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New Atheism movement is using ATS as a mouthpiece

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posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

I don't know if it is so much mis-characterization, as it is that the most visible and outspoken of each groups (theist and atheists) are these, and so they become the examples! The level headed ones sort of stay quiet... or in a discussion such as this, their balanced input is overlooked because of the more provocative and shocking posts of the extremists.

I put this up in another thread yesterday, but can't help doing it again because it is relevant-

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 07:56 AM
Ether way only until the moment of permanent death will one know, Until then what ever rocks your boat.
There is only one question i have If god created us in his image what's up with the belly button.

edit on 10-12-2012 by Legion2024 because: 11:11

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:06 AM
I think this "New Atheism" term is an stepping stone/mouth price to bash on all Atheism.

I think some are pissed off that new young minds are seeing thru fake BS that they couldn't see thru.

ATS Atheist are well researched into multiple religions unlike religious who only knows one... this is not 4chan or other childish website.

Religion should be in your home. Not outside, telling people what they should do.

You are not forced to learn science, you can be ignorant and put your hand in the fire, it doesn't burn because science is fake.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by lambs to lions
reply to post by AQuestion

Nice to meet you.

I feel like this New Atheist agenda is organized and has 'legs'. It's popularity is growing, and it's proponents are rabid. I could go deep down into the rabbit hole and speculate on who or what is behind it's origins, but I'll leave that one for another day.

I don't know what to say about this. I am a Catholic. I do not push my beliefs on to anyone. I never discuss my religion. I do not worry about what other people want to believe, or not believe. I worry about my own self and my connection to God. Everyone is walking their own path and I don't feel a need to recruit anyone to mine. I don't feel threatened by atheists, and I respect their choice and let them be free to choose what they want in their own lives.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:16 AM
Might start a thread called the new "Christian agenda, an insult to our intelligence", see how it feels.
Honestly there is no conspiracy against your beliefs, you're just being paranoid.
Either that or you've got a nagging feeling that they're maybe onto something, and I bet that doesn't feel nice. If you can't defend, attack. Seems to be your motto
edit on 10-12-2012 by Wongbeedman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:16 AM
OP, I want to thank you for bringing up this thread. Rather than sift through over a dozen pages to see every twist and turn of the debate, I figured I'd just drop a reply to the OP itself...

The "New Atheist" movement, as you put it, is something I've been seeing. How can't one notice?? If Religion is mentioned even in any sort of positive least 2-3 people will be along shortly to jump in and tell the poster what an ignorant fool he is for believing in anything greater than himself.

It's almost not Atheists I think we see...but Humanists taken to an extreme and mislabeling themselves. After all, the general feeling seems to be that ANY a figment of everyone's imagination and anyone who thinks otherwise NEEDS to be "Set Straight"...however many undesired posts dumped into threads that may require...however long the effort needs to be pursued.

Now atop those seemingly lurking for the purpose of attacking members showing any sign of Religious Faith are those lurking to absolutely STOMP anything like this thread or post...trying to call attention to what has become a largely one sided aggression and vicious fight here.

To be clear here, I look at the problem as those who would jump into a thread with Religious topics or Religious reference....and while adding NOTHING ELSE of value at all, attack either the OP or poster who would dare do anything but put Religion in bad terms and insult it early and often.

There are too many, to keep it as general as humanly possible.....who are taking pleasure out of making others miserable. It's a pathetic thing to see from a pathetic mindset....but unfortunately, we are seeing it poke it's ugly head up. Hate never takes a day off.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Wongbeedman
Might start a thread called the new Christian agenda, an insult to our intelligence, see how it feels.
Honestly there is no conspiracy against your beliefs, you're just being paranoid.
Either that or you've got a nagging feeling that they're maybe onto something, and I bet that doesn't feel nice. If you can't defend, attack. Seems to be your motto

It's important to note...It's not just Christians who agree with the OP here and have noticed a trend getting entirely out of hand. One doesn't even need to be particularly religious to note the unrelenting nature of the attacks running day in and day out and pressure on anything religious..of any any positive way at all.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Thanks. I think you actually understood the focus if my thread. My point was aimed at the zealots who take every opportunity to "set straight" the backwards Neanderthals who with our tooth fairy faith are somehow keeping the world from evolving.

I'm not complaining that this bothers me, because It doesn't impact me in the slightest. My concern is for the uneducated that soak up their drivel.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:29 AM
If you post something, get ready to defend your claim about that thing. This is the simple rule called logic.

