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light warriors plant crystals at serpent mount

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:27 PM
I saw this on the news the other day but haven't had time to share it until now.

The Ohio Historical Society and Adams County authorities investigate a strange case of vandalism. Officials say a group that calls itself Unite The Collective buried objects embedded with aluminum foil and quartz crystal at the Serpent Mound. Officials have uncovered three so far, but believe there could be hundreds buried at the 63 acre ancient Native American site. Video that was posted on YouTube will be a key piece of evidence. The video has since been removed from the website. Unite the Collective members describe themselves as "light warriors" who say they planted the objects to "help lift the vibration of the earth so we can all rise together."


I find this interesting as we are getting closer to the infamous 12/21/12. And besides, it's kind of close to my home.

another source says

Orgonites are crafted from metal filings, such as aluminum, and quartz crystals, cast in a resin base, often in a muffin tin, the newspaper reported. Websites that discuss making and using such devices claim they draw in negative energy and exude positive energy. Read more:


just wanted to share, will probably go out there this weekend. We do plan on being there for the winter solstice, should be interesting to say the least.
edit on 9-11-2012 by horseplay because: typo

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by horseplay

Actually, the date is 12/21/2012

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:20 PM
On the mind today and in the heart tomorrow*
Great Serpent Mound.
Light Warriors and Crystals Seed~
Uniting Collective.


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by horseplay

Sounds like some kind of cult.

Next thing you know you'll hear about these people committing mass suicide.

I wonder how many of them are ATSers.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:41 PM
This really upsets me. Why... I get the Ohio historical society doesn't want the land hurt in any way however...when did the land become theirs exclusively?

From what I gather from the article this is a group of people out-side Native American culture. Had this been done threw them I would have been more upset.

Again..when does Gods land become exclusive property to any one man? I understand home and business property but we 're not discussing those property's. I don't see where these people hurt anyone or any property. I will have a problem w/ those people if they dont go back and get what they buried. That's just out of respect. At the end of the day...what or who is it hurting? They're doing it for positive reasons.

We would all get along better if we accepted the difference's in us all.

Side note:
This guy died and people wanted to know who he left his property too...come to find out...he gave it back to God and thanked him for the time he spent on it.
edit on 9-11-2012 by tracehd1 because: Corr

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

oops, sorry. blond moment. i fixed it.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by tracehd1

I agree. Once the 'state' claims it it gets ridiculous.

I see no harm in what they did. Perhaps it was a good thing.

The land is sacred and unique. I think they only got 'caught' because they posted it on youtube, otherwise no one would have been the wiser. My sis and I go there quite a bit and we usually have the place to ourselves. People leave behind all kinds of things, peaceful offerings like crystals, feathers, beads, etc. And they remain there because even the people that work there acknowledge the spiritual attraction.

Besides, the effigy has been altered by the 'state'. They have recreated the head (which now does not point exactly to the spring solstice sunset), dug up the ancient alter, and remodeled the serpent itself. Originally it was covered in rock but now you cannot see any rock, only dirt and grass.

The energy of the site is still incredible though. I've gone there with a compass which does not act right, it points every which way. I always feel energetic and closer to- well, Mother Earth- when I am there. My aches and pains disappear even after I leave there. It's hard to explain.

I'm just a normalish person, but that place seems to have unique properties. I'm so fortunate to be able to visit it frequently.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 12:46 PM
The shadow government hate these organites, as they show up as blue light on their infra fed cameras (well that is what I heard?) and they get rid of chemtrails. Rebalance the frequencies in the local area tooo.
I say good on 'em.
I have a city buster, as it heals animals and humans quicker. As my pets get a skin sample taken every now and again, I know 'they' are worried about these organites.

'They' are not going to win, I wish they would just give in now and let us live in peace.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by cavalryscout
reply to post by horseplay

Sounds like some kind of cult.

To the brainwashed and indoctrinated, anything that deviates from the norm "sounds like some kind of cult". Its a very professionally programmed response into the psyches of the masses.

Originally posted by cavalryscout

Next thing you know you'll hear about these people committing mass suicide.

I think its far more likely that those whose conceptions of reality are to rigid will be committing suicide when something occurs that breaks that neat and clean cut reality theyve imagined for themselves.

In fact, it happens quite a bit. People who lose their jobs, the economy goes down and they start losing money, many kill themselves because they cant handle the change.

Originally posted by cavalryscout

I wonder how many of them are ATSers.

Me too

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 04:56 PM
The site is still an active archaeological site and research site.

What happens to these sites when they aren't protected by a government or an organization?

Well, we've seen it in the past. Souvenir hunters take pieces away. Treasure hunters dig up holes where they think they can find saleable artifacts. Mystics (in the name of peace, light, and harmony) set up fires (which sometimes get out of control), dig up areas (which may include some fairly rare plants), dance (in the name of cosmic balance) in an ecologically fragile area), and leave garbage that nobody picks up. LOTS of garbage.

