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Sagittarius A Black Hole, NASA's Pics, Egyptian Djed Pillar Alignment Points at Galaxy Center

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posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 01:38 PM
"And the wheel has come full circle"

Hello guys! Here is a short but sweet thread to chew on. So earlier this year, I think in January, NASA decided to put up a bunch of radio telescopes on Earth in hopes of getting a picture of the Sagittarius A superdense object. It's thought to be a black hole, and scientists want to see if Einstein's theories were correct; for example, he said that the opening should form a perfect circle due to the extreme gravity present, and the plasma being crushed into the hole.

Today it was announced that not only was the NASA photo shoot very successful, NASA scientists got to witness some flare action at the black hole site -- not every meal it takes is tidy, apparently. When some objects, and some particle/antiparticle pairs are eaten up and/or separated by the event horizon, their mates hurtle away from the event horizon (the point of separation from their mate particles). Nothing material is known to be able to escape the event horizon. However, some people believe that astral projection is a way to see past the vortex and into a whole new universe!

Well, lots of people here love to talk about the Djed pillar ritual of ancient Egypt. But did they know that the significance of the structure actually lies in Osiris and Black Hole legends?

We are only beginning to reclaim the bare bones of this ancient knowledge!

Sagittarius A-Star - The Milky Way's Galactic Center

(Image NASA et al.) Our Solar System revolves around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (the Galactic Center). A large Black Hole lies at this center. An unusual concentration of stellar matter surrounds this Black Hole. This was discovered in February 1974 by Bruce Balick and Robert Brown, and named Sagittarius A* (pronounced "Sagittarius A star").

Sagittarius A* was determined to be the center of the Milky Way, about 26,000 light years from our Solar System. We know the center is a Black Hole from observations of nearby suns in very fast orbits around it, showing high gravitational attraction. In 1999, knowing that Sagittarius A* was the center of the Milky Way Galaxy allowed astronomer Mark Reid and associates at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to calculate that our Solar System takes approximately 226 million years to revolve around the Galactic Center.

On 1 April 2004, astronomers announced they had accurately measured the size of Sagittarius A* with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radiotelescope, with stations spread across the Earth. Sagittarius A* appears to be the diameter of the Earth's orbit around the Sun (93 million miles). The central Black Hole is about 14 million miles in diameter, but astronomers have not yet been able to measure it accurately. They expect to find its size by monitoring shorter and shorter radio wavelengths, until they see light from Sagittarius A* fall off at a wavelength that corresponsds to the size of the Black Hole at its center. For more on the Galactic Center, see Galactic Center Research at the Max-Planck Institute.

Abydos & The Raising Of The Djed

The most intriguing of these is the myth of Osiris and Isis. The story of the murder, dismemberment and subsequent resurrection of Osiris (long enough for sister/wife Isis, in the form of a Kite, to conceive a child – the Falcon headed God Horus) is fascinating even if improbable! Do read about how she replaces his…um, family jewels in order to…um, facilitate the process.

Just as fascinating is the story of the Djed pillar, intrinsic to the same story! When the coffin containing Osiris runs aground in Byblos (Syria), there sprouts a sacred tree that is cut and used as a pillar by the local king.
That tree is considered the backbone of Osiris and a symbol of stability. The ceremony of raising the Djed - represented by a wood pillar – became a symbol of Osiris’s triumph over Set. Inscriptions abound, of the pharaoh raising the Djed Pillar with the help of priests and Gods! The resurrected Osiris earns himself the title of Lord of the Dead, and the afterlife. That is also the reason he is sometimes shown painted dark green!

Max Planck Galactic Center Research (LOL!):

The central region of our Milky Way is an extremely interesting and fascinating field of research. Within few light years we find here ten thousands of stars forming a dense cluster, and the geometric centre of our Galaxy harbours a supermassive black hole with around 3.6 million solar masses. Due to its relative proximity of around 8 kiloparsecs, the Galactic Centre is a perfect laboratory to examine the physical processes in a galactic nucleus.

