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Breaking News - Shooting at Newtown, Connecticut elementary school.

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posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by RickKilgannon

Unless he is privy to all the evidence the investigation is turning up, that guy should probably keep his mouth shut really. His profile carries as much weight as a profile one of us would come up with, based on the MSM.....

Oh, absolutely. Any one of us on here could have come up with that profile in the last 4 days. It really would not have been hard to do. I have seen everything that the profilier stated in threads all over ATS.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by RickKilgannon

If he is as smart with computers as people say...... I doubt he used windows, but linux, encrypted. At least that is what all the computer nerd types I know of use. A lot more secure than windows, and really no need to destroy anything. Encrypted OS, plus using true crypt inside of the OS, the FBI isn't going to be able to find a thing.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by RickKilgannon

If he is as smart with computers as people say...... I doubt he used windows, but linux, encrypted. At least that is what all the computer nerd types I know of use. A lot more secure than windows, and really no need to destroy anything. Encrypted OS, plus using true crypt inside of the OS, the FBI isn't going to be able to find a thing.

Very true any computer nerd worth a crap uses linux & knows how to encrypt anything & everything. My buddy did it for years but ended up finally getting caught because he was using the internet from his dorm room. He hacked into his college's admissions, records & financials for 4 years to put himself down as being a paid student w/ room & board & a meal plan. When they did catch him all they did was kick him out of school & have him show them how he got past all of their security measures.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Wow....... it might be best just to close all schools early for winter recess so people can have some time to chill out......

Just got home a few minutes ago. An hour and a half of waiting. My daughter (she's 11) said they checked everything, including backpacks. I assume they didn't find anything other than the one bullet. I'm sure we'll get an email from the school tonight. I offered to keep her home from school for the two remaining days before break, but she wants to go - they're doing all the fun stuff -- parties, games, videos, etc. Ironic, because any other time, and she'd be all to eager to stay home.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

Right. They are changing the changes.

What can be done when a mentally disturbed person chooses to defend himself? I hear a lot of people loudly proclaiming that mentally disturbed persons should be treated with dignity and respect. I hear a lot of people loudly proclaiming that a person is allowed to defend ones self. Isn't Israel allowed to defend herself? Shouldn't Americans be allowed to defend themselves? It comes down to an open society with freedom and liberty. An open society that allows persons to do as they please. When a wacko opens fire, then responsible heroes return fire. Period. We have freedom and liberty and we have a right to defend our lifestyle. Disarming the public is ignorant and dangerous. The whole country will be a bunch of sitting ducks. I'd like to see politicians disarm first. Get rid of their security groups. They shouldn't need them, right? Politicians that want to disarm you are heavily armed.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:36 PM
Reposted from another thread. Everything is now in doubt.

I wasn't a fan of the 'it's all an act' theory, but after watching this video of the alleged father of a slain child, I'm starting to wonder:
edit on 18-12-2012 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by XXX777

Gun laws don't effect them, they have the money to hire mercs if that's what it takes to get an armed guard. Most of the super rich people I worked for, every member of the family had a personal "chaffeur"(I probably butchered the spelling), who was also and armed bodyguard, to drive them around. That was on top of having a gated community, with armed guards manning the gate in and out. Extremely paranoid they were, they always think someone will kidnap their kids for ransom.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:44 PM
What the average person is missing in the entire discussion is the fact that we are all born to die, we all take chances, we do things every day that could result in our instant death or severe damage. But we continue to live. And we live with freedom and liberty. What is the difference between aborted children and slain school aged children? What about the adults that die on battlefields? We all are born. We all are dying. What takes place in between is a gigantic cold war for control of resources including your very own body. The Leftists are attempting to disarm American plain and simple. The Leftist Media is in on it. The public has been duped by a Leftist politician.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by starviego

Well... wow... I... that's strange. I am not sold on anything related to this event at this point. I do believe it happened. But this is just unbelievably bizarre.

And now, I know that everyone deals with grief in different ways. It's normal to laugh sometimes inappropriately, especially such a shock like what happened here. I'm trying to remember myself and my family, how we acted, right after watching our Grandpa die in front of us in the living room. We were expecting it, though, he was so sick.. and knew it was time. But aside from my friends trying to cheer me up later that night, I don't know if we laughed very much. Especially from laughing to trying to almost "uncompose" ourselves to an emotional state.