If they can't bring up something back up their believes... they should just suck it up and don't post a single line about it to start.

The OP come here to ATS for what after all? Deny ignorance OR self service pat in the back?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:33 AM
Threads such as this do nothing but fan the flames of intolerance and keep the battle raging. Someone starts a thread with an extreme bias against Christians, then in retaliation someone starts a thread with an extreme bias against Atheists. Even though in these threads people start out trying to keep the discussion respectful eventually it veers off the path and members of both sides of the debate start getting "butt hurt"- thus an intelligent debate turns into an "intolerance fest" with both sides attempting to belittle the other.

Know this: an individuals personal beliefs are just that- personal! They have come to what they believe in the way of spiritualism or lack thereof through a combination of their own life experiences and the experiences of those in their "inner circle". It is useless to try to convince someone that their personal beliefs are unfounded when it comes to the topic of religion as there is no solid physical proof in support of or against the existence of a higher being. Quoting from the Bible will not convince an Atheist that God exists, just as claiming "you have never seen him" will not convince a Christian that he does not exist.

All this sort of debate does is cause further separation. It's the same situation that happened when all the "Trayvon Martin" threads bombarded the boards- people chose a side and the debates became ugly and accusatory. People started belittling anyone who wasn't on their "side" and what started as respectful debate became nothing but a farce that distracted us from more important issues. With all that is going on in the world you would think that we could put our self righteous attitudes aside and focus on more important issues- like what the hell is our government trying to do behind our backs right now?

Every single time there is a big anti-religious or pro-religious related thread that garners lots of attention (i.e. responses, stars, flags) there is always a barrage of threads either "for" or "against" that follow. What have we become here- copycat drama queens? Must we ride on the coattails of a popular controversial thread in an attempt to garner similar attention for ourselves? What happened to "Deny Ignorance"? There is nothing to be added in a new thread that hasn't been stated in the original. Why continue to feed the beast?

I say if you are so easily offended by either Atheists or Christians that when you click on a thread and start reading it if you find discussion that offends your sensibilities to the point where you feel your way of life is being attacked then you should close the offending thread and move on to another thread that is more in line with your way of thinking. If you find yourself becoming too emotionally involved you should walk away. And if you find that there are way too many threads that bring about such a reaction from yourself I suggest that ATS may not be the place for you.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by blackcube

You know, you make a fair point on that and if someone posts a thread about Religion with an open cattle call to debate the overall concept, I can see the OP getting buried with love and hate in equal measure. If that OP complains...I'd just have to chuckle a bit and say they asked for it, too.

On the other hand, if, as many have done recently, a religious person posts in the religious forums on a religious topic....what gives other folks the place to drop into their thread (minding it's own business, in the place made just for threads of that nature) and tear it up with anti-religious slogans and activist type attack? I think that's personally what has been burning my biscuits just recently.

I'd say they need to make a forum for religious people to chat in peace...but that's the whole problem here. They DO have that. It's just become a target for people to attack.


Thanks for the reply.. I saw your thread last night actually but was too buried on other stuff to stake my opinion then. Many pages ago, I'm What the heck though... better late than never on a good thread!

edit on 10-12-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by littled16

Spot on. If I only I could star your post a second or third time.

I don't understand the constant bickering either... it's never productive. The atheists are never going to prove to the Christians that they are wrong, and vice versa. It's a pointless exercise and a waste of time, especially when members think their opponents are blind morons for not agreeing with them.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion

Originally posted by trysts
reply to post by AQuestion

I don't understand why you keep equating the truth of the matter of gods not existing as a form of brainwashing? It's the truth. There are no pictures of gods, nor is there any eyewitness testimony(unlike UFOs). It's just all made up, created in the imagination.

Dear trysts,

I don't. What I have consistently said is that forcing children to believe the same as you is abuse. You originally used the term brainwashing, perhaps the meaning of the word has changed. You can look in the dictionary; but, it does not say that teaching spirituality is brainwashing. It is you that seem incapable of dealing with the issues.

If your child is scared of a big monster under her bed, you look under the bed and assure her there is no monster under there. There are no gods either, no matter where you look. No pictures. No radar evidence, and no first-hand eye-witnesses of gods. Some people just shouldn't have children until they can understand that simple fact.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus

Originally posted by trysts
reply to post by AQuestion

There are no gods floating about. You don't have to tell your children about that fact. Now if your child comes home and says that people are saying there are gods floating about, then you should tell your children the truth. Gods floating about=false. No gods=true. I don't know how you're going to reason that the above formula is brainwashing?

