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Another Marine Gone Off The Deep End. Another Small Reason For Govt. to Back Gun Control??

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 07:33 PM
no worries whatsoever, man. i wasn't jumping on yourself or your presentation of the matter. we're actually, and apparently, on the same page more than either of us knew.

leave it to a contrived 'headline' to draw just the type response and reaction to a given situation. :shk:

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

Cool, i honestly thought i had said something to counteract my thread here.

My apologies, didn't mean to be so misleading


posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by PsyMike91

Originally posted by Swills

Originally posted by IndieA
How about we just stop sending them to war?

That would work too, is way cheaper, and preserves freedom.
edit on 31-8-2012 by IndieA because: (no reason given)

This Marine didnt go to war so.....

No, no he did not go to war.

But the fact of the matter is, that he was still trained to killthough, Swills.

He really doesn't have to go to war to be emotionally damaged, but i do think that making a tour does do more damage, which is completely obvious.


Quoted for the WoW factor
. I can't believe you wrote that

Everyone got this? This Marines 3 year tour in the USA somehow made him a twisted killer. Now with this logic does it only apply to Marines or Army as well? How about the Navy or the Air Force? Dare I say Coast Guard? Well, wait a minute, how about Police?

My guess, this guy was separated either via medical, admin sep, or worse because who does 3 years in the Marines? I get the feeling this Marine wasn't apart of a combat unit and if I'm right then it would only prove further how flawed your logic is. What happens when you find out he worked behind a computer all day? How about a mechanic or a cook? Not every Marine is out on the battle field or in a combat zone. I was in the USN and never stepped foot onto a ship in my 6 years.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by PsyMike91

A Marine Corps spokesman said Tyler spent three years in the Marines and left the service in 2010. He did not deploy overseas, and the spokesman would not say whether Tyler was discharged honorably or not. Tyler's "home of record" is Brooklyn.

See i also read that part, but something honestly didn't add up with that....May have been just an error with the post??

Yeah a very crucial part of the story you didn't mention in your OP because it doesn't fit your agenda, right? If you did post that the Marine never went to war and was only in for 3 years then you couldn't have written this,

I do believe that the war as of right now is sending some of these people home pretty messed up in the head. As is expected due to a war of this manner. My heart goes out to the victims families and friends as well as the misguided Marine.

And then you begin to tell a tale of your professor who is dating a damaged vet who can't sit a booth, or whatever. Either way, your agenda is clear and I see right through you. And wouldn't you know it, your very first response from Wrabbit has him talking about damaged war vets and then Jude talking about Soldier Control for all of these Gov't trained killers.... In fact, looking back there's only 3 of us who it seems have read the short article, you, a Mod, and I, while the rest of the posters were feeding off of your original post

Originally posted by PsyMike91

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by PsyMike91

What doesn't add up? Another crazy takes the lives of innocents and then himself. Are you upset he doesn't suffer from PTSD from combat?

No dude, did you not just read the post or are you really ignorant enough to address what you'd like to and take my words out of context?

It doesn't add up because i "BELIEVE" that there is more to the story here.

I "BELIEVE" means it is an opinion due to my aspect of the situation.

Do you even realize how horrible this is??

Imagine yourself coming home from combat, and having seen so many horrific things, such as friends being blown away by enemy rpg fire and your whole unit being so confused on what they their next move should be, because they are surrounded and cannot move, for they are pinned down due to enemy fire?? Or maybe breaching a door, only to realize that it was lined to trigger a hidden explosive and you watch your close allies die, right in front of you??


You obviously do not think before you speak.

Try doing that before posting something stupid in response to my thread you chud,
edit on 31-8-2012 by PsyMike91 because: typo

I'm taking your words out of context? Do me a favor and read all of your posts in this thread of yours, please

It is definitely of my perspective you want this to be a case of a vet come back from the war damaged and that's why he did this. For Christ sakes look at your headline! Another Marine gone off the deep end. Yes technically he was a Marine, for 3 whole years. Sounds like he wasn't given the option to reenlist and never left the USA. But look, another MARINE GONE OFF THE DEEP END OH NOES! Or how about another nutter gone shootin'?