Our primary goals are to uncover

~the physical properties of the central supermassive black hole
~when and where the stars were born
~the nature of these stars
~the dynamics in this region

Time resolved astrometry over a time span of now 17 years allows a description of the proper motions of the Galactic Centre stars. The observations clearly show, that some stars in the immediate vicinity of Sgr A* - i.e. in distances up to around 30 light days - move on Keplerian orbits around the central mass. From the shape of these orbits, the mass of Sgr A* and its distance from the Earth can be calculated.

This is all very weird and fascinating stuff.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 01:44 PM
P.S. I am not affiliated with this author, but has anyone here read:

The Djed: The 2012 Trilogy II [ THE DJED: THE 2012 TRILOGY II ] BY Galarneau, Peter, Jr. ( Author ) Hardcover on Dec-21-2009

"Now on a mission to find out what the professor was looking for in Sedona, the survivors from Port Aransas continue their journey, unknowing and in constant conflict with their own denials about the end of the world. Who can they really trust? What waits for them in Mexico? What do the X-Games and a pharmaceutical company have to do with Armageddon?"[Hardcover]

Meet the Author
Peter Galarneau, Jr., is the author of several published short stories, including "The Edge of Hell," "The Worms Within Us" and "Muldoon’s Nursery." He is a professor of public relations with concentrations in writing and media studies at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, West Virginia. He has also authored and reviewed numerous academic publications.

After years of research surrounding the Mayan End Date of December 21, 2012, Galarneau, Jr. coupled his love and experience of horror fiction with this ancient mystery to create The 2012 Trilogy of which "The Cubit" is the first book. The second book in the trilogy, "The Djed," was published in hardcover on December 21, 2009.

The third book on the series has been divided into thirds. "0-Time: PUSH*" was released on December 21, 2010. "0-Time: Predicate" is scheduled for release in December 2011.

He lives with his wife and two cats within the comfort of the West Virginia hills.

It's weird that this guy would just... wake up and write a whole bunch of stuff like that... Djed, 2012, wtf @@

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

I don't think you mentioned this in your thread only the title?
"Djed Pillar Alignment Points at Galaxy Center, page 1"

I don't see any links to sources?

Can you expand on this Djed Pillar Alignment?

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

52,000 lightyears X 3.14 = circumfrence in light years x miles in a light year is distance traveled around galaxy in miles

5,878,499,810,000 miles X 52,000 X 3.14 / 226,000,000 years (d/t)

= 9.5984145 e+17 miles/ 226,000,000 years

= 4247086057.42 Miles/Year

= 4247086057.42/8760 = miles per hour

= 484,827 Miles/hour

Is this for real? The Solar system is moving at almost 500,000 miles per hour? Geez..
edit on 10/24/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Oops, the image I put in must be kind of grainy.
The picture at top in blue shows what happens when Saturn aligns with the top axis of the Djed/Giza Pyramid and when the bottom of this axis aligns with Sagittarius A (between scorpio and sagittarius).

Sorry about that, I got carried away!

Here is a blog example (not mine) talking about what you asked.

Fulcanelli’s Final Revelation: Raising the Djed at the End of Time
By Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner

Part One

Since A Monument to the End of Time first came out in the summer of 1999, we have been asked repeatedly if the world was going to end on the autumn equinox of 2002, the date described on the Cross at Hendaye. The answer is both yes and no, but probably not so as you’d notice as you lived through it.


As our research on Monument continued, we came back to Giza to look at the ancient Egyptian science of becoming a light body or sentient star in the bardo or transition fields between Giza and the star birth area at the heart of Orion.

We noted the alignments to Orion and the summer solstice sunrise, but failed to heed our own strictures and look at Giza and its monuments in terms of the equinox 2002 Great Galactic Cross alignment. By focusing on Orion and the star birth aspects of the ancient Egyptian light body practices, we missed the clues we had already collected in terms of timing.