Even when I lost my 15 year old cat in September, I was a wreck for a long time.. I didn't do much giggling at all that day.

But that was an incredibly strange video..

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Phoenix
Threads very large and don't know if this has been covered or not,

Uncle said Adam was taking Fanapt,

Lanza on antipsycotic drug

Maybe more importantly, though, Fanapt is one of a many drugs the FDA pumped out with an ability to exact the opposite desired effect on people: that is, you know, inducing rather than inhibiting psychosis and aggressive behavior.

In fact, Fanapt was dropped by its first producer, picked up by another, initially rejected by the FDA, then later picked up and mass produced. The adverse side-effect is said to be "infrequent," but still it exists, and can't be ignored.

The reaction invoked by the drug in some people is reminiscent of the Jeffrey R. MacDonald case, where a Green Beret slaughtered his entire family and then fabricated a story about a marauding troop of "hopped up hippies".

This whole thing just gets weirder by the day. If he was on this medication then diagnosis would have to be schizophrenia not asbergers.

As a scizophrenic and taking this particular drug then nothing would have stopped this except involuntary commitment.

If the above is true then the public should definately know of this before making emotional kneejerk reactions in the political arena.

Making a killing
edit on 18-12-2012 by Phoenix because: Added link

Uncle? Let me see, was he more inclined to be his mother's brother or his father's.
I'm going with the mother's as the father was more or less out of the pic.
His mom told him that Adam was taking Fanapt. It's good grandma is up on all his meds.
This is grandma down in Florida?
Who's other son is a police officer?

Did they have a name for this uncle in a chiron under the video? I remember seeing it but I am sketchy on it at the moment.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Deadscreameyes
But this is just unbelievably bizarre.

And now, I know that everyone deals with grief in different ways.

I know... same was with the video I posted a link to on page 144 (I tried with a proxy, and this time got sound, but still no image)... two parents with shiny white eyes (and indeed having had a shave) and someone who actually looked like he was having an enjoyable time (not just laughing) in the video posted by starveigo (thank you!)... it really doesn't make any sense.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Steffenfield
Shouldn't the windows have been blown in instead and not out?

That doesn't seem to make much sense if you think about it.

I'm inclined to agree. But, I remember school doors and sidelight windows. I also live near a school now.
The doors are were either solid metal or had a small square pane of glass with embedded wire.
The school I live near now I made a point of looking at and they are metal on bottom and glass on the top
with embedded wire sandwiched between the heavy glass.

Meaning even if you shot it out you'd still need wire cutters to get through. Anybody else know about school

Now the glass shown of big jalousies, you could break and go in but you might hack yourself up pretty good in the process. I remember hearing at one of the pressers the State Police spokesman saying he knew it sounded
suspicious, (his words), but they busted out a lot of windows "getting in".

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by XXX777
So now the news media is saying that Adam Lanza was freaking out over the fact that his mother was moving forward with her plan to have him committed.

They say that his mother simply had her hands full with his psychiatric problems and couldn't take it anymore. She had been working as a volunteer at the school, and because of that Adam thought that she loved those little kids more than she loved him, and he snapped, and he killed her and then headed to the school. He would have killed with any weapon he could get his hands on or any sort of weapon he could devise. The problem is not guns. The problem is wacko people. It is sad all the way around, but to disarm an entire population over a small number of wackos is even wackier.

I just heard an interview with 3 people who knew her who said she was planning to sell her house and move to a college town they had been looking at in Washington State.

I wrote down their names as I listened. John Bergquist, Russ Hanoman, and Elener Adriani (that may be spelled wrong, I was writing it fast because they didn't leave it up there long).
edit on 18-12-2012 by PaperbackWriter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Taggart

If he was as smart as they are making him out to be, who is to say he wrote or typed anything at all. A calculated person would keep it all in the head, or at the very least on paper and burn it. Way easier than messing with destroying hard drives and such.

It could even be a red herring. What else was messed up in the house? I think it's to give the impression
of immediate anger. It wasn't as if he was having an argument with Mom, she was said by the coroner to be asleep at the time, in pajamas, in bed.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by starviego
Reposted from another thread. Everything is now in doubt.

