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What you’ll see in the rebellion (against the government)

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by johncarter

We will see absolutely NOTHING. There will not be one.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by FeatherofMaat
reply to post by johncarter

We will see absolutely NOTHING. There will not be one.

I used to think like you, but I am not so sure anymore. As I am stationed in Europe currently, I see many strange things taking place that wouldn´t be possible 12-15 years ago. It is like people are slowly sliding into a sort of mass apathy when it comes to orders from a presumed "authority". Strange insidious laws are popping up, that seem to be fetched from some kind of bad orwellian scifi movie.

This is taking place in Greece, Spain, Italy and slowly crawls upwards towards France, Germany and Scandinavia.
Cops are more trigger happy and do not hesitate to shoot people they deem as a threat, and corruption runs rampant all over the place. In some ways it´s a friggin nightmare.

John Carter

edit on 4-1-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-1-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by raskadawg73
interesting read indeed!
tell me, what do you think would/should or could happen if the US Gov unleashed its military in such circumstances against its own people?

doing exactly what it 'fights against' in other countries abroad when governments/dictatorships attack their own civilians?


There are too many good soldiers/airman/seaman/marines to disarm America. Besides, Veterans/Active Duty are labeled terrorists already. That should give you a good idea.

Lima-1, out.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

The Spartans were aware of the enemy movement to their rear. They held the pass in order to allow the other Greek soldiers to escape. It was not only a last stand, but a delaying action. One can compare it in some way to the delaying actions of Beuford's calvary units on the first day of Gettysburg. It had the purpose of buying time to allow federal units to move onto the field, versus Leonidas's tatic of allowing forces to retreat. It was a heroic action regardless of the reason. You should keep in mind also, there have been many instances where a poorly equiped force, facing a enemy with superior numbers of men and material, have prevailed. Dien Ben Phu, Marathon, Vietnam, Korea (in this case, we were outnumbered ten to one, and the North Koreans had a large number of massed tanks, we managed to halt their advance in the Pusan perimeter). General Lee was faced with superior forces in all of his engagements, and up until Gettysburg, had won every engagement. If the order of battle were the deciding factor in war, we could simply weigh the numbers and declare victory without a single shot being fired.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 03:03 PM
I think that if the day arose where they moved on the guns they would indeed use UN or Blackwater. But most importantly, I strongly believe they will create a war (or escalate a war) in order to tie up the military overseas.

Because the military response is a wild card (or more certainly pro-citizen) TPTB would have to neutralize their power and influence. What better way then trapping them in a sandbox?

BUT that being said, most would find it MUCH easier to fire on private contractors or foreign troops. Much easier. The resistance would be significantly stronger against a 'disarming force' that wasn't American. (Yes contractors are American, but psychologically they don't have the authority of military or police. Plus they have a history of brutality that will turn people by the bushel.)

I do love living in the mountain west though. I really doubt they would have the cojones to show up at all.

edit on 4-1-2013 by blamethegreys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by johncarter

Your article didn't take into consideration UN troops, or Mercenary's from other Countries being used. I would think the UN would be all over a situation like this, to "help" our Country do away with guns.

Nice read anyway John...


Sonny1 -

After reading the article, one thing that stands out is the fractious nature of the situation described. The introduction of foreign troops would cure that fractious condition post haste. Sure, they'll HAVE to do it, because they will no longer be able to trust their own troops, but that very necessity will begin a new cycle of self destruction. There is nothing quite like the introduction of foreign invaders to pull a fractured population together against a new common enemy.

Likewise the "mercenaries". I can tell you that mercenaries are generally a rough bunch, and very good at what they do, but there simply aren't enough of them in existence to accomplish the goals set by the current head hunters in DC. I've known of situations where 5 mercenaries absolutely routed and decimated something over 400 opposing "troops", but that was in another time and place, and those opposing troops had NO military experience or training. I know personally of 3 such situations, one in Africa and two in the Middle East, with varying numbers on each side, but all of them entirely lopsided. One had only 9 mercenaries opposed to over 1200 OPFORS. It's easy to scatter a flock of sheep, not so much so a flock that has a few sheepdogs salted into it, which would be the case here in the US.

When they kick this off, and then realize and actualize the necessity to introduce foreigners into the mix, it's gonna be a whole new ballgame here.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Oh, I agree.

Nothing like a foreign "Horde" to make the populous ripe, for the smell of blood....

