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America's New State Religion

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posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 05:10 PM
Come ye unto the new church and be baptised!

Having done away with the Old Father God, America has liberated its people from the annoying and burdensome worship of the ancient and venerable Father, and has established a whole new church! Rejoice in the great news, brothers and sisters, ye are free!

Our new chapels are ready, we have built them as high as the sun. We call them malls, and outlets, and cinemas. Here is where we worship the American gods, jeezus and moola. Our new priests are veritable stockhouses of wisdom in all things modern and grand, their knowledge of fashion is equalled by none.

Our children learn the praises of the new church along with their earliest school years - "how much you can get" is the hymn of the hour!

Our brave revolutionary parents struck a blow against our grandparent's dusty old religion. Our politicians are now all free of its influence. They have been liberated from the concerns of the old folks, and their silly old churches. God is now the apparant perception of the people, and whatever their opinions dictate.

What a liberated people we have become! Our new state religion is established by the wisest of our people. See how jeezus smiles upon business! Surely the best servants of jeezus are those who obey their national traditions and laws. jeezus is a friend of lawyers and businessmen, in our new church. In fact, businessmen and lawyers are all the jeezus loves, cause that's the only kind of folks we let join the preisthood of this great and wonderful church.

You see, we used to be a Christian race, now we are a Business culture, and everything we do, think, or say, is a praise of the god of business, cause we all know from children that the way and the light shines upon us from Wall street, and everything good that we have comes from capitalism.

Praise the corporate god and the new religion of America! Long live lord moola and his son jeezus! Bring your children into our new churches, and let them sing hymn to this new church we have built, how great and powerful it has become.



posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Worst... religion... ever.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:18 PM
Maybe you should go to Third World countries and worship the gods of poverty, where there is no Capitalism---only misery, pain, and hunger, where the malls and the grocery stores for the poor are the landfills.

Capitalism is the best thing that happened to this world---God's blessing to the little guy. Kill capitalism and you kill all hope that the average person will have a decent life.

The rich will always be rich---Capitalism is the great equalizer that gives the poor and middle classes a chance at prosperity and freedom.

Go to any country that lacks Capitalism and you will find only poverty.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 03:58 AM
Astonishing, but I am not adverse to capitalism. I have no hatered of money. I simply have no love of material things.

My motives are more complicated and require more thought and awareness to understand.

The illusion of material prosperity is not the best path for men. It has become quite harmful to his true being. The power behind these modern systems have become extremely evil, and have plotted quite wickedly against the Liberty and Freedom of mankind at large.

Not satisfied with wealth, these evil beings have attempted to become the rulers of all mankind, overstepping national governments, cultures, and traditions, and displacing them with a psychotic form of material lust.

Seeing what occured to the Americans when their market culture matured, they realized they could govern the entire world by the same method. When a people becomes saturated with the lust of a material existence, their minds become so thin and pliable that they lose interest in every form of power, and become in fact, well pampered slaves.

Thoughts no longer dominate their lives, but material things, and whoever controls these material things in fact control them. That is the NEW system of government you are IN RIGHT NOW. The great lie is the period of time in which mankind does not realize this, but has held to the psychotic illusion that he is still living and achieving a great lifestyle. He thinks himself free, that he has Liberty, but in truth he is entirely without Citizenship, Liberty, or Independance. He is dependant upon a system of processess and distribution for EVERYTHING he uses in life. He procured NONE of these things himself. He lives entirely WITHIN a construction of other men, several layers of it in fact. Freedom in such a system is a impossible illusion, and continuing this illusiion to the children is an act of cruel malice, and wicked deception.

America has reached the fullness of her times. Her federal government has swallowed up the last season of the republic, and the people have collapsed into a form of psychic homogeny. The final blow was the 9/11 madness, which the federal government used to solidify its stranglehold on our liberty once and for all. If you doubt me, you will soon see for yourself. It has been long in the making, welcome to the future.

That, my brother, is the enemy.


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:10 AM
So all those millions of people who live in squalor in Third World Countries with little or no modern conveniences have reached the state of Nirvana?

If living worse than a wild animal is high enlightenment you can have it.

BTW stop torturing yourself with all these modern conveniences---computer, clean water, sanitation, food, shelter and go live amongst your brethren who are free of all things Satan, yet live in hell.

