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Oh God, please don't let Romney win!

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by SweetChild

Originally posted by SweetChild
When pressed, none of these voters can name an obama policy that they are voting against.

Yeah, keep smoking that wacky weed.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM
Damn Canadians!

How dare you share your opinion on American politics!? It's not like us Americans go around commenting on the affairs of Britain, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Mexico, Venezuela and New Guinea!

Who do you think you are?

Anyway, I understand what you are saying. This isn't about being pro-Obama. This is about the intelligence-insulting, bottom-feeding depths we had to go to just to accept Romney as a viable candidate.

I get that.

He surely doesn't invoke confidence with people that can see past the rhetoric and propaganda that is laid in front of us.

Obama may not be the best choice....but he's better than Romney by a long shot.....and I'm not even voting for Obama. I will probably vote Johnson.
edit on 5-11-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Honestly I don't think it's as close as the MSM like to speculate that it is.. I could be wrong but trust me when I say some of us Americans are just as concerned about going backwards... ugh.. i'm coming up to canada to live if he wins.. lol

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by SweetChild
OP, I agree with you 1000% And I am american. And I vote. I'm horrified at how little voters actually know about romney, about romney's religion and even the republican party platform. No, people aren't voting for romney, they're voting against the black man in the white house. When pressed, none of these voters can name an obama policy that they are voting against. Oh sure, they'll spout the predicable, "obamacare" and now bengazi, but when pressed, they really don't know anything about either of these issues.


Phew, I was really getting worried there that maybe we really were on the fringe of the zombie apocalypse.

Your post is very reassuring.

But how many of you are there left, or have most already been lost to the invasion of the brainstem, wedge opposition meme?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 07:59 PM
nowhere in the OP did he say vote for Obama,
why are Americans so blind that they think they have to vote for either of the two main parties?
no wonder your country is going down the crapper, you have no idea what your own laws are.


posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

They both suck and to think either will be better then the other is folly. I'm voting for a third party, it may not win, but at least I'm voting for what I believe even if I doubt it matters.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

if romney does win then its safe to say that democracy has run its course and has come to an end. im not saying obama is any better then romney since i do think he is just the shinier of two turds but the fact that romney says stupid stuff on an almost daily basis makes me question the integrity of our polls. any reasonable person that actually paid attention to what mitt has said in the past year would bite their tongue and vote for obama or a 3rd party candidate

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by gnosticagnostic
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Honestly I don't think it's as close as the MSM like to speculate that it is.. I could be wrong but trust me when I say some of us Americans are just as concerned about going backwards... ugh.. i'm coming up to canada to live if he wins.. lol

You'd love Vancouver Island, but you might want to find a place there that's not at risk in the event of a huge earthquake which would cause the island will drop up to 30 meters (not good).

This election is like an American political Earthquake of the farthest reachings historical implications. It's REALLY important, and important that people make rational decisions in casting their vote.

My hope is that when many get into the sanctity of the voting booth that they might think twice and opt not to change horses at this stage of the game.

The enthusiasm for Romney cannot be THAT great, however much he's built up some momentum after the first debate - remember the numbers before that?

I can't believe it, that the race is as tight on the ground as the MSM is reporting, it just doesn't "grok", neither does the reasoning or rationale behind most of the anti-Obama sentimentality.

Not everyone has been hyjacked by all the hyperbole, no I have more faith in my American friends to the south than that, or at least you USED to be very astute observers where you couldn't put one past ya, but now we have to wonder...

edit on 5-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
reply to post by NewAgeMan

We ARE NOT living in any "global village", and never should be... What you are talking about is the One World Order, which sorry to say is nothing good for INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS...

Sorry to give you the news, we do INDEED live in a global village. I can move freely about any country, and globalization is everywhere.

US corporates employ people from Pakistan and India for cheap, we sell and trade with China and any other country. China is buying out US corporates right across your street. You buy cr@p from walmart made by people in 3rd world countries. Money and labor has no borders anymore, neither has communication.

If a conflict starts, its not America alone (mostly) it will include Britain and LIKELY most other NATO states. Please..where THE HECK are you living to come up with your ideas?

You are living the illusion of those people who are stuck in yesterday, believing in dusty and outdated "values" such as patriotism, NAZIsm and other, long obsolete things.

You would be surprised to see your "socialist" friends (LOL!), say in some EU countries like Norway, Sweden etc. being MUCH MORE free than you likely ever will be. In almost all aspects of every-day life.