So please, tell me what is this more to the story you speak of? I mean, I get it, there is clearly more to the story because we obviously don't have all the facts yet but what is it you think there can be? Or are you not assuming anything and just waiting to learn more?

I dunno if you're for gun control or not, and I don't care, but I do care you're trying to spin this and then acting like I'm the bad guy for pointing it out
. And there is no need for name calling. Chud? Grow up.

edit on 31-8-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by PsyMike91

From this story, & without all the details, I'd day this guy was crazy who just happened to be a Marine. And even then, he was only a Marine for 3 years & never deployed overseas. There are 2 types of Marines, those that see combat and then there's the rest of them. Not every Marine uses a weapon. I'm curious what this guy did for 3 years, maybe he was a cook. Either way he doesn't suffer from PTSD.

A Marine Corps spokesman said Tyler spent three years in the Marines and left the service in 2010. He did not deploy overseas, and the spokesman would not say whether Tyler was discharged honorably or not. Tyler's "home of record" is Brooklyn.

edit on 31-8-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

I would reckon he had mental issues before going into the Marines, whereas the "training" may have sent him "over the edge." Maybe he couldn't hack the Marine indoctrination? Maybe, or most likely, we will never know the answer for he wiped that out when he took his own life.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by elrem48

I think we're all in agreeance this man was damaged long ago. I do not believe the training is what sent him over the edge. He was discharged 2 years ago. Let's focus on he's crazy and this was probably going to happen whether he was a Marine or not. Are there any updates on his background?

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:34 PM
Based on your thread, I read the header as follows:

Another Marine Gone Off The Deep End. Another Big Reason For The People to Call For More War Control?

The reason being: I expected to find a topic about guns, but instead you outlined some of the ways our Vets are suffering after a decade of multiple wars.

Now go back in time.
Prevent him from buying those guns.
Come back to present, pre-incident.

Does a problem still remain? Is he still a potential threat to others in the future? Will he still be troubled, disgruntled, in need of some sort of intervention/assistance?

Will a more restricted access to firearms solve these problems? Not at the root, they won't.

This guy, though... He never deployed. Neither did the Sikh Temple shooter. As a mod (whose name I dare not attempt to spell) said earlier, perhaps it's just a case of a ticking time bomb that has reached it's last tick.

I'd like to know why he decided to end his night shift (and subsequently, life) on that note, and why he felt the need to take others with him.

The [facebook] page features a quote instead of a profile picture. "Be optimistic," it reads. "All the people you hate are eventually going to die."
Well, there's a little insight to go on...

ETA additional background for Swills and others:

Terence S. Tyler served less than two years in the military, and never went overseas, according to Capt. Kendra Motz, a Marine spokeswoman.

His home was Brooklyn when he entered the Marines on March 24, 2008 – and his primary place of service was Twentynine Palms in California, home of the Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Motz added.

His specialty classification in the Marines was “0311 - Rifleman” — or the general infantry, Motz added.
Source - Lots of details in that article there, but not a whole lot on Terence Tyler yet.

Twitter account of man accused in N.J. supermarket shooting showed history of anger ^ Insight.

Now I don't know Marine contracts, but less than two years sounds like either a medical related separation, failure to adapt, or bad conduct. Apparently the Marines don't comment on specific discharge qualifications.

But then again, that could be a standard length contract for Marines for all I know, if the length of their average overseas tours are any indication (seven months or so).
edit on 31-8-2012 by Sek82 because: ETA links

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:42 PM
This Marine never even deployed!

Another NonCom REMF POG puke. Sounds like he was crazy BEFORE he joined the marines. Sitting in the chow hall eating omelets and playing XBOX in his bunk a post traumatic stressed soldier does not make.

