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What are the world Governments getting ready for. I have the field narrowed down!

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posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

i dont know if the stories and pictures of the underground city with storefronts carved into the rock, baseball field, football field and huge hydroponics divisions and that mag lev train, sounds pretty damn good,if they are true that is lol. im might hang out there for a bit, i work night shift so are accustomed to not seeing much light anyway. lol so long as i can play video games or something i wont go insane. hehe its probably just a big brown dirt room, they show you awesome pictures, you buy 20 million spot then they lock you up with 200 people to die ^^ now theres a twist.

the info you give i think is pretty spot on. but all of your scenarios are for the upper dwellers. if that day comes it will be everyone for themselves im afraid. unless its some long overdrawn ice age where people have like 50 years of getting use to needing neighbors help and rellying on family and friends again. many times in the past people have been brought to eating children. the older chinese men at my work have said their parents/ grand parents told them of stories like that growing up and to cherish what they had. there was some huge famine in china and the smaller vilages would eat the small children to stay alive because the government wasnt giving them assitance. wives tale or not im not trusting anyone when that day comes. lol

i want to get into the big dumb bases. how do we do that?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

Overpopulation is not a concern yet. Our planet is fertile enough.

Our biggest concern is finding concrete evidence that alludes to the conclusion of a near chaotic situation, not an economic collapse, but a real physical source of harm.

Right now, I feel as if dissecting the infrastructure of these cities is our best bet at finding evidence. We can point fingers at population numbers, dollar value, GDP, but the truth lies in the minute details. Underground bunkers were at an all time high in the Cold War era America and I do not think they have slowed down since.

Once again, we need to focus on the tangible evidence. I want proof that I can show my big business buddies.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Pepeluacho

"I want proof that I can show my big business buddies. "

why got something to sell?

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Pepeluacho

The best I have to offer is what is written on the Georgia Guide Stones. I have a strong feeling that they are Prophetic in nature, a warning if you will.

What you are looking for is right 'in your face' now. Who in their right mind simply prints money to pay escalating debt. It is a short term fix that leads to economic collapse. That may also indicate probable time frames. Scary thought!


edit on 29/11/2012 by pheonix358 because: typo

edit on 29/11/2012 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

No, but I have friends that are in the business of war products. They are pro-government. I wish to change that. That's why I want something that will prove the government is not acting in our best favor. Yes, I've brought up all of Obama's executive orders and even the NDAA, but they still believe these are passed in good consciousness.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

Yes, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. There is nothing else they can do. The operations of our economic overseers are within the bounds of their job title. They have only one response to all problems. Throw money at it. This is their band-aid. Of course they are putting a band-aid on a bullet wound, but it's stopping some percentage of the blood loss.

The more I talk to my upper class comrades, I find that our government is trying its best. Yes, America is in decline however, we are still the leader of the industrialized world. Europe is at a stand still, the last awesome-O thing they created was the LHC.

I am tired of the last 40 years worth of, "The world is on the brink of collapse." It's not, we as humans evolve and adapt to economic indecency.

The only question I want answered is, Where is the proof? Georgia Guidestones are NOT proof. They are stones with the workings of a secret society. Secret Societies are a ponzi scheme. NOT PROOF. I want full blown, Michio Kaku PROOF.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Pepeluacho
reply to post by pheonix358

Yes, but you have to put yourself in their shoes. There is nothing else they can do. The operations of our economic overseers are within the bounds of their job title. They have only one response to all problems. Throw money at it. This is their band-aid. Of course they are putting a band-aid on a bullet wound, but it's stopping some percentage of the blood loss.

The more I talk to my upper class comrades, I find that our government is trying its best. Yes, America is in decline however, we are still the leader of the industrialized world. Europe is at a stand still, the last awesome-O thing they created was the LHC.

I am tired of the last 40 years worth of, "The world is on the brink of collapse." It's not, we as humans evolve and adapt to economic indecency.

The only question I want answered is, Where is the proof? Georgia Guidestones are NOT proof. They are stones with the workings of a secret society. Secret Societies are a ponzi scheme. NOT PROOF. I want full blown, Michio Kaku PROOF.

