small splash by attempting to discuss this:

Local News Broadcaster Nichole Mischke from KHQ following Ben Swann's Foot Steps!

She took a risk late December and made a piece that asked the real questions about what is really going on in Washington. She brought on Dale Fruit and the conversation then got truly informative for people who still watch mainstream news....

This piece was such a hit they are now making a part two. The subject will be ENDING THE FED! I know, right! Look for it on January 7th!

Here is the video. If you can make it through some slightly hacked-up broadcasting at the beginning, the points are great:

In my opinion, pieces like this are a hit and find an audience because when ordinary people see it, they cannot believe that nobody on CNN, MSNBC, and FoxNews are talking about this. We here at ATS know why. For the powers-that-be, continued deception and distraction is an important key to controlling the people.

It will be a short number of years and the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratios will look like Greece, Italy, Spain. It is inevitable, the U.S. economy is headed for another recession and perhaps the greatest depression the world has ever seen.

They're just hoping that we all stay asleep until then, while the Fed keeps shuffling the Monopoly funny-money by adding more zeroes to digital lies with a keystroke.

edit on 5-1-2013 by InTheFlesh1980 because:

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:21 PM
SnF for this one. I have so much to say on the subject I could here typing all day. Things will crash and they will crash big. The truly wealthy could give a crap and the rest of the folks are either worried about their jobs or jobless.

I don;t know anyone not a bit worried. Except of course my Aunt and Uncle who both retired from high level California State jobs. They make bank each and every month and have GREAT healthcare, forever........
If anyone wants to know why California is broke just look at the retirement packages......

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:26 PM
Enter the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury and bond issuing.The Fed has spent $27 000 000 000 000 since 2008 to prop up Wall Street and prop up all its zombie banks and investment bubbles.The treasury keeps issuing bonds that should be rated as junk yet are aa plus or aaa according to the ratings agencies,fools still buy these bonds at every issue.Theoretically the Feds reserves are infinity and it will create money to infinity to keep things going,all this works because the US can create its currency out of thin air and is the world reserve currency.

All this money of course will be paid back by taxpayers in due course.

The only spanner in the works that could happen is if the world abandoned the us dollar but there is a downside to this anyone so far that has tried to abandon the US dollar has had B52's and B2's bomb the crap out of them.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:50 PM
Add 40 billion a month with QE Infinity and you have the recipe for eminent complete currency collapse and of course economic devastation with it.

Food water shelter energy get out of debt and own tangible assets like gold silver property etc. and learn to garden can trap and hunt and marketable skills that produce real products and or needed services for post industrial America...

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 03:51 AM
My guess is that the US is headed for default when the fed runs out of the money it pushed around in the so called "extreme measures." I wouldn't say this is necessarily a planned collapse of world economies, but there might be a level of strategy at play. By and large partisan politics play a role, but there's also the issue of China. The US is in a state of decline while China is slated to become the next leading super power. If the US continues at the same pace it will slowly decline while China rises in power becoming the dominant force over world politics for a time until the same thing happens to them.

At this time the US is still the dominant force in the world and with the dollar as the world's reserve currency the US can make a strategic blow by defaulting on their loans thus bringing everyone back to zero at which point it's anyone's guess who will emerge as the world's reigning super power. So if the US does not default China will become the next world leader, if the US defaults anyone could become the next world leader.

The secrecy behind the whole idea is because mentioning a strategic default would bring world economies to a screeching halt at approximately the time it was mentioned, keeping it under wraps ensures that everything runs as normal until the time at which default is reached. Technically if there is a strategy involved here then there's a plan behind it, but I say it's not exactly planned because it's really more of a contingency plan. I doubt western leaders really wanted it to come to this, but this is how it ended up. The so called nuclear option I suppose.