What does that leave us left with to blame. The guns? LETS BLAME THE GUNS!

Instead of looking at the true cause, the crazy person.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by elrem48

I think we're all in agreeance this man was damaged long ago. I do not believe the training is what sent him over the edge. He was discharged 2 years ago. Let's focus on he's crazy and this was probably going to happen whether he was a Marine or not. Are there any updates on his background?

Like I said, "Maybe, or most likely, we will never know the answer for he wiped that out when he took his own life." This is the newspaper link to follow the latest on this tragedy:

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by elrem48

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by elrem48

I think we're all in agreeance this man was damaged long ago. I do not believe the training is what sent him over the edge. He was discharged 2 years ago. Let's focus on he's crazy and this was probably going to happen whether he was a Marine or not. Are there any updates on his background?

Like I said, "Maybe, or most likely, we will never know the answer for he wiped that out when he took his own life." This is the newspaper link to follow the latest on this tragedy:

No I'm 99.9% sure being a Marine didn't make him kill two co workers. There's no maybe there. This kind of sad crazy most likely left us the exact reasons why he did this in his apartment, and then when the people who knew him come forward the picture will begin to come clear, and him being a Marine I'm sure won't be the reason he did this.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:05 PM
I will agree that it does appear that every gun incident is being embellished to exaggerate the perception that guns kill people and not the other way around. The anti-gun lobby is very active and uses every incident like this recent shooting to once again plead for less guns and more legislation against guns.

Now I will admit that there are many different sides on the issue, from 2d Amendment advocates and those who believe in self defense of themselves and their families. All sides have valid points to consider.

While the media, the lying politicians in league with the anti-gun lobby, are in it only because of the mega money the anti-gun lobby gives them, these vermin will always support 100% any bill or law that erodes the 2d amendment instead of validating it or supporting its existence. A clear sign of being loyal to money and nothing else.

First and foremost, no criminal follows the rules. This simple and yet not so often mentioned truth, should be the banner of truth, for no law or legislation will ever be adhered to by any criminal. That's fact and a reality check.

Second item is that anyone and I do mean anyone who cannot see that there are no shortage of laws for killing someone no matter if you used a gun, then you would already clearly understand that there is no shortage of existing laws to deal with such criminality, and so, to those awake, such a truth is what it is, that we don't need any new legislation, in fact, we have too much legislation as it is.

The truth is that the anti-gun lobby and the politicians who support them are in league together to undermine the 2d Amendment, and if this is not understood, then I feel such matters are too complex for the simple minded.

Being a criminal implies that no longer will any rule matter. It is a mindset, of the only law of the jungle, that there are no rules in the jungle.

For politicians and anyone to embrace legislation to stop criminals from using a gun by using legislation is ignoring the first finding, that no criminal will ever adhere to any law or rule.

Knowing the truth allows us to see who is lying, who is taking bribes and what groups are always there to undermine the 2d amendment by mixing apples and oranges in the eyes of the people so as to confuse the masses with an argument for gun control that only a moron could believe in.

Oh well, either you are awake to the clever ploy or you are not. I truly hope I made someone think, but just remember, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Don't swallow the lies but don't ever forget who supported such anti-gun legislation, because those vermin dogs have a dog day coming, because if these vermin dogs sold America out for a few shekels more, then they could never ever be trusted to not do it again.

Prison, forfeiture of all assets and removal from society would be a given in my world. Ditch diggers and trash picker uppers should be the only jobs these vermin should be allowed to have as long as they live and if they don't like it, they can go back to where they came from, because America doesn't need them.

Lastly, the only gun control the anti-gun advocates seek is complete socialistic control over American citizens and that is why you either see the big lie or you don't and if you don't, well, it's time to wakey, wakey, because sinister conspiratorial forces are trying to disarm Americans and if you and others can't see that, then I guess you believe guns kill people, so then you should wear that big M like a red badge of courage. If the M shoe fits, wear it.

