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How will Romney fix things? Duct tape and no concern for safety?

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 11:33 AM
First the video of Mitt Romney's son talking about Mitt fixing the light on the stove.

Now you might say he improvised a fix. But really your missing something that should be looked into. Specially if your thinking of voting for him as president. I see many things wrong with what he did. I guess he and is family don't. The first thing is the light bulb. Instead of the correct size and wattage he put a 100 watt light bulb you would use in a standard light fixture. Vent/hood light bulbs would not be a standard 100 watt light bulb. It would be a 30 watt light bulb of a certain size for the fixture. But I guess the days of made in China kicked in with his brain functions. You know like how he told BP to have that well head made in China and then it led to the BP oil spill. Or how about the throw anything in the cat and dog food and mass amounts of pets died across the US. Or how about just throw anything in the drywall and now you have Chinese drywall eating copper pipes, air vents, even electrical wiring in houses.

But then this also goes some where else. Here is a guy a multimillionaire and he will not spend the 3 or 4 dollars for a light bulb for his own family? That is pretty bad when you care that little for your own family. Hell he could of ordered the correct bulb or even hired a repair man to get and put the correct bulb in.

And then when he knows his fix is screwed up and it blinds him when he stands in front of the stove to cook. What does he do? Duct tape and tin foil to block the light. Is that what we will expect from him if he runs the country? We already know he wants to do away with all the safety agencies so corporations can do what ever they want. And when they screw things up Mitt will just find some duct tape and tin foil to fix it. What is it does he have stock in duct tape and tin foil or does he just not give a damn? I would go for the he just does not give a damn even about his own family when it comes to safety and proper repairs. Or maybe its Ann's problem shes the house wife just blame her I guess. Maybe he thinks what China does is right. Over a billion people can't be wrong can they?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:09 PM
are you serious?

you can't come up with something more serious to complain about?

omg he used the wrong light bulb. how dare he.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:20 PM
On your point about being a millionaire and still buying bargains and doing such things themselves..... I want to note something. I've worked side construction jobs under my Step-Fathers license here in town for some insanely wealthy people by any standard I'd set. Where Branson and...I still don't know what else drew Bush so many times and so much money here specifically...there are a lot of those folks around.

They are..generally...the more unassuming people and if I hadn't seen their homes on a window job or whatever I was making some spare money helping with at a given time, I'd sure never have guessed they were worth millions. We're talking people who drive a Lexus but an average type..and those blend. Not the flashy stuff of So. Cal where I was raised. The ONE Ferrari I've seen in this city was bought by a renter on my street..a Testarossa as it happens..and the saying about fools and their money? It was stolen within a month. lol...

Point being... I respect Romney MORE..and feel better that he's had money long enough to be comfortable with himself to live a normal life and not be defined by his bank account. ...unlike some others I can think of that seem nearly starstruck by their own guests.

BTW.. I also put 100w lightbulbs in where it says 60. When the Rabbit says 'Let there be light!' and I wave may magic paws over the magic light switch...I want *LIGHT* fit to squint from...not the dark, dank shadow world of curly Q CFL's or under powered bulbs.

edit on 2-9-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: typo

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by bjax9er

I think it is a good example of how Mitt does the wrong thing in most of his adventures. Even his vote for me I want to be president uses the wrong thing. His son pointing out how his dad tried to fix some thing for his family at home. And bad thing is he never sees it as he did it wrong. Just that he patched it and went back to doing what he wants. Lets face it he is not a Rube Goldberg with a good idea.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I have also dealt with many people who fall in Romney's class and have only met one that seemed down to earth. Got kicked out because Tiger woods going to play golf and they don't want me or my guys there. Kicked out of an office because the money man Wayne Huizenga was coming in. Madonna what a freak and a weirdo. Burnt Reynolds can't say anything bad but nothing good either. Donald Trump in Tampa what a ass he acts like a show horse doing a trot. But at least all of them wanted things done right.
edit on 2-9-2012 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

I don't know what the difference is, honestly. Until I moved out here, I had only Villa Park and Toluca Lake type people to judge by in So. Cal. People so rich and happy to shove it in everyone else's faces, they needed all their fancy security just for the common people they actively pissed off in an average least it sure seemed that way at times.

Then I moved out here and heck.. I'd lived here years before even knowing Brad Pitt called this place home..and then a bit longer before I even realized where in this town that kind of money could live. Of course..once I found "That Side" of town...rather well tucked away in wooded areas and rolling hills outside city limits...I realized many of the 'Estates' made Toluca Lake mansions look downright pathetic by comparison. I have NO clue why or where the massive amounts of money come from to settle here..of all places..but they're here in numbers.

It was about that time the second obvious thing hit me.... I'd been here years and never known Mega millionaires lived within miles of where I'm sitting. I've HAD to have been shopping in the same stores and such..and never saw anything I considered rich by the standards I knew to see as a kid. Talk about location seeming to make an enormous difference?

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 12:56 PM
Lets not bring ourselves to the level of the Right-wingers here with petty discussion!

This is a minor BUTTHEAD thing here that really isnt all that bad. Although it is a VERY stupid accomplishment [color=cyan](maybe brilliant for a DUMMY like Romney)
its not worthy of spending that much energy and discussion on and LOWERING OURSELVES down to Right-wing level like the Right-Wing-Idiot-Brigade here does CONSTANTLY.

It DOES illustrate how Romney "FIXES" things, meaning temporarily, foolishly, and with NO CARE, CONCERN or SAFETY whatsoever. But still.

edit on 2-9-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I have posted a few threads about Romney and the little things he does. And I am still trying to understand how he does not know any better than to say or do some thing that is damaging to him. Take the video where he talks about going to a Chinese factory and ask about the barbwire fence and guard towers. Do you really think a normal person would want anything to do with the place? Or he fixes the light over the stove with the wrong light bulb tin foil and duct tape. Does not see anything wrong with that? He flip flops more than a dime bouncing on the ground but he sees nothing wrong with that? He out right lies about certain things and knows people know the truth, but he sees nothing wrong with that? There is a pattern and no body seems to want to admit it. And I for one don't think that is presidential material and he should not be on the stage as a presidential candidate.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I have posted a few threads about Romney and the little things he does. And I am still trying to understand how he does not know any better than to say or do some thing that is damaging to him. Take the video where he talks about going to a Chinese factory and ask about the barbwire fence and guard towers. Do you really think a normal person would want anything to do with the place? Or he fixes the light over the stove with the wrong light bulb tin foil and duct tape. Does not see anything wrong with that? He flip flops more than a dime bouncing on the ground but he sees nothing wrong with that? He out right lies about certain things and knows people know the truth, but he sees nothing wrong with that? There is a pattern and no body seems to want to admit it. And I for one don't think that is presidential material and he should not be on the stage as a presidential candidate.

I see what you are saying. Carry on.

You are right, I AGREE 100%

edit on 2-9-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:39 PM
This would go into a category of a non issue IMO.

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