We noted that: “Giza’s monuments function as a cosmic clock, ticking off the ages through cyclical stellar alignments while establishing galactic scale resonance with the regions of star birth far off in Orion.” We did not understand, when the above was written, that the alarm on this cosmic clock was set to ring at dawn on the fall equinox of 2002.

"We noted the alignments to Orion and the summer solstice sunrise, but failed to heed our own strictures and look at Giza and its monuments in terms of the equinox 2002 Great Galactic Cross alignment. "

Isn't that kickass cool? LOL

"The stone that was rejected shall become the chief cornerstone"
Is this talking about Giza or Jesus or both?
The book "A Miracle in Stone" says that the erecting of that pyramid was supernaturally inspired.
Knuum Khufu halted traditional worship of the gods to build this monument to what he believed was the true god, the force that renews the universe.

However this might not be God. It might just be one of his tools.
edit on 24-10-2012 by KhufuKeplerTriangle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Dustytoad
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

52,000 lightyears X 3.14 = circumfrence in light years x miles in a light year is distance traveled around galaxy in miles

5,878,499,810,000 miles X 52,000 X 3.14 / 226,000,000 years (d/t)

= 9.5984145 e+17 miles/ 226,000,000 years

= 4247086057.42 Miles/Year

= 4247086057.42/8760 = miles per hour

= 484,827 Miles/hour

Is this for real? The Solar system is moving at almost 500,000 miles per hour? Geez..
edit on 10/24/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

It turns out that our solar system is moving nearly 100,000 m.p.h. faster than previously thought — revolving around the center of the Milky Way at 568,000 m.p.h.


I guess the op was using old numbers.. My calculations were just about 100,000 miles/hour off the new numbers which would make sense because they were off by that much too with the older views..
I knew we were traveling ridiculously fast, but just not that fast, haha..

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

I'm still not following -- could you explain how the Djed Pillar is supposed to align with the Galactic Center (and Saturn?) a little more carefully?

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Dustytoad
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

52,000 lightyears X 3.14 = circumfrence in light years x miles in a light year is distance traveled around galaxy in miles

5,878,499,810,000 miles X 52,000 X 3.14 / 226,000,000 years (d/t)

= 9.5984145 e+17 miles/ 226,000,000 years

= 4247086057.42 Miles/Year

= 4247086057.42/8760 = miles per hour

= 484,827 Miles/hour

Is this for real? The Solar system is moving at almost 500,000 miles per hour? Geez..
edit on 10/24/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

earth is moving much much faster than that...I 'calculated" roughly 1,254,102 mph or roughly .002% the speed of light. If you include the actual movement of the galaxy in relation to the hydra constellation which I think is roughly 300km/s or ~700,000mph.

the true speed that you sitting at your desk typing is absolutely astonishing...
edit on 24-10-2012 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:21 PM
The Ancient Egyptian Northern Stargate lays upon the Milky Way between Gemini and Taurus
And so Orion and Sirius which lay between the two
Stargate’s were not considered like some Buck Rogers technology - they were associate with the soul
But such things are Hermetically sealed until the penny drops so to speak.
So as the Sun rises against the background stars of Aquarius it is opposite the stars of Leo
By Midday It will have risen to be against Taurus and opposite Scorpio

Aquarius Leo Taurus and Scorpio are the 4 fixed constellations -
They are the stars of Zep Tepi known as The First Time
A marker in the precession of the stars or cycle

But all this is just scratching the surface of Ancient Knowledge regarding the soul
So too Isis and Horus Osiris and Set - were they real - Yes - they still are - they are natural laws and apply to all
Discerned they will tell you of the Cosmos and Humanity's place there in - something NASA never will.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle
reply to post by Char-Lee

Oops, the image I put in must be kind of grainy.
The picture at top in blue shows what happens when Saturn aligns with the top axis of the Djed/Giza Pyramid and when the bottom of this axis aligns with Sagittarius A (between scorpio and sagittarius).

Sorry about that, I got carried away!

Here is a blog example (not mine) talking about what you asked.