I wasn't a fan of the 'it's all an act' theory, but after watching this video of the alleged father of a slain child, I'm starting to wonder:
edit on 18-12-2012 by starviego because: (no reason given)

At this point what's truely laughable is that some people will still try to justify that this mans behavior is explainable or normal....
They're laughing at some of you... that still think this event actually happened. Good news, no kids are dead, bad news its far weirder/more mind blowing than any of us can probably wrap our minds around. I dont pretend to be able to explain how this could possibly be faked...I do however promise all of you that THAT MAN DID NOT JUST LOSE A CHILD.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by DarKPenguiN

Does anyone have a subscription to one of those people finder/background check websites? I don't know what the hell is going on, but this whole thing is reaaaaaally fishy.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 05:58 PM
Another anomaly: 6 children escaped, after their teacher was killed. Bus driver went with them.

A few points from a mother of 5 kids, and a mother in law who is a bus monitor: bus monitors/drivers, at least where I'm from, and currently live now, leave the school after kids are dropped off in the mornings. Busses are garaged at a central garage, not on school property. Bus monitors work in the mornings, and afternoons. Between those two times, their day is theirs. Is it the same for drivers? If so, why is a bus driver there at 930-ish? What time does their school day begin? If the children escaped after seeing their teacher shot, how is the bus driver entwined? Drivers never go into classrooms. Field trip?

I don't know how to embed the article, but here is the link: 6 children eacaped
edit on 12/18/2012 by Blackjack Baby because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by aspiechick

Here is a link to your video. It played for me. I agree. The no tears dry sniffing and no evidence of either parent
having been traumatised by the death of a child seems like indeed they are actors.

I am going back to re-check, but it seems like I saw where the Rekos were both in their 40s and had moved recently to the area from Arizona. If it's the one's I am thinking of, he has a degree in pharmacology/toxicology and she has two patents in medicine related to virus treatments.

I know there were several "parents", if they are, who were all in their 40s according to background searches but never look that way on TV.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by MisterMaster
reply to post by fluff007

By all means start your own thread about Pakistani children if you feel its important, however, the title of this thread mentions its about a school shooting in Connecticut, not Pakistan so your commebts are unwelcome the way I see it.

And lemme just say what the rest of you are thinking, but won't verbalize. I do not gaf about kids overseas. I do not all. Let their government and LEO's deal with them. If someone at the Pentagon decides a group of 10 year olds in Pakistan need a drone strike, so be it. Fact is, those types of countries brainwash kids at a young age to believe in Jihad and to blow themselves up.

Stop derailing the thread, you offend the OP and most of the rest of us with your feel good happy vomit.

And please....did you shed a tear the last time a drone took out some kids in a craphole country 12,000 miles away? I didnt.

MisterMaster, you may feel this way, and that is fine, I obviously cannot stop you. But I, for one, do not. Please, do me a favor the next time you feel the need to speak for me, and stop. Just because those countries brainwash those kids to Jihad, and we blow them up with a drone, children are children are children are children. Since the mods saw fit to not delete their post, it obviously wasn't that too far off topic, but there was no need for attack. Ignore works just as well. I've actually enjoyed some of your posts up till now. I hope after this one, that can continue. I've had enough people speak for me. I think I can do a good enough job of it myself from hear on out. Thanks.

posted on Dec, 18 2012 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Blackjack Baby
Another anomaly: 6 children escaped, after their teacher was killed. Bus driver went with them.

A few points from a mother of 5 kids, and a mother in law who is a bus monitor: bus monitors/drivers, at least where I'm from, and currently live now, leave the school after kids are dropped off in the mornings. Busses are garaged at a central garage, not on school property. Bus monitors work in the mornings, and afternoons. Between those two times, their day is theirs. Is it the same for drivers? If so, why is a bus driver there at 930-ish? What time does their school day begin? If the children escaped after seeing their teacher shot, how is the bus driver entwined? Drivers never go into classrooms. Field trip?

I don't know how to embed the article, but here is the link: 6 children eacaped
edit on 12/18/2012 by Blackjack Baby because: (no reason given)

I saw this guy earlier today. He did not seem credible as a retired psychologist.
He never explained where the bus driver went. He just said the kids came inside with him after finding them in his driveway. Why would they? Where did the bus driver even come from. Most go home or somewhere else after the last bus runs before 8am.

He also mentions another man who was with them shouting something about "It'll be OK!"

I didn't believe a word of it. He kept claiming his grandchildren taught him how to be with kids.
Which is odd for a trained psychologist.

edit on 18-12-2012 by PaperbackWriter because: (no reason given)

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