Edit: Personally I'm rooting for myself as the next super power, could be anyone ya know

As far as martial law and such is concerned... Well people do tend to get a bit unruly when TSHTF. Ultimately no one knows what's going to happen, complete chaos. Obviously the government is putting plans in place to at least try and maintain some idea of control, but really it's just going to be chaos. Typically it's not a terribly good idea to switch presidents in the middle of such a crisis, but no one really knows if Obama's will even make it to the next election, there's a good chance people will call for his resignation.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:25 AM
This is a circus show. You are being jerked around emotionally by something you do not understand. Look up double-entry bookkeeping. We have a debt because we have money circulating. We continue to add to the debt because we continue to add to the money circulating. Duh.

If we paid off our debt we wouldn't have any money. I can't believe you people are worried and thinking this is wrong or something to be concerned about. The bankers are constantly trying to gauge the demand for money and keep the system expanding at a normal and acceptable rate.

Are you not aware that the population is growing, and that more and more people want United States dollars? We, the People, have to keep creating more dollars to meet the demand. Duh.

What is the problem?

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:31 AM
The problem is in the de centralized banking system itself. Simple analogy here:

Fed "creates" our currency and doles it out, lets say 10 units.

Fed then demands 12 units as repayment.

Only 10 units exist, so they take something of value that you own, i.e., house/land.

Do this again and again with more and more money and here we are.

It's a crazy scam designed to rob us of everything we own.

edit on 7-1-2013 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by graphuto
The problem is in the de centralized banking system itself. Simple analogy here:

Fed "creates" our currency and doles it out, lets say 10 units.

Fed then demands 12 units as repayment.

Only 10 units exist, so they take something of value that you own, i.e., house/land.

Do this again and again with more and more money and here we are.

It's a crazy scam designed to rob us of everything we own.

edit on 7-1-2013 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

No. Just no.

It is a scheme designed to expand the money supply. They don't want to take your house or your land. They want you to be all you can be. Stop thinking the United States Government of the People, by the People and for the People, is the enemy. We are not our own enemy.

Is it a scheme? Yes.
Is it meant to destroy you? No.
It is meant to enable you to become all you can be, to fulfill your human potential.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:28 AM
Anyone with half a brain understands massive debt will kill every single country on earth and ruin the value of money.Common sense going down the drain in this country.You cannot keep your house if your in massive debt.Same thing happens to an entire country people.Now it is possible to pay down debt but you have to sacrfice alot of stuff out of your life that you had before.

I don't see any real solution because the debt is entirely to large to fix.Fiscal cliff and debt ceiling have become just word games for the left and right to get there votes or pass a law of either more taxes or less spending.
Sovereignty of a nation will die if you your nations political leaders ruin their own country.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by XXX777

No. Just no.

It is a scheme designed to expand the money supply. They don't want to take your house or your land. They want you to be all you can be. Stop thinking the United States Government of the People, by the People and for the People, is the enemy. We are not our own enemy.

Is it a scheme? Yes.
Is it meant to destroy you? No.
It is meant to enable you to become all you can be, to fulfill your human potential.

You obviously don't understand the point I am making.
Yes, it is a scheme designed to expand the money supply. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out for us so well. The current US Government hasn't been for the people, by the people, for the past 50 years or more.
edit on 7-1-2013 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by graphuto

If the US decides not to default and to continuee paying their bills it will come with major sacrifices in govenment salaries and spending programs such as medicare and social security, even still they won't be able to make all of their bill payments on time. This would be a solution to prop up global economies at the expense of the american public and is not likely to be well received by americans who've been hopelessly addicted to borrowing for too long. The political fallout will be steep, but ultimately the unrest will severely affect americas productivity and thus they'll still become increasingly unable to pay their bills. If they choose not to default the end result of global collapse remains the same, in my opinion, but takes a little longer to play out.

As far as sovereignty a default does not really compromise that because a sovereign default is not handled the same as a private default, the creditors do not come collect collateral they simply lose what was owed to them, but the ire created by this is likely to end up in international sanctions. If anyrhing american sovereignty is worse now than it would be after a default because america is trying to meet the demands of creditors and investors.