Fulcanelli’s Final Revelation: Raising the Djed at the End of Time
By Vincent Bridges and Jay Weidner

Part One

Since A Monument to the End of Time first came out in the summer of 1999, we have been asked repeatedly if the world was going to end on the autumn equinox of 2002, the date described on the Cross at Hendaye. The answer is both yes and no, but probably not so as you’d notice as you lived through it.


As our research on Monument continued, we came back to Giza to look at the ancient Egyptian science of becoming a light body or sentient star in the bardo or transition fields between Giza and the star birth area at the heart of Orion.

We noted the alignments to Orion and the summer solstice sunrise, but failed to heed our own strictures and look at Giza and its monuments in terms of the equinox 2002 Great Galactic Cross alignment. By focusing on Orion and the star birth aspects of the ancient Egyptian light body practices, we missed the clues we had already collected in terms of timing.

We noted that: “Giza’s monuments function as a cosmic clock, ticking off the ages through cyclical stellar alignments while establishing galactic scale resonance with the regions of star birth far off in Orion.” We did not understand, when the above was written, that the alarm on this cosmic clock was set to ring at dawn on the fall equinox of 2002.

"We noted the alignments to Orion and the summer solstice sunrise, but failed to heed our own strictures and look at Giza and its monuments in terms of the equinox 2002 Great Galactic Cross alignment. "

Isn't that kickass cool? LOL

"The stone that was rejected shall become the chief cornerstone"
Is this talking about Giza or Jesus or both?
The book "A Miracle in Stone" says that the erecting of that pyramid was supernaturally inspired.
Knuum Khufu halted traditional worship of the gods to build this monument to what he believed was the true god, the force that renews the universe.

However this might not be God. It might just be one of his tools.
edit on 24-10-2012 by KhufuKeplerTriangle because: (no reason given)

NO the picture is not fuzzy I simply did not understand it.

Guess I still don't get it. You actually explain things a lot like my husband does and I always just give a blank look and say... Huh?

Some of this seems to relate to what read in the Emerald Tablets.

When you give the Jesus example in Egypt what stone was rejected that could correlate to that?

What does this mean?

"asked repeatedly if the world was going to end on the autumn equinox of 2002, the date described on the Cross at Hendaye. The answer is both yes and no, but probably not so as you’d notice as you lived through it."

Did you give any sources I might check out?

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
The Ancient Egyptian Northern Stargate lays upon the Milky Way between Gemini and Taurus
And so Orion and Sirius which lay between the two
Stargate’s were not considered like some Buck Rogers technology - they were associate with the soul
But such things are Hermetically sealed until the penny drops so to speak.
So as the Sun rises against the background stars of Aquarius it is opposite the stars of Leo
By Midday It will have risen to be against Taurus and opposite Scorpio

Aquarius Leo Taurus and Scorpio are the 4 fixed constellations -
They are the stars of Zep Tepi known as The First Time
A marker in the precession of the stars or cycle

But all this is just scratching the surface of Ancient Knowledge regarding the soul
So too Isis and Horus Osiris and Set - were they real - Yes - they still are - they are natural laws and apply to all
Discerned they will tell you of the Cosmos and Humanity's place there in - something NASA never will.

So what is the meaning of the pillar other then what the encyclopaedia definition?
The round part represents the sun? What was the 2002 alignment what does it represent?
edit on 24-10-2012 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Djed Pillar means what you understand it to mean
No definition really says all
Other cultures speak of the same thing
It could be the sacred tree of life
Or say the poet Dante 1300 speaks of it as the turning of the mill of the heavens
And speaks of a time to come though his is a Christain perspective - a Heresy
Best read as much as grabs your interest
The 2002 alignment? Not sure what you speak of - though The Duat Stars are aligning since around 2000
The Duat stars as refered to by Ancient Egyptians
They align with sacred monuments and mountains around the Earth in a 200 year or so window of a precessional cycle of 2500 years or more
A sort of star mirror
As above so below and all that

edit on 24-10-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

edit on 24-10-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 04:50 PM
Thanks to all, esp last poster for the info.