Mercenaries? Well, there might not be enough, but there would be those itching to test their meddle in America. With so much hate for Americans, and American troops? I could see it. Not to mention those "countries" that would love to see a divided Nation, stay that way. By want, and or force. I would think many standing Armies can be called Mercenary Armies. For the price......

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by stirling
There are outfits like Blackwater...sic Academi....that would possibly contract this job.......Since Monsanto owns them, i assume they have more money backing them than most superpowers......
With 100,000 mercinaries possibly available, to start, the "project" might be carried out with sufficient brutality and Psyops.....
Remember, only the tip of the spear has to deliver the brutal shock and awe that leaves defeated demoralised people in its wake.....
Breaking these mercs into raidng units, and backing them up with softer federales....could take a lot down piecemeal over a wide area.....
All through the "Amnesty" these mercs would be taking down gun stores and wholesale distributors etc.....
They would meet any resistance with lethal force and the lesson would not be missed by Joe the Plumber......
With federal resources, and LEOs these shock troops may be all thats required....that and very efficient Psywar tactics.


First off, "Academi", aka "Xe", aka "Blackwater" are cowboys. They are high visibility rock stars, not a potential danger. They are a joke, for the most part, although any given group will likely have some serious operators, most are overgrown school kids looking for a name, trying to be "cool", and no sort of serious threat.

Second, I fart in the general direction of your "100,000 mercenaries possibly available". I've been there, done that, and have the T-shirt. I've SEEN what these companies do when they have to pump up the numbers to fill a contract.

They reduce the quality, hire cannon fodder.

When you go to reducing the quality of an already low quality bunch, the opposition starts giggling. Quietly, so as not to draw too much attention before show time, but giggling all the same.

Bring on your hundred grand block of Blackwater Boys. I wanna see how many run away squealing like little girls when they run up against something they've never encountered before - real resistance from folks who know what they're about.

The ones that DON'T run will just die tired of fighting. There are other, real live former mercenaries, former military, etc out here in the opposition. Throw them in with a few good ol' boys with no knowhow but plenty of attitude, let 'em whip those good ol' boys into shape, and Blackwater will be a footnote in history, and grand example of how NOT to get something done. They will be the butt of jokes (even more so than now) for the next thousand years. They're not going to be facing a ragtag bunch of goatherders who've never been there or done that this time.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by nenothtu

Oh, I agree.

Nothing like a foreign "Horde" to make the populous ripe, for the smell of blood....

Mercenaries? Well, there might not be enough, but there would be those itching to test their meddle in America. With so much hate for Americans, and American troops? I could see it. Not to mention those "countries" that would love to see a divided Nation, stay that way. By want, and or force. I would think many standing Armies can be called Mercenary Armies. For the price......

Agreed, but not all of those standing armies will be on the side of "The Man". France's role in the Revolution comes to mind as an example. Just as then, there are now countries with a vested interest in seeing "The Man" in the US fall, splintered and fractured. They'll be throwing their weight behind various rebel factions, in order to increase the rifts and give their old foes headaches, with the added bonus of hoping to having some influence in whatever comes out the other side.

There are folks in this world just itching to start importing real military hardware into the US by illicit means to get that ball rolling and keep it headed downhill. The "underdogs" always have some external influences in their corner, pulling for them and slipping stuff to them to keep the pot boiling. The rebels in the Revolution, the rebels in the so-called "Civil War", both had external support. It happens that way in every conflict. Even the good ol' USA is not above sending help in the form of men and materiel to various raggedy factions who are willing to employ it against the folks who are in opposition to the US.

SO - you're correct, it would be a field day for foreign interests, but not all of them would wade ashore wearing Obama lapel pins.

Did you know that Hugo Chavez recently purchased far more AK-74M assault rifles from Russia than he could possibly use for his own military?


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Did you know that Hugo Chavez recently purchased far more AK-74M assault rifles from Russia than he could possibly use for his own military?


I hope hes going to be entombed with them, in the Afterlife.......

I know............sad.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by nenothtu

Did you know that Hugo Chavez recently purchased far more AK-74M assault rifles from Russia than he could possibly use for his own military?


I hope hes going to be entombed with them, in the Afterlife.......

I know............sad.

I expect a goodly proportion of them will find their way to distributors who are being infiltrated as we speak...

From there?

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

From there?

The trunk of a 78 Coupe Deville parked on Crenshaw Boulevard.........