If those poor souls had the choice of materialistic tyranny (all that�s good in life) or living in hopeless miserable squalor you know what it would be.

[Edited on 19-10-2004 by sleeper]

[Edited on 19-10-2004 by sleeper]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:47 AM
I don't believe you are accurately describing the rest of the world to me.

You are a TV mind, raised on images that you see on TV. You think that all ways of life that are not like yours are somehow inferior. Why do you think that quality of life is directly linked to material things?

Joy in this life never came from material possessions. It comes from love, and loving others. Even a fool knows this. You can be poor and without possessions, but if your little boy throws his arms around you, and laughs when you play with him, then you are happier than the richest man in the world.

My point is that mankind is losing the ability to be happy - because he is convinced that material possessions and greed of money is somehow more important than everything else. This is nonesense, and it has been known to be the business of fools ever since civilization has been around. Just read the Rig Veda, which was written something like 2500 years ago. Being rich and affluent is nothing new. We are not the first race to achieve this level of luxury.

You can't possibly think I am venerating poverty for the sake of poverty, or want, or disease. I am knocking the displacement of our healthy human natures by an artificial and destructive culture of psychotic, endless desire.

I am fingering a very specific group of human beings for intentionally doing this, and for attempting to rule by its effects on the race of mankind at large.
You are still defending your masters, blindly, without reasoning. Are you certain that the lifestyle you think you live is superior to all others? Can you explain why to me? What do you have, exactly, that makes their system worthy of going to war and dying?

Sleeper, we can have all these technologies and good things WITHOUT the system that has sprang up around it. It is the SYSTEM of influence and power that has risen up that I am against. The men and women involved in it have overstepped their bounds, and have gone after the sacred positions of authority that we in America had reserved for ourselves.

We don't need megacorporations to deliver clean water, computers, power, light, or food. We never did. You have been tricked into thinking that you require them, and you are locked into a slavery of dependance! When you see this, you might consider my words differently.

So along with our necessities, we are getting a whole new kind of rulership based upon our dependence. We didn't elect it or ask for it, it was imposed upon us by the naked will of these filthy people. They know what they are doing, and have a cynical plan they are following. If you could only understand how they felt about "consumers" you would understand why I loathe them.

They are not stewards of Liberty, or guardians of our lifestyle. They are evil, maniacal, egotistic, and tyranical forces who enjoy pushing the buttons of the world for the sake of their own selfish will. Wake up, dammit.


[Edited on 19-10-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 12:28 PM

I am not the spoil rich kid you may think I am.

I came from another country that had plenty of poverty---my parents moved to America and were fortunate that they were able to stay.

Still I grew up in poverty while in America, but I was able to escape it only because I lived in America. I am not rich but that is my choice.

What you speak of is Socialism---unfortunately Socialism and Capitalism are like oil and water and will not mix---to many countries have tried it and it only delivers frustration and inequality, and little freedom and prosperity.

I know I have visited my family in Europe who live under that system.

American Capitalism is the only true freedom---that consistently provides the best life style possible for the most people.

Everything else is Socialistic propaganda.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Capitalism is the best thing that happened to this world---God's blessing to the little guy. Kill capitalism and you kill all hope that the average person will have a decent life.

The rich will always be rich---Capitalism is the great equalizer that gives the poor and middle classes a chance at prosperity and freedom.

Wrong. Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system. Whomever has the most toys is superior. Whomever has the most money owns the system. Consequently, the "little guys" don't have money, so they're at the bottom of the food chain.

Communism - TRUE Communism - would be the best way to go, if we could pull our heads out of our asses long enough to do it correctly.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Communism and Socialism are to blame for all the ills of this world---there is no correct way concerning those two evil systems.

Kill Capitalism and you kill the golden goose, period.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Yes, I agree, Capitalism is fine.

But that's not what I was talking about.

It's the system of power that has sprung up in America around these gigantic corporations. It is really evil.

For goodness sake, get that through your head. I am not against capitalism, private ownership, money, or anything like that. I am arguing about a theft of political power from where it belongs, and a displacement of the spiritual awareness of mankind into this black pit of corporate superpower.

Get it?


posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
Communism and Socialism are to blame for all the ills of this world---there is no correct way concerning those two evil systems.

Kill Capitalism and you kill the golden goose, period.