Edit: I think default is the better option since it's likely to end up that way anyway and the american public might feel less alienated, but I can see the government trying to pay their bills just to save face for another month or two. They could raise the debt ceiling, but that would only delay the inevitable because america simply cannot pay its debt back and borrowing more only incurs greater unpayable interest.

Now once economies around the globe collapse politicians are going to need someone to blame in order to save their own skin in their respective countries. America is likely to get blamed and she'll lose all of her now allies. The fall of Rome again.
edit on 7-1-2013 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Originally posted by XXX777
It is a scheme designed to expand the money supply. They don't want to take your house or your land. They want you to be all you can be. Stop thinking the United States Government of the People, by the People and for the People, is the enemy. We are not our own enemy.

You need to do a little research. Familiarize yourself with the principle of monetizing debt. It is a scheme to expand the money supply as debt, get it? The expanded money supply is not in your pocket for you to spend. The expanded money supply is money you owe, with your property as collateral.

Further, the expanded money supply makes the currency you have worth less, which is the nature of using inflation as a hidden tax.

And the government only wants you to "be all you can be" when you're in the Army.

edit on 7-1-2013 by InTheFlesh1980 because: ugh

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by InTheFlesh1980
reply to post by XXX777

Originally posted by XXX777
It is a scheme designed to expand the money supply. They don't want to take your house or your land. They want you to be all you can be. Stop thinking the United States Government of the People, by the People and for the People, is the enemy. We are not our own enemy.

You need to do a little research. Familiarize yourself with the principle of monetizing debt. It is a scheme to expand the money supply as debt, get it? The expanded money supply is not in your pocket for you to spend. The expanded money supply is money you owe, with your property as collateral.

Further, the expanded money supply makes the currency you have worth less, which is the nature of using inflation as a hidden tax.

And the government only wants you to "be all you can be" when you're in the Army.

edit on 7-1-2013 by InTheFlesh1980 because: ugh

Money is debt, and debt is money in this scheme. They are equal and on opposite sides of the accounting. The collateral is us. We the People are creating bonds on our human activity. The central bank accepts these bonds in exchange for money as a simple accounting procedure. There is no desire to pay off the debt. If the debt was zero then the money supply would be zero. The idea is to float as much money as possible, carefully scaled to the economic activity of our country.

True, there is inflation as a result of all the money floating around. That is always considered and the money supply is carefully adjusted. It also serves as a gently reminder that one needs to remain productive and current. One needs to have currency flowing towards one's accounts. This is why we the People are allowed to invest our... wait for it.... wait.... capital.

Capitalism is the greatest system on Earth bar none.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by InTheFlesh1980

We are all in the army. The front is everywhere. That is why we are allowed to bear arms and amass capital.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:59 AM
What a convoluted attempt at making sense of the "way our economy works."

How much sense does it make that "money is debt?"

Doesn't sound like a very sound system to me.

No matter how it's "supposed to work" it's all an illusion that will inevitably come crashing down.
edit on 8-1-2013 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by graphuto

The idea that money gains its value from debt is not entirely true. Debt can be profitable and that profitability can bode well for an economy respective to the owner of said debt, but only if it's going to be paid back, if it cannot be repaid then that debt actually hurts it's respective economy. The fact that there is no possible way for the US to pay back their loans spells R.I.P. for the dollar and basically every other currency because those who hold US debt reside all over the globe and they all lose out when the US defaults.

I've heard people say that the US can simply print more money to pay their debt, but this isn't true either. The value of a dollar follows the rules of supply and demand, if you print more then it becomes worth less. A simplified example: Say you have 1 trillion dollars and then print an additional 1 trillion dollars. You still have 1 trillion in value it's only spread out across 2 trillion bills. So if you owed someone $500 and only had $250 and then printed $250 to make $500 you would only now owe $1000 which you still cannot afford. You halved the value of the dollar by doubling the amount in circulation.

Even if the US decided to raise the debt ceiling there isn't any guarantee that their creditors would continue to loan them money. What's their benefit to loaning money to a nation they know cannot pay them back?
edit on 8-1-2013 by Symbiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:02 PM
Good explanation sir.

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