I am not an expert on this -- just wanted to point out,
Giza is positioned in such a way that it indicates time and position in space,
on a clocklike timer or galactic circuit, you could say.

The stone that was rejected, that is a term from the Bible.
Ancient Egypt was a nice place for a long time. It was a place even the Jews had to flee to,
in order to avoid famine.
Because the people of Egypt were obedient and respectful, it was rare that they suffered.
Only when Moses came do we have a record of "God striking Egypt" or rather, misfortune striking them.

I believe this is karmic. Egyptians practiced discipline that was thought to extend into the afterlife. They were concerned with the worthiness of the soul to endure. They believed in an afterlife, but eventually got bogged down with king and sun worship and materialism, which is why the Jews were able to "spoil" them after the great plagues and took a great deal of their gold (then ended up losing much of it under the shadow of Sinai).

Back to the Djed: I won't discuss everything because some of it is very sexual in nature.
However, I found a book today many of you have read, it's by the guy who did one of the "grail sacred bloodline" books, showing a Mason's compass and ruler and a chalice bearing the signet of the unicorn.
This man mentioned Giza specifically, and I wanna share a picture from his book "The Hiram Key:

I don't wanna come across "pushing a mason agenda", as I have no idea what really goes on in our time.
However, this book has a lot of answers for people wondering about origins.

In the above, you can see a reference to Ishtar/Isis; Giza pyramid and its astrological alignment.

THis pic is the text ABOVE the pic above in the book Hiram Key (and I cannot vouch for this writer, however he seems to write like a historian and fairly unbiased -- my only problem is that the Bible forbids the worship of "created things":

The two pillars/towers/holy mountains/trees:

I've underlined the names of the two pillars here so you can see the point of this:

Order and respect in Egyptian civilization, no tribal fighting, totally organized, not necessarily bad thing!

It's ironic how the "chosen people" of today have no country of their own (Israel is proxy of Britain created by Britain in same breath as Palestine, created to be a problem to each other), no respect, and no king.
The people of the past, as Solomon said himself, saw and knew many things. We don't know why their world came to an end. But looking at ours, at the fruits of technology unguided, we can guess how civilizations of the past met their ends.

Also we should not underestimate the power of a warlike, primitive people, against a culture like Egypt.
I am not sure that they were as well-defended as the Greeks, for example, with Archimedes' weapons.
They spent far more time on things they thought were important: knowing the gods.

I believe personally that there is a link between Knuum Khufu and Christ, but I don't know what.
The book "A Miracle in Stone" makes many references to the creator and Christ, especially the legend that a shepherd who was very famous and holy made his home in the region of Giza while it was built.
The locals considered themselves very blessed.

In a way this shepherd also symbolized Abel, who was slain but not forgotten.

I know this is a lot of material and I defer to the opinion of the poster above who said "whatever it means to you is what it means".

All we can do is try to find the answers.

I can try to get more google links or at least some terms to try:

GOOGLETERMS for this thread:

Giza Galactic Alignment
Djed Raising Ritual
Saturn Giza Sagittarius
Galactic Alignment Khufu Knowledge
Khufu divine knowledge of Solar System
Pharaoh divine knowledge
Giza sarcophagus supernatural experience
Giza sarcophagus telepathy
Djed 1WTC (LOL)
Return of the Jedi (Djed)
Max Planck Galactic Center Research
Egyptians Knew about the Black Hole in Milky Way
Giza points to Milky Way black hole
Osiris the black god, black hole
Horus the White Hole
Isis the Morning Star

You recall the verse from Bible about "five and twenty men with their backs to the holy of holies, worshipping the eastern star?


We should learn from the universe but never give up our divinity to it.
The order within is the beginning of natural order!

P.S. I cannot leave this out since ATS is a conspiracy site: WTC two towers, destroyed and combined into 1WTC tower... = DJED

Joachin + Boaz = Djed Pillar

Hence the term "upon what have you built this temple"?
I don't think USA has good karma right now.

edit on 24-10-2012 by KhufuKeplerTriangle because: (no reason given)

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