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Coyote attacked my cat right in my yard in camden county NJ......

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by vonclod

I really don't know how good wolf urine is on repelling coyotes,in yellowstone after they reintroduced wolves,the coyotes TYPICALLY followed the wolves to get scraps from they're kills.It may hang around just to see if the supposed wolf has a kill.Here in Missouri no one thought we even had coyotes,that is until the flood of '93.The all of a sudden people's cats and dogs started disappearing.People were saying that they had coyotes come up while they were walking they're dogs and still no one believed them. It wasn't until a veterinarian saw one walking down a major road in broad daylight and reported it and the police showed up and killed it ,that they finally believed then we had attacks happening all over the city.You couldn't even let your dog out at night in a fenced in yard safely.Some woman did and a pack of 20 coyotes leaped over her fence trying to get her dog.

That first video really does bother me,I took wolf psychology while i was dog grooming.I can tell you that with the behavior I saw in that video its very frightening.There is no way that a coyote should be so unafraid of a human like that.And to try and REPEATEDLY attack the man,not good at all.Coyotes have been know to attack small children as well.You want them to be VERY AFRAID OF HUMANS.Any predator should be afraid to come around or be seen by people.
Sad to say,but if your cat did survive the attack,the best thing you can do for that cat is to find it a new home.Its heartbreaking I know.I would never want to give up one of my 'kids'.But if it stays out there its predator food for sure with this going on. .

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:24 PM
If you had the urine of some predator then maybe you could put that in your yard and the scent would keep the them away? Maybe bear urine or mountain lion or something? Can you get that at a sporting good's store? I know you can get some scents so maybe you can get something that smells like a bear?

The smell would probably scare your own pets though. If they got out and smelled that then it might scare them off too.
edit on 8-11-2012 by jessieg because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Mr Tranny
Come on over, I am sure there is a few cute LITTLE yots up in the hills that you can pet and hug.

They run away from people the vast majority of the time.
edit on 11/8/2012 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Drezden

Originally posted by Mr Tranny
Come on over, I am sure there is a few cute LITTLE yots up in the hills that you can pet and hug.

They run away from people the vast majority of the time.
edit on 11/8/2012 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

I was walking to my treestand the other day when I jumped a coyote laying in a field. He ran away.

But they are evil, nasty, bloodthirsty creatures that want nothing else than to terrorize civilization.

edit on 8-11-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Dogs are domesticated, Coyotes are not.

People have an emotional bond with their pets, not random Coyotes.

Big difference.

edit on 8-11-2012 by Trustfund because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:10 PM
Kill,the coyote or your kid is the next victim. ..remember " a dingo ate my baby " ! ...

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Meldionne1
Kill,the coyote or your kid is the next victim. ..remember " a dingo ate my baby " ! ...

This video is for you.

The irony is he says that “coyotes are our friends, they don’t go around trying to kill our children.” in the very video where a coyote does try to kill children. It’s the ultimate form of self delusion. People are made of meat just like all the other animals they hunt. The only thing that stops them from attacking us most times is fear. Without that fear, then we are the prey. They are not our friends people.

On other notes, here is some other videos I have found that should be entertaining.

Here is a video demonstrating the incompetence of a school system in dealing with a pack that moved in on school property. A buck fifty worth of ammo would solve the entire problem.

Here is a video where a person is dealing with a coyote pack that is trying to draw her dog in for the kill. She know what they are doing, and her dog is trained to deal with it by not following them into the trap. There is several waiting in the brush for the dog to come in where they can go after him as a pack from all sides.

This next one makes my blood boil. It is getting so bad that they are literally attacking stuff inside of buildings, and the best they can do is say “we need to get the authorities involved”? Ummm. NO… I know the people in California are a few bricks short of a full load…. But come on here! It is long past the time for authorities. It is the time where all the coyotes should be exterminated in the entire area. It is time for a city wide elimination.

Here is an attack out of the blue on a chained dog right beside the house.

I am sorry I have to break it to him, they wasn’t going after him and his dogs because the coyotes were being protective. They went after him because they was wanting to eat him, and his dogs. When they attack as a pack, they are going for the kill.

Here is an absolute idiot. If the yote hadn’t been as jittery from never seeing humans before, and pressed the attack, that video would have had a totally different ending. There would have been no way for him to guard himself from the yote if he went for the hands and neck.

In this video you can see what a pack attack looks like. At first, they were defending their food. When they get all four in on it, then things flip, and they start pressing the attack. Make no mistake; if they could have gotten the wolf off of his feet, then he would have been dead.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

Yes...all those videos are why I said to kill the coyote...because if you don't....your kid or the neighbors kid will be the next victim. coyotes will return and attack. ..