Perhaps it's allin how you view the cosmos and the creative force. Perhaps God' realy does float science we know that molecules move.

Molecules are always moving. Scientists say they vibrate (jiggle), rotate (spin), and translate (move from place to place). The molecules in your pencil, your paper, and even your chair are in motion right now.

I find this interesting too.

Scientists have named the parts of the atom protons, neutrons, and electrons. Incredible as it may seem, the difference among the elements on the periodic chart is simply the number of these particles that make up the various atoms.

A simple science lesson explains God floating about.

Do you worship this energy? Do you build churches for this energy? You're talking about atoms floating about, but refer to the atoms as gods. That makes no sense.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

I willingly give my respect as a fellow human to Atheists, who am I to judge? I despise these militant New Atheists, they are paramount to religious radicals. ATS would be much better of without them.

interesting you make no mention of banning theistic " religious radicals " - why ?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by lambs to lions
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Thanks. I think you actually understood the focus if my thread. My point was aimed at the zealots who take every opportunity to "set straight" the backwards Neanderthals who with our tooth fairy faith are somehow keeping the world from evolving.

I'm not complaining that this bothers me, because It doesn't impact me in the slightest. My concern is for the uneducated that soak up their drivel.

This is exactly why you're just as bad.
Referring to those who disagree as "uneducated".
You are preaching, nothing more.
This thread should be called- "we know we are right, but others don't agree. How can we change their minds?"
"There's a new religion in town, and they don't believe what we do. Destroy them!!!!"

I think the reason the mods don't step in when it comes to religious preaching, is because they'll be accused of perpetrating some "anti Christian agenda" against you.

I notice I'm being ignored also?

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by Wongbeedman
Might start a thread called the new Christian agenda, an insult to our intelligence, see how it feels.
Honestly there is no conspiracy against your beliefs, you're just being paranoid.
Either that or you've got a nagging feeling that they're maybe onto something, and I bet that doesn't feel nice. If you can't defend, attack. Seems to be your motto

It's important to note...It's not just Christians who agree with the OP here and have noticed a trend getting entirely out of hand. One doesn't even need to be particularly religious to note the unrelenting nature of the attacks running day in and day out and pressure on anything religious..of any any positive way at all.

Exactly, and if you read my first comment you'll see I agreed also.
But its only the Christians saying they're right and everyone else has to prove themselves worthy. I'm agnostic, but if I HAD to choose I'd choose atheism. Purely because its based on common sense without faith or assumptions.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:07 AM
I don't think it's possible on ATS to have any kind of religious/spiritual thread without the obligatory hater/basher dropping in to completely ignore the thread topic and spout off garbage and insults. It's a new sport and the ATS forum by act of ignoring it has allowed it to snowball to the epidemic it is today.

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by blackcube

I come here for interesting topics, alternative news, and lively debate. What is ridiculous is that I started a thread that is actually about a group of people conspiring to further their agenda and apparently no one can see past their noses and respond to the OP. I understand that it is a touchy topic and everyone gets all butt-hurt when religion or Atheism comes up, but.... I never said anything negative about Atheists, I actually said I respected them and their opinions. This thread is about New Atheism, which is different than the absence of belief in God. It is aggressive, combative, and has an agenda.
edit on 10-12-2012 by lambs to lions because: Sp

posted on Dec, 10 2012 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by lambs to lions

You are a christian although you are not catholic you do attended mass 2 maybe 3 times a month. That sounds like you are not really into it and believe just for the sake of believing.Where I come from most if not all catholics do not read their bible and just have the priest tell them. I use to be really religious until I found out that I was lied to duped, told how to behave.So called priest class made stuff up and changed their interpretation of certain versus to the detriment of people who believed a way for so many years. All this made me research my own religion and others. If you looked into the history of the popes you wouldn't be a catholic. Pius XII blessed Hitler weapons and the vatican sanctioned Jasenovac.The pope is considered god's man here on earth by the catholics. All the old testament is full of hate and death. The new testament the four gospels kind of postive but the rest is all criticism and the end apocalyptic. All it does it tell you you are no good. So basically negative reinforcement.
This is why I am agnostic. I would rather read things to try to improve myself. I am more spiritual since I dumped my religion and the bible. There is a part of that religion still in me and can touch a nerve sometimes especially when I see someone blindly believe and say somethings. It is something I am working on but then again sometimes it has to be said to take someones blinders off.

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