Thanks for the thread.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:06 PM
These guys come home from overseas, where they encounter true, hardcore warfare. It takes a strong psyche to come through that and be able to return to civilian life, and go on happy and healthy. I wonder whether this individual knew his victims, it stands to reason that he did. Tragedy though the two victims deaths may be, it could have been a great deal worse.

Speaking with friends of mine who served, I've been told that if a guy comes home from combat, and his family is still standing behind him, and if the government gives him what hes due as a veteran and not just the standard bureaucratic runaround, he'll make it.

On the other hand, if his gal back home Dear John's him, and if he feels wronged by the establishment, and the people who once loved seem to have forgotten about him, that person is very likely going to have difficulty readjusting to civilian life.

I do not speak from personal experience, as I've never served. But I'm fortunate enough to count a few service members, both current and retired, as personal friends. By and large, they're the best kind of people you're ever going to meet. I would, however, be loathe to piss one off
edit on 31-8-2012 by Monger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Sek82

Now I don't know Marine contracts, but less than two years sounds like either a medical related separation, failure to adapt, or bad conduct. Apparently the Marines don't comment on specific discharge qualifications.

You and I are in agreeance, and thanks for the updates!


Job Description: The riflemen employ the M16A2 service rifle, the M203 grenade launcher and the squad automatic weapon (SAW). Riflemen are the primary scouts, assault troops, and close combat forces available to the MAGTF. They are the foundation of the Marine infantry organization, and as such are the nucleus of the fire team in the rifle squad, the scout team in the LAR squad, scout snipers in the infantry battalion, and reconnaissance or assault team in the reconnaissance units. Noncommissioned officers are assigned as fire team leaders, scout team leaders, rifle squad leaders, or rifle platoon guides.

This training according to the OP is what made him kill his two co workers, but originally it was because he was a combat vet.
edit on 31-8-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Monger

Read the article, he didn't go overseas...................................... I mean come on.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by PsyMike91
This is happening way too much recently. I really don't know how to sum it up other than that.


So there is 300 million Americans and when ONE freaks out now and then.... "this is happening way too much"

Maybe it's not guns but the truly bad situation many are living in with the our really bad economy we just happen to be living in.

I'm more surprise we are not seeing 100x times this as a norm.....

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
I will agree that it does appear that every gun incident is being embellished to exaggerate the perception that guns kill people and not the other way around. The anti-gun lobby is very active and uses every incident like this recent shooting to once again plead for less guns and more legislation against guns.

It's flavor of the week for both the anti-gun crowd AND those who has the desire to do these kind of things.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Swills

Yeah, if he spent less than two years in he either got hurt or could not hack it. Maybe that is why he snapped, the shame of not fulfilling his goal maybe. I am a Marine Rifleman, no longer active, and my training is not going to make me kill people. There are hundreds of thousands of Marine Rifleman, past and present out there who are not committing crimes everyday. I too feel that his service probably didn't matter much. He probably had problems to begin with.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:21 PM
Once the government can control the guns, they can control the people. The people are suppose to control the government, not the other way around.

History shows what happens when governments institute strict gun control laws. It usually ends with mass slaughterings, making the recent events look like childs play.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:30 AM
I have to ask... I thought that the military performed mental health evaluations on all new recruits/those entering the military? If those tests are anything like mental health evals for "civilians", then they shouldn't be able to miss any preexisting conditions. I know that I have heard from people about being denied entry into the military for that very reason. I would think that, in general, these screenings would be important because, for example, PTSD could trigger or exacerbate any lingering or underlying conditions. Also, no one wants to give a weapon or specialized training to someone that has a dangerous disorder.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by mountaingirl1111

Mental health evals? I never went thru one and I'm pretty sure recruits presently don't go thru one. I had a friend who wanted to join the police dept. once and he failed their mental health exam
, but the military doesn't care.

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