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Lets remote view spy on China and lets not do it for fun. Lets do it for our people.

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:24 AM
SO I was thinking. Who here on ATS from the western nations of the US, UK, and other allies that is a remote viewer would like to spy on China. Lets remote view Chinese military installations and pool our work for the benefit of our respective countries. We might be able to help our intelligence communities in assessing the Chinese intentions as far as developing military hardware.

IMO, it is not wrong if we can in the long run delay a war with them due to unforeseen human X factors that reveal their otherwise secret military projects. If they are relying on the surprise attack with unknown armaments, maybe we can set them back a couple years by making them have to redesign their projects. Maybe we can make them have to scramble after some of their projects reach the light of day and they in turn have to rethink their intelligence and security procedures. Let's make them think they have a mole in their most secret projects leaking their secrets to the world.

Doing it for fun is well and good but if you can, help our guys out. Diffuse the situation as best you can. Mediate between them and don't let the would be aggressors get an upper hand on us.

We should break it into parts.

1. bases- what technology might they be developing or housing there in. Or where might they have a base.

2. Air- what air craft capabilities might they be developing- sketches, designs, components, location.

3.Land- What chemical enhancements might they be administering to troops, tactics, purpose of units, hardware and relevant tech involved in design, materials, new concepts for deployment ect. What armor units might they have and where might they be being produced and stored. Where are they training with them and where are they being field tested.

4. Sea- when and how many and of what type and Where will their fleet be developed and built, if ever.

I will take the first step, I say as far as sea-, Submersible carriers.

I say many small ships deployable form larger support craft. I say the most innovation will come from their future navy. They will be concerned with troop deployment as well as strategic air capabilities. I imagine carriers and bombers are big on the wish list for them. Air carriers might be too farfetched, though a multipurpose submarine/ that is an actual carrier beyond the WW2 era/ one or two bomber planes/ is on their collective drawing boards.

I say they will have all sort of newly designed fast deployable amphibious ships for their submersible fleet as well as aircraft.

It is not to say that they absolutely have this intention of military buildup. If you think they don't, then let us know.

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

You do realise that this is the W(orld)W(ide)W(eb), right? There is no "our people" here.....

And besides....let those bastards gather there own intelligence, ally or foe.


posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Why not use such powers responsibly and do this to the United States? Clearly, if you're in search for the "most evil country in the world," who perpetrates mass murder against innocent civilians, it'd have to be The US or Israel.

Your good intentions are misdirected.


posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Perhaps the countries you mention should mind their own business and get their own houses in order.
Can't believe you are the poster boy for more bloody spying.Do it for the people?The last time I looked the politicians only do anything for their corporate bed fellows,the rest of us aren't classed as people by them.
Your post reminds me of those second world war propaganda posters.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:42 AM
Hey let's get real. We are not going to pretend we don't have our countries where OUR people live. If there is a threat from China it will not be to the Chinese, it will be to our countries and OUR people. SO yes US.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:43 AM
Contact the CIA and offer your services. If you're really any good there will be a role for you.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

The CIA gives me the creeps. Ultimately I feel cannot trust them, and they probably feel they cannot trust me.

This is a good alternative for me. Online and with an off button.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

Well, if you start an online remote viewing club aimed at China, the CIA will be aware.

Also, in my opinion, the Chinese have psychic skill to rival anyone in the world. Your astral perspective might be backtracked. There is a chance they will also be aware.

Mostly, do you think this isn't already being done? The elite and government are obsessed with psychic stuff, I often think it is their primary method of power.

Now, a personal story. I'm 21. Last year I had a chance encounter with an older guy. I was vibing pretty hard at the time, had just walked about 12 miles, and was sitting at a table writing rhymes. I seemed to be experiencing profound expansion of consciousness. So this guy walks up and sits down. Says he enjoys writing and asks me what I'm working on. Anyway, he ends up talking about his past. Says his dad was a nuclear engineer and a pro boxer. Talked about how he served in a Air Force, then taught in high school, and quit that to be a prison guard. The guy was pretty impressive from my young perspective. I honestly think he may have been an agent.

He brought up the subject of psychics. Said he had only met one and that anyone who is really psychic gets recruited by the government.

Thought that might be interesting as a reminder that the Gov/Big business are heavily involved and seem to control almost every aspect of our human civilization. So why not this one too?
edit on 9/15/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

Double post accident.

So, I'll ask a question. Have you been successful in remote viewing areas as distant as China?
edit on 9/15/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

The CIA gives me the creeps. Ultimately I feel cannot trust them, and they probably feel they cannot trust me.

This is a good alternative for me. Online and with an off button.

Then what is the point in collaborating with said Intelligence Organisation (or ones like it)? You clearly stated that you would like to help the intel community (CIA, MI6. ASIS etc), yet at the same time, you feel you cannot trust them...

Also, i believe that the US Intel community trialled the use of Remote viewing for espionage purposes but found it inadequate.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:18 AM

So I am just going to give it a shot and post what I feel pretty strong about.

The white location to me is an underground facility within a mountain range. IMO it might be some sort of HQ and fallout shelter type installation. All final RD developments or personnel might go through here. I would say that it might be some sort of strategic command center as well. It might be a little further south but not too far. That is if I am right at all.

The blue location might be some sort of air field/ base, or just a training ground for air craft. I also think there is a reverse engineering center there.

Green location might be an auxiliary RD site. They might use the lake and small river system to the east of it. I felt the least strong about this one so I made the circle small and chose to just include the general area and communicate the importance of the water near it. It might serve some sort of manufacturing site for land based units. Maybe armor, or transport units.