There is a huge effort in place to make sure we do not get this proof! That is what this thread is all about. We are trying to sort facts from the truckloads of deliberate misinformation.


posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:46 PM
ok .. still an interesting thread. To the person who went on about government bomb shelters. You reminded me of the alleged markings on the back of the highway signs that are supposed to direct people to the nearest shelter.

There really is a lack of quality threads these days..sigh.. anywho.. beyond that You're right, there is no current contingency plan for nuclear fall out or a mass global catastrophe of the sort. so either

A. they don't want to cause mass panic
B. they're going to cull the population
C. the masses can't be saved
D. all of the above.

Let's also take note of how many banking CEO have mysteriously retired in the past 3-5 years.. hmm my bet is that they have a nice ticket to a bunker or a ark or whatever the plan is. As far as bigger populations go, such as India/china and let's not forget all those cannucks... more than likely if they aren't wiped out in the SHF scenario they will probably kill or be killed within weeks of an event. If food sources are limited I wouldn't be surprised at a lot of cannibalism... humans are vile when in survival mode. I'm not saying Zombie's mind you.. i'm thinking when push comes to shove to survive and there are dead bodies about.. well.. there are plenty of news stories about cannibalism lately too..

Let's also not forget for those religious types that the bible prophesy is that the world will not be destroyed by water again... it will be destroyed by fire.. which leads me more in the direction of a solar kill shot in which .. we the sheeple will have no forwarning... you're gonna be lucky or not depending on which side of the earth it hits.. then your going to have massive ash, perhaps major shifting of plates, etc.. so you're odds of initial survival are pretty low and that's what they know and aren't going to tell you....

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:50 PM
The biggest issue I see is lack of heirloom seeds... how many people have seed stock that is capable of giving life to new seeds? I imagine it is very, very few.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

What are the 'world's governments' getting ready for?

They are getting ready for 'world government' of course.

The 0.0000001%, who control the strings of these governments and purchase them like penny candy, want a drastically reduced, easily controlled, 24/7 surveilled, dumbed down, compliant world of serfs and slaves, with themselves set upon the world's throne as 'gods'. Not so much a big 'conspiracy' rather just human nature.

They have at their disposal all manner of stealth technology to accompish this though, hiding these power grabs and disaster capitalism scenarios under a cloak of plausible deniability. After all when the next big disaster strikes and takes out tens or hundreds of millions next time they'll simply say 'hey don't look at us' it was god who did this. Don't be fooled.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 10:55 PM
Maybe current or future C02 levels are high enough to blanket the Earth during a low solar output period. The idea to "reduce" C02 would make err on the side of caution, not adding too much to the atmosphere now, because it would be easy to adjust it upwards later, easier than to be over-saturated and climate engineers will need to sequester C02.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by joecool9887
You might want to think about all this. I don't know if I would want to live in a bunker for the rest of my life with little or no food and water. I think I would rather just live my life to it's potential and have no worries. Give me a bud light and call it a day. Sorry to burst your bubbles. But why worry everyday when anything could happen at any time anyhow.


Depending on somebody's age reading your post, you'd get a myriad of responses.

At 66, I agree with you.

At 35....not so much.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Pepeluacho
Someone needs to do some digging on these Chinese cities in Africa. We need to know where they are, how they are accessed, by what roads, distance from the coast, major supply inlets for the city. We need to know which direction this city was built to be accessed by (East, West, North, or South). Other information needed should be: integrity of material for constructs, plumbing, water treatment plants, irrigation and agricultural networks.

The architecture of this city and its roads is a better determination of any life threatening future events. The American government and its actions are inflated. There is a large population of critical thinking Americans growing that no social construct can contain.

I know for a fact these Chinese ghost cities exist in the rural mainland of China as well as Africa.

ITS TIME TO DO WORK ATS. No more sitting around jerking each other off with stars and flags. I want to see some concrete posts here!
edit on 29-11-2012 by Pepeluacho because: more details.