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Trustfund
If you let your cat roam outside, it's chances of being killed kind of sky rockets.

I'd be much more worried about cars than coyotes.

I usually hear them cackle at night time, it's creepy as hell.

~Coyote Attack Vids~

edit on 7-11-2012 by Trustfund because: (no reason given)

This is the most I laughed all day lol. That guys hilarious
edit on 8-11-2012 by Laxpla because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Meldionne1
reply to post by Mr Tranny

Yes...all those videos are why I said to kill the coyote...because if you don't....your kid or the neighbors kid will be the next victim. coyotes will return and attack. ..

coyote attacks on people are exceptionally rare
i live in a very populated area with a lot of canyons and see coyotes all the time at night picking through peoples garbage or hear them catch a cat or small dog and the fact is unless your pet goes missing most people dont even know they are there
they take off at the first sign of human presence ....they actually act more scared of people than the rabbits do
and most have the appearance of a rather small malnourished dog
honestly most of you sound like cowards and should realistically by more worried about your dog or your neighbors dog getting rabies from a raccoon and attacking a child
any kid that should be allowed out of adult super vision is going to be much much larger than a coyote and i understand that you love your pets but i dont see how your going to blame a coyote for going after a small yipper dog or a cat or think that just because you have attachment to that animal its somehow worth more than another one
edit on 9-11-2012 by sirhumperdink because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by sirhumperdink
i understand that you love your pets but i dont see how your going to blame a coyote for going after a small yipper dog or a cat or think that just because you have attachment to that animal its somehow worth more than another one

Well, I have a question for you. What makes the coyote “worth more” than all the other animals in the city then?What gives that coyote the privilege to kill on demand that all the other animals in the city don’t have?

You seem to have no problem with coyotes catching and munching on anything they can get a hold of. If any dog tried that (catching another small dog, dragging him away, and munching on him) he would quickly be put out of his misery.

So, all things being equal as you say it, then the coyotes should also be put down when they do that too. All animals being equal and what not.

I do not tolerate cat killing out of my dogs. I don’t tolerate cats trying to kill other cats either. If they do, they are dead. When the coyotes come around to try to kill cats, or dogs, they are dead too.

The problem is animials are not equal. They are worth the value that people put into them. You, on one hand, hold more value in the coyotes, than in the cats and dogs that belong to people. Me, on the other hand, hold value in the cats and dogs, and none in the coyotes.

Consider us equal but opposite, and that is the way it will probably stay.

All the rest of your post wasn’t worth quoting because it shows you have no clue as to what you are talking about. You are just parroting environmentalist talking points.

Welcome to the new world. Where the wile animals are your superiors. Everyone bow down to nature like good little subjects.

edit on 9-11-2012 by Mr Tranny because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Trustfund
reply to post by Drezden

Dogs are domesticated, Coyotes are not.

People have an emotional bond with their pets, not random Coyotes.

Big difference.

edit on 8-11-2012 by Trustfund because: (no reason given)

great way to take my comment out of context, good job.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 03:13 AM
To the OP.

1.If coyotes are becoming pest / nuisance then surely it is incumbent on the local authorities to take action. Trapping and relocating and / or shooting coyotes which have lost fear of man and therefore pose an increased danger to e.g. children and livestock.
2.Not really sympathetic to cats. Cats that roam abroad predate vast amounts of wildlife, so it’s divine justice when they themselves are predated. In fact, I wonder if the coyote’s behaviour was motivated by the removal of a competitor, therefore it was natural.


posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by paraphi
To the OP.

1.If coyotes are becoming pest / nuisance then surely it is incumbent on the local authorities to take action. Trapping and relocating and / or shooting coyotes which have lost fear of man and therefore pose an increased danger to e.g. children and livestock.
2.Not really sympathetic to cats. Cats that roam abroad predate vast amounts of wildlife, so it’s divine justice when they themselves are predated. In fact, I wonder if the coyote’s behaviour was motivated by the removal of a competitor, therefore it was natural.


They won't do anything. When I called it in, he told me they just want to keep track of them. I called the local fish and wildlife. The lady over the scanner called the cops. Then we found out they want to use the coyotes for controlling the deer population. I was the first to spot it in my town and actually call it in. The Aussie guy sounded surprised. As I mentioned before, we know where they came from and they had to travel a while to get here. My cousin on the Monroe police force told us a lot of the back story of their release. I can't have it walking right by my sun porch windows while I have an 8 & 11 yr old boys that like to play outside. I'm prepared for its return....The videos were great and again, I appreciate all the info I can gather! TY all.....