The 3 yellow areas IMO might be dedicated to a couple things. The bottom ones might be a proposed network of sub bases or development sites. I think there might be plans for a future hardened ship yard along that river system.
The one to the left might be were deployable support craft are or will be field tested. The top yellow site IMO might be where an underground mountain installation is or is being constructed or enlarged. I see it as another RD site but linked to the other 3.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Distance really doesn't matter.

I have had more than mixed results remote viewing people, things, and events. I would say more than 70% accuracy on a good day.

Check out some of the remote viewing threads I participated in. I was not too far off.

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by daaskapital

I would burn out with a direct relationship with them. I still think that as long as other countries have intelligence agencies, we should have them as well. I don't like what they might do sometimes, though I will not pretend to understand the intricacies of the world of espionage and intelligence gathering.

I just think my personality would make me feel threatened too often to be of any use.

Not to mention I might not be of any use to them anyways so why contact them...

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

You don't seem very certain, have you viewed these sites?

Do you think the language barrier will present a problem?

I was thinking a good method might be to follow important people around, as opposed to scanning suspicious locations.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:28 AM
so you can remote view.. but yet you actually believe what the US goverment feeds you? gimme a break... worst dictatorship than the USA hasnt been for long long time.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Alda1981

No I don't think we all have rays of sun shine shooting out of our butts. I don't believe what hard core pacifists think either.

I like to find balance to everything. Nothing is absolute evil and nothing is absolute good.

I know they lie, and that is why I would feel threatened too often to be part of that team even if they would have me. I do think they at least consist of my people and probably root for our team.

In an age of flags and nations, it is delusional to think that people don't fall back to them when faced with conflict.

I we were to go to war with a country that threatened our people, you mean to tell me you would stick your nose in the air and not accept their help in saving the lives of your people out of principle? You would not help them if it meant helping your own people?

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

This was a first attempt and a short one at that. I will try again once I forget these locations and start fresh again. I will need to remove all external influences and allow myself to focus more in depth. This was more of a once over.

Language doesn't really matter. Peoples thoughts and emotions are what orients us towards a particular area or person. Their perception is a big part of it. I think it would be harder to remote view a place with no people around. You need transmitters to relay the information you seek.

It is not an OBE really. It is a more complete sensory perception that you can tune to different targets. You use all sorts of triggers, a whole array of sensory input and you put it together.

For me at least.

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

I'm interested to know your thoughts on how psychics in China compare to the US?

Also, are there elite organizations of psychics throughout the world?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

I think they are ahead of the curve. US based psychics have to deal with too many influences before they start to get to the real meat of their ability. They might get caught up in Wicca, or reiki, or whatever. Those things are fine, but I personally advocate a naturalist method I guess. No symbology no chanting, no nothing. Only pure thought and emotion based intuition not directed at controlling said emotion but organizing it and understanding it for what it is.

US based psychics are on a whole kick of being goody 2 shoes. Like having an imbalance towards masochism in life is healthy somehow.

They argue some very altruistic ideals that I frankly think are counterproductive since all they do is burry emotion until it is at critical mass and ready to mess them up big time. Not to mention they refuse to acknowledge basic aspects of their own personality and so lack the ability to truly understand people in general.

You have to be one to know one. Yet they walk around trying to "help" people while refusing to submerse themselves in their thoughts and ways. They refuse to be part of humanity yet think they know what's best for it.

I truly admire the Chinese in more ways than one. I respect them as people and in more ways than I can list think they have contributed to humanity in many ways directly or indirectly by preserving much of our ancient knowledge form abroad that they assimilated. I do not respect the current government and see what they did as one of the greatest assaults upon free humanity ever. I don't know why they did what they did exactly since I was not there and only read about it. That said, they are fighting their own battle for survival with the rest of us and we are still currently at odds with them. They were never "allies"

I imagine Chinese psychics have a head start and more in terms of support. The thing with this subject is that the sooner in life you start using your ability the better you are when you mature. They usually start early in life to FUNCTION with their ability while Americans go crazy around 20-30 and end up in psych wards or as social outcasts.

They are respected in china and find more inspiration and means for innovation in self discovery.

We are the underdog in terms of psychic players.


I would guess that there have been many such organizations in place throughout history. The kings and emperors of old sought them out as advisors and made them part of their court.

I think that the Chinese have an actual government sponsored training program or federation. They probably have regular jobs within the government and their secondary activities are focused on psy-ops and psychic subjects in general.

They might even be looking to develop technology to enhance these abilities using those same psychics as templates. Hell they might even be the developers themselves.

edit on 15-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

You're pretty in line with my thinking on both psychic development and China. I'm 21 and think I have some talent, I've had premonitions in dreams and maybe some clairvoyant type stuff when I write creatively. I'll try and give some impressions I have of China if I feel anything is worthwhile. Mostly, I don't think war is a major risk (at least in the next decade). I believe the top tiers of the West are allied with China and have been for quite some time. Could be wrong, I find that my bias is toward idealism and optimism.

Sometimes I think that Africa contains a lot of high level psychospiritual talent, well as India and South America. Undeveloped, nonindustrialized areas, basically. But I try and think optimistically, along the lines of- since we overcome so many mental blocks and false assumptions, those who do overcome reach a high development. And also have the material tools. So, I don't know. Can't complain about America but very interested in the psychology of tribal, traditional, society.

edit on 9/15/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

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