But keep fear mongering with your outdated and dusty viewpoints from ages ago and the tale of how "freedom is in danger"..and especially the tale of the NWO or other made-up groups.

And by the way, instead of making negative comments to someone from another country which shows concern, you should be glad that you actually have people who ARE concerned. You obviously cannot see this. Are you so brainwashed that you think he (OP) has a negative intention by posting what he posted? Weak!

edit on 5-11-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Kr0nZ
nowhere in the OP did he say vote for Obama,
why are Americans so blind that they think they have to vote for either of the two main parties?
no wonder your country is going down the crapper, you have no idea what your own laws are.


Third party could start out targeting only the most critical battleground states... tip the scales.

Then, eventually, the oval office, one day, because EVERYONE is fed up with the two party system and it's not working out so well and is so susceptible to all manner of corruption, and that's how they'll vote.

Call it Progressive Conservative, or something like that. It would be a moderate party through and through, wedging straight into the divided middle of the present system.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by loam
reply to post by SweetChild

Originally posted by SweetChild
When pressed, none of these voters can name an obama policy that they are voting against.

Yeah, keep smoking that wacky weed.

No deary. I'm an extremely high information voter refusing to take fox talking points from very low information voters.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:10 PM
I just shake my head in sadness for the future of america since I know Obama's going to win. I don't even know what to say other then I feel sorry for anyone who has a small business or anyone trying to start one. It's sad when the majority of my friends out of college are lucky to have a #ty job with most of their money going to paying back school loans, i've had better luck but i'm very worried about my future and america's future.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

him and ohbumbum are spokes models. They're glorified teleprompter readers. They DECIDE NOTHING! They're there to rent the office on a 4-8 yr lease. They're told what to do. So you have nothing to worry about, the agenda is already decided. And the agenda is NWO.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
I feel sorry for anyone who has a small business or anyone trying to start one.

Let's make up a hypothetical scenario:

Someone is unemployed and wants to establish his own business. Romney is the new president. The person, belonging to the 47%, might need assistance to start his business.

What will Romney do?

Has he some plans, eg. loans/financial support etc. for the ones who need it? Oh wait. He doesn't. Not only that, he is more likely to see the unemployed as a leech and cut off even the last remainder of the help he had, for example food stamps, welfare etc.

Now the unemployed is REALLY screwed. Now tell me how it will help him to establish a business?

Edit: Or for that matter, tell me ANYTHING about Romney's plans how he will support small businesses or those who plan to establish one.
edit on 5-11-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
I just shake my head in sadness for the future of america since I know Obama's going to win. I don't even know what to say other then I feel sorry for anyone who has a small business or anyone trying to start one. It's sad when the majority of my friends out of college are lucky to have a #ty job with most of their money going to paying back school loans, i've had better luck but i'm very worried about my future and america's future.

Yes, but don't you see that that's all just speculation.

Things were pretty damn good in the 90's if you'll recall.

Wait'll you see the small business I'm going to start based on a wonderful idea I have, it will blow your mind.

This is the Internet age and the age of computer networking. Anything's possible and we aint seen nuthin yet.

As far as I can tell, we are, North America and the Global Economy, perched at the cusp of a very long and gradually sustained period of economic recovery the likes of which the world hasn't seen since the Industrial Revolution, or maybe since the 50's anyway. A new world, a new history, a new age.

There's no going back and Romney doesn't represent change for the better. Do you really want to unleash those corporate pigs on the public trough yet again, do you? while they in their greed get to lead in more ways than one the economic recovery that is already COMING regardless of what anyone does or doesn't do?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Hi, I'm a Canadian citizen so I'm not voting, but I think I express the international sentiment well when I say that we are very concerned about how close this race is, and how close the USA is from potentially bringing back the Bush/Cheney era crazies like Condi Rice (who sat beside Romney during the GOP convention), deregulation, military-inductrial buildup and all manner of crony-capitalism. During the Bush Jr. years, is was like losing an old friend, and now we've seen that friend returning, however slowly the comeback has been. I am aware of the Romney campaign torture memo and it just sent shivers down my spine that one of their first priorities is to bring back the kind of thing that the devil, if there is one is known to specialize in (torture).