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Good read, pretty damn accurate as far as I`m concerned. This is the line in the sand as far as my Vet, police and gun owner buds feel. I hope our so called representatives realize this. They should be more concerned with unemployment, jobs going overseas, and the national debt, nevermind our failing infrastructure,delapidaded schools and kids coming out of college with tens of thousands of student loans and no jobs waiting for them.


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:15 PM
If civil war were to break out, I suggest that we round up all the man hating lesbians with PMS, under 40 years of age, get their menstrual periods in synch and turn them loose on the illegal government.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:50 PM
Greetings, ownbestenemy,

Can I ask what has it been re-written as? Where is this proof and is the government now operating under this "new" constitution?
Thank you, for pointing this out; it should have been posted more specifically and clearly to begin with.

Cass Sunstein, had the lead in the rewriting of our future constitution in coordination with other liberals and radical movements. This assumes the new Constitution will become effective upon the transition of the USA to the new dictatorship - The Union of Soviet Socialist America (USSA), under The New World Order (NWO).


obama Team Rewriting Constitution by 2012

Future co-dictator, Cass Sunstein, disrespects and defiles the Constitution in his own book. [url=]>>> Link

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 12:13 AM
I think this hits the mark in the logistical aspect too. I've seen so many people argue, "They've got the tanks, drones, missliles, and jets, etc." Guess what, they don't run on magic. Same thing with troops and empty stomachs.

If something happened to trigger a true all-out civil war, a couple blown bridges, burning refineries, downed powerlines, and sapped pipelines, it wouldn't be long before offensive activities would come to a halt as defense of infrastructure would be the only way to maintain any technical advantage. New supplies wouldn't be getting shipped either. In other words, anybody fighting on behalf of an oppresive government would mostly be on guard detail "babysitting" their remaining stuff while worrying about what hotspot will break out next. If it ever got to that stage, they'd capitulate rather fast. (Nobody sane would want to fight a war of attrition against a more numerous and angry populace.) The supporting infrastructure and productivity needed for a responsive modern military would be gone at that point.

The only thing to watch out for would be UN, NATO, or countries like Russia and China acting as wildcards. That's the only thing that could disrupt the logistic breakdown in a full-out civil war and keep one side or another propped up. However foreign involvement would be rather high-risk, because if any special munitions go unsecured for too long or if those holding them change sides - they would provide a rather decent excuse for anyone out there wanting to use a rogue nuke. Then it goes from being a civil war to all out WWIII.

Yet I don't think I'd ever see things get that hot if the breakdown happens. If things turned towards a "civil-war on a national scale" type distruption from normal activities, I think the military (after some of their own infighting) would stand down and maybe even turn upon and hold the legal and representative branches of government in custody for treason against the Constitution. (Who else would there be to blame for triggering such event?) At least that would be the path that would seem most likely to preserve the Union.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 12:41 AM
The ratio of U.S. citizens to members within the corrupt executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the U.S. government is a roughly,

557,541 to 1

That's over a half-million to one. It's time for Americans to get face-to-face with the criminal politicians in Washington D.C.

America, this is a struggle to save the republic, and regain our freedom. Unite in non-cooperation and civil disobedience, now!


edit on 5-1-2013 by seasoul because: "Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth." - Gandhi

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by blamethegreys

Just fyi, Blackwater is, or at least was a couple years ago, full of the bottom of the barrell cops and
Marines. Basically, guys that couldn't pass the competency tests of other, more qualified,
PMCs. Just your run of the mill wanna bes out for a buck, that is Blackwater.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:21 AM
On one had you have"Heather Ann and The One Peoples Trust" THAT states TPTB
Have lost power. On the
he other you have multiple
Government entities stockpiling ammo and prepping for WWIII, forcing laws upon us. From my reading,
I have found that of TPTB, the US government, led by Bush 1&2, the Clintons, and a few other in our
Government are against what Heather, and her lawyers, have done. So, a bloody revolution,
That the government can Claim "marshall law" and own us would bee in their favor because
THEY know their end of totalitarian control is numbered. I "feel" these two ATS articles
Are related.

If"they" can insight rebellion before we reclaim our money and push the reset button on the world,
THEY stay in control. And all a sociopath wants is controland worship. Thus is OUR FIGHT!!!!

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 01:27 AM

here's the rub. He doesn't have to worry about doing anything that will harm his re-election because he cannot run again anyways.

I predict a third term for Obama regardless of any laws.

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