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Americans stop hating your immigrants

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posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 08:43 PM
I am sickened my your lack of oride and love for America and the people here legally . Working hard everyday to feed,cloth,provide homes, school, police men , fire men, the streets light at night and every danm thing else they get for free from the taxpayers after breaking the law entering this country illegally. They drive up cost of housing, schooling, and healthcare. They steal jobs and food from the mouths of hungry AMERICANS. I am sickened by a person that would be sickened by there fellow Americans wanting people to enter the rite way and in a legal way. For god sakes man grow a set.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Blah Blah Blah. Shut up with that all ready. They were not and are still not Americans. There were many native nations here. That happened and it will never be reversed. This is and will forever be Anerica. We are talking about people coming into the country illegally today. No one asked who the first people to piss in the rivers were.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by mythots
reply to post by SLAYER69

Blah Blah Blah. Shut up with that all ready. They were not and are still not Americans. There were many native nations here. That happened and it will never be reversed. This is and will forever be Anerica. We are talking about people coming into the country illegally today. No one asked who the first people to piss in the rivers were.

I like and respect Slayer A LOT here on ATS, but I do agree with you to a certain degree... It does bother me when people use that argument from 300 years ago to make a point... We (Europeans) came here, we conquered and its now our land... If someone wants to come here and take it from the US, they are more than welcome to try.... People coming here illegally draining up all the resources today are extremely annoying, and Im not sure why people tolerate it... The only reason why Obama tolerates it is for the minority vote, which is total BS if you ask me...
edit on 23-9-2012 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by randyvs

We love our legal immigrants, hate the illegal ones. And when we say hate, we hate the fact that they came here illegally, hate their undocumented, off the books, free-rein status. We don't necessarily hate them personally as they might just be nice folk. We hate the burden they place on the rest of us. We hate that they are clogging up the system for the people that are trying to get here legally. We hate that they are probably using stolen identification once they get here; identity theft is another big part of this. We hate all those unAmerican Americans who insist on showing comrade-love to illegal immigrants; they are a bigger part of the problem as we end up with a bunch of sanctuaries where these illegals can hide LEGALLY.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 09:26 PM
8 pages of some very well thought out and intelligent replies. It boggles my mind on how some people still don't see and understand how illegal immigration is a huge problem on so many levels. Too many people assume that if you are against illegal immigration, you are a hater or racist or whatever. Everyone should know by now that illegal is not a race.

I think for many people, if they themselves are not personally affected, then they don't care about the negative impact of illegal immigration.

I would never ever go to another country to live without respecting their laws and language. I would never be so bold, arrogant and disrespectful as to expect or demand that the country change to suit my needs.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 09:36 PM

I would never ever go to another country to live without respecting their laws and language. I would never be so bold, arrogant and disrespectful as to expect or demand that the country change to suit my needs.


being from new mexico and having friends of many backgrounds, here even the chicanos dislike the illegals.

*chicano is not a derogatory term. generally speaking they are hispanic, yet have been here for generations going back to the spanish land grants and further.*

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 09:57 PM
There are laws on the books concerning immigration, and illegal entry. Hold those that fail to enforce the laws accountable. Vote them out, and hold the ones you vote in, accountable for their promises. They all promise they will fix the problem, but none ever do, so get rid of them. Furthermore, for those that feel strongly about this issue, if there are no candidates that agree with you, run for office.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 10:55 PM
It is a liberal trick when you take the illegal from in front of immigrant to present it differently. Same thing goes with calling them "undocumented workers". The abortion mills figured out that if you call it Pro-choice it didn't sound as evil as using the term pro-abortion. Even Hillary thinks that if she calls herself a Progressive it sounds better than "liberal". She likely knows that many Americans don't know the real socialist roots of the term Progressive.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
reply to post by randyvs

Theres nothing wrong with an immigrant who assimilates properly and blends into the culture. A+ for them.

The problem is immigrants who fail, or more often, dont even try to assimilate, and simply come here and create little, or big, non-american outposts that are essentially tiny third world pockets allowed to erupt within US borders. They refuse to speak english, refuse to leave behind their third world behaviors, and, again, willingly fail to assimilate.

(not a serious post, just thought this when I read your first lines lol)

Kind of how Europeans assimilated properly to the Native American way of life, how they all learned the languages of the Native Americans, how they learned not to kill all the Bison and how they learned to take care of the land instead of pollute it.

edit on 23-9-2012 by Majestic Lumen because: just to add a bit more text

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Night Star

8 pages of some very well thought out and intelligent replies.

With very few fiasco's or blemishes. Good job ATS !

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
It is a liberal trick when you take the illegal from in front of immigrant to present it differently. Same thing goes with calling them "undocumented workers". The abortion mills figured out that if you call it Pro-choice it didn't sound as evil as using the term pro-abortion. Even Hillary thinks that if she calls herself a Progressive it sounds better than "liberal". She likely knows that many Americans don't know the real socialist roots of the term Progressive.

It is an insult to a legal immigrant to lump the illegals in with them. I don't go for the being politically correct thing. Calling an illegal immigrant 'undocumented', doesn't change the fact that they are illegal. They are not magically going to gain respect or anything just because we call them something else. We don't call a bank robber 'financially challenged'. He is a bank robber.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by Night Star

heh heh heh financially challenged! That's a good one!

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

are there even pure blooded native americans in north america in this day & age?

I just had to chime in

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by thatonedude

I can.
If you could always run away from problems you would never stand and face them.
Instead of fleeing to the boarder why not stay and try and improve your own country?

Yeah you know what? If you used that same logic there never would of been a united states. The reason the English left for America in the 1600's was to leave an oppressive monarchy. Do you remember or did you forget about that one??
edit on 24-9-2012 by xmartinez because: Wanted to put quote in

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by randyvs

The difference between prior immigrants and the Mexican immigrant problem now is this:

1) past immigrants after making money invested it back into the economy where many Mexicans send it back to Mexico.

