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Another Naked Zombie Attack...this time in Pennsylvania on Sept. 7, 2012

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap
Apparently no drugs have been found in any of the previous zombies' systems.

So it's still up in the air as to what is causing this. Florida, LA, now Pennsylvania.

I saw a report from when "Bath Salts' first came out and person talking about them said that the chemical makeup of "bath salts" makes it virtually impossible to detect in a normal drug screen. One of the reasons why it was popular to take.

I am wondering if this is another experimental Drug being released into the populace on purpose. Just like the CIA did with '___' in the 60's....

I wouldn't put it past them.. honestly.!

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Johnkie
reply to post by SkyWatcher13

as far as i know its drug related, and ive read/heard about people on drugs being able to take an unimaginable beating, keep getting up with broken limbs. 1 guy beating the crap out of 6-7 people, with broken body parts :S.
But yeah its truely disturbing.

Keep in mind not ALL drugs cause this kind of behavior. The only ones that I personally know of that create this kind of reaction is PCP and "Bath Salts...

the drug test on the guy in Florida came back that he only had pot in his system.. I have heard of people lacing Marijuana with PCP.. I wouldn't be surprised if someone was lacing pot with "Bath Salts"..

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by SkyWatcher13

As more disbelief in God continues in this country, more evil spirits come over from the other side. One type of demon, called a Jinn, has the power to make dead bodies move as if alive. The Jinn can lift 2000 ton blocks of granite and float them for 100 miles. Other jinn has the ability to take over a person who will take on the evil nature of these beings such as cannibalism and mutillation.Since they know that MAN will be their boss someday, they try to make MAN look evil in the sight of God. Man has these supernatural powers too , but God veils them from us until we humans can get along with God. That's why flesh&blood humans look weak compared to the Jinn, since the Jinn's supernatural abilities are not veiled by God. God does not want us to be like the Jinn(demons). Some humans like Samson or Moses had their veils removed and they could move mountains.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
hmmm, weather imbalances and now the zombies have gone north for the winter ... wooooohoooo ... maybe they'll head on over to Chicago soon -- lots of brains on the streets there these days

That wasn't funny, pretty disturbing actually.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by shamanix2012

Crackheads don't eat at all, much less anyone's face.

Second line.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:26 PM
I am still interested in whether or not our collective consciousness is somehow bringing a "zombie apocalypse" about. I wonder if TPTB through the use of the MSM, Hollywood, etc can bring about any type of scenario they want to see happen?
But then again, why would TPTB want a zombie a "zombie apocalypse?" Unless, of course they are going to hide out in their million dollar bunkers until the population eats itself then come out to a world with no more poor and needy people.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by taccj9903

Whatever is causing it, you can bet your last dollar TPTB know what's causing it. And as for them hiding out until the "zombie apocalypse" passes so there will be no more poor and needy people...they could cure that with much simpler, humanistic methods. Say for example, maybe stop making the poor and needy so poor and needy by giving a rat's tail about us poor and needy people. Lower taxes, increase wages, help fund educations, fund cures for diseases. Don't they care about our children's futures? In other words they could STOP ROBBING US BLIND while making their pockets fatter. But oh silly me, they would never dream of doing any of those things, so for them you're right a "zombie apocalypse" makes much more sense. They already love seeing us kill each other, why not add a little cannibalism to the recipe for total world domination?

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by SkyWatcher13

It still bothers me a bit about how could they truly benefit from all of us scabs being killed off. Even the rich need people to make sure their toilets don't back up and that there will be gasoline for the Bentley. I guess I am having trouble imagining how they would be better off in a world without us "slaves" to make their lives easier.

I'm sure if there is some agenda behind it not all the millionaires/billionaires want something like that to happen so I imagine if there is some conspiracy to bring about a "zombie apocalypse" or some other earth catastrophe then the people behind it must be a small elite group.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:13 AM
A little cannibalism can ruin your day..

edit on 20-9-2012 by all2human because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by all2human

Hey now!

I guess there's a flaw in my design... I'm blonde and I have a brain.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 01:56 AM
Wow@ theses flipping bath salts!!! They stopped selling them in my town...but the kids drive to where they can still get it at other cities.

What I don't get...why is everyone doing the same thing? Stripping off their cloths...ALL attacks these people were nude or down to their under-wear. They also want to eat do all these people do the same damn thing?
A mother in Texas ate her newborns brain!

Isn't that weird? But I'm sure that's the same question everyone's asking.

I'll tell you something that's happening in the town I'm the last 4years there has been at least 5 infant shaking death syndrome's by men and women. I feel that's an unusual amount of deaths by shaking in such a short period of I live in a small city in Montana. Anyways...a mother shook her 6 month old to death just yesterday add her to the unusual high amount of deaths by shaking.

Werid. Again w/ the zombies...why are they all doing the same damn thing??? How can a drug make people who don't know each other do the same exact things when on these salts...(?) was this an experiment? From.....?????

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by tracehd1
Wow@ theses flipping bath salts!!! They stopped selling them in my town...but the kids drive to where they can still get it at other cities.

What I don't get...why is everyone doing the same thing? Stripping off their cloths...ALL attacks these people were nude or down to their under-wear. They also want to eat do all these people do the same damn thing?
A mother in Texas ate her newborns brain!

Isn't that weird? But I'm sure that's the same question everyone's asking.

I'll tell you something that's happening in the town I'm the last 4years there has been at least 5 infant shaking death syndrome's by men and women. I feel that's an unusual amount of deaths by shaking in such a short period of I live in a small city in Montana. Anyways...a mother shook her 6 month old to death just yesterday add her to the unusual high amount of deaths by shaking.

Werid. Again w/ the zombies...why are they all doing the same damn thing??? How can a drug make people who don't know each other do the same exact things when on these salts...(?) was this an experiment? From.....?????

Apparently these bath salts are causing people to rape goats. Link

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by taccj9903

That's disgusting! That guy is disgusting! Gross, all those sores on his face.

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by SkyWatcher13
reply to post by taccj9903

That's disgusting! That guy is disgusting! Gross, all those sores on his face.

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

Well at least he didn't eat the goat's face.

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