We, the citizens of the world want a moderate, friendly and benevolent America, not a domineering one, and we're a little freaked out over just how close this race is, and to be honest, we're at a bit of a loss as to how it could even be that close to begin with.

Romney's a Mormon who ran a "rigged game" at his company Bain Capital, and while that's considered by some to be good business it really doesn't add up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things. Regarding his Mormonism and what I've learned about it, that too just creeps me right out the idea of that church being tied right into the highest office in the land.

It's scary - so I'm asking for God to inform the minds of the American people to choose yes what is probably the "lessor of two evils", but by God how stupid can the American people be to think that Romney has the best interests of the average American Joe at heart. He's a big business, ruling elite, crony-capitalist in a stuffed suit, who will cowtow to the lowest demoninators in terms of ruling elite special interest and he's on record stating that a two state solution to the M.E. problem is utterly impossible and hopeless while siding exclusively with Israel. And to top it all off, he's not even that smart from what I can tell.

Please oh God help keep the world safe from the kind of America we witnessed during the Bush/Cheney years, and please keep our individual and collective mutual best interests safe from the pilfering of the rich and greedy. Amen.

edit on 5-11-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

Is this a fake post? Because everything you're whining about is exactly what Obama has done, and will continue to do.

It's really hilarious how non-Americans like to lecture Americans about how stupid, ignorant and gullible they are, while at the same time, the same non-Americans fall for the ridiculous propaganda coming from their own media, as well as Obama and the American left, about how wonderful Obama is, and how much "he cares." Haha, what a joke.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by FreebirdGirl
So if you are not an American citizen you cannot comment on what you think about American politics? Please don't think this comment has any truth to it or a person like this speaks for all of us. This site is all about different opinions and cultures. As ignorance has no borders neither does the spirit of being human and wanting a world of peace and harmony. Yes every country can have it's own values and cultures but we all live in one world. Comments and thoughts like this are one of the reasons the world is screwed today. Everyone thinks that they are individuals however their actions effect others. I welcome all thoughts if I disagree, so be it. My mind is strong enough to retain my values and opinion. If I am altered by what someone says then how strong was my convictions in the first place. That is the truth.

Threads like this one are not about "just expressing opinions", but they are made in hopes to INFLUENCE the election in the United States...

Ignorance comes from the "belief" that "we can have a One World United, and all can live in peace under such a world government"... That's where real ignorance comes from...

I doubt you have even seen much of the world, and I am not talking just about "vacationing", but living in other countries.

The world is not this "global village" many of you think it is. If such a One World Government was ever formed there would be tens of thousands, if not more, large groups of people, in total billions of people trying to fight against such a One World Government that "believes and wants to FORCE" people to live in your imaginary "world village"...

I am an American citizen, and I would rather Ron Paul was elected than either Obama and Romney.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by SweetChild

Originally posted by SweetChild
No deary. I'm an extremely high information voter refusing to take fox talking points from very low information voters.

That's me.

Some serious informed mojo you got there.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Ignorance comes from the "belief" that "we can have a One World United, and all can live in peace under such a world government"... That's where real ignorance comes from...

Why are you always bringing up the "One World United", this is not an issue. Who wants a "One World United"? This is not about some alleged NWO..this is about US American elections - YOUR COUNTRY.

After that, we can talk about a possible "One World United". I just don't see the connection here, sorry.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by flexy123
Sorry to give you the news, we do INDEED live in a global village. I can move freely about any country, and globalization is everywhere.

Moving about the world is not the same as FORCING THE WORLD to live by YOUR STANDARDS...

When you are moving around the world you have to abide by the rules of the INDIVIDUAL COUNTRIES you are moving in... This whole "imaginary global village" you think is possible in reality will NEVER be possible...

Do any of you even know what VILLAGE means?...

Let's TRY to remind people...



1.A group of houses and associated buildings, larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area.
2.A self-contained district or community within a town or city, regarded as having features characteristic of village life.


Within a village EVERYONE was brought up under the same culture, with very similar ideas, and morals, not to mention different laws...

The world is formed of DIFFERENT PEOPLE with DIFFERENT CULTURES and DIFFERENT IDEAS AND MORALS as well as DIFFERENT LAWS, and many of those ideals, morals, and laws conflict with the way you or I think... Yet people like you want for OTHERS to forget their morals, their ideals, cultures, their way of life and accept YOURS... Talk about being selfish...

Who are you to force YOUR will on others?...

edit on 5-11-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

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