Yeah Pepe, I agree. Even though there is a lot of info about them here at ATS, it is very vague. We need to find out exactly what the hell is going on with all those ghost cities. Yeah, I have heard about how it's some how economically driven in regards to the Chinese building market, however I have never bought that lamp light for one second. ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:18 PM
This is a very good thread. I like to see that others are looking at the whole picture and not taking it all apart. Here on ATS we have some people that automatically want to break things into pieces and examine the parts without trying to figure what direction the whole picture is drifting to. This is what tptb want us to do, we are trained to see the pieces, only those who look at the whole picture can control the world. To adjust things to wander onto a different path they get the media involved or adjust the education of people. This deters the societies from following an unwanted path. They would have to have the most brilliant minds in the world coupled with super computers capable of running scenarios. The computer could be replaced by people who are a little autistic and can follow something if trained to do so. I think that we have these computers, we have for a long time. What we are allowed to know exists is not only what exists, we have very inferior computers compared to these organizations. They allow us to have the scraps.

Who are these people? I have yet to find out. They have been using us as guinney pigs for a hundred or more years, observing what we do and adjusting their formulas. I don't think our direction is random at all. I think it is steered. We do not have free will, we have free will within a defined field unless we get away from society. Then we still only have a little bigger area to work in, not even close to free will. Society is steered, not controlled, sooner or later the objectives will be met. I guess it is irrational to look for these people because we have been conditioned for so many generations we wouldn't even know how to live with freedom. If an animal is left in a cage all it's life and it's kids are always in a cage, within ten generations they will not know how to be free, they will die if left to live on their own. Humans are different though, they will somehow survive but then become dangerous to others. Many people have become monsters that will do anything to maintain our lifestyle. These people often don't even realize they are doing it, talking people into taking risky ventures so they can make a living. Stuffing a fake economy down others throat so they may thrive. We have entered the age of deceit and many don't even want to know they are a part of it. Are these people bad? That depends on your perception. I can't judge yet, I have been taught to honor the laws of this country, laws that are not created equally for the different social standards. Sorry for the rant.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

You do not spend like there is no tomorrow and bankrupt your empire, for that is what it is, unless of course, there will be no tomorrow!

You know what?

Considering how horrible things have been lately, I would not mind a bit if Maynard and I had our childhood dreams come true and Mother Nature got fed up and wiped us out.

But I am not sure if it is really possible to sustain that kind of pipe-dream past about the age of 35.

The End never comes, the only thing that seems to oscillate is human silliness which perpetuates more human silliness.

The economy is that way it is because that's what the baby boomers have been doing, and they taught it to their offspring, they have been 'robbing Peter to pay Paul', buying as many tomorrows as they can get away with at everyone else's expense, trying to keep the party going.

You can tell because that is what is bemoaned the most, the loss of lifestyles as they were in the late 80's and early 90s, they are rabid for it. Damnit! they'll secede from the nation if they don't get it. It's horrid to watch.

That's how the economy got that way. 'They' haven't been spending up a storm as they drag us in to some inevitably doomed future; they are ruining our future by trying to drag a doomed, oily, past in to the present. It will never work like that again. That one's broke.

The 'change' we will all have to endure will truly be excruciating, but I've given up hope that Mother Nature will come along and take mercy on us.

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by jude11

Easy return of the pa-tal

posted on Nov, 29 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to Pheonix358