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

If you get a chance kill them,lol they have revolved into our world, your pet is there survival..
I used to raise them from pups, they are very smart if you shoot& miss you wont get another chance,you have to bate them in the city,they know when you leave for work, they learn when the time is right to hunt.
cats are there favorite meal in the city.
the danger is when they breed with your dog then you have coydogs they wont run if you look like a easy meal
Good luck

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

When somebody's pet attacks a human, we have a case of a slave revolting or disobeying orders. It's a man made creature, as well. The coyote was there before us and ought to be here after us, these domesticated dogs are man's responsibility. See the difference?

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 09:45 PM
Bad & sad the process of moving the cat into the basement, we were too late. I ended up needing emergency dental procedure, last Wednesday. So, I was up all night in pain and wanted nothing more then to take a hammer to my head from the pain. Long story short, coyote came back THAT NIGHT, as most of you warned me, we were too damn's all my fault. If this stupid dental emergency didnt come up, my cat would be alive and well. I feel like I let everyone down, especially our cat...can any experts out there recommend a coyote trap of some sort?? Please?? Sorry I let everyone down. My 8 yr old son, who has a sensitivity to animals is really taking this hard...I just feel awful....

Any help offered will be greatly appreciated....and thanks to every single one of you that have helped and offered advice up to this point.

posted on Sep, 2 2014 @ 09:16 PM
It's been 2 years since I've updated.....things have gotten really out of control now. The coyotes had pups, or whatever you call them, but my biggest problem now, WE HAVE A BOBCAT!!! WTH?!!!!!! He's been stalking and killing everything in his path for 2 weeks now. I've been video recording every night, haven't caught him yet, but lord, the screaming between the bobcat, coyotes, & the pup it tried to kill the other night, had my kids in utter fear! Time to call in the trappers...don't know what else to do....all the tiny animals are gone, no raccoons, no squirrels, nothing small exists any longer....When I first heard this bobcat 2 weeks ago, my heart was in my throat, I never heard one before. It did some weird huffing sound before it went ballistic on a coyote pup....this is now getting out of control. To top it off, I had a momma dear, walking in my yard with 3 SPOTTED BABIES!! If I'm terrified to walk through my own woods, it's time to call someone in....I'm assuming the deer are attracting them, as we do have an abundance of deer, some nights I can count anywhere from 12-14 deer in my backyard.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: j.r.c.b.

Check local laws and use a responsible/authorized trapper, there's hefty fines if you're caught setting illegal traps.

We've lived with coyotes/wildlife for years. We're in cattle country, typically ranchers keep them in check. Since the drought ranchers thinned their herds/frequently move them so they're not patrolling like they used to. Coyotes are getting bad, I don't roam the woods like I use to.

We call the game warden or alert ranchers if bear/mountain lions stay in the area too long. Ranchers can bait/trap and shoot just about anything but there's different rules for the rest of us.

We put up an 8' security fence for our dog. The cats are needed both inside/out because of the rodent population. The fence has worked well for them as long as they stay close. I lost a cat a couple weeks ago so there's no guarantees with cats except keeping them in 24/7. A great horned owl swooped down and took a kitty off our roof. What a commotion that was.

Coyotes at least run away when they hear my voice, bobcats not so much. Be careful they know they're bad ass, gun fire's the only thing that runs them off.

Small children are at risk so keep a close eye. When our boys were small we had several large country dogs to keep nasty things at bay.

A working coyote pack is nothing to mess with. You might see a lone coyote but you won't see the rest of the pack and they communicate with each other.

Losing pets/livestock is a reality for country folk but it's tough for city people. I can stand on my front porch and shoot. Some locals surround their chicken coop with a pig pen. They claim hogs will tear coyotes up, seems to work for them. Maybe a good sized pot bellied boar with a bad attitude could protect city pets but good luck with that. LOL

Stay safe. If there's easy pickins at your house they'll keep coming back. All you can do is keep small pets, pet food, BBQ grills, garbage, bird feeders/hummingbird feeders etc. out of your yard. We take our garbage to town daily.

If an animal sets its sights on you or yours it's hard to deter them. A bee keeper out here had a bear rip through her hives then he got in/rampaged her house. Good thing she wasn't home at the time.

posted on Sep, 3 2014 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Morningglory
TY!! That's a lot of great info...when I previously called the state wildlife on the coyotes, he told me, sorry, nothing they could do. He better not tell me that with this bobcat running wild. My nerves are as stretched as ever. Just hearing the sounds a bobcat makes in the middle of the night, in the middle of the woods, is bone chilling......
TY AGAIN......

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