On-topic or not: tell me what you know about Communism. I just want to see why you believe it is evil, because I believe you are WRONG.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 05:44 PM

Why is communism wrong? I don't know how old you are but the former USSR and Red China are prime examples on why Communism SUCKS.

The USSR had to build walls with barbed wire and Machine gun towers to KEEP People in. If that is what you want then you need help.

Under Communism everyone is equal---equally poor, equally without freedom of any kind, and equally in misery.

What the hell is good about Communism?

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Why is communism wrong? I don't know how old you are but the former USSR and Red China are prime examples on why Communism SUCKS.

The USSR had to build walls with barbed wire and Machine gun towers to KEEP People in. If that is what you want then you need help.

Under Communism everyone is equal---equally poor, equally without freedom of any kind, and equally in misery.

What the hell is good about Communism?

I'm curious to know whether or not you realize the former USSR was SOCIALIST, not Communist? There IS a difference.

I don't know much about China, so I can't say anything either way on that.

I, personally, could deal with poverty, and lack of freedom (which, as far as I'm concerned, we already have,) as long as we have equality. I beat that one into the ground a lot.

Oh, by the way, I'm 18 - but age has nothing to do with it. I'm not as politically ignorant as much 18-year olds.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 05:00 PM

if you don't mind living like a kindergartener where the teachers tell you when you can go to the bathroom, when you can go play at recess, and basically control everything you do, then I guess you will love Communism---but go to a country that already has it because most of Americans like are freedom, and will die to keep it---and we do have freedom---I don't know your circumstances maybe you are in jail (you said you are not free).

I was in the military and I was not free for those three years---I had to have permission to sleep, to go to the bathroom, and could not just up and leave whenever I wanted.

Now as a civilian I can go anywhere I wish, in the United States or the world, with few restrictions, that is freedom.

To appreciate freedom you need to go without if for awhile.

That's what is wrong with this country many people like you don't appreciate what you have, and some day you will lose it.

I don't know what school you attended but the USSR was Communist---either way there is little difference between Socialism and Communism, both hate Capitalism, and individual rights.

Hitler was a Socialist, a fact few Liberals want to hear.

True equality will only happen when people are cloned from the same individual---it will never be achieved under any of the political systems we presently have on this planet, despite what your Communist friends are telling you.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
there is little difference between Socialism and Communism, both hate Capitalism, and individual rights.

Via ::

Definition of Communism:
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

Definition of Socialism:
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

This is the biggest difference, as far as I'm concerned.

In Socialism, the government owns it all.
In Communism, everyone owns everything.

Little difference, eh?

[Edited on 24-10-2004 by LOBO]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by LOBO

Originally posted by sleeper
Capitalism is the best thing that happened to this world---God's blessing to the little guy. Kill capitalism and you kill all hope that the average person will have a decent life.

The rich will always be rich---Capitalism is the great equalizer that gives the poor and middle classes a chance at prosperity and freedom.

Wrong. Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system. Whomever has the most toys is superior. Whomever has the most money owns the system. Consequently, the "little guys" don't have money, so they're at the bottom of the food chain.

Communism - TRUE Communism - would be the best way to go, if we could pull our heads out of our asses long enough to do it correctly.

but the little guys have to oppertunity to change their financial status. communism will never work so theres no bringing it up. even this true communism will never work. you have to get rid of people for communism to work.

[Edited on 10-24-2004 by KrazyIvan]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by LOBO

This is the biggest difference, as far as I'm concerned.

In Socialism, the government owns it all.
In Communism, everyone owns everything.

Little difference, eh?

[Edited on 24-10-2004 by LOBO]

yeah alot of good it did in russia. some 5 year plans huh? communism will never work. which form of government lasted longer? communism or capitolism.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 07:48 PM

Ask any one living in Communism just what it is they own.

Cuba is the closes Communist country---you could ask some of the Cubans that risked their lives in shark infested waters to escape that wonderful land of Fidel Castro, where everyone shares equally in everything.

Communism only produces poverty and misery---in abundance---and that's what everyone equally shares (except for Fidel and his inner circle).

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan
yeah alot of good it did in russia. some 5 year plans huh? communism will never work. which form of government lasted longer? communism or capitolism.

Oh for Christ's sake. Nobody pays attention. Russia WAS NOT Communist. It was SOCIALIST.


Fine, let's drop it.

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