Very nice work.
I understand about minds that not only see patterns, but are constantly in search of new ones.
Not just in level and processing the day, when your mind seeks patterns in everything you have to learn to process everything else at a lower priority than would be normal.
Sometimes people get themselves declared Schizophrenic because they can't suppress the Hellish cartoon world in processing mode and they begin to deal in that reality out of fear...they don't realize that even though they see certain things, because they crack equisite lace-like patterns, it seems evil will overwhelm any thought of regaining one's composure, and find it was intended to make them laugh, eventually.
Anyway, the government always prepares for some unforseen day of weeping, and wailing, and probably Zombie attacks too.
They did it in ancient times, graneries were just one more thing the king had to plan, anybody living inside the walls did pretty good, anybody living far enough from the cities did quite well indeed.
Especially when the Bubonic Plague hit.
Anyway, there are so many roads under some major population centers you really start to wonder why they are there.
There are such massive stores of provisions laid in in some of these places that they must be planning on maintaining a breeding herd for several years.
Maybe they are hiding from solar flares, or P.O.ed aliens wondering where all the gold is, and why we have certain subsegs on the surface.
Maybe they'll park factory ships in space and rapture all the tasty ones up to become chops, steaks, roasts, organ meats, and render anything left over for Terran Spam.
I figure "clean livers" like church folk should taste a lot better than the meth freaks down the road, and non-smokers, yup they'll get slurped right up....
...This means that Sister Mary Nicolas Dillinger is gonna be something like filling for Venuvian Twinkies...never thought about licking Sister Mary Nicolas Dillinger before...and to be completely honest with you; I'm not all that at ease with the idea.
Yeah, maybe not so much.
But I have been a witness to an ever expanding world in which regular folks don't seem to be invited to check it out.
It exists on this level but there are societal barriers...even to the nouveau riche.
As they say, money cannot buy class.
I guess all that blasting under Dick Cheney's house was just him opening his escape tunnel down to a maglev station...L.A. to N.Y.C. in under 20 minutes...nobody really flys anymore do they?
Ever hear of "The Ghost Fleet?"
You see, there are very, very many diesel trucks that are always moving, they may seem to belong to ABC Transport, but what's in a name? Especially when they can do what they are doing and never have a moments problem with scales, speed limits, load limits on feeder roads.
The game seems to be CYA but not the general public's.
Oh well, if TSHTF I'll bet there will be welders sealing the "Drooling Class" into their escape capsule.
Mole people unite!
Oh, sorry.
Got carried away.

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

Nicely put!


posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Luminaught
reply to Pheonix358

Very nice work.
I understand about minds that not only see patterns, but are constantly in search of new ones.
Not just in level and processing the day, when your mind seeks patterns in everything you have to learn to process everything else at a lower priority than would be normal.
Sometimes people get themselves declared Schizophrenic because they can't suppress the Hellish cartoon world in processing mode and they begin to deal in that reality out of fear...they don't realize that even though they see certain things, because they crack equisite lace-like patterns, it seems evil will overwhelm any thought of regaining one's composure, and find it was intended to make them laugh, eventually.

You do understand but you are referring to untrained abilities. I have IQ, Patterning, visual thinking and Empathy. They can be hard to control sometimes. Just within this thread I can see the patterns, visual thinking kicks in, lets Empathy run amok and I get flashes of insight in the form of visuals of parents weeping over frozen children and cities with frozen corpses while THEY sit and complain about the quality of the food they are being served. I see people wanting to revolt but restrained by the knowledge that their children would die in such a revolt so they do nothing and over time fall into a slave mindset. I can see forests with frozen animals right next to the frozen hunters, the only life being big cats heading south devouring frozen people as they go and thinking, these aren't too bad!

Can be difficult but rewarding. Of course in the 50s and 60s people with above average intellects were celebrated and sought after. Then they were painted as losers, nerds and freaks. Now they are labelled as potential terrorists along with anyone with survival skills. All of this is part of the pattern that is all around us. More than ever we are being conditioned to live in fear. Next to me is a Car Registration renewal form (For a Nissan Skyline 1998 Anniversary model
) that says, "Pay your rego or pay the price." That's nice of my Government to put that in. I hate threats from my Government, I feel like threatening them right back.

To the few posters, before you decide to post, I dislike bragging but I will be damned if I am going to hide my abilities because your PC mentality cannot handle it. Grow up! It takes us all to make a go of society and if the gifted never existed you would still be swinging from trees making grunting noises. Of course if the world was full of above IQ people the Race would have died out. Too much time around the camp fire pondering the universe and not enough time gathering nuts for winter.


posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by pheonix358
Threads abound on what preparations are underway all over the world. The question always is what will the SHTF be about. Is it civil unrest? Is it a natural disaster? Is it WW3.

I have a skill or a gift called Patterning or Pattern Recognition. It is the ability to look at both the macro and the minute and find the common pattern. This is not a boast, simply a statement. It is not unusual but it is not common. Many people have it and never realize, many that know their gift have never had it trained.

DUDE I have the same ability!!! I thought it was just me!!! WHAT!!!

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