2) past immigrants assimilated and learned English.

3) we didn't change everything that was in English to English and Polish or Italian or whatever else like we are with Spanish.

I don't blame them for coming and if they are willing to do the above 3 things then come aboard! I married a German woman while I was over seas and the amount of money and time I had to spend to bring her here legally was ridiculous even with me being an American citizen. So, they should have to do things legally as well.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by thatonedude

weren't the people who came to the americas running away from allthe crap in their country???

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by cosmicexplorer
reply to post by randyvs

The difference between prior immigrants and the Mexican immigrant problem now is this:

1) past immigrants after making money invested it back into the economy where many Mexicans send it back to Mexico.

2) past immigrants assimilated and learned English.

3) we didn't change everything that was in English to English and Polish or Italian or whatever else like we are with Spanish.

I don't blame them for coming and if they are willing to do the above 3 things then come aboard! I married a German woman while I was over seas and the amount of money and time I had to spend to bring her here legally was ridiculous even with me being an American citizen. So, they should have to do things legally as well.

Not just Mexicans, but other illegals also send money back to their own country. I have known many illegals over the years and they all did that. They also had no intentions of becoming legal and staying here. They save money and return back to their own country to live a great life as our money is worth so much more in their country.

You are so right about past immigrants assimilating and learning english. That is just one of many things that we resent about the illegals. Even those that know english usually refuse to speak it unless neccesary. It has literally changed America where in many areas we are now required to speak spanish in order to get a job. No American should be forced to learn a foreign language to get a job in their own country unless you are dealing with international customers.

Never before did we have to press 1 to hear our own language. Never before were we required to speak a foreign language in order to get a job. Not until we were overwhelmed with the illegal invasion. I would never expect another country to cater to me and speak 'my' language.

You are absolutely right in that they should go through the proper channels like your wife had to. You can't just pick and choose which laws you want to follow and get away with it. These people shouldn't be shoving their way to the head of the line.
edit on 24-9-2012 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Night Star

If people from mexico had the money to invest in the long term immigration process to come to the usa they are better off staying in mexico if they can generate that kind of money. People who actually need to come to the usa cannot because they cannot afford it so they come here illegally. Once here I do believe they should become citizens.

If people complain about jobs.. well if you are afraid that illegals who do not speak english will take your job then you are not taking advantage of the what the USA has to offer you. You are not doing the best you can in this country.

If you complain about the language and catering to spanish. Well you can just blame business for that. Business decided to cater to non english speakers instead of telling them they will not do business with them until they learn english. Government has done the same. Who is at fault here?? immigrants or those who enabled them to continue using their language??? Both have catered to them for their benefit.

if illegals are breaking the law to come here well you can just blame those who are in charge of enforcing those immigration laws and those who give those illegals an incentive to come here. if at the beginning when illegals came here they were punished and sent back.. i highly doubt the trend would have continued much less if there was no incentive to come here. If illegals came here and no one would hire them then they would stop coming here . The problem is that the people here in the USA either need them or they like to exploit them for their benefit.

I mean lets be honest illegals are cheap labor that allow you to make a nice profit off of them since you do not need to worry about benefits, saftey or anything like that. I know plenty of people who started their business on their labor. they are wealthy now and were able to achieve the american dream on teh backs of illegals.

If immigration laws and the process were enforced there would really not be much immigration to the USA. The ancestors for many of you didn't have to go through that crap. All they had to do is get on a boat and have nice serving of hate from everyone who was already here. And those people used to stick to their culture and language... have you not heard how neighborhoods used to be split up??

people need to stop hating on immigrants because each and everyone of you is a descendant from an immigrant. At one point some people had to put up with your ancestors crap when they immigrated here. time to pass it along

edit on 24-9-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:44 AM
Sorry OP you left out a very important word, Illegal...This changes the whole thread. Not many hate legal immigrants, nice try though to start something out of nothing. Legal immigration is what makes this country what it is. You see people used to come here to be an American. But for some reason now its illegal folks that want to leave their craphole countries for ours and take advantage of our kindness and resources, and not be an American at all, they want to live exactly how they did in the old country, same rules, ways of doing things and when done on large scales it is in fact ruining this lovely country, sure they are not the sole reason for the US sliding backwards, we have TPTB screwing things up as well. But sorry you are not going to come to my house and change everything to the very ways that you screwed up your house and expect me to foot the bill and like what you have done...Thats not how it works. So if you want to call that hate, its a free country or at least mine is, so go for it, but it doesnt make it true. I, like most Americans like our country and will not bow to the political correctness or white guilt of speaking out when I see a wrong, regardless of who is doing said wrong. Stop trying to justify criminals by stating they just want a better life. If your first act of bettering your family is breaking a federal law, we dont need you here. If you want to legally come here to make a better life, I will give you a hand if you need it.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by cosmicexplorer

I don't blame them for coming and if they are willing to do the above 3 things then come aboard! I married a German woman while I was over seas and the amount of money and time I had to spend to bring her here legally was ridiculous even with me being an American citizen. So, they should have to do things legally as well.

I know and I never said I don't agree with all that. I can't understand how some posts read as if I did. Damn right ! And I hate the fact their getting away with it. Nightstar has stated that she would never do what illegals do to get here. Never trespass on foreign soil and disrespect the people and their laws. But is that what illegals are doing ?
I'm pretty sure our govt. has dangled more than one carrot of temptation besides flat out inviting them ! " To do the work Americans don't want to do"?


weren't the people who came to the americas running away from allthe crap in their country???

Yeah ! Now there's no where left to run.
edit on 24-9-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

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