If this sounds cynical, please understand that I work as a volunteer at similar sites. I've worked with groups to try and move endangered plants that were growing beside a trail (where people stepped on them all the time), worked to help reseed prairies after locals turned a property into a free-for-all garbage dump, and so forth. And lots of us have tales of sacred sites that were looted or vandalized (with spray paint... which was one of the most gut-wrenching things I've seen) because they were open to everyone.

I think those people were irresponsible. I think that if this is the only way they can "get power" to "work light" that they don't understand how power works.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Byrd

I've seen scores of destroyed sites in Syria, Saudi, Egypt, Turkey and elsewhere, once people get into their heads that there is gold, or pottery they can sell they will destroy a site, or in this case they can gain vibrations or energy from it they will modify it to their taste.

This incident sounds very new agey

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:37 AM
I, too, have seen sites desecrated by treasure hunters.

Indian burial sites, that I'm guessing were previously unknown, found by treasure hunters who destroyed them... Both here in Washington state, and in Alaska's interior.

These clowns can surely find different places to "raise consciousness", or whatever it is they're claiming to be doing...

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by horseplay
The land is sacred and unique.
Yes, and it is sacred and unique to the First Nations who created the mound, even today. To them, it is a living sacred landscape. To toddle in with new-agey dooh-dahs and bury them is extremely disrespectful. You wouldn't sneak into a cathedral and do the same, would you?

Excuse my appropriation of voice, but I recently read the contents of a lawsuit that brought the issue home.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 05:27 PM
It's their method, and materials used I find most fascinating. Ok... This group says they are trying to “realign the energy of the ancient Native Americans”
But isn’t that done by planting trees, as opposed to using crystals that have been blasted out the ground using high explosive, and wrapped in tin foil created from electrolysis (usually using electricity from either coal pollution or hydroelectric dams)
Are they really doing good, are they being misled by someone(s) into contaminating holy sites with manmade artefacts, that are aligning the Earths natural energies with its destroyer, i.e. heavy industry?

I don’t know much about crystals, but it’s hardly like people know all there is to know either. There is something so unnatural about the method they are using to accomplish what they say they are doing, that something about this story gives me the creeps. What other sites have they contaminated, and do they really know what they are doing?

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Liberal1984

That's the bad news the good news is that the net results will be, besides annoying the native Americans, nada

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Mike.Ockizard

in the uk we place the dates in order of day week and year = 21/12/2012 and due to the different time zones around the world , this date will not start at the same time .

as for the Mayans 21/12 /2012 forcast , how can anyone be so precise as to name the actual day ? .

the change that people are waiting for, has been with us since the sixties , or should i say thats when i noticed it

people started to question authority .

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 10:28 AM
My initial thoughts were what harm could be done?
But the more I look into crystals, the more I realize how wrong I was.
although I do not know much about them, crystals can be a very powerful source of energy. The wrapped in foil thing I do not understand. Perhaps it intensifies it?
Which makes me question why in the world these people did that. Did they realize what could potentially happen? and why mess with something historical that was built for a specific purpose so many centuries ago?
they may be trying to 'do good' in their eyes, but then again they could open up the gates of hell, so to speak.
And how many other sites have they desecrated? and what will the repercussions be?

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by horseplay
...and why mess with something historical that was built for a specific purpose so many centuries ago?
they may be trying to 'do good' in their eyes, but then again they could open up the gates of hell, so to speak.
And how many other sites have they desecrated? and what will the repercussions be?
OK, here's a quote from a Professor Johnson, cited in a recent court case involving the sanctity of First Nation burial sites. I think it adds much to this conversation:

In the Anishnaabeg belief system, it is the obligation of the living to ensure that their relatives are buried in the proper manner and in the proper place and to protect them from disturbance or desecration. The 17th century Anishnaabeg believed that the dead needed to be sheltered and fed, to be visited and feasted and believed that failure to perform this duty harmed not only the dead but also the living. The Anishnaabeg also placed great importance to being buried in one’s traditional territory. They believed that the everlasting connection between body and soul was grounded in a particular

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck


128. ORC plans to transfer the Seaton lands to private developers for development. Once transferred the developers will be free to develop the Seaton lands without further archaeology or other efforts to locate sacred Ojibwa sites the Applicant Ojibwa Nations reasonably believe to exist there.

Ruthless developers. That is just wrong.
Is this case still ongoing? I read it thru and read the last few pages several times and did not see that there was a ruling? Legal docs can be so hard to interpret....

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by horseplay
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck


128. ORC plans to transfer the Seaton lands to private developers for development. Once transferred the developers will be free to develop the Seaton lands without further archaeology or other efforts to locate sacred Ojibwa sites the Applicant Ojibwa Nations reasonably believe to exist there.

Ruthless developers. That is just wrong.
Is this case still ongoing? I read it thru and read the last few pages several times and did not see that there was a ruling? Legal docs can be so hard to interpret....

I have not seen the outcome of this action, and while the developers behave like scum, the government is getting pretty lazy in staying on top of them. I have some pals at one of the plaintiff FN communities so I'